Read Her Secret Betrayal Online

Authors: Jordan Bell

Tags: #erotic romance, #bdsm, #domination, #bondage, #bbw, #bdsm romance, #bbw romance, #bbw erotica, #50 shades of grey, #billionaire erotica, #jordan bell

Her Secret Betrayal (11 page)

BOOK: Her Secret Betrayal
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And while the waves of ecstasy crested
through my body, he brought the riding crop down across my bottom
and I shaking all over, howling without time to recover. He slid
his fingers out of me and assaulted my clit encouraged luxioursly
before striking me again with that horrible torture.
Red lines I could feel across the back of my eyes
forming across my skin.

In minutes I was collapsing and he was
holding me up, playing with my clit, fondling me roughly, brazenly,
whipping me as if he were riding me to some secret end. I came
screaming like a wild thing minutes later, and when my body started
convulsing, my second orgasm, he whipped me four times in a row,
hard and fast without time to recover, and I collapsed my knees to
the lower bench, unable to stand, hanging from the post my hands
were bound to.





“Shit. I’ll be right back.” Marcus stood
suddenly, his body rigid, the businessman back in charge. He didn’t
look at me and I could barely peel my eyes open to see him. He
strode across the room and disappeared through the door near the
dark window. When the door closed and I was left alone with Conrad,
he closed in on me.

He unhooked my hands and scooped me up off
the floor. He didn’t have an problem with my size or weight and
carried me spent and throbbing across the room to the bed. He laid
me on my back near the bottom the of the bed and I gazed up into
the sunburst of fabric over the four poster bed. There was a small
chandelier hanging inside the canopy.

Conrad unzipped his jeans, but didn’t drop
them. I didn’t watch. I heard the rip of a condom wrapper and the
sound of it being unrolled. He lifted my ankles, my feet strangely
pretty in his big hands. He held them together in one hand and
pushed them over my head, bent me so that my ass was pointed up
into the air. He climbed onto the bed. I stared up into sunburst
until he started entering me, and then I had to close my eyes as he
stretched me wider than I’d ever accommodated, both of us panting
with the effort.

It was strange listening to his breathing,
his gasping, soft moans coming from behind the mask. He’d been so
rough and hard and now he wasn’t at all. He held my legs bent over
my chest, my body rolled uncomfortably, my hands still bound, but
he entered me gently. I heard the door open and close. Neither of
us looked. My temporary Master began driving himself in and out of
me, each thrust deep and penetrating. He huffed with effort, worked
and worked until he had a good hard rhythm going.

He didn’t last long at all. Too much for him
leading up to this moment. He closed his eyes behind the mask,
picked up the pace, and draped my ankles over his shoulders. He
crouched over me, hunched down, and bore into me until he was
breathing between gritted teeth. He suddenly jerked sank into me
until he made me scream, and came grunting like an animal, bucking
in short, shallow bursts before burying himself fully and finishing

He climbed off quickly, heard him swear a
little, then unroll the condom and toss it into a waste basket. He
zipped his jeans, buttoned them, and return to my side. His weight
dented the bed as he curled my legs to the side, rolled me so that
my back was to the door. I couldn’t believe how tired I was, how
grateful for him to put me into a comfortable, curled up position.
Like a cat. I hugged my knees and closed my eyes. Before he left
me, his fingers hesitated against my cheek, the softest brush, and
then he was gone.

“Leave us.”

Something in my chest stirred but I didn’t
open my eyes. The door shut and Marcus came up to the bed, sat down
where Conrad had been a moment before. Fingers brushed my hair
back, pieces that had come loose from the braid. I smiled and
opened my eyes.

Not Marcus.



Oh. No.

I struggled, suddenly afraid to have him see
me like this, but he took my bound wrist in one hand and touched a
finger to my lips.

“Quiet, now. None of that.” He glanced
around the room before turning his blue eyes back to mine. “If I’d
known you’d enjoy coming here…well. I would have brought him the
first night.”

“I can explain.” I whispered but he shook
his head.

“Don’t bother. I don’t care.”

He did care. At least, he didn’t look like
he didn’t care. His expression was unreadable, buried deeper than
I’d ever see him bury his emotions. That couldn’t be good. He
didn’t look right into my eyes, he just looked at my body, explored
the marks with his eyes and his fingers. He looked at my ass,
scraped his fingers where I’d been whipped and I cringed.

“Look at you.” It wasn’t a tone of awe or
love. It was something else. Something I didn’t like.

He stood up and took hold of the lead rope
on my wrists. He tugged and I struggled to follow him off the bed,
but my whole body was weak and exhausted and I could barely keep up
as he lead me across the room to a pillow next to the wall.


“Sean,” I whispered as I sank to my knees. I
wanted my hands to not be bound so I could grab him, hold him. “I
can explain. There’s a reason…”

“Enough. I don’t want to hear your excuses.”
He ran his fingers across my temple, into my hair, and then grabbed
the rope braid and forced my head back. “I told you I wouldn’t

“I didn’t…I wouldn’t…”

He exhaled and tightened his hold on my
“leash”. With his other hand he unzipped his pants, lowered the
waistband of his boxers so that his cock, thick and rigid fell
pointing at my face. A threat. A promise.

“Open your mouth, Kara. Obey

I trembled as I obeyed, parted my lips so he
could feed the head between my lips. I closed around his member, my
eyes not leaving his.

“I don’t want to hear your excuses,” he
continued, his hand on my braid controlling my head as he worked an
inch at a time into my mouth. “You’ve betrayed me, Kara. I didn’t
believe it when I got a message to come here, to find you betraying
me. I was waiting on the other side of that window, watching the
whole time. Watching as you let a stranger strip you, rough you
over, whip you, tease you, kiss you, fuck you. I should have walked
out, but…” He exhaled, placed his palm against the wall behind me
to balance. He closed his eyes and pushed his cock deep into my
mouth, worked it back out and back in across the flat of my

“Touch yourself, Kara.” He growled softly,
hunched himself over me. He opened his blue eyes and stared down at
me. “Touch yourself, little whore.”

I obeyed, shaking, the way he said whore
missing its usual adoration and affection. I didn’t know how I
could possibly pleasure myself knowing he knew my darkest betrayal,
knowing he’d probably leave me for good. I touched myself not
because I wanted pleasure, but because he told me to. Because I
wanted to obey him even if it was a command he was using to
humiliate me.

With my wrists bound it was hard to get my
fingers to my clit, but I touched it, slippery with my betrayal. I
stroked the little bud as he stroked his shaft in and out of my
mouth. I did nothing I normally would with him in my mouth, because
I didn’t think that’s what he wanted. He wanted to punish me for my
betrayal by taking my mouth and getting his pleasure on his own. He
wanted to use me like a toy.

“You,” he panted. “I couldn’t take my eyes
off you. I’d never seen you release like that, let someone control
you so thoroughly. You’ve never given yourself to me. I doubt
you’ve ever given yourself to anyone like that. I wanted you more
than I’ve ever wanted anything in my life.

The ache around my heart lessoned some and I
moaned against his cock. He shuddered and picked up the pace. His
hand in my hair held my head still so I couldn’t move, so that he
was doing all the work, his hips bucking and pumping into me. I
licked and sucked as he pushed, and twice he sank balls deep, deep
throating me until I couldn’t breathe, until I gagged, just because
he could. Because I deserved it.

“Kara,” he grunted. “Come for me, come while
I fuck your mouth, little whore. Be the dirty girl I now know you
are.” He moaned, closed his eyes and I felt his balls tighten up,
his shaft pulse against my lips. He was going to come and soon.

I rubbed my clit furiously, closed my eyes
and rose up and down in little bursts onto my own fingers. He
peeled his eyes open to watch, a slight smile curving the corners
of his mouth. Somehow I had enough in me for a tiny explosion, a
brief but intense thing that spread from my fingers out across my
body. I shuddered and shook and a moment later he bore down,
gripped my hair painfully. He fell forward, his cock sunk into my
throat, and held me as he emptied his come into my mouth. He
continued coming for a long time, grunting and choking on my name
until there was nothing left in him. Until he was shaking with the
effort of standing.

Sean buttoned himself up and sank to his
knees. He methodically untied my wrist and grazed the rope marks
with a kind of sad longing. I wanted to kiss his mouth and brush
away his doubts. I wanted him to know I loved him more than

He captured my face in his hands and kissed
me quite suddenly, a hungry, but shallow kiss. He kissed my face,
my eyes, my cheeks, my mouth again and he held me like that for
many minutes.

When he pulled back, I knew something was

“We’re even now,” he whispered as he dropped
his forehead to mine. “One betrayal for another. We’re even.”

“Sean…” He kissed my mouth gently, trapping
my voice. Tears inexplicably welled in my eyes, fear, sadness,
maybe sub-drop. A lack of control over emotions that overtook a sub
after a very intense scene and something I hadn’t experienced in a
long time.

He disengaged and the tears spilled down my
cheeks as he pulled away. His blue eyes had never looked so far
away to me. “Don’t speak. We’re even now, but I don’t ever want to
see you again, Kara.” He swallowed and pulled his hands away. My
heart, whatever was left of it, lit up in flames.

“I don’t ever want to see you again,” he
repeated as he stood up. He hovered over me as I lost the strength
to remain kneeling upright. I rolled down to bury my face in my
hands, child pose, and sobbed softly so he wouldn’t have to watch
my heart breaking.

He walked away, back to the door with the

“Make sure she gets home safely. If anything
happens to her I’ll kill you myself.”

When the door shut, Marcus knelt in front of
me, lifted me from my position and almost as soon as he touched me,
I lashed out and started hitting him, struggling to beat him with
my fists, my nails, with all the strength I had left in me.

“Bastard! You promised he wouldn’t know! You
promised me it would be a secret! You betrayed me! You betrayed

“Sweetheart, oh Kara I didn’t tell him. I
didn’t tell him. Stop, now, stop.” His eyes were full of remorse,
and he grasped my hands, took control of them and pulled me into
his arms. I buried my face into his shoulder, surrendered, and
sobbed uncontrollably.

“I’m so sorry,” he whispered into my hair
and held my shaking fingers. “I don’t know how he found out, but it
wasn’t from me. I swear to you. I would never break your heart like
this. I was such a fool. I should never have brought you here.
Should never…I’m so sorry, Kara. I’m so sorry.”




The cab pulled up in front of my apartment
and I was so empty and tired inside I could barely peel my cheek
from the cold window pane. Marcus had wanted to bring me home, but
I couldn’t stand to look at him. I wanted to be alone with my
broken heart. It was my own fault. I should have known he’d find
out. Someone was out to hurt me personally, Marcus or Taylor or
someone else I didn’t even know. It didn’t matter. I should have
known they’d tip him off.

The door open and a small figure on my front
stoop clamored to their feet. It took me a moment of climbing
painfully out of the cab, my body as sore as my heart, to realize
it was Maris. She looked so much smaller than I remember her.

She ran for me, her expression worried, but
seeing mine, the tears came freely into her eyes as easily as they
came into mine.

“What are you doing here?” My voice came out
horse and raw. She wrapped her arms around me and I held her and
she held me and we stood that way for a long time.

“Sean called me. He said…he said you needed

The cab driver honked impatiently. Maris
called him a motherfucker then threw cash bills into the passenger
seat. He roared off and she returned to my side. We clasped hands
and made our way up to the front door slowly.

“Is that all he said?”

“He said I shouldn’t pry. He said something
had happened between you and Marcus. Sean said he was pretty sure
he had broken your heart again and he said,
Maris get to her
apartment. She’s going to need you tonight

Somehow we made it up the stairs to my

I really wasn’t all that surprised to find
the invitation to the opening and the receipt for the costume taped
to my front door. Beneath the black marked words
Wear this
, were new ones.

You’ll be there.

I ripped the tape off my door and silently
fumed. The door didn’t look messed with, the lock gave way when I
unlocked it. Nothing in my apartment had been touched except the
invitation that had been on my counter and now wasn’t.

“Kara?” Maris watched from my side,
confused, worried, maybe a little afraid. I shook my head and
dropped my bag and my invitation on the counter. The bag contained
my flimsy dress. I wore a light nightshirt and pants, something I
could have worn to bed, new out of the package Conrad had brought
in when Marcus was calling me a cab.

BOOK: Her Secret Betrayal
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