Hiding Out (19 page)

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Authors: Nicole Andrews Moore

BOOK: Hiding Out
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Ignoring the signs posted along the corridor, Sam whipped his cell phone out of his pocket and flipped it open.  “Meet us out front,” he commanded.


Patiently, Haley allowed herself to be dragged to the elevator, then through the hall, and finally out the front of the building where Neville stood ready to open the car door for them.  They climbed into the back.  Haley first, sliding across the back seat, but once Sam settled in, he reached for her and dragged her onto his lap.


He wanted to be gentle with her. He knew he had to take his time, move slowly, and take care not to frighten her.  But at the same time, he had to reconcile that with his need to have her close.  And he couldn’t get her close enough.  From the moment she had admitted her willingness to give him what he needed this night, he had moved to ensure she couldn’t over think this, couldn’t change her mind.


He had her on his lap, pressed against his chest.  And he kept cradling her against him as his hands moved feverishly over her body.  Every part of her that he came in contact with was squeezed and kneaded. 


Haley’s body was on fire.  He seemed to be discovering her and rediscovering her.  Every time he touched her and tugged at her clothes she felt as though flames were lapping at her skin.  She burned and tingled all over.  How long was it going to take before they were at last alone together in his room? 


After what seemed like hours, the car finally pulled to a stop in the driveway before his front door.  Like so many times before, Sam carried her in.  But this time she was wide awake for it, well aware of what was in store for her.  Silently she kept reminding herself that this was Sam and she wanted this.  It wasn’t going to be like before.  And so far it wasn’t.  She just had to keep her eyes open.


Swiftly, Sam ascended the stairs, kicked at his bedroom doors until they popped open and ever so gently laid Haley on the bed.  He had been silent the entire ride, he didn’t trust himself to speak.  He was too afraid that he would ruin the moment, lose her when he said the wrong thing.  He brushed her gorgeous copper curls away from her face and turned to close the door.  Sam began to undress as he crossed the room to return to her side.  His shirt was the first piece to be discarded.  By the time he stood beside her once again, he was working on his jeans.  And Haley just laid there and watched. 


The room was bathed in the dusk, the only sliver of light provided by the streetlight outside that had recently flickered on and snuck through the plantation shutters.  He stopped when he was wearing nothing but boxer briefs.  He was afraid that if he went any further he would frighten her for sure.  Instead, he turned his concentration to pulling back the comforter and sheets, then depositing Haley on the bottom sheet.  She was still wearing her ill-fitting work clothes and an amazing pair of black heels.  And that’s where he started.  He grasped one delicate ankle and deftly removed her shoe, tossing it over his shoulder without a thought as to where it might land.  Her toes curled in response and his mouth countered with a half-smile.  He repeated the procedure with her other foot.


Reaching under her dress, he expected to follow her stockings up to her waist, but instead discovered they stopped at her thighs.  He felt himself grow harder at the realization.  Suddenly, removing the stockings was no longer a priority and he turned his attention to her dress.  It easily slid over her head and when he had finally flung it carelessly away he gasped at the sight of her in her matching black bra, bikinis, and thigh highs.  And that was when he felt her stiffen and suck in her breath.


She’s not like all the other women,
he reminded himself. 
This is more than nerves.
  And finally he admonished,
take your time with her!


Pausing, Sam climbed into bed with her that instant and pulled the covers over them so she wouldn’t be self-conscious.  He had seen her but for a moment in the half light, yet he knew that image would not leave him any time soon.  Slowly, he pulled her against his side and wrapped his arms around her.  Sam inhaled the scent of her skin and hair, clean and floral, welcoming him like spring.



Haley curled around him for warmth and stability.  She knew that his closeness would warm her body and his arms wrapped around her would soothe all of her unwarranted fears.  She hadn’t, however, anticipated her reaction to his erection pressed against her stomach.  She shivered uncontrollably.


“I’ll try not to hurt you, Haley.  I’ll go slowly.  You can tell me to stop if you need to.”  He was gazing at her with warmth and passion, rubbing her arms and her side.  Haley could feel herself growing moist.  And soon Sam would feel it, too.  He had made short work of her bra.  She hadn’t even felt him remove it.  His hand paused over the scar and he traced it.


“I’m so sorry that happened to you.  I wish I had known you then.  I wish I could have been there to protect you.”  He knew it was unrealistic and impossible.  He just wanted her to know he’d change her past if he could.


An instant later, he was kissing down her stomach, his hands around her waist, and she realized that ever so slowly her panties were inching their way down her thighs.  And he was so gentle that she let her eyes close.  Instantly, images of the past came rushing toward her.  Her eyes flew open again.


As if he understood, Sam touched his hand to her face and stared into her eyes.  “It’s just me,” he murmured, “just me loving you.” 


Immediately, Haley was drawn back to the present, reassured and warmed by his words.  He laid his hand across her lower abdomen and she swore he should be able to feel it pulsating and burning, feel the agony she was currently enduring.  If he did, it didn’t show.  Slowly his hand moved until it cupped her, and as he kissed her, she felt his hand slowly part her thighs and one finger entered her.


They gasped in unison.  “You’re so wet, baby,” he murmured into the side of her face.  “God, I want you.”


Haley could tell.  She could sense the need growing in him.  She could feel it in the way he was touching her, the way he was burning her with his hands, his eyes, his tongue.  And she knew she needed this, too.  As much as she tried to convince herself that this was for him in his time of need, she knew that really, she ached to feel loved.  She had to have this amazing experience to erase and blot from her memory the terrible one she had before.


They moved together naturally.  She had felt his hand urging her thighs apart and she had readily opened at his suggestion.  In one fluid movement he had slid his legs between hers and pressed his body against her.  The warmth and pressure of having him on top of her made her moan.


“Am I hurting you?  Am I too heavy?”  He asked alarmed.


“No,” she purred.


He studied her face as he moved so that he was pressed against her warm wet entrance.  Her eyes, which had been half closed, flew open and she braced herself.  “You’re not ready,” he said quietly as he showered her with kisses.


She wanted to protest, to tell him that she felt ready, that she wanted him in her more than anything.  But she couldn’t quite remember what she intended to say once his mouth met hers.  She relaxed against him, felt his body melt against hers.  And then, before she realized what was happening, he was entering her.  There was a brief biting pain that caused her to inhale sharply followed by an indescribable fullness.


“Do you feel that?”  He whispered.  “It’s a perfect fit.  We were made for each other, Haley.”


She nodded.  She had been thinking they were made for each other long before this moment.  She had felt an emotional connection long ago.  And just as she grew used to him inside her, he began to pull out.  The back and forth, rocking like a sea tossed ship that lulled her into a false sense of calm.  And then, ever so gradually, a pressure built inside her.  She had read all about this in novels.  But, oh, they had never explained that it would be like this.  Haley felt it growing and she couldn’t stand it.  She spread wider, allowing Sam deeper access.  He moaned and clung to her hips.


“Deeper,” she urged.


“Are you sure?”


Haley couldn’t get enough of him; she wanted to consume him.  They were moving faster and her legs were locked around him.  Her back arched involuntarily and she gasped as her muscles contracted in rolling waves around him.  And Sam, who had been desperately trying to hold on until he satisfied her, drove in deeply one last time as he exploded inside her at last.


He knew he should get a towel and ever so gently clean her, but as he tried to move away, Haley gripped him tightly and merely murmured, “Please.”   He collapsed against her, clinging to her.  He had forgotten what it was like to be utterly lost in someone.  And he knew now that he could never let her go.



At three in the morning, Haley woke to find it wasn’t a dream.  And not only was she lying in bed naked with Sam, but she hadn’t had her nightmare for the first time since the rape.  It seemed too good to be real.  She took a quick assessment of her body.  She was a bit sticky between her legs, and a little sore, but otherwise seemed a specimen of perfect health.  She moved away slightly to glance at the clock, but Sam unconsciously pulled her against him once more.  Content that he had her as close as possible, he sank into a deeper sleep.



When Haley woke, she realized that the sun had already risen.  She panicked at first; afraid of being late for work, until she remembered that it was Sunday.  She relaxed long enough to realize that Sam was awake and staring at her expectantly.  It was as though he was afraid of how she was going to react in the light of day.


Turning toward him so that their naked fronts were pressed together, Haley nuzzled his neck and murmured, “No regrets, right?”


“You’re not upset?”


She shook her head and offered him a seductive smile.


“How not upset?”  He smirked, overcome with relief.


“Let me show you,” she murmured against his neck.


He rolled onto his back, folded his hands behind his head and asked, “How?”

Sam didn’t surprise easily, but when Haley straddled him, he was shocked.  “And I was hoping for a kiss,” he managed.


“Oh, okay,” she said, kissing him and moving to slide off.


He grabbed her thighs, clutching her to him, and shook his head.  “Now what?”


“You’ll see,” she said with a lusty smile.


Chapter Eight



The phone rang while they were getting out of the shower.  It had been an amazing morning.  Haley had made love to Sam, a surprising and delightful experience for both of them.  They had decided that they had had enough exercise for one morning and should forgo the jog in favor of a shower.  And it was during the shower that Sam’s demeanor began to change.  He was torn.  On the one hand, he wanted to remain home with her all day, basking in the new warmth between them.  And then as he thought about it, feelings of guilt would wash over him for the brother who was now hospitalized because of his self-less act of heroism. 


The dark cloud around him was nearly perceptible as he wrapped Haley in a warmed towel.  “I could get used to this,” she said quietly.


He simply drew her close and breathed in her clean scent, seemingly relaxed.  Yet the instant the phone rang, he sprang to action.  “Hello,” he said, out of breath.


Haley watched as he sank onto the bed.  He was gripping his head, hunched over scowling.  She wanted to go to him, to comfort him with her touch, but sensed that now was not the time. He needed his space.


He snapped his phone shut and looked at her with dark empty eyes.  “He woke up,” he said quietly.  “And I wasn’t there.”  He sighed.  “I am the worst brother in the world.”  He stood and walked purposefully to the closet.  When he returned to the room, he was completely dressed.  “I have to go,” he said in a cold voice she didn’t recognize.


“I’ll come with you,” she offered.  “I can be ready in five minutes.”


“No!”  He snapped.


Her eyes widened in surprise, then filled with tears.  “You don’t want me there?”  Her voice was meek and she struggled to control the sobs building in her chest.


He sighed and inhaled deeply several times to get his emotions in check.  “I don’t want you to come to the hospital right now.”  He gazed at her with a vacant expression.  “You probably shouldn’t come for a while.”


She tilted her head, confused.  “So, not even for dinners?”


He shook his head.  “Send Neville.”


“Oh.”  She didn’t know what else to say.  “Shall I move out?”


Again he shook his head.  “I still need you to help out as we discussed.”


“You just don’t want to be near me?”  She studied him for a reaction.  When he didn’t have one, she stormed back into the bathroom, slammed the door and locked it.  Once safely inside, she leaned against it and struggled to breathe.  How could he go from loving and affectionate to freezing cold so quickly?  And what had she done to deserve such treatment? 
After I gave myself to him completely,
she thought sadly.  The tears she had fought to contain spilled over onto her cheeks.  Her body began to shudder so she sank to the floor and wrapped her arms around her knees to try to control the sobs racking her tiny form.  She knew she no longer had to worry about Sam hearing her.  The front door had closed loudly several seconds ago, an indication that he had left for the hospital.

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