Hell's Revenge (4 page)

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Authors: Eve Langlais

Tags: #Paranormal, #Romantic Comedy, #Vampires, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban, #Angels, #Demons & Devils, #Werewolves & Shifters, #Romance

BOOK: Hell's Revenge
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The vampire moved with a fluid grace and boneless agility that made me want to fan myself. Seriously, he oozed freaking hot. And he was fast, super hero fast. One by one, he dispatched the demons using a pair of onyx daggers in his hands that gleamed as darkly as his eyes. He must have caught me watching because as he took down my attackers in spinning moves I thought existed only in the video game
, a grin spread across his face and his moves became even more flamboyant. I turned away from him in an attempt to curb my way too interested libido in time see a demon dart out from between a pair of ramshackle buildings. I yanked on the last dregs of my energy and looking like a sluggish snail, I’m sure, kicked it in the groin. When the beast doubled over in pain—demons had such sensitive balls—I grabbed its head and dropped to the ground in a wrestler move that, with a little wrench, snapped its neck. Auric liked to joke that I should wrestle for the WWE, but I’d seen too much hair pulling on that soap opera for me to risk my long locks.

I peered about wildly as I knelt on the ground panting. I didn’t see any more demons attempting to sneak up on me and a good thing too, because I was completely drained both physically and magically. I would remain weak and useless until I got home to recharge—a.k.a. until I enjoyed a naked tussle with my two men. I blamed my hungry nympho power for what happened next.

The stranger, the stupidly sexy looking dead dude, strode over to me, nonchalantly stepping over the demon carcasses littering the ground. Only my magic or a death inflicted on the mortal plane ever made them evaporate into oily ash. When given a regular death in Hell, they decayed like any other corpse.

I watched the vampire approach and felt like a stupid deer caught in headlights, totally frozen in place, and foolishly not running even though I still had a slim chance.

More annoyingly, I didn’t want to run—my magic, that hungry parasite—wanted to see what would happen next. And it wasn’t disappointed.

The vampire picked me up and held me close, close enough I could feel his erection poking at my tummy—and it appeared his body wasn’t the only big thing. Not that I noticed, of course. I was happily involved with two men after all.
Damn, I’m getting
better at this whole lying to myself thing. I betcha dad’s wiping a tear in pride.

The vampire’s arctic eyes, now a dark blue of a storm tossed sea, peered down into mine. I stared right back and thus got an up close glimpse when his orbs dilated to pure black. Probably not a good sign and had I mentioned he looked hungry? He inhaled deep and I wanted to wince wondering how I smelled considering everything that had happened since my last shower.

“What are you?” he asked in a thick voice while still staring at me with those freaky, iris-less eyes.

His ignorance surprised me. I’d assumed he’d come to my aid because of who I was.

So I lied—
look at me following in the family’s dishonest footsteps
. “Me? Oh, I’m a mix of this and that,” I replied, hedging. I’d learned in the past that relaying my parentage never ended up a good idea. The whole kill-the-daughter-of-Satan could really put a damper on things.

“Whatever you are, you smell
,” he murmured before his lips found mine.

Now, the proper thing to do, considering my involvement in a committed relationship with two men, would have been to push him away and then kick his ass for taking liberties with me.

But I had nothing left to fight with and my damned nympho magic appeared in no mood to pay attention to my morals. Oh no, instead my sex based magic clamped my lips tight to his and like a cool breeze, his sexual energy flowed into me. I am ashamed to admit, I shivered in delight. Where David projected animalistic heat and Auric bathed me in pure light, this man reminded me of cold darkness and he fed a part of my magic I hadn’t known existed, until now.

As a trickle of strength returned to me, so did my sanity and I broke the embrace.

Stepping back, my hand swung automatically and struck him across the cheek. Annoyed, mostly at myself—although, he shared the blame being so tempting and all when I was vulnerable—I hit him hard and his face snapped to the side with the force of my blow.

However, where another man would have taken offense at having a woman hit him, the vampire just laughed.

“Mysterious. Powerful. And playing hard to get. I must say, you’re intriguing me more and more.”

It took a lot of willpower to resist the sexy drawl of his words. “Yeah, well, take your intrigue elsewhere. This woman is taken times two.” And feeling kind of guilty that I’d enjoyed his embrace so much, and even worse, craved a continuation.

My declaration of my ménage situation caught him by surprise and his eyebrows raised. Once again, though, instead of backing off, he grinned, showing his gleaming pair of fangs. “Well then, I look forward to becoming your third. Until we meet again.” He swirled and a dark mist arose. When it cleared, the vampire, whose name I’d never gotten, had disappeared leaving me with tingling lips, soaking panties and a flabbergasted look.

The pounding of feet had me whirling to face the new threat approaching, but to my relief and red-cheeked embarrassment, Auric was the one running towards me, a big blond panther at his side.

“Muriel!” he bellowed, his face creasing in concern as he took in the prone bodies lying all about me.

He reached me and I threw myself in the arms he opened wide. I buried myself in the protective comfort of his chest. Even kick ass princesses liked to feel safe. Besides, I needed time to regain my equilibrium.

Auric, however, didn’t give me time to recover. I found myself being shaken. “Of all the stupid things,” he began ranting. “How many times do you have to be told not to go off on your own? How am I supposed to protect you if you take off on me? You could have been killed.” His voice almost broke and guilt filled me for a different reason. He was right. Once again, I’d gone with my first wild impulse instead of thinking and, even worse, trusting him.

“I’m sorry,” I muttered through tears. I never wanted to hurt Auric. I loved him so much it hurt at times. I just had to remember when he pulled his macho act it was because he loved me.

“What happened?” he asked his voice softening.

“A couple of demons attacked me.” Understatements were a specialty of mine.

“You killed all of them by yourself?” His note of incredulity miffed me a bit. He should have known by now how capable I was of taking care of myself.

“Why? Are you saying I couldn’t?” I went on the offensive—surely it wasn’t guilt making me snarky?

“Muri, you’re unarmed and dressed in flip flops. I doubt even superwoman could have taken on all these demons by herself and prevailed.” He did have a point. “I used magic on the first bunch and then a vampire came to my aid and kicked the rest of their asses,” I admitted begrudgingly.

“A vampire? Where is he? Did he touch you? Take blood?” I shook my head wildly as he fired questions at me and I rolled my eyes as he made me tilt my chin to check my neck for marks. His brow knitted. “Their kind don’t act without reason. What did he want if he didn’t take blood?”

He wanted to know what I was and then kissed me.
However, that wasn’t what I said aloud. “He didn’t say. He just kicked some demon ass and then disappeared.” Guilt squeezed me as I lied to my lover. But seriously, I was more afraid of telling him what happened and seeing his disappointment in me. In retrospect, I realized the whole kiss thing was my fault. I should have fought my magical urge and never let the vampire near me.

“Let’s go home,” Auric said tightening his arms around me as David, still in kitty form, and unable to change back unless he wanted to show off his naked parts, butted up against me.

I pushed back from Auric. “No. I haven’t finished what I came to do.” I expected him to argue with me and order me back home like a bad little girl, but instead he gave a curt nod. When I would have resumed walking towards the tower that was my destination, he swept me up and I cuddled gratefully into his arms. I also enjoyed myself nibbling the underside of his jaw. It wasn’t a seven course sexual feast, but it fed me a little energy which my magically dehydrated body sucked in.

We approached the spooky looking tower, the home of prune face, my dad’s most powerful mage. I’d finally discovered her name on my dad’s last visit, Nefertiti. It sounded familiar so I’d Googled it and found thousands of hits relating to an ancient Egyptian queen which made her really freaking old. Yet even given her age, and ancient pussy, the woman boasted of sexual escapades that would make even my succubus sister, Bambi, blush.

A part of me wondered if Nefertiti had always been a sexual deviant or if the magic that demanded feeding had turned her into one. I feared finding out the answer.
Will my
nympho magic force me to bring more lovers into my circle and even worse, tempt me
into trying things better left in erotic books?

Arriving at the cobbled walk to the tower, Auric let me down to stand on my own two feet and flanked by my men, one still a giant jungle kitty, we approached the sinister looking abode. We’d no sooner gone up the steps to the massive door banded in iron than it swung open and a man, think curly haired, blonde Grecian hunk in a loin cloth, waved us in.

“My Mistress awaits you,” the butler with the impressive abs announced turning to lead the way into the tower. Auric growled as did David, still in panther form, when the butler’s pivot revealed that the loin cloth, while covering the front, left the rear bare except for the thong disappearing between a pair of perfectly sculpted cheeks.

“Think she’d give me a pair of those outfits to take home?” I teased.

“You will avert your eyes,” Auric grumbled, his body stiff next to mine.

I made a moue of surprise. Auric? Jealous?
And strange. Here was a man who’d just about forced me into bringing a second man into our relationship to give me the magic I needed. Hell, I knew he got off on watching me suck and fuck David and yet he didn’t want me looking at another guy’s ass? It just reinforced my initial impulse to hide the kiss from the vampire.
Geez, if he’s pissed ‘cause I’m looking, he’d go ballistic if
he found out about a lip lock. Hmmm, but I bet the after fight sex would be fantastic.

A furry body went slinking past us as David took point position behind the Greek god. I didn’t hear a thing, but David must have done something—that or the butler had a fear of cats—for those already tight buttocks clenched up so tight I doubt we could have flossed them.

After what seemed like a maze of corridors and turns, which made no sense given the diminutive exterior of the tower, we arrived in what could only be classed as a harem.

I ogled in astonishment as we walked into a cavernous chamber which, compared to the rest of the place, appeared light and airy. I’ll admit, in my bias, I’d expected dark red velvet, chains and a monster bed. Instead, there were high arched windows letting in light which had to be artificial given Hell’s reddish glow. A huge fountain in the middle of the room bubbled; I especially liked its statue of a naked man peeing out of a massive marble cock. Divans, pillows and chairs abounded and while they varied in color, they all had one thing in common: comfort. Oh, and there was one other hugely noticeable aspect to the room—lots and lots of naked men.

Talk about eye-candy overload. I swear my tongue just about hung out of my mouth as I drooled at the vast array of naked flesh in every color imaginable and some that had to be artificial. I mean, seriously, there was a guy who was blue from head to toe, even his prick and balls.

A hand was clapped over my eyes and I squealed. “Auric! What are you doing?”

“Protecting you from yourself,” he announced in Neanderthal fashion.

Annoyed as I was at his jealous treatment, I’ll admit I also found it hot. My fallen angel was usually the cool and collected one. To find him susceptible to such a human trait as jealousy simply endeared him to me even more.

“Auric, let her go.” David’s demand surprised me for two reasons. One, he never went against Auric’s wishes that I knew of, and second, he must have shifted back which meant he currently showed off his naked parts—parts I owned for my own personal visual enjoyment and use.

“You’d better be wearing some clothes,” I sputtered as the heavy hand over my eyes lifted. I opened them to see David wearing a grin and nothing else. Not that he had anything to be ashamed of. His body, with its lean rippled physique rivaled those in the room. However, I suddenly discovered that while I didn’t mind eyeballing Nefertiti’s sex slaves, I wasn’t so keen on returning the favor with my men.

I never denied having a jealous nature. Hell, the last broad who’d tried to hit on Auric had worn a black eye for a week.

Auric laughed as I strode over to a table set with delicacies and tore the table cloth off it. Of course, I lacked the skill of an entertainer and the dishes went crashing to the floor, not that I cared. I wrapped the length of fabric around David’s hips while he regarded me with a smirk and crossed arms. I didn’t like leaving his chest bare, but the only option would be to either use Auric’s shirt which would leave him bare or give him my shirt which I doubted Auric would allow.

Mental note to self—next time I come to Hell, I need to bring some spare clothes for
situations like these.

All the kerfuffle over clothing had made me miss the arrival of our hostess.

“Lucifer’s daughter, how kind of you to visit.”

I whirled and then lost my tongue to shock. I’d recognized the voice as belonging to prune face, my father’s mage, but the beautiful woman standing in front of me looked nothing like the crone I’d previously dealt with. Gone were the wrinkles and hunched form of the witch, replaced by a petite woman with long, glossy black hair, luminous tanned skin and a nude figure that put all women to shame and which made me wish for another table cloth to cover her up with.

“What the fuck?” I finally managed to say. Eloquence, ever my enemy.

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