Hiding Out (17 page)

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Authors: Nicole Andrews Moore

BOOK: Hiding Out
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The surgeon woke Sam by gently shaking his shoulder.  Startled awake, he gripped Haley even more tightly as he opened his eyes.  “Do you have news about my brother?”  He asked seriously.


“The operation was successful,” the surgeon began quietly.  “We were able to stop the bleeding.  He’s in recovery and still in a coma.”


Sam gathered Haley onto his lap and held her like a child would hold a teddy bear.  “Continue,” he said quietly.


“He may wake up over the next few hours, but it could also take some time.  His injuries are extensive, Mr. Davenport,” he said honestly.  “There is swelling of the brain that we are watching very closely.  It could be touch and go for a while.  Plus, there’s always the risk of infection…” his voice trailed off.  “Let me assure you we will do the best we can for him to ensure a full recovery.”


“What can I do?”  Sam asked weakly.


“Well, start by taking care of yourself.  That includes getting some sleep, eating properly, leaving the hospital once in a while.”


Sam looked up at him blankly.  “And you’re telling me this why?”


The doctor shrugged.  “You strike me as the type who would set up camp in the hospital until he makes a full recovery.”


Sam nodded.  “I’m sure lots of people would respond the same way.”


“Absolutely.  Just keep in mind what I said.  This may take time.”  He glanced at Haley again and walked away.


Sam leaned back on the love seat and watched Haley as he ran his fingers through her curly copper locks.  As much as he wanted to go check in on Adam, neither waking Haley nor leaving her on the love seat unattended were options for him.  He knew how rarely she slept through the night without being disturbed by her nightmare, although he noticed that she hadn’t ever woken while he was holding her.  And since he had no idea where the psycho was at the moment, he counted her safe only in his presence.


“How is he?” She asked groggily.


“So far, so good,” Sam replied quietly.


“Can you see him?”  She was stretching and sitting up now.


“I didn’t ask.” 


She gradually stood and offered him a hand.  He took it and stood.  “Go see him,” she murmured into his chest.  “He needs to know you are here, that you care.”


“Come with me.”  He watched her for a reaction, but she gave nothing away.  “Please.”  She nodded and they headed to recovery.             



They ate breakfast in the cafeteria.  It was passable, but Sam still barely touched his food.  He was deep in thought.  “The sketch artist is coming this morning,” he said.


“So, did you get a good look?”  She was nibbling on a bagel covered in strawberry cream cheese.


“Only the side of his face,” he admitted.  In his heart, he already knew who had done this.  All he needed was a name and address.  Sam would do anything to alleviate the guilt weighing down on him at the moment.


He had been the one to initiate this investigation.  As a direct result, the rapist was now in town chasing after Haley and his brother had been caught in the crossfire.  He closed his eyes as though in pain.  And if Haley ever found out, how would she forgive him?  There was nothing Jake could say this time to make him feel better.  He knew he was as responsible for all this as the bad guy was.



Haley wanted a shower.  She wanted Sam to leave the hospital and take one as well.  This was the first time she wasn’t going to get her way.  “I can’t leave yet,” Sam said.  “Too may people are expecting to meet with me here today.”  He was silent a moment.  “What if I send you to get showered at my house, then you could bring me back a fresh change of clothes, some toiletries, that sort of thing.  I can use Adam’s shower.”  He was slowly formulating a plan.  “In fact, I’ll have Neville pick you up.”


Haley shrugged.  “Sure.  If that will help, I’ll do it.”


He relaxed for a moment.  Neville might look harmless, but the man was a third degree black belt in karate.  Sam could rest easy if Haley was in Neville’s care.  Now he just had to keep her safe the rest of the time.


The ride to Sam’s place took forever.  Haley was eager to get out of the scrubs she had been given at the hospital to replace the dress that had been ruined in the accident.  Ever since the rape, being in a hospital made her feel dirty.  She sighed.  She had finally thought that word.  For a long time she hadn’t even been able to think it.  She had called her experience ‘the incident’ or ‘the attack,’ but never called it what it truly was.  Maybe she was recovering.  And she knew she had Sam to thank for that.  He gave her courage. 


Indulging in a long steamy shower, Haley felt her head clear.  She had told him she would do everything in her power to help him through this and she meant it.  She dressed in one of the many outfits he had purchased for her and set to work gathering his toiletries.  It didn’t take but a moment.  Haley was an expert packer.  She wandered back to the closet, stood in the middle of the large walk-in and studied the contents, finally choosing a knit long sleeved shirt and jeans.  The next part made her blush.  She walked over to the chest of drawers.  The man needed clean underwear.  Oh, and socks.  She settled on a pair of black boxer briefs that made her heart skip a beat as she imagined him in them, then found matching socks to add to his bag.


Convinced she had packed everything he would need for the day, she headed down the stairs.  Neville was waiting for her in the foyer.  “Ready, miss?”  He asked.


“Please call me Haley,” she said. 


He nodded as he walked over to her to claim the bag she had hauled down the stairs.  “In future, Miss Haley, I can collect your bags from upstairs so you don’t have to struggle down the stairs with them.”


She scrunched up her face at that idea.  “I am more than capable of carrying a bag, Neville.  But thank you anyway.”


“So, we’re headed back to the hospital?”  He asked as he opened the door for her.


She glanced at her watch.  “No, not yet,” she said.


Neville looked nervous for a moment, so she added, “I think we should pick up some take out for Sam.  What do you think, Italian or Chinese?”


His whole body sighed.  “Whatever you think is best.”  He had been instructed to protect Haley with his life after what had happened to Adam.  And because he knew what a wonderful girl she was, he would have no trouble doing just that.



Sam sat next to Adam’s bed.  His brother seemed so little and vulnerable just lying there.  He couldn’t remember the last time his athletic playboy sibling had appeared anything less than virile since he hit puberty.  He shook his head.  The meeting with the detectives had gone about as well as could be expected.  He held in his hand a copy of the sketch that was going to make the evening news.  He was not looking forward to Haley’s reaction when she saw it.  And he wasn’t ready to come clean.


Standing, he paced the room.  She had been gone for four hours.  How long did it take to shower and pack him a few clothes?  And he knew it wasn’t the clothes he needed so much as her calming presence.  How had this happened?  He did not fall for his employees.  He did not fall in love period.  It wasn’t that he didn’t want to, it was simply that it hadn’t happened before and he had doubted after being burned by Gabriella that it ever would.  He had grown so callous when it came to women.  He always believed they had an ulterior motive for their interest in him.  And so far he had been right.  But somehow Haley had melted the ice that had settled so firmly around his heart.  This was a woman he could love, a woman he could think about forever with.  And because of that, he would protect her as best he could.


Just as he was about to give in and call Neville to see what was taking them so long, Haley walked in like a breath of fresh air.  He smiled when he saw what she was wearing and beamed when he realized that the reason she had been so long in returning was because she had brought him Chinese.


“Tell me that Neville put it on my account,” Sam said as she unloaded the food onto Adam’s table.


“What does it matter?”  She asked, ignoring him.


“So, that would be a ‘no,’ right?”  It angered him to see her spend any of her money, especially on him when he had so much.


“Let me do nice things for you for a change,” she said, wrapping her arms around him.


He sighed.  Quickly, he realized that she had unknowingly given him the opening he needed.  “So, since you are in this giving mood,” he began, “I was wondering if I could ask you for a few favors.”


“Ask me anything,” she said pleasantly.


He had figured it out while she was gone, how he would look after her.  She would never agree to protection, but she would gladly assist him in his time of need.  So that was how he would approach it.  “Well, here’s the thing.  We sent out those packets to all the companies and I’m expecting faxes and mail, even phone calls.”  He watched her for a reaction.  She simply stared at him with her sparkling emerald eyes, waiting to fulfill his every desire.  “So, it would be really helpful if you could stay at my place while Adam’s in the hospital.  I’ll pretty much be here, so I’ll need someone to pick up any faxes sent to my house, answer after business hours phone calls there, that sort of thing.”  She was still watching him calmly.  “It would also help if you’d be willing to pop up here every once in a while to bring me fresh clothes and take the dirty stuff back to be laundered, maybe drop off food when you have time…”  He worried he might be asking too much of her.  Some of it was for her safety, but the visits were purely selfish.  Neville could easily run him fresh clothes, drop off food, and pick up laundry.  And she was certainly smart enough to figure that out.


“Definitely,” she said without really considering what she was agreeing to.  “And on Tae Kwon Do nights I’ll just…”


He realized she was about to cancel her own plans for him.  He shook his head wildly.  “Nope.  Neville will take you to class and wait for you until you’re done.”


“But the phone…”


“Will be forwarded to your new cell phone,” he said.


She scrunched up her face at him.  “I can’t afford a cell phone.  It’s an unnecessary expense.  Who do I speak to here but you and Ellen?  And
never even speak on the phone!”


“The company will pay for it,” he said evenly.  “It’s the least I can do considering what you are willing to go through to help me.”


She looked unconvinced.  “And one other condition,” Sam added.  “I want all food purchases made on the cards I gave Neville.”  He looked at her sternly.


She sighed.  It wasn’t any trouble helping him.  She was merely afraid she’d get used to this, sleeping in his bed, being driven around, having all the little luxuries.  She didn’t want to get comfortable with having money.  She didn’t want to get used to being a part of his life.  Now that Abigail had been born, it was only a matter of time before she would have to pinch pennies again and search for a new temp position.


“I’ll do whatever you want, Sam,” she said quietly.


“Starting tonight?”   He asked.


She nodded. 


Chapter Seven     



Neville was waiting for her in front of the hospital.  “So, shall we swing by your apartment, miss, and pick up your things?”  He studied her as she gazed out the window.


Startled from her thoughts, Haley looked at him sadly.  “Yes, thank you.”


“I will be carrying your bags this time, miss,” he responded seriously.


Haley smirked.  “If you insist, Neville.”  She sighed and sank into the leather seats.  “I should warn you that the whole of my worldly possessions can fit in three duffle bags.”  She closed her eyes and rubbed her temples to ward off the headache that was threatening.


Neville frowned.  If Mr. Davenport knew how lightly she traveled he would have been greatly agitated.  In the short time that they had known Miss Haley, she had grown on them.  He only had to watch his employer to see the positive impact she had on his life.  He was happier, friendlier, more generous…more like the man he once was.  He sighed.  He would have to keep a close watch on her for everyone’s sake.



They had packed all of Haley’s belongings in less than twenty minutes, a realization that caused frown lines to deepen over Neville’s brow, and as promised, they could fit neatly into three large duffle bags.  Soon enough he had her settled into Mr. Davenport’s room, as instructed.  Haley had balked at the idea when she knew there was a perfectly nice guest room down the hall, but he had followed orders and insisted she stay in Mr. Davenport’s room.


“So, he won’t even be coming home to sleep?” She asked thoughtfully.


“Apparently not, miss,” he responded watching her for a reaction.  She was pensive and he felt the need to further explain.  “When Mr. Davenport cares for someone, he cares very deeply.  He stands by them no matter what.  He wouldn’t want his brother to wake up alone and afraid.  He is determined to be there for him.”  Haley’s head cocked to one side.  “I believe you know a little something of that, miss.”  He raised his brows at her, urging her to understand what he was revealing about Mr. Davenport’s nature.  He really wanted to say,
He loves you, miss.  Can’t you tell? 
But Haley either refused to see or refused to believe the depth of Mr. Davenport’s feelings for her.

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