Hell Froze Over (9 page)

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Authors: Harley McRide

Tags: #erotica, #mc clubs, #womens motorcycle club, #womens fantasy, #womens adult, #bikers romance, #menage romance, #womens fiction, #bikers book, #womens contemporary erotic

BOOK: Hell Froze Over
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She looked at both men and nodded, they both sucked in a breath and she held up her hand. “Hang on, there are some rules.”

Kink laughed quietly and looked around and then nodded to Creed so they knew they were leaving. He stood and Magnum did too, and he held out his hand for Boo to take. She looked at the girls who were watching intently and knew if she asked they would make sure she had a place to stay. But then she looked up and put her hand in Kink’s and allowed him to pull her to her feet. They walked to the door without a word with Magnum following them.

After they exited, she could have sworn she heard clapping. Kink and Magnum didn’t hesitate, they both took her to the main room and found a table in the back. Magnum sat down with her while Kink went to the bar where a Prospect was bartending and got them all a beer.

When Kink put it in front of her, she took a nice long pull of it. She didn’t drink much, but she was certain she needed to have a beer before they had this conversation. They sat quietly for just a minute. She realized they were allowing her to get her thoughts together and when she looked up, Kink was studying her intently. She missed this about him, although today she had actually seen him be serious. She had also seen Magnum grin a few times, which kinda threw her, they were switching roles, or they were both similar.

Kink leaned back and said, “We have been dancing around this for the last two years.”

Boo’s eyes got wide and she said, “Um, we have?”

Magnum leaned forward into her space and chuckled softly. “Babe, you know every single time we came here and saw you, we had to take a cold fucking shower, like twice a day.”

“But you guys had to have had um, women besides me,” Boo said.

“The last time I fucked a woman was six months after I met you. No one felt right, and trust me, Mag and I have both talked about this. When we are all in the same room, it is like we are magnetized to you. Both of us are drawn to you, and both of us know what we want,” Kink drawled and Boo looked at them. She was a Bitch now, she needed to behave like one. No more of that wimpy shit. She was sweet, she knew it because she tried hard to be that way. Now she had everything she ever wanted laying right before her, all she had to do was reach out and grab it.

“Well,” Boo said softly. “I agree this attraction has been going on for a long time. I also know when you sat me between you in the meeting room you essentially claimed me. My question is, for how long? I mean, I understand in your world claiming a woman could mean a lot of things. I just want to know right from the start where we are going.”

Magnum nodded. “Yep, that is what we did. But to answer your question, for as long as we all agree to this. I can’t tell the future, nor do I want to. This whole thing is new for all of us. I have never claimed a woman before, neither has Kink. We have in the past shared a woman or two and we know each other. We have talked and we want this. Now, I feel like Kink is a brother to me. We both are attracted to you and have been for a long time. We have attempted every time we came here to get to know you a little more. I don’t think we know everything, but we do know a lot. I want to know more, as does Kink. So, think of this as a practice run. You come and stay with us for as long as there is a threat, both of us agree we want to make sure you are safe. After the threats over, we can see where we are.”

Kink nodded and added, “We have a spare bedroom for you to use until you decide you want to go further. Make no mistake, we intend to take this further, all the way, but we will not force anything, you know us. Now, you just need to trust us.”

Boo nodded. “I trust you, duh. We have been friends for a long time, there is no question whatsoever about that. I just feel like I am not uh, experienced enough to have…”

Magnum leaned closer until his face was pressed into her neck and she felt him kiss the side of her neck and then he whispered into her ear, “Baby, that makes no difference to us, we know what we want, and we are going to stop at nothing to get it. You need to understand, we want you, not a ménage, although that is fucking hot to us, it is still not what this is about. Kink and I want to take care of you in all ways.”

Boo shivered and then she heard Kink’s chair move until he was at her other side, and she felt him kiss her neck as well and whisper in her other ear, “Sweets, you are all we want, nothing will change that at all. So please don’t think of experience, think of how we make you feel.”

Shit, right now, seriously if they asked her for everything she had, she would give it to them. “Okay,” she whispered and the men pulled back a little.

“Baby,” Magnum whispered softly, damn that made her hot, them being so close, it was driving her nuts. “Make your list.”

She closed her eyes and nodded. Kink pulled a piece of paper from the bar and a pen. “Come on, sweets, let’s get you settled.”

She nodded and began to write. She needed everything so it took a while. Kink and Magnum spent the whole time touching her hair, stroking her arm, and whispering at her, especially when she wrote underwear, they laughed and said they would take care of that personally.

The club began filing out of the meeting room. All of the girls smiled at her and waved before settling three tables away. It was as if they were all giving them room, and she wanted to laugh. This was the first time she was here as a member of the club, it felt weird because before, she would come in here only if she had to. Now she could see herself coming in here and relaxing like the rest of them.

Finally, she was done and Kink took her list and looked at it and began muttering, “Shampoo, conditioner, toothbrush, toothpaste, hair ties.” His head turned to the side and he cleared his throat. She knew where he had gotten to and she wanted to giggle. She knew at this point they were going to let her run to the store.

“Sweets,” Kink said and she turned to him expecting him to say he would drive her to a Walmart or Target. “What are your sizes?”

Boo frowned, she wasn’t going to tell him what size for anything she wore. “Um.”

Magnum leaned out and looked to the bar and yelled, “Maxi!”

Their brother appeared before them and Kink handed him the list, she could see they scratched off the underwear though. What the hell was she supposed to do without clean underwear? She wasn’t going commando, she was a female, that wasn’t right.

“Hey,” Kink said. “Mag and I will go to the Harley Store, you go to Target.”

Was there underwear at the Harley Store
? Boo wondered, and Magnum winked at her and then whispered into her ear, “Victoria Secrets is right next door.” She rolled her eyes and laughed.

“What the hell?” Maxi said, looking at the list. “Why do I always get sent out to buy tampons?”

Boo wanted to hide under the table since all the men laughed loudly. Shady stood up and walked over to Maxi and put her arm around him.

“Maxi,” she drawled. “If you didn’t whine like a bitch, you would never have gotten that name. You remember Candy?”

All of the guys groaned and Boo frowned, she had never heard that name before. “Who is Candy?”

Shady laughed loudly. “You know we all used to dance at Bitches right? I mean, I know there is like one or two people who hadn’t come to visit the old compound. But when we moved, we moved everything. So Bitches will be here, Slinging Ink will be here, the Bike Shop will be here. But we don’t have dancers yet. Candy was a dancer at the old club, and she was a bit of a hanger-on. Maxi loved Candy, in fact, I believe, Maxi did Candy a favor once.”

The whole room groaned loudly and Maxi looked like he was about ready to blow.

“That is bullshit,” Maxi growled.

“Did you or did you not, when Candy was dancing one time, reach up to tuck some money in her crotch when she had her legs spread in front of you with only a G-string on, only to accidently pull on a string that pulled out her tampon?” Shady laughed.

“OH MY GOD!” Boo screeched.

“Oh yeah,” Shady laughed loudly. “Right there on stage, she stopped and yelled at Maxi for pulling her plug out.”

“Ewwwww,” Boo said and put hands over her ears. “No more, I do not need that picture in my head.”

“Boo,” Creed yelled. “None of us need that fucking picture in our heads, and yet it’s there.”

“Do you guys ever forget shit?” Maxi grumbled.

“NO!” they all yelled and laughed. Boo shook her head at their antics. She belonged to this come what may. She made her choice.

“Welcome to the club!” Harmony yelled and raised her glass. Everyone else laughed and held up their glasses too.

“Whatever, I will go to the store,” Maxi snapped and walked away.

Boo laughed, she had known the Nevada Chapter was a little more, well more than this chapter. Free and Bic tended to lean toward a family atmosphere since they had kids, and a lot of the members in the club had kids as well. Not that things were gonna change, most of the club kids were raised and grown. However, Bob had already explained to her that if someone had a kid, they were given money to buy a house close by. That way, if something happened and they were on lockdown, they would have room for them to come in.

Chapter Eight


Beast earned his name because everyone knew he would do what he had to do in order to get what he wanted, no matter how gruesome. And Beast wanted the Warriors land. He wanted the control of the border because he wanted that power. He had taken shitty jobs, making a name for himself, doing everything he had to do to reach this point. He was the President of the Vipers and he was not going to lose that position. That bitch may be calling the shots because she had the money, but he still had his own plans.

His Vice President stepped up to his side as he dismounted from his new bike. He had used the money that had come his way after the previous President had been killed and bought himself the custom Harley Fatboy. He had money leftover to make sure the club stayed in line. The booze he bought was flowing heavily right now. They were now a Nomad club, until they took over the border. So right now they were using the building the bitch had paid for. It had enough rooms for them along with a common area, it worked since it was an old abandoned hotel. But it was also in Mexico, and he didn’t trust anyone here. So, they were standing guard in shifts.

Beast had given the bitch a report, but he hadn’t had all the information. Hopefully there would be good news tonight. They needed something to hold over the Ops heads, and one of their females was the ticket. The little blond chick seemed to be the weak link. She was two of the guys’ new play thing according to his sources.

Beast laughed, his source, yeah that is what he called his fucking brother. His brother was useless, but he had done one thing right. He had gotten into the Ops years ago. First, as a Nomad who showed up just to help, now he was a member and they didn’t even know they had a traitor in their midst. For the last two years, he had been working behind the scenes, just giving information and waiting for the moment when he was actually able to help him bring down the Warriors once the Vipers’ President was out of the way.

Then when the bitch had made contact with him, he had jumped at the chance to finally take his place as the head of the Vipers, and now he was in place to fulfil his dream. He was going to be one of the most powerful leaders of a club in the U.S. All he had to do was bring the Ops down and he would have it. Nothing was gonna stop him.

“So what did she say?” Slick said to him. He wasn’t sure he liked this little bastard, but he had been the one Enforcer of the club who helped him take over. So Beast made him his Vice although he was still leery. Beast didn’t trust anyone but himself.

“She said she wanted more action. She wants to be able to move over the border in the next few months.
said we were moving too slow. So we are changing our plans a little,” Beast said smoothly.

“Oh yeah?” Slick said, putting a dab of chew in his lip.

“Yeah,” Beast said, turning to the man. “We need to deliver the chick to her within the next thirty days or she pulls her funding. Since that doesn’t work in MY plan, we need to get the girl and fast.”

Slick nodded. “How we gonna do that, the guy said they took her onto club land.”

His brother had called him right after it happened. Beast had been a little pissed because it ruined one of his plans, but he was smart and could adapt. Plus, this would send a message to the Ops assholes. They weren’t as secure as they thought they were. His brother was gonna bring her to him all wrapped up in a nice little bow. Beast would turn her over, and the bitch would pay. They would have enough money for the firepower they needed to take the Warriors down. He wasn’t going to fail like his predecessor, hell no, he was smarter than that.

“So what are you waiting for?” Slick asked.

“Just waiting for those dumb fucks to put my brother on guard duty,” Beast laughed and pulled out a joint and lit it up and took a drag. This was another perk of being in Mexico, weed was readily available practically everywhere. He closed his eyes and waited for the rush to hit him. He had been with that uptight bitch for too long. It made him tense, and when Beast was tense, he made rash decisions. He knew that, which was why he was relaxing before they talked about their next plan of action.

Right now, the Ops were in lockdown. He had thirty days, so his plan was to sit and wait, create a smart plan for his attack, and in the end he would have everything he wanted. The bitch would have her chick and he would have the land, and then he would make the woman pay a fuck of a lot more to move her merchandise. Drugs were one thing, fucking humans were another. He planned on upping the price when he had control of the border.

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