Hero: The Life and Legend of Lawrence of Arabia (120 page)

BOOK: Hero: The Life and Legend of Lawrence of Arabia
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reworking of, 495, 497, 499, 507–8, 527, 538, 539, 579, 581, 593, 603, 611
serialization of, 617
Shaw’s reading of, 555–57, 562–64, 565–68, 574–75, 592, 594, 599–600, 611
and Shaw’s
Saint Joan
, 397
and Storrs, 8, 593
on Sykes, 273
on Tafas scene, 418–24
and Trenchard, 615–16, 617, 624
on war, 264–65, 396, 664, 686, 696
war experiences relived in, 477, 492, 499, 538, 542, 570, 601
on Wilson, 11
on Wingate, 46–47
on Young, 382
Shakespear, J. R., 405n
Shakespeare, William,
Henry V
, 499, 694
Shakir, Sharif, 76–77
Sharif, Omar, 693
Sharraf, Sharif, 85–86
Shaw, Charlotte F.:
and Deraa incident, 349–50, 601, 612, 695
Lawrence’s friendship with, 120, 490, 540, 595–96, 608, 611–12, 640, 644–45, 653
Lawrence’s letters to, 143, 320, 322, 349–50, 525, 601, 610, 611, 612, 618, 644, 655, 657, 664, 668, 670, 695
marriage of, 350, 563, 612
personal traits of, 564
Seven Pillars
, 562–64, 573–75, 599, 611, 612
Shaw, George Bernard, 273
and Casement, 654
death of, 571
fame of, 540, 556, 570–71
genius of, 563
and Lawrence’s army enlistment, 578, 591, 602
Lawrence’s correspondence with, 695
and Lawrence’s fame, 623, 650, 652
Lawrence’s friendship with, 120, 219, 320, 356, 540, 563, 570, 590–91, 595–96, 608, 640, 644
marriage of, 350, 563, 612
on St. Joan, 397, 457n, 578, 595–97
Seven Pillars
, 349, 555–57, 562–64, 565–68, 572–73, 574–75, 592, 594, 599–600, 611, 617, 621
and socialism, 563, 648
and Thomson, 647–48
Too True to Be Good
, 588, 619, 657, 670–71
views on grammar, 563, 599–600
Shaw, Robert Gould II, 644
Shaw, Thomas Edward, Lawrence’s name in RTC and RAF, 577–81, 603, 627
Sheikh Saad, as military goal, 417, 418, 424
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 556
Sherman, William Tecumseh, 60
Shobek, as military goal, 359, 360, 365
Sholto Douglas, Lord, 550, 553n
Shotwell, James Thomson, 471–72
At the Paris Peace Conference
, 439
Shuckburgh, Sir John, 512, 520, 527
Shukri Pasha el Ayubi, 430, 431, 432, 433
Simpson, Colin, 582n
Simpson, Wallis, 603
Sims, R. G. “Reggie,” 669–70, 671
Sinai desert:
Lawrence’s journey across, 106
map survey of, 232–33, 241, 246
military strategies in, 402–3
Smith, Clare Sydney:
(speedboat), 649, 650–51
’e Golden Reign
, 641
and Lawrence’s fame, 636, 638
Lawrence’s friendship with, 161, 607, 645–46
personal traits of, 645
at RAF Cattewater, 641
at RAF Manston, 653
in Singapore, 670
Smith, F. E., 271, 650
Smith, F. Willoughby, 220
Smith, Sydney, 607, 635–36, 638, 640–43, 646, 651, 652, 653
Smith, W. H., 613
, 248
, 248, 249
Smuts, Jan, 378, 456
Soleyb people, 208–9
Somme, Battle of, 45, 277
Sontag, Susan, 690
Souchon, Wilhelm, 248, 250
Spanish flu, 476–77
Spiegel, Sam, 691, 692–93, 694
Spielberg, Steven, 693
Spitfire, design of, 643
, 169
Stalin, Joseph, 303n, 690n
Stamfordham, Lord, 446, 449–50
SteÃens, Lincoln, 475–76
Steiner, Ferdinand, 691n
Stirling, David, 29
Stirling, W. Frank, 427
Safety Last
, 319–20, 403
Stokes, Australian soldier, 311, 313, 317
Storrs, Ronald, 7–15, 320
in Cairo, 201, 252, 253–54, 271, 273, 355
and Hussein, 299
in Jerusalem, 353, 354, 520, 521
in Jidda, 14–15
journey to Jidda, 8, 9–13, 293
journey to Rabegh, 17–18
and Lawrence’s death and funeral, 679, 680–81
Lawrence’s friendship with, 7–8, 201, 592
Lawrence’s plans supported by, 17
(memoir), 8, 13–14
and outbreak of Arab Revolt, 292
and plans for Arab Revolt, 10, 40, 260, 268
Seven Pillars
, 8, 593
and Thomas, 354, 356
Stotzingen, Baron Othmar von, 291
Strachey, Lytton, 200
Strand Magazine
, 494
involvement in Arab Revolt, 11–12
military strategy between wars, 29
Suez Canal:
British control of, 234, 515
military strategy toward, 256, 267
military threats toward, 12–13, 63, 83, 232, 234, 263, 269
protection for, 40, 234, 267, 279, 282, 285, 510
purchase of, 234
Suhkuri (Beni Sakhr tribe), 332–33
Sultan el Atrash, 431
Sultan Osman I
, 247–48
Swann, Oliver:
and Lawrence in RAF, 508, 542–45, 553, 559–61, 564–65, 566, 569
Lawrence’s letters to, 508, 549–50, 559
Sykes, Sir Mark, 270–81,
and Arab Bureau, 273, 284
and Arab flag, 272
and Arab Revolt press releases, 361
background of, 271
and Balfour Declaration, 272, 280, 306
and British-Turkish negotiations, 303–6
death of, 476–77
fact-finding tour of, 271–72, 273
and Feisal, 81–82
and Hussein, 82
and Jerusalem, 351–52
and Lawrence’s moral dilemma, 40, 82, 83, 90, 281
and Nicolson Committee, 274–75
and Sykes-Picot agreement, 38, 81, 90, 275–81
War Committee report by, 274
and Zionism, 272, 280, 352
Sykes-Picot agreement:
and Abdulla, 40
and Arab nation, 39, 81–82, 276, 277–78, 361, 413, 436, 465, 486, 505
Bolshevik publication of, 39, 280, 360, 361, 437
and Britain, 38–40, 67, 81, 269n, 275–81, 300, 305, 306, 361, 444, 451, 453, 455, 458–59, 486, 507, 512
and British-French rivalry, 270, 275
controversial nature of, 276–77, 305, 360, 399, 461, 465
and creation of Israel, 39, 276
and Feisal, 39, 40, 81, 82, 281, 306, 328, 360, 361, 436–37
and France, 38–40, 67, 275–76, 278–79, 281, 413, 436–37, 451, 455, 458–59, 507, 512
and Georges-Picot, 38, 275–81
and Hussein, 39, 40, 82, 300
and Jewish settlements in Palestine, 277, 451, 467
Lawrence’s opposition to, 38, 82, 90, 280–81, 306, 328, 400, 413, 444, 451, 486, 525, 537
and Lloyd George, 461, 507
Ottoman Empire divided in, 38, 40, 81, 276, 278–79, 504
and partition of Palestine, 39, 276
and Russia, 39, 40, 81, 279–80, 413
and Sykes, 38, 81, 90, 275–81
U.S. opposition to, 305, 444, 455
and Zionism, 280, 399, 451, 453, 458, 467
British control of, 459, 486
diverse populations of, 307
Feisal vs. French in, 463, 505, 511
flag of, 272
French administration of, 436–37, 440, 442, 461, 507, 518, 697
French ambitions for, 38, 40, 67, 81, 90, 92, 183, 256, 262, 272, 275, 433, 436, 454, 455, 458, 460, 461–62, 473, 486, 505
as geographical expression, 306–7
impoverishment of, 698
Inter-Allied Commission of Inquiry on, 484
Lawrence’s eÃorts on Feisal’s behalf in, 443, 444, 473, 484
Lawrence’s travels in, 172
local uprisings in, 413–14, 505
and military strategy, 91, 100, 266, 309
and Paris Peace Conference, 476
railway system in, 309
and United Arab Republic, 697
and Weizmann-Feisal agreement, 465–68
see also
Tafas, Turkish brutality in, 418–24, 686

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