Hidden Wings (21 page)

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Authors: Cameo Renae

BOOK: Hidden Wings
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“Where’s the child?” it hissed.

He didn’t answer.

“Speak now or die,” it threatened.

Holy crap! This wasn’t happening! It can’t be happening!

I closed my eyes tightly and hoped that when I opened them, everything would be gone. But when I opened them again, everything was still the same.

“She’s free!” my rescuer yelled. He spit in the Darkling’s face and laughed loudly. The Darkling punched him in his stomach before flinging him to the ground.

“Take him to Lucian,” he motioned to the others.

Four Darkling reached down and grabbed him, binding his arms behind his back.

Damn it!
I couldn’t take it anymore. He risked everything for me! I had to get away or everything he did for me was in vain. I wasn’t about to let that happen. I might be a girl, but I wasn’t a wimp and hell if I’d go down without a fight.

I slowly backed up, and while their attention was turned to those carrying him away… I ran. I ran deeper and deeper into the woods, getting more and more lost. I didn’t know where I was running, I just knew I wanted to run far away from them… and the further I got the better.

I heard the sound of water. Maybe it was a river, but it was faint. Before I was taken, we were crossing a river. Maybe if I stayed near it, I’d find the others. That’s all I had to go on right now. There was nothing else, but at least I had a plan.

I quickly maneuvered through the forest toward the sound of the water and finally found it. It wasn’t large, maybe ten feet wide. My mouth was dry and I was thirsty, so I bent down and cupped the cold water in my hands and took a sip.

Branches cracked in the distance.

My head snapped up, listening. I heard more rustling through the trees.

Damn! They were coming!

I had to think of something.

Think Emma…think!

They’d catch me for sure if I ran. All I knew is they had a great sense of smell. So, I’d have to be cunning, and somehow use that against them.

I quickly peeled out of the warmth of my hero’s coat and sent it floating down the river, using it as a decoy. Maybe they’d catch the scent. It was the best I could come up with.

The ground beneath my feet was soft. I bent down and felt it. It was thick, cold, squishy mud. I wondered if it would cover my scent. Hey, it worked for Arnold Schwarzenegger in the Predator. What else did I have to lose, besides my life?

I quickly grabbed handfuls of mud and rubbed it all over my face and body – everywhere that was exposed. Then, I found a small grove of trees and overgrown brush near the river and laid flat on my back between them. I figured that if they found me, I could fight better on my back, than on my belly.

I listened quietly. My breath would be the one thing that would give me away. It was too fast, and I was having a difficult time trying to slow it down. I was terrified, lost in the middle of some godforsaken forest, with wicked creatures searching to kill me. I’d definitely need some MAJOR therapy after all of this. And that was only
I survived.

A whiff of Darkling burned my nostrils. Branches cracked all around me, and there were splashes in the river alongside me. They were close. Too close. I froze in place, trying not to breathe. My heart pounded furiously against my chest wanting to break free and run away. I didn’t blame it. I wanted to run too.

I turned, and a white face with glowing eyes peered into the darkness just above me. Holy shit! Its eyes were glowing like a cat, hunting its prey. It was sniffing the air, and took a step closer, pausing inches from where I was laying. I was frozen, petrified.

He bent his head down and was a few feet from my face. I closed my eyes; my lungs on the verge of bursting. He took in a deep breath.

My heart sounded like a war drum, pounding loud and hard in my ears.

A piercing scream from another Darkling cut through the silence.

It was downstream.

The Darkling on me, shot up, and took off down the river. They must have picked up the scent of the coat. I sucked in a deep breath. Cold, wonderful air filled my lungs.

Thank you, God! Thank you! Thank you! Thank You!

I had to stay still, silent, until they were gone. I didn’t want to move knowing they were out there hunting for me.

Where was Kade? Where were the others? I’d even settle for Caleb. I hoped they were out there, alive, and searching for me.

Chapter 14:

I must have fallen asleep, because sudden warmth rushed throughout my frozen body. I dreamt I was being whisked away on a soft, white cloud, drifting quietly through the forest, and then up above the trees. Nothing could see or hurt me as long as I was on this cloud.

A bright light began to emanate around me, and then I heard a soft whisper; a familiar whisper calling my name.

“E-mma, E-mma,” the voice sang out.

I knew that voice. That comforting, warm voice.

“Mom? Mom!” I called out.

My mother’s face slowly appeared before me, like a hologram, on the edge of the cloud.

“Emma. Emma, my sweetheart. I’m so sorry.”

“Mom? Where are you?” I cried, trying to push out of the cloud, but it wrapped itself tightly around me.

“Emma, your father and I did our part to watch you grow safely. Now, you need to know what you really are and where you come from. She has all the answers, and she will take care of you now,” my mother spoke. Her face was solemn, glowing.

“Who? Who are you talking about?”

“You’re mother, Emma.”

“But you are my mother,” I cried, as tears streamed from my eyes.

“Yes, sweetheart. Only for a time; a wonderful time. But, you must be careful, Emma. There are things that you don’t understand, things that want you dead. They are afraid of you, Emma, and will be afraid of what you will become.”

“I don’t understand. I just want to be with you and dad.”

“In time, darling. In time. We will always be with you in spirit. I have to go now, but always remember that I love you. Your father and I have always, truly loved you, Emma. You brought so much love and joy into our hearts. ” Her face slowly began to dissipate. The white cloud started to turn to a dark shade of grey and I started to feel cold again.

“Mom, don’t go!” I screamed.

“We love you, Emma. We love you,” The voices of my parents echoed and trailed off.

“Don’t go! Please don’t leave me alone. Mom…Dad,” I sobbed.

As soon as my eyes opened, everything around me was pitch-black. I felt the heat of my tears trickle down the sides of my face. My body was trembling, and I was still lying on my back, covered in mud.

“Emma,” A faint voice carried lightly on the night wind.

Oh God. I was losing it…big time.


I froze again, not wanting to respond. It sounded like Kade. But what if it wasn’t? I couldn’t risk it. So, I waited anxiously for any kind of confirmation. Except for the sound of the river, my pounding heart, and the howl of the wind through the trees, there was nothing. I slowly sat up. The mud had dried and caked to my skin, cracking as I moved. Ugh! It felt horrible.

I looked around, but couldn’t see a thing. I must have been hearing things.

Then, suddenly, a heat overwhelmed me, and I gasped for breath.

There was a rustling in the trees ahead.

“Kade?” I spoke as quietly as I could. I needed to know. The feeling was too familiar, but no one answered. If it wasn’t Kade, I was going to be in BIG trouble.

I sat there, terrified and alone, with only the familiar blanket of warmth to comfort me. I had to risk it. I needed to know.

“Kade!” My voice carried.

“Emma? Emma, where are you?!” He called back.

him! My heart swelled three times its size when I heard him respond.

“Kade, I’m here!” I yelled, jumping to my feet.

Footsteps ran in my direction, and then I saw his face. His hazel eyes were glowing in the darkness. His face, luminous as an angel. I wanted to run to him and wrap my arms around him, but I was covered in mud. He stopped in front of me, and grinned, not making an attempt to touch me, and I didn’t blame him.

“What happened to you?” he laughed.

“Long story,” I huffed. “I never thought I’d find you guys again.”

“Hey, I do this for a living. I would’ve found you eventually.”

“I felt you. That’s how I knew it was you,” I breathed, grateful.

“I felt you too, but—”

We were suddenly interrupted by the others.

“Emma, you’re
?!” Dominic teased, and then stopped with his hands out in front of him. “Whoa – have you been mud wrestling with the Darkling?”

“Haha. Funny,” I said un-amused. “This mud just so happened to save my life, unlike someone else,” I sneered at him, walking towards the river to rinse some of the mud off my face.

“Ooooo-!” Alex and Malachi sang out in unison as they walked towards us.

“Low blow, bro!” Alex said, punching Dominic in the arm.

“Hey, I wasn’t the one in charge of her,” he scolded, his eyes shooting toward Kade. “She was his responsibility, and I was injured. I had an arrow in my side!”

Kade’s face dropped and became saddened, and my heart instantly sank deep into my chest. I didn’t mean for that insult to include him.

“We were all responsible,” Alaine said, appearing out of the darkness. She walked over to me, took me by the hand, and we walked to the river. She bent down, and scooped up water in her hands to help clean off the mud caked on my face.

“I’m so sorry Emma,” she whispered.

My stomach churned, begging me to ask her the question that was burning in my mind. I needed to know. But was now the right time? Heck, creatures and crazy Fallen Angels were hunting to kill me. I’d say this was as good a time as any.

“Can I ask you a question?” I asked her softly.

“Of course you can,” She turned to give me her full attention.

“I just need to know. I mean, have to know…you know…in case something happens.”

“What is it, Emma?”

My stomach twisted and turned with butterflies, but I sucked it up.

“Are…are you my real mom?”

There was complete silence. Even the guys stopped talking and gaped at us.

She reached for my hand and grasped it tightly in hers. Although I knew what the answer would be, my heart pounded furiously, waiting for her answer.

“Yes, Emma. I am your mother.”

I took in a deep breath and couldn’t hold back the tears that had already welled in my eyes. This time, I wasn’t sure if they were tears of joy or sadness. Both, I guessed.

“And my father?” I wanted her to tell me. I wanted to verify what Danyel had said.

She shook her head with a look of pain in her eyes.

“Your father is dead. He was killed by the Fallen when they found out about us,” she swallowed hard, struggling to speak those last words. A single tear trickled down her cheek. “You would have loved him, Emma, and he would have loved you. You have his eyes,” she breathed taking my face into her hands. She pulled me to her and hugged me tightly against her chest. “I’m so glad you’re alive,” she repeated.

“Hey Emma. How
you get free?” Dominic asked. “The last thing I remember… you were standing right by me, and the next, you were gone.”

“Someone grabbed me. I don’t think it was a Darkling because it didn’t smell like one, AND… it did the sleeper thing to me.”

“Whoa! Looks like someone needs an ass whoopin’!” Dominic blurted, smacking Kade on the arm. “Right?”

“Right,” Kade nodded, but his eyes looked a little distant. I wondered what he was thinking.

“Hey…I’m ready to give an ass whoopin’! Bring it!” Alexander hyped, raising his sword above his head.

“Boys. Please. Let Emma finish,” Alaine said.

“Well, I woke up in a cave. I was bound to a chair when three of the Fallen came in. One of them asked the others where my mother was, and they said that she vanished. He yelled at them and told them to go back out and look for you and said you had the gift of invisibility,” I said, turning to Alaine who remained silent. “When the other two left, he told me I was some kind of super-breed of Angel, said that I was some part of an ancient prophecy…and when I turn eighteen and transform, I’d have to pick a side. He also said he was a friend of my father, and that my father was his mentor. And then…he just let me go. He told me which direction to run, and exactly how to get out of the cave.”

Alaine gasped. I could tell by the look in her eyes that I’d completely baffled and horrified her. “Did he give you a name?” she asked, her eyes begging for an answer.


Alaine turned and stared blankly into nothingness. “Danyel,” she whispered loudly to herself, and then turned toward the others. They all shared a silent look.

“Do you know him?” I asked.

“Danyel was your father’s best friend. I’d never met him, but your father talked a lot about him. They were nearly inseparable.”

“Yeah, that’s what he said. But he wasn’t the only one who helped me escape. There was another, and I’m almost sure he was an Angel too. I’d met him before. Actually, I met him when Courtney and I were on the outside of the property, on the other end of the labyrinth’s tunnel. He told me that I shouldn’t be alone, and that I shouldn’t leave the property. He’s the one that made me go back.”

“When I was escaping the cave, I heard him call my name in the tunnels. He carried me out of the tunnel, and told me to run and find all of you. He fought off the Darkling so I could get away.”

“Who was he? Did he give you his name?” her eyes were wide.

“He didn’t say. He just told me that he was a friend.”

“He must have been close to your father,” she said softly.

“But the Darkling captured him. I heard them say they were going to take him to Lucian. We have to save him. He risked his life so I could get away. We have to save both of them.”

She closed her eyes and exhaled deeply, then got up and turned to the others.

“If Emma is right, then the Fallen and Lucian are here. We need to be extra careful, because we don’t know how many there could be. Our main priority is to find Caleb and James.” She glanced over to me. “If we do find Danyel and the other, along the way, then we will try and save them too. But we cannot risk any of our lives for them.”

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