In the notes below, the reference numbers denote page and line of this volume (the line count includes titles and headings). No note is made for material included in standard desk-reference books such as Webster's Collegiate, Biographical, and Geographical dictionaries. Quotations from Shakespeare are keyed to The Riverside Shakespeare, ed. G. Blakemore Evans (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1974). For further background than is provided in the notes, see Henry James Letters, ed. Leon Edel (Cambridge: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, Vol. I18431875 [1974]; Vol. II18751883 [1975]; Vol III18831895 [1980]; Vol. IV18951916 [1984]) and The Complete Notebooks of Henry James, ed. Leon Edel and Lyall H. Powers (New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987).
![](/files/08/45/27/f084527/public/cac5fdf3a4c4d7f7548d7971ae2d1fa0.gif) | 25.38 contadina] Peasant woman.
![](/files/08/45/27/f084527/public/cac5fdf3a4c4d7f7548d7971ae2d1fa0.gif) | 29.4 poverina ] Poor little girl.
![](/files/08/45/27/f084527/public/cac5fdf3a4c4d7f7548d7971ae2d1fa0.gif) | 35.13 lazzarone] Beggar; vagabond.
![](/files/08/45/27/f084527/public/cac5fdf3a4c4d7f7548d7971ae2d1fa0.gif) | 45.10 scagliola] Plaster.
![](/files/08/45/27/f084527/public/cac5fdf3a4c4d7f7548d7971ae2d1fa0.gif) | 52.9 Pisana] Native of Pisa.
![](/files/08/45/27/f084527/public/cac5fdf3a4c4d7f7548d7971ae2d1fa0.gif) | 66.1819 appartement de garçon ] Bachelor apartment.
![](/files/08/45/27/f084527/public/cac5fdf3a4c4d7f7548d7971ae2d1fa0.gif) | 67.15 froissé ] Offended.
![](/files/08/45/27/f084527/public/cac5fdf3a4c4d7f7548d7971ae2d1fa0.gif) | 82.3436 famous dragon to be sacrificed] The Minotaur.
![](/files/08/45/27/f084527/public/cac5fdf3a4c4d7f7548d7971ae2d1fa0.gif) | 83.1 Appleton Brown] John Appleton Brown (18441902), American painter.
![](/files/08/45/27/f084527/public/cac5fdf3a4c4d7f7548d7971ae2d1fa0.gif) | 83.12 Germans] Dancing parties at which the German cotillion was the chief dance.
![](/files/08/45/27/f084527/public/cac5fdf3a4c4d7f7548d7971ae2d1fa0.gif) | 86.2526 bonnes d'enfants ] Nursery maids.
![](/files/08/45/27/f084527/public/cac5fdf3a4c4d7f7548d7971ae2d1fa0.gif) | 98.18 enfoncée ] Ensconced.