Her Chocolate Fantasy (20 page)

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Authors: Jamallah Bergman

BOOK: Her Chocolate Fantasy
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, that is some great news to hear, and I see you just went on and did this, all without telling me about it too.”

, I had wanted to surprise you. I wanted to tell it to you the day you left, to give us something to look forward to.”

“It does
, baby, it does give me something to look forward to, and once you finish school, then we can start looking at places for your shop.”

I looked back at my plate, moving a piece of fish that I was about to eat and began playing with it.

“Are you full?” he asked me.

“Not really
, but I am saving room for that number twelve, so you might as well bring Nate on over to order it up now.”

We saw our waiter helping another table
, and Max grabbed his attention with a wave of his hand.

Once he came over
, he nicely asked us, “Is everything alright with your meal?”

“Everything is wonderful
, but we would like dessert now. Is there any way we can get a doggy bag for our food? And we would like to get the number twelve, please,” I told him.

“Alright then
, I’ll take your plates and put in your order.”

Nate took
our plates, and Max and I continued drinking our champagne.

, what else would you like to talk about before that delicious dessert comes to our table?”

“I know this is going to sound kind of odd
, me asking you this question, but there has been something I’ve wanted to ask you all this time that we’ve known each other,” I said.

“What’s that?”

“What does the ‘I’ stand for? What’s your middle?”

Covering his eyes
, he let out a groan, as if what I had asked him stung him in the ass or something. He bit his finger and looked at me, still groaning. “Of all the things in the world, my dear, you had to ask me what my middle name is.”

, yeah, it’s something I’ve been wondering whenever I would pass by your office. I would see that nameplate and think to myself, what the hell does that ‘I’ mean in your name. I tried to think up every male name that begins with the letter ‘I’, but now I want you to tell me.”

“Alright, I’ll give you five guesses as to what my middle name is.”

“Okay. Is it Isaac?”


“How about Ichabod

.” He chuckled.

“Umm, how about Ian

“You’ve got two more

“Damn, Igor

He continued laughing and shook his head
, and that left me with one more guess.

“Alright, is it Ike?”

“Sorry, little lady, but no doll for you. If you must know, the ‘I’stands for Ignatius.”

You know when you hear something really funny
, and you know that you should feel sorry for the person, so of course, you try your best to keep from smiling? Well, that was one of those moments, and I tried to keep a straight face, but there was no way that was happening. “Ignatius?”

, Ignatius, but my mom always calls me Iggy.”

, that tore it; I really started laughing then. Iggy, really, I honestly didn’t think of him as an Ignatius, but Iggy was what really got me going. Soon, people started looking at our table, because of course, yours truly was dying of laughter. “Oh my God, are you serious? How did your mom come up with Ignatius, of all names?”

, it’s actually a family name and it’s been in my family for ten generations. My grandfather was an Iggy, and now I’m an Iggy too.”

, I thought, as I continued laughing even more. “You poor baby, you must have been picked on when you were in school.”

, because no one knew my middle name except for my teachers, and I had told my parents to mention that to them, because I didn’t want to get picked on. I mean, having a name like Ignatius isn’t something I wanted folks to know.”

, I understand what you mean. But honestly, I would have never thought of you as being Ignatius much less Iggy.”

“And now you know my dirty little family secret. You see how special you are
, because not everyone knows about this. Not even the guys at work knew my middle name.” He took my hand and kissed it.

In a way
, despite the fact that it was so funny to find out this tidbit about Max, I was happy he trusted me enough to tell me something that was so private to him. “Well, I want to thank you for telling me, and for trusting me with something like this.”

, baby, and it looks like our dessert is coming.”

I looked and saw that Nate was bringing the large glass of chocolate heaven toward us. My mouth immediately started to salivate like Pavlov’s dog
, as it seemed like they had really piled the whipped cream on top.

“Enjoy,” Nate told us while leaving.

“Let’s dig in, “Max said, grabbing one of the spoons.

I dug my spoon deep within the glass to pull out some pudding, whip
ped cream, and a huge, dark cherry. I ate it up, relishing the taste, as I licked the side of my upper lip to get at the cream that was left there. Once the chocolate hit my tongue, it reminded me of the fudge from South Carolina. My God, I thought, rolling the pudding in my mouth. I let it stay there for as long as I could until I ate it. My nipples grew erect in my bra, as I took another big spoonful of the pudding. I looked over seductively at Max, who had been enjoying the dessert himself. I slid my hand slowly up along his thigh to his cock, then I squeezed the front of his jeans. He kind of jumped a bit, but I played it cool and continued eating. I massaged his cock.

“You know it’s proper to put a napkin in your lap in case you spill something.” I reminded

He looked at me, smiled a bit
, and then got his napkin and let it open out fully, before putting it over my hand and his lap. That was when I decided to unzip the front. I wanted to be daring, and why not do it here? I continued playing it off as if nothing was going on, but I slipped my finger inside the warmth of his pants, feeling the heat of his cock against my skin. I rubbed up and down softly, hearing Max moan a bit, before scooping up more of the pudding. I could feel just by what I was doing with my fingers that he was quickly becoming aroused.

“You know how hard you got me right now
?” Max whispered.

“Of course I do
. I wonder if I can get you off right here and now at this table.”

“You are a sly she devil
, you know that?”

I had to laugh
again. “But you have to admit you love this.” I continued stroking him. “Should I stop?”

“Hell no, don’t you dare stop.”

And with that command, I continued on, and he adjusted in his seat and sat back for a bit, so that way he could enjoy me stroking him. I had to have all of him and once I finally had maneuvered my hand into his pants, even more of his cock slipped along my fingers.. Finally, I had him, and he was rock hard now, and I playfully looked over at him once more and put my spoon into the glass. I brought it to my mouth, softly licking on the cream and pudding. I squeezed his cock while slowly stroking it. Max grunted as I continued with my tongue.

“I’m so enjoying this pudding
. It’s so sweet, and the cherries are so yummy.” I bit into the cherry, feeling its juices run along my tongue. I let out a sigh of contentment, and I smiled when I realized how much he was getting into me eating the dessert. Looking around us, I was thankful that no one was paying any attention to us, because it gave me the chance to continue giving him soft, even strokes with my hand.

e put down the spoon, quickly took my hand from his cock, and said to me, “You better stop before I come right here and now.”

Leaning over
toward him, I whispered in his ear. “You know we can just pay the check and head on home.”

“Or we can pay the check and go park somewhere and get busy in the back seat.”

“Oh, in the back seat, huh? Kind of like high school, going someplace to park and get the windows fogged up.”

, Nate, I need the check!” Max shouted.

I started laughing
, while he adjusted himself back into his jeans.


Chapter Nineteen


Max’s flight to New York would leave at 7:48 p.m.

He told me he had picked the latest flight he could
, so that way, we could say our goodbyes in person, instead of over the phone while I was at work.

Speaking of work, yours truly was not doing very much of it
, because I had been dreading this damn day for weeks now.

“Sarah, oh Sarah
, dear.” I heard a female voice call out to me.

I looked over and saw Darla looking puzzled at me for a moment. “Welcome back to the land of the living
. Your phone is ringing off the hook over there.”

, I picked up the receiver. “Hello, this is Sarah.”

I really wasn’t in the mood for work
. I don’t even know why I was there in the first place, but even though I had put in my two week notice, I had an obligation to be here until the end of that time. Thankfully, I really didn’t have to worry about the packing, because Max said he would have all of that handled by the people who had helped with his. The only thing I had to deal with was getting to New York.

And that was a long ways away.

I looked over and saw our newest executive moving into Max’s office. Her name was Ginger Gale, and yeah, I could hear the folks in the back snickering about her name, and how they were going to call her ‘Ginger Ale’. She was a petite little thing, with dirty blonde hair and big, brown doe eyes that reminded me of those Precious Moment children. But that wasn’t what was so annoying, at least, by what Darla had told me. Since I had come into work a bit late, I didn’t get the introduction from Don about Ms. Ginger. Darla told me that Ginger’s voice sounded like someone raking their fingernails against a chalkboard. Apparently, she sounded annoying as hell, and Darla said shewas surprised the woman could breathe, because she talked a mile a minute.

After my call,
I decided to get me a cup of coffee.

I heard the highest pitched voice I had ever heard in my entire life call out. “Hello there! How are you?”

It literally stopped me in my tracks
, and I feared for my ears.I hesitated to respond, but I had to, because it wouldn’t be right not to answer an executive. “Hello, I’m fine, thank you.”

“I didn’t get to meet you this morning
. I’m Ginger, Ginger Gale. You must be Sarah. I heard you’re leaving soon. Such a shame. I had hoped we would get to be one big happy family here on the floor.”

Her smile was sweet, sweet and bright and white. So sweet
, it was giving me cavities. I stood gritting my teeth as her voice tried its best to go through my eardrums. Darla wasn’t lying when she said that voice was annoying as hell, for it was.

, that is a shame, but I know you will probably be comfortable here with everyone else. You’ll find that the people on this floor are really friendly and go out of their way to help. Maybe we can talk a bit later. I wanted to get some coffee and finish up my work.”

, sure, maybe we can have lunch sometime.” She smiled, and I hurried myself to the break room.

I wiggled my finger up against my ear because during the entire time we had been talking, all I could hear was ringing. D
id she even know how the hell annoying her voice was? Good lord, was I going to have to hear this until I left there?

, girl, breathe

When I came back to my desk, Darla ask
ed, “So, how’d it go? Can you hear?”

I rolled my eyes
, while taking a long sip of my coffee. “I wonder how long she lasted at her other job.”

her chair next to me, Darla looked around, then leaned in close. I sensed whatever she was about to tell me had to be good.

“From what I was told by someone who knows this stuff, she asked to get this transfer
, because she had issues with an executive that she was having an affair with.”

“Oh my God
, are you for real?” We both looked around, because I feared I had gotten too loud, but thankfully, no one else seemed to have heard me.

“I’m dead serious on that
.And do you know where she came from?”

I shook my head.

“She came from New York, where Max is heading now.”

I looked at her
, completely shocked by what she had said. “Are you serious?”

Dead serious, woman. It seems she had an affair with a married woman.”

“Are you fucking serious?
A woman? So she’s gay?”

Darla shook her head
. “No, she’s bi.Not only was she having an affair with a married woman, but also with another man, who happened to be the brother of the married woman.”

All I could do was shake my head
, because I really couldn’t believe what I was hearing. “And yet they still let her work with the company?”

She better not even try to get with Erik, or even get all buddy friendly with him, or I’ll end up snatching a knot up in her she wouldn’t believe.”

We both ended up giggling
, as I went back to answering my calls. “Hello, this is Sarah.”

, sweetheart, how are you today?”

“Doing fine, just met your replacement.”

“You must mean Ginger, huh? Are your ears still ringing?”

“So you know about her voice
, huh?”

, yeah, all the mucky mucks know about Ms. Gale’s voice. She is better known as ‘
The Yowler’
,” Max said, sarcasm in his voice.

“The Yowler
? Why is that?”

He started to chuckle
. “Well, the story goes that one time when she had been working up at the New York office for about two months, a guy name Frank, who was also an executive, was having a thing with her.”

“They were basically having an affair?”
I corrected him.

“Yeah, well
, they had been pretty hot and bothered together during a meeting. Seems they had been playing underneath the table with each other, feeling each other up like we did the other day. Well, good old Frank couldn’t wait until they got home, so they decided to try to find a spot away from the office to hook up. Well, when they did, it seemed that every time he hit the right spot with her, she would yelp and yowl like a wolf. It was so bad, really bad, and one of the cleaning ladies heard the commotion. She thought it was a poor, wounded animal, and when she saw Ginger riding him like a bronco bull, sounding like some howling wolf baying at the moon, the poor woman freaked out.”

I swear
, I had never laughed so hard in my entire life until that day. I literally fell out of my chair, screaming with laughter. Darla, and soon, some of the others, came over to see if I was alright, but I started snorting, as well as laughing, at the same time.

, are you alright?” Erik asked, reaching to help me up.

I sat back in my chair, leaning over my desk
, laughing it up even more than before with the phone still in my hand. Waving wildly, I told my co-workers, “I’m fine, guys, thanks, I’m fine.”

Taking a huge
, deep breath, I tried to collect myself, which took me a moment. Darla kept looking at me like I was crazy, but everyone else had gone back to their desks.

“I am so going to kill you when I see you later
,” I told Max. “Do you know you had me falling out on the floor?”

“No wonder I heard a thud
. I’m sorry but you did ask why. So, of course, I had to give you an answer.”

, I sure did ask for that one. But I still plan on getting you back. So, do you have everything ready?”

Yup, my bag is already in the trunk of the car. We can grab something to eat before we go to the airport, if you want.”

“I don’t know
, because I probably won’t be able to handle anything to eat, so I don’t think I would want to eat anything.” My stomach had already been doing a number on me, knowing he was leaving, and the only thing that seemed to stay down was coffee. I really was shocked that even that was able to stay down.

, baby, I’ll be there to pick you up at five.”

I co
uld hear him sigh, and I knew he was frustrated, like me, over what was going to happen in a couple of hours.

“Why not go and take a nap? You didn’t get much sleep last night
, you know.”

“I wonder why
.” He chuckled. “But I think I will.Going to set my alarm clock here and lay on down. I’ll see you at five.”

“Alright then, I love you.”

“I love you too, goodbye.”

.” I hung up, staring at the phone, feeling something tug at my heart a bit. Soon, I felt a hand on my shoulder, and when I looked over, I saw Darla giving me a somber look.

“Is everything alright?

I nodded, giving her a halfhearted smile.I glanced at the clock on my desk, realizing that it was only eleven forty-three.

, what was so funny?”

Shaking my head to keep from having another laugh attack again,
I motioned for her to move in, and of course, she did. Looking around, I made sure no one was watching or listening in, before I sprung my bit of juiciness on her. “Max was telling me a bit about Ms. Gale, whom they affectionately call the Yowler.”

The look on her face was priceless
, it was a mix of “What the hell?” and “You can’t be fucking serious?”

“It seems that her and this guy she was working with got hot and bothered
, and the entire time he was hitting it, she was sounding like some crazy, wild animal. She was loud…really loud.”

The snickers were coming through
, and eventually, Darla quickly got up and toward the bathroom, almost knocking down one poor young intern holding an armload of paperwork.
, I thought to myself,
I hope shedoesn’t crap her pants laughing inthere
. The phone rang again, and I went to answer it.

When Darla did come out of the bathroom, which was about thirty minutes later, she didn’t say a word to me. But she did
glance at me with a look on her face, as if she had been sucking lemons, her lips were so tightly drawn together.

“Are you alright?”

Holding her hand up to silence me, she rolled her eyes at me before departing to parts unknown, probably off to lunch.

I really wasn’t hungry for food
, and with the way my stomach had been giving me a problem, I had decided to just stay at my desk and work. For the rest day, up until it was eventually time for us to leave for the evening, I concentrated on my work, which I was of course behind by a day on. My fingers started to cramp up, because of the amount of time I had used them for typing. It was a slow ache, but of course, it was nothing that a soak in some Epson salts couldn’t cure.

Getting up from my chair, I stretched my arms out and up over my head, letting out a groan mixed with a squeal
, which only left me completely exhausted.

“Don’t you wish time was like a stopwatch, where you could just press the button to make time stand still
?” I pondered to Darla, since we were in the middle of not doing anything. We had those moments when things in the office were going slow, and this was one of them.

“Why don’t you go outside and get you some fresh air? You’ve been inside all day
; you didn’t even go out for lunch. Just go and take you a break, Sarah. Listen,” she said as she stood up, “you act like it’s the end of the world, like the man is leaving you for good. He’s not, so stop thinking and feeling this way. Sure, he’s going to be leaving out today, but you will be with him soon enough, living the life you’ve always wanted with the man you love. Just think about that day, when you’ll see him a couple of weeks from now. I want you to get up and get some fresh air to clear your mind a bit.”

I looked over at Darla
, knowing she was right about what she was saying. I really needed to be strong, for it wasn’t the end of the world, really. It would be a new beginning for us once I got there. “Thanks for the pep talk, and I will be going to get some air.”

I decided to go up to the patio, which at one time used to be the place where people would go to smoke
, but since smoking was prohibited, it was mainly used for those that wanted to eat lunch or, just like yours truly, who wanted to get some fresh air. I grabbed one of the chairs, while taking in a deep breath, for the wind up here was crisp and cool. It moved some of my hair into my face, and I tried pulling it back behind my ear. I didn’t say anything, just sat there in complete silence, as the world around me seemed to go on about its merry way.

was glad Darla told me to get some air…lord knows I needed to clear my head.

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