Her Chocolate Fantasy (19 page)

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Authors: Jamallah Bergman

BOOK: Her Chocolate Fantasy
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Maxgrabbed hold of my breasts, teasing my nipples
, as he pulled me close to him while he continued fucking me. I turned my head to capture his lips, and he flooded my throat with his grunts.

“Oh God
, baby, you’re going to make me come hard!” I moaned between our kisses.

“I love you
, Sarah. I love you so much.”

closed my eyes, concentrating on all that was happening. I could feel everything within my body building up, and I grabbed the back of his head. Our hips jerked back and forth so fast, I could barely catch my breath. Quickly, I found myself crying out, as my body curved away from his for a moment, but he held me close to him. My head rested on his shoulder, while he continued to pump into me even more. His primal sounds rattled my ear.

he said on an exhale, his voice cracking.

All I could do was brave a tired smile
, as we both fell back onto the bed, him on top of me. Both of us were totally out of breath, to the point that it took all of me just to move my pinky finger. After a couple of minutes of panting and collecting myself, I moved my head to look over at him to find him already looking my way. He pulled me to him and pressed his lips to my forehead. I closed my eyes, sighing quietly to myself, my hand resting on his chest as I nuzzled underneath his chin.

“How do you feel?”
he asked me.

I had to giggle for a moment when he said this
. “At peace…I feel at peace and tired as hell. Thank you for making my dream come true.”

He reached
underneath my chin, raised my lips to his, and softly kissed me.

“I love
you.” I whispered, watching him smile sweetly at me.

We laid there for the longest time not saying a word
, and I knew deep down that this would be it.

’ll rest up a bit before we get up to clean,” I told him and felt him nod against my forehead. The sweet smell of chocolate and cream mingled in the air of the room, and I softly licked his neck.

“You better stop that
, young lady, before you find yourself in a heap of trouble again.”

But I didn’t pay him any mind
; I kept right on softly licking his neck, hearing him growl while his arms went around my waist again. We made love throughout the night, and each time was more passionate than the last. I honestly didn’t want to let our time together end, but I knew that it would, the following morning.



apter Eighteen


The ride back home to Atlanta was a somber one, because I knew that in another day or two Max would be on his way to New York. I had fallen asleep for most of the ride back into town but soon, I felt something lightly against my cheek. Stirring from my sleep, I looked over to see Max watching me, and when he saw my eyes open, he smiled.

“Wake up
, baby, we are home.”

I stretch
ed, hitting my hands up against the ceiling of the car while letting out a grumble in the process. “Already?”

, hon. I went and put everything in the place before I decided to wake you up. Let’s get you out, so you can get back into bed and all.”

“Alright,” I mumbled, grabbing my purse as I got out of the car.

He came to my side, holding me around my waist with his arm. We both walked into my apartment, and I immediately went back to my room, the entire time kicking off my shoes, throwing down my purse onto the couch. Once I hit that bed, I let out a sigh of relief, my body drained completely from the night before. All that yummy chocolate and cream all over our bodies, all over the plastic of the bed…Hell, I knew some of it had dripped along the floor, and I was thankful it was hardwood. If it had been carpet, then we would have been cleaning it up for hours on end. But man, that night was something I would remember for as long as I was alive.

“Sweetheart, I’ve got to leave you for a bit
. I’ve got last-minute things to go over at work with the executives. I didn’t want to worry you, but they called me while you were asleep. I’ll be back to cuddle up with you some more.”

Half asleep, I
mumbled, “Alright, love you.”

I felt his lips touch my temple as
drifted off to sleep. I was thankful I didn’t have to go back into work until Tuesday, so at least I could get back my strength and spend just a little bit more time with Max. My dreams brought me back to our time along the beach, when we were sitting by that bonfire. How beautiful the evening had gone, and even though we did have a little bit of fun, it was afterwards that meant a lot to me. Max held me in his arms, nuzzling up against my ear, while he hummed some melody I didn’t know but itwas soothing and gentle, like the waves coming up along the beach. I thought about when we were on the paddle boat, how we sat there along the railing, looking over the water, our fingers entwined and not saying one word the entire time. Honestly, we didn’t need to speak, because when I looked into his eyes, they told the story.

He loved me.

I was awakened by a ringing of the telephone, which was not a good thing, because I had been in deep sleep mode at the time. I inched my way toward the nightstand where the phone was and tried to focus my eyes a bit before hitting the button.


“Why, hello there, sleepyhead, wake yourself on up!” Darla chirped.

I grumbled and sat up to stretch
, and I really hated her at that moment. “Well, thanks to you, I’m awake now, and why in the hell did you have to wake me up, anyway?”

, right now, it’s one in the afternoon, and you need to be up.”

, fuck you. I’m in my bed all comfortable and dreaming about my weekend, and you wake me up to tell me I have to wake up. I should kill you, don’t you know.”

“You can do it tomorrow when you come into work
. I don’t care at all if you do. I’m dying to find out about your weekend.”

“I figured that’s why you called
. All I am going to tell you is that it was wonderful, and we both enjoyed ourselves in Panama City Beach. I hope we can get to go again sometime soon.” I was slowly getting out of bed, and once I did, I stretched out completely this time. “So, how are things going with you? Are you at work right now?”

, no, today is my day off, as well. I’ll be in tomorrow, just like you, but I knew you guys would be home around this time, so I said I’d call and see how you were.”

headed into the kitchen to grab something to drink. I found a can of ginger ale, popped the top, took a swig, and immediately my senses started coming around. “Well, we had just got back, and of course, Max had to go back to the office to deal with some paperwork and stuff. I came in here and zonked out in bed. I was so tired after our trip.”

, I bet you were.”

“Now hush
. How are you and Erik doing, anyway?”

, we went to a club and danced the night away, then came back here, and well, you know.”

, I can imagine what else.”

She giggled like a schoolgirl
, and in the background, I could actually hear snoring, which that let me know that Erik was right there in bed with her.

, woman, you go on and handle yours,” I said. “I think I’ll fix myself something to eat here.”

“Alright then
, hon. I’ll talk with you tomorrow.”

.” I hung up with her, and then looked in the fridge to see what I could find to eat. Thankfully, I found some ham, lettuce, and tomato, along with some mayo, to make myself a sandwich.I walked over to the couch and had just grabbed my remote to turn on the television, when I heard the door open and Max walked inside. In his hand, he had a lone pink rose wrapped in green paper, with baby’s breath and some greenery along with it. He smiled sweetly as he walked in.

, sleeping beauty.”

“Did you get everything done?”

“Yeah, I did, said my goodbyes to everyone I needed to say goodbye to. I have to say, I’ll miss some of the guys at that office. We had some good times.” He sat down next to me, giving me the rose along with a kiss on the cheek, and grabbing the other half of my sandwich.

“Hey now
, that’s not right. I’m hungry, you know.” I watched him take a huge bite of the sandwich and just shook my head, knowing he felt no remorse about stealing my food. “I swear, you are so wrong.”

“You sure do make a good sandwich that’s for sure. You know I hate that I’ll be leaving here the day after tomorrow.
I didn’t want to make you feel bad, and I know it’s a little worse for you, since I’ll be gone and you’ll still be here.”

He moved closer to me, taking the
sandwich, I had in my hand to put it back on my plate. Holding my hand, Max let out a soft sigh, and the entire time he looked squarely at our hands. He never looked at me, which was odd, because the entire time we had been together, Max would always look me squarely in the eyes. It was as if he was having a hard time with his words.

“I’m going to miss you while I’m away
, Sarah. There won’t be a moment I won’t miss holding your hand, looking into those beautiful eyes of yours, wondering what you could be cooking up in that mischievous mind of yours. Feeling how soft your skin is against my own, feeling how peaceful I feel when I listen to the sound of your breathing as you fall asleep after we make love. I know we will be together soon, but it doesn’t feel like soon can get here quick enough, you know?”

I shook my head
, because I had hoped, in a way, that at least he was feeling like I was, that moment of dread you get when you feel like the world is about to come to an end.

“I’ve been trying not to think about it until the day you leave
, you know. Once you leave, then I can cry and get things out of the way, as far as moving up to New York. I only had hoped that you felt the same way I do about our parting like this.”

“I didn’t want to make you feel b
ad, as bad as I was feeling. I wanted us to be happy together while we had the chance to do so. I wanted every single moment of us being together to be fun and filled with laughter, as well as memorable. And when you come to New York, we’ll make even more bigger and better memories together, just you wait and see.” Softly his lips met mine, andhe held me in his arms as he whispered against my ear. “We won’t think about it until it’s time for me to go.”

I shook my head to keep from crying
, because the tears were slowly trying to well up, and my throat started to tighten a bit.

am not going to cry
, I told myself,
I am not going to cry
. But the tears suddenly started to flow. I buried my face in his shoulder, as I felt him holding me tighter. I couldn’t stop crying, and I sobbed like a newborn baby, as my body shook against his. He held onto me throughout my cry-fest, even pulling me up onto his lap.

“Go ahead and cry
, sweetheart.”

And that’s what happened that afternoon on the couch
; he held me while I cried until I couldn’t cry anymore. He bent over to get a paper towel and helped lift my face up for him to wipe off my tears and my nose.

Handing it to me, he said, “Blow

I blew my nose
started to feel a bit better afterwards.

“Why don’t we clean up a bit here, you get some clothes on
, and we will go out for a while, instead of being cooped up in this apartment?” Max suggested, which sounded like a good idea.

We both got up
and made our way to the bedroom to start up a shower for the both of us. The water felt exhilarating against my skin, even more so when he started to scrub my body down real good.

“You know, when I was holding you in my arms, I could still smell the chocolate on your skin.”

I smiled while I scrubbed him too. “I could smell it on you, as well. I loved how you smelled and tasted when I was licking all over you last night.”

“We sure did have fun
, didn’t we?”He chuckled and I gave him a sound kiss on the lips. I felt a quick, wet smack on my ass, which stung a bit. He had that devious look in his eyes; he knew he would get it later on that night.

“Let’s get out of here before the water gets cold.”

Once out of the shower and dressed, I decided that since the weather was a little cool, I would wear a pair of blue jeans, a white t-shirt, and my jean jacket with some flats. He had dressed similarly, in jeans and a blue t-shirt.

, where are we going tonight?” I asked, as we walked hand in hand to his car.

“It’s a surprise
, my dear, to cap off our evening together.”

Once in the car, we headed
farther into downtown Atlanta, along Peachtree, as traffic was slowly starting to accumulate. Wherever we were going, I had hoped that it wasn’t too far, because even though I had eaten some of that sandwich, yours truly was still a bit hungry. Then we turned off onto a familiar street, and thankfully, there weren’t many cars around, which was surprising, because this road was near my job and it was normally very busy. I didn’t say a word, because I know he said it was a surprise, of course. Then I noticed that we were near Clark’s, the same café where we had our very first lunch date together. Oh God, he was taking us there.We pulled up into the parking lot, got out, and made our way into the café.

It seems my Max had made reservations
, because I heard him tell the hostess he’d called ahead. Soon, we were led to the back of the restaurant, to a private corner, only dimly lit by candlelight. I took off my jacket, and we sat down next to each other in the booth, as the hostess told us our waiter would be there soon. She smiled and walked away, and I looked over at Max.

“You brought us here
. How sweet! ”

, I thought it would be fitting to come to the place where I fell in love with you. Plus, I wanted you to get the chance to try number twelve, so why not tonight?”

We sat there in silence for a moment before the waiter came to our table

, my name is Nate, and I’ll be your waiter for the evening. Do you know what you’d like to have to drink?”

“We will have some of y
our finest champagne, since this evening is a very special one.” Max looked at me, smiling sweetly with a sparkle in those eyes of his.

“Good choice
, sir. I’ll be back with your champagne.”

,well this is a step up.”

Of course! This evening is special, baby.” Taking my hand, he softly kissed my knuckles, sending ripples of pleasure throughout my body. Max sure knew how to make me feel overwhelmed with such beautiful emotion that made me feel like he had taken your breath away. He made me feel like this every single moment we were together. I ordered the same thing we had for lunch that day—baked tilapia with tomato and basil—and he had the New York strip steak.We fed each other throughout our meal, a bite of his steak in exchange for a piece of my fish, and in between, we’d sneak in a kiss or two. I enjoyed the attention he was giving me that night, refilling my glass with the champagne. We talked about the schools I was interested in possibly attending.

“There is a school in New Jersey
, but I mapped it out from where we will be staying, and it’s not too far away. I could either drive there or take the subway. They have some great classes, and the tuition is not that bad, so at least I won’t be paying an arm and a leg. So,I’ve already signed up for classes for the next semester, which will be just in time for when I am already moved in.”

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