Hidden Wings (22 page)

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Authors: Cameo Renae

BOOK: Hidden Wings
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“But, they risked their lives for me!” I cried.

“And so are they,” she said pointing over to where Dominic, Malachi, Alexander and Kade. As soon as I turned and looked at them, they all smiled and nodded, as if they were happy to be keeping me alive. My stomach twisted and made me nauseous at the thought of any of them, including Danyel and my rescuer, getting injured or killed trying to save me.

“It’s a pleasure, Emma.” Kade said with a grin.

“Yeah…and it helps that we like you. Well, mostly,” Malachi added with a smirk and a smile.

“Well, I guess I like you too. A cute thing like you is definitely worth dying for,” Dominic said with a wink.

“Yeah, me too Emma. Ditto what they all just said,” Alexander, said with a nod.

“Thank you,” I said, appreciating every single one of them. I knew they would fight to protect me, and because of that, a bond, to each and every one of them, grew in my heart. They were
handsome guardians.

“We need to get moving,” Alaine said, placing her hand on my shoulder. “And we will do what it takes to make sure everyone gets out safely, but we cannot make any promises, especially knowing that Lucian is here.”

“Why would Lucian be here?” I questioned.

“I don’t know. But he never show up unless he has to,” Malachi responded. “You must be really special, Emma, for him to show up.”

“Danyel said he doesn’t know about me yet,” I said.

“Emma, do you think you could get us back into the cave?” Alaine asked.

Wait… hold up! Did I just hear her right? She wanted to go back into the place I’d just escaped from? I wanted to interject, but I bit my tongue because I knew we needed to go back in and look for Caleb, and I also knew that was where Danyel and my rescuer were.

“I think so. I remember running from that direction – right of the river. So, as long as we head that way, we should find it,” I instructed with a hand gesture.

“Dominic, I want you to keep a hand on Emma at all times. Don’t you dare let her out of your site,” Alaine ordered.

Kade’s head snapped up and glared at her. He looked as if he was about to say something when she held up her hand. “I’m sorry Kade, but I really need you to cover their back.”

“That’s bullshit,” Kade cursed under his breath.

“Easy, big guy. You don’t have to worry. I’ll take really good care of her,” Dominic said walking up to my side. He tied a loop knot with a rope around my arm and fastened it tightly to his. “Now you won’t be pulling a Houdini without me knowing. If they try and take you this time, they’ll get a bonus, because you’re not disappearing without me tagging along,” he laughed.

Dominic was strong, tall and handsome. Muscles bulged from his tight black shirt; his handsome, defined face was covered in sweat and dirt. His green eyes gleamed in the dark. Any girl would probably die to be this close to him, but for some reason I wasn’t feeling anything. Maybe it was because we were surrounded by things that wanted to kill us.

I glanced at Kade and shrugged my shoulders, shooting a look of ‘sorry’. He closed his eyes and shook his head in frustration. Was he jealous? Or was he just upset that he’d been replaced? I couldn’t tell. But in my heart, I hoped it was the first.

Dominic opened his big mouth.

“Hey man. No hard feelings. She’s not your girl anyway.”

“You got that right,” Alaine butted in. “She’s off limits to all of you, and don’t you forget it,” she said, pointing her finger angrily at every one of them.

I watched Kade’s expression and saw a glint of sadness; his face mirroring the shooting pain in my heart as she spoke those harsh words. I was off limits, and I knew it. I didn’t want anyone, especially Kade, to have a mark of death on their heads because of me.

“Wrap it up. Let’s go – and quietly!” Alaine commanded.

She led the group with Malachi at her side. Alexander and Kade fell behind me and Dominic. Something sticking out of the ground tripped me, but Dominic caught me before I hit the ground. The rope actually worked. He pulled me back up, like a fish on the end of a hook. He smiled and I rolled my eyes. As we started to walk again, he grasped hold my hand. His hand was large, and his grip was too tight.

“Excuse me, but you’re squeezing the feeling right out of my hand.”

“Oh, sorry,” he said, loosening his grip. I wondered if holding Dominic’s hand was affecting Kade, but I didn’t want to turn around and find out.

We continued through the dark forest. The air was even colder now, and my blood wasn’t ready for this kind of cold, and on top of that my clothes were still damp. I was shivering to the core. The only thing I could think about was Kade’s warming touch. His presence didn’t have an effect on me at the moment. It seemed that it only worked when he came within a certain radius, and only for a short time.

Alaine held up her hand, but I didn’t see it and bumped into the back of Malachi, who felt like a brick wall. I bounced back and stumbled into Kade’s arms. He caught me, and carefully lifting me upright, and in the process, an instant surge of warmth filled my body. I gasped. Why didn’t it happen when I touched anyone else? This was something I would have to ask Alaine, but now…was definitely not the time.

“Hey, Emma! I hope you’ll be getting your powers soon, because you’re a bit clumsy,” Dominic jested.

“Thanks,” I answered back.

“Watch out Dom, when she transforms, she’ll probably be able to give you an ass beating,” Malachi said, coming to my defense.

“I’d love to see that,” Alexander laughed.

“Enough,” Alaine huffed at them. “Emma, is that the way into the cave?”

It was a lot darker now, but I faintly saw the line of trees where my nameless hero had his run-in with the Darkling. Hidden under a thick overgrowth of brush was the cave’s exit. I couldn’t believe that we were returning to this horrible place. My stomach began to twist in knots.

“Yeah, that’s it. There’s a long tunnel that leads to a cavern under a waterfall. But we’d have to find a way to get up. There’s no way to climb.”

“Waterfall? No problem,” Dominic whispered in my ear.

Yeah, sure. It didn’t seem like anything was a problem for them. I was the one that seemed to acquire enough problems for everyone. Mom and Dad would still be alive. Caleb, Danyel, and my nameless rescuer would be free, and we wouldn’t be running around in some God forsaken forest, avoiding Darkling and Fallen Angels.

Before I could begin to get sad, we were on the move. Dominic pulled me close, and wrapped his arm around my waist.

“Dude, let her breathe,” Kade scolded.

“Relax man. She’s my responsibility now, and this time she’s not gettin’ away. Just watch our back.”

I heard Kade exhale and mutter a series of unintelligible words. Maybe he was jealous. I squealed in my mind just thinking about it.

“Before we enter… Malachi, go ahead and make sure the way is clear. We’ll have to move quickly. Dom, has your injury recovered enough to carry Emma?”

I’d forgotten. Dominic was shot in the side with an arrow right before I was abducted.

“Ribs fine, just a little tender.”

“I can carry Emma, if you can’t,” Alexander butted in. They all turned and glared at him. “Just saying.”

“She’s not a freakin’ bag of potatoes,” Kade scolded.

“I didn’t say she was. And what are you getting all huffy about?” Alexander blurted, turning to face him.

“Nothing,” Kade said through gritted teeth.

“Whoa,” Dominic said with raised hands.

Oh crap. If we survived the night, living with them would be unbearable.

“Would you guys knock it off?” Alaine came back and stood in the middle of them. “I said this once, and I’m going to only say it once more. Emma is off limits. If I catch any of you trying to make a play for her… you’re history. Period.” She turned and walked away. “Dominic. Carry Emma. End of discussion.”

The three sneered at each other, but Dominic’s lips turned up into a wide smile. He’d won. Even in the dark, I could see Kade’s face turn red. I’d never seen him upset before, but he looked so handsome, regardless. He glanced at me and I gave him a smile, then he turned and walked away. Alex was back to his normal self, and went after Kade. He patted his back and whispered something to him that I couldn’t hear.

“Let’s move.” Alaine waved for everyone to follow her. I didn’t even realize that Malachi was gone, and in a split second I was whisked up into Dominic’s arms. I wrapped my arms around his neck as we took off, literally flying through the tunnel. I focused on the only thing I could hear, the quick and steady beating of Dominic’s heart. After a minute, we stopped at the waterfall.

We were already here?

Dominic kept me tightly in his arms. “Now that wasn’t too bad, was it?” he breathed. His warm breath tickled my ear.

I shook my head, and quickly released my arms from around his neck. “You can put me down now, thanks.”

“Yeah, sure,” he said, setting me down carefully, but our arms were still fastened together with the rope. Everyone was accounted for except Malachi. Maybe he tried to find a way up.

Then, as soon as I processed the thought, a rope ladder dropped down from the top of the falls.

What the heck?

Alaine was the first to wade into the water and swim for it. She quickly climbed a few rungs and then motioned for the rest of us to come.

“Climb on my back,” Dominic said. I was about to jump on, when Kade came up from behind me, put his hands on either side of my waist and effortlessly lifted me up. His touch made me tingle, as it always did. I turned and he smiled at me, making my heart skip a beat.

As Dominic waded into the water, I fastened my arms and legs around him. I was already freezing. I groaned in pain as the frigid water froze me to my core. My body quickly became a trembling mess.

“Hey, you okay back there?” Dominic asked.

“Yeah, just freezing to death,” I responded through clattering teeth.

“I’ll get you outta the water in a few. Hold on,”

A few? Seriously…a few? In a few, my body temperature could drop drastically, and I could get hypothermia and die.

Think warm, Emma! Warm, sunshiny thoughts!
I tried to urge warmth through myself, but it was too damn cold. Warmth was not a word in my dictionary right now.

We made it to the waterfall, and things went from bad to worse. Ice water was now hammering down our heads. Dominic grabbed a hold of the rope ladder.

“Hold on, Emma,” he said turning back.

As he started to climb out of the water, my body felt extra weighted, like tons of lead were hanging from my appendages. My hands and fingers were numb, and my arms and legs were extremely tired. The trembling didn’t help, and only made my limbs extra weak. The rope was unsteady; swaying every which way as Dominic quickly climbed up. I tried to hold on as tightly as I could, and fought to keep my grip on him, but the constant, frigid water beating down on me was taking its toll.

We were half-way up when my arms suddenly gave. I slipped from Dominic’s neck, and fell backward. My right arm, which was still tied to Dominic’s, jerked me to a halt. I heard him cuss after catching himself from falling. I was dangling, halfway up the falls. Dominic’s rope saved me again.

“Emma!” Kade shouted. I looked down. He was below us, battling his way up the ladder. He finally got close enough to reach my legs, and pulled them to rest on top of his shoulders. Even his touch wasn’t enough to warm me. I needed to get out, quick. Dominic climbed quickly with one arm, and Kade stayed right behind him, resting me on his shoulders. I was too weak to do anything but keep my balance and try not to fall off Kade.

When we finally reached the top, Dominic pulled me up, and I collapsed. Alaine’s muffled voice yelled. “Get her to dry ground, quick! Someone look for wood to start a fire.”

Someone scooped me up, while another pulled my wet hoodie off. I opened my eyes. It was Dominic. As soon as I was on the ground, I felt the rope release from my arm.

“We need to get her warm, or she’ll go into shock,” Alaine’s voice was strained.

I struggled to speak, but managed to say one word. One vital word.


“What was that sweetheart?” Alaine bent down, putting her ear to my lips.

“I need - Kade,” I breathed.

She paused. Her brow furrowed and her eyes had a deep look of concern and knowing.

I felt myself fading in and out of consciousness.

“Kade,” she called.

I couldn’t keep my eyes open. They shut tight, my body violently trembling from the cold, and there was nothing I could do to stop it. Seconds felt like an eternity of suffering. Then suddenly, I was lifted from the ground and warmth rushed throughout my entire body.

I opened my eyes, and Kade’s beautiful face was inches from mine; his hazel eyes beaming as he held me tight in his arms. He’d taken his shirt off, making our connection even stronger. The shivering started to subside as heat cascaded in waves over me. I was in heaven, in complete and total bliss. If I could, I would stay right here, in his arms, forever. I closed my eyes, hugging him closer, not caring what anyone thought or said, and he hugged me back.

“You’ll be alright, now” he whispered, quietly in my ear. “I need you to drink some of this,” he said, placing the same blue flask to my lips. I drank and then snuggled closer to him, burying my face into his bare chest. His scent took me on a high I didn’t want to come back from, and as the magical brew made its way through my system, I began to feel even more warmth and strength.

A voice broke the silence.

“There are no Darkling in sight, and no signs of James or Caleb,” Malachi reported, returning from his reconnaissance mission.

“James has to be here…unless,” She paused, and I knew exactly what she was thinking…unless, he was injured or dead. “This place should be crawling with Darkling.”

“Maybe, James took them all out,” Alex said.

“He’s good but not that good,” Malachi answered.

“No, they’re still here. Somewhere. I can smell them. They’ve probably gathered somewhere, and are waiting for us. If Lucian is here, then he’ll know we are near. They won’t leave knowing that Emma and I are here. We are the last of the Nephilim, or at least I am.”

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