Here With Me (26 page)

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Authors: Heidi McLaughlin

Tags: #romance, #military, #new adult, #love, #war

BOOK: Here With Me
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‘What’s yours?’

I like that she cares even if she’s just returning the gesture.

‘Nate. Nate Archer.’ This is my opportunity to touch her so I extend my hand for her to shake. I feel my eyes go wide when we shake hands. ‘Like I said, Evan will be very happy to see you.’ I want to add that she should run in the opposite direction and that I’ll be there to meet her. I’m the good one of the bunch. Not him.

My heart races the closer the second hand gets to the bell. I wish I had never sent that text and just talked to her myself. What harm would that have done? I could’ve easily told Evan I forgot what she looked like. He wouldn’t have bought it since he spent the night reciting everything that he loved about her. I know once he gets her into the backseat of his car he’ll be done with her. I won’t mind. I can’t fight what my heart wants.

The bell signals the end of class and Mr. Reed throws his pen onto his desk and waves the students out. It’s only the first day and he already looks flustered. I gather my things slowly and walk down the aisle staying one step behind Ryley. I’m trying not to watch her, but I can’t help it.

I let her go in front of me and as soon as we’re both facing the door, I see Evan. His head is bent slightly and he’s watching her like a hawk watches his prey. When Donna, his weekly ‘friend’ walks by, I think he’ll start watching her, but her presence doesn’t faze him. That doesn’t bode well for me.

I hate my brother right now. The coolness oozes off him. I didn’t get the sex appeal gene. I got the brains. Why can’t I have both? He beckons her with his finger and she goes, just like every other girl in this school. He looks up at and catches me watching and shakes his head. He’s telling me she’s off limits.

I don’t wait to see what happens next. I put my head down and walk to my locker. Letting the regret build with each step I take.

I should’ve never texted him.

Footsteps bound up the front porch steps. I place my beer on the table and smile at the memory of the first day I met Ryley. Everything could’ve been different. But like I predicted, I was here to pick up the pieces when Evan died. It’s not how I wanted things to be with us, but I’ll take whatever I can get.

The front door opens and Ryley walks in. She’s laughing and looking behind her. She doesn’t know I’m here, reminding me that we need to talk about security and her being cautious when I’m not home. I see the top of EJ’s head, knowing instantly that someone is carrying him. He’s being held too high up and I know that it can’t be Lois holding him.

They step in and all eyes are on me. My throat closes as we stand there, staring at each other. I blink, closing my eyes tightly and pray that when I open them all I see are Ryley and EJ standing before me.

When I open them my worst nightmare has come true. A ghost is holding my son. The boy I’ve raised from the day he was born. A man I buried years ago stands before me, who just a moment ago was laughing with my fiancée.

I look from him to Ryley and back. I don’t even want to think about what’s been going on or how the hell he ended up in our living room.

“Daddy,” EJ says, and the only solace I feel right now is running toward me after being set down. I scoop him up and look at my dead brother as he eyes me with his newly found possession.

“How are you here?” I ask, clearly in shock.

“Ah, don’t be so surprised little brother. It’s not like you didn’t know I was alive.”

I didn’t.

Their story continues in
the second novel in The Archer Brothers series. Be sure to follow me on Twitter @heidijovt or Facebook – for further information on when that will be released

To the girls that never let me down: Yvette, Emily, Georgette and Fallon. I know this story was difficult, but you listened to my vision and helped me execute it. And thank you Jennifer Wolfel for being my last set of eyes.

Carey Heywood & LP Dover: Thank you for taking this first draft and loving it even though it was a train wreck. The conversations we’ve had only made this story so much stronger.

Sarah Hansen: thank you for hearing my vision so many months ago and having not only the perfect image for
Here with Me
, but having the image ready for
Choose Me

Kassi Cooper: you, my friend, create the most amazing moments for me. Thank you for taking the helm on this story.

Bloggers: This is such a general term and encompasses so many. If you were a part of the blog tour, thank you for taking a chance on me. If you tweeted, shared or commented on the
Here with Me
cover reveal, I thank you. The anticipation that has been shown means so much.

Art Liberty: You came into my life when I needed it the most. The guiding hand and vote of confidence means more to me than I’ll ever be able to repay. I appreciate everything you’ve done for this story, and thank you for the beauty that is your daughter, Becca. Without her, I’d still be in a panic.

The Beaumont Daily: I really couldn’t ask for a better street team or water tower gang – whatever you guys want to be called. You’re an amazing group and so fun to be a part of.

Finally to my family: thank you for allowing me to play with my imagination.

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