High Risk Love (8 page)

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Authors: Shannon Mayer

BOOK: High Risk Love
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Sweat dripped down off my cheeks and chin in an extremely unladylike manner, the sun beating down on me. I’d brought sunscreen with me but it was confiscated at the airport and now I was suffering the consequence. Damn security processes, what did they think I was going to do with sunscreen? With my last $20 gone to bribe the security guard, I didn’t have the money to replace it.

“Why are you frowning?” Jet asked, lifting his eyebrows at me.

“Forgot my sunscreen,” I answered, pointing at the water, an idea and picture already formed in my head. “Time to get your jeans wet.”

Oh, maybe that wasn’t something the men would want to see, but I had a feeling I was going to bring scores of women to the magazine with Jet’s pictures. This should keep Kevin happy too. New subscribers had to be a good thing, right?

He sauntered down to the water, took two strides and dove in under the waves. Standing back up, the water sparkled as it flicked off him. He splashed at me and I stepped away, covering the camera.

“Hey, none of that or you’ll be buying me a new camera,” I said.

Laughing, he crooked his finger at me. “This is way too nice to be in here alone, you should come in with me.”

“Can’t.” I held the camera up, pointing at it with my other hand.

Picture after picture I took, feeling the need to get just the right shot. The perfect shot. The one that would clinch my job for me. It was eluding me though, just out of reach. Finally, I called it.

“That’s good for today, though I’m not quite ready to call this done.”

Jet stepped out of the water, shaking his head, his hair going every which way.

“Are you two wrapping things up? I thought we could all go for lunch together.”

I turned to see Hugh strolling toward us, an easy, open smile on his lips. Women’s heads turned as he passed and I could see the attraction to the tall, dark, and handsome man—I just didn’t feel it myself.

“I don’t know if I want to share you just yet,” Jet whispered into my ear, his sudden closeness and the coolness of his ocean-soaked skin against my sun-baked back made me jump. That was surely why I jumped. It had nothing at all to do with the shock of lust coiling through me, urging my hips backwards to bump into him.

“Yeah, lunch would be good, but I’ll have to pass,” I managed, stepping deliberately away from him. I didn’t want to tell them I couldn’t afford to go out. Even with the small advance Kevin had given me, I wasn’t sure what was okay for me to spend it on and what wasn’t. I was pretty sure sunscreen was out, but even using the money to eat out made me nervous.

“Ah, come on, I’ll even pay,” Jet offered almost as though he knew what I’d been thinking.

I took a moment, and then gave a nod. “All right, then I can get some dirt on you from your friend here, as after the bee story this morning I think it would be best if I have some outside information on you.”

Hugh frowned. “Bee story?”

Jet laughed and snatched my camera, despite my protests, and handed it to Hugh. “I’ll tell you all about it at lunch. Hold this would you?”

“Hey, you can’t have my camera!” I yelped, struggling to get at it, a fear that Hugh would drop it tangling the breath in my throat. I had no way to replace it if he so much as bumped it and the thing turned off or worse, wouldn’t turn back on. “Seriously, give it back!”

I wasn’t ready for what happened next, surprised at how fast Jet could move. With an easy scoop, he had me over his shoulder.

“No, I don’t want to get wet, I want my camera back!” I smacked his butt, my hand stinging on the wet jeans and hard muscle.

“Oh, baby, you know I like it rough.” He laughed, swatting my backside in response, but made sure to give me a squeeze too, his fingers kneading the curve of my ass.

I screeched a denial, both of his treatment of me and the hot burst of anger that shot through me as he threw me into the water. Closing my eyes and mouth, the salt water sluiced over me, soothing my scorched skin. He was right, this felt amazing on my overheated body and I floated under the waves for a moment before pushing to the surface.

The water was waist height when I stood up, and I smoothed my hair back, plucking at my sundress, still pissed off even thought the water felt good. “Seriously? You couldn’t take no for an answer?”

He splashed me. “Not lately.”

I glared at him. “Well, maybe you should try it on for size. Not everyone is here
for your pleasure.”

He didn’t seem perturbed by my attitude at all. In fact, he continued to smile. “Are you sure about that?”

My eyes met his, locking onto the desire simmering there. He strode toward me, his intent obvious as his eyes dipped to my lips, his hands already reaching for me. Panic warred with my anger and I backed up, the water slowing my escape, though I was moving as fast as I could. He reached for me and I dove under the water, swimming to one side. Every time he touched me, my resistance eased; so the only answer was, I couldn’t let him touch me again. Bobbing to the surface, I didn’t stand right up, but instead just lifted my head, my hair floating around me in black tendrils. I did my best to talk like a grown up, like my mom would have scolded him.

“That’s enough, Jet. I’ve had enough. Are you going to behave? You going to keep your hands to yourself? Stop touching my things? Because I sure as hell have had enough.”

He put his hands on his hips and frowned at me. Really frowned, not an I’m-frowning-just-to-make-you-smile frown.

With a sharp bob of his head, he gave a curt, “Fine. Hands off, as per your request.” He turned away from me and I glared at his back.

I waited until he’d sloshed his way out of the water, taking his time to shimmy out of his wet pants, much to the whispers and giggling delight of the women on the beach. Tight black boxer briefs clung to his body, shifted low over his hips as he peeled his jeans off. I couldn’t take my eyes of his long, lean muscled legs as he took the pair of khaki shorts and tank top Hugh had obviously brought with him.

Then he strode away, like he’d forgotten me already, without a single backward glance. Which was good. Right?

This was better, I told myself as I made my way out of the water. Truly, it looked like he’d finally gotten the message. I was not to be flirted and played with. Out of bounds. Off limits. Permission slip denied. No touching allowed.

Yet, why then did I feel this ache of loss? Like I’d done something wrong and somehow hurt him? I hadn’t, I knew that, he didn’t really care about me; I was a game to him, a challenge. This was the right thing to do—push him away and keep what was left of my heart safe.

Hugh handed me my camera, which I checked over quickly, sighing a breath of relief when the finicky beast turned back on for me.

“You want to get changed?” Hugh asked.

I let out an irritated sigh and shook my head and glanced at my sundress. “No, this will dry off quick enough. Thanks.”

Hugh’s eyes held more than a trace of amusement. “You tie him up in knots, you know that, right?”

“I doubt that very much. Look at the women he could have.” I waved my hand to indicate the entire beach. “Stunning, willing women who would be more than happy to oblige and not complain when he shooed them out the next morning. Women who won’t mind him touching them. Women who would gladly let him break their cameras.” I glared at the closest woman, who was watching the receding figure of Jet with an interest that would make a hyena look reserved when eyeing a hunk of meat. What was with these women anyway? He wasn’t that gorgeous.

With a smile, Hugh slowly shook his head. “Yeah, that’s true. Maybe I should suggest it to him.”

My gut clenched at the thought of Jet in bed with a woman. Like the blonde woman, Elise, his one night ‘mistake.’ I bet if she offered, he’d jump on it—her, literally.

Hugh and I followed in Jet’s wake in silence for a few minutes before I sucked up what was left of my pride and started questioning him about his friend.

“How long have you known Jet?”

Hugh squinted one eye closed with thought. “Since we were about seven years old. So going on twenty years now. We lived next door to each other. Our fathers were friends. Drinking buddies.”

“Any good stories about him growing up?” I glanced over at Hugh’s profile. His eyes were drawn and he shook his head

“No, not really. Nothing I could tell you anyway.”

Now that was weird. How did you grow up with someone, next door to them no less, know them for twenty years, and then say you didn’t know any stories about them growing up?

I wasn’t going to let this go. “Did he get picked on a lot, because of his name?”

Hugh’s lips tightened. “I don’t really remember.”

What the hell was this crap? A tingle of unease wormed through me and I felt a cool shiver, even with the sun warm on my skin, teasing at what I knew was going to be the sunburn from hell if I didn’t get into some shade soon.

We rounded a corner and I fiddled with my camera, thinking about ways to draw the two men out. After how outgoing and gregarious they’d both been, this turn of behavior threw me for a freaking loop. Ahead of us was a touristy restaurant called the Tortilla Shell, complete with a giant sombrero hanging off the edge of the sign. Super touristy, nothing like the local cantina Jet had hidden in the day before.

Jet was already there, charming a pretty little red head who leaned into him, batting long fake eyelashes with the subtlety of a linebacker in a lingerie store. With a shift of her shoulders, her cleavage lifted upward, giving—even me five feet away—an ample view of her fake boobs. He wasn’t really going to buy into that move, was he?

His hand snaked around her waist, tugging her close. Apparently he was. Not that it mattered to me, not one bit. Jaw tight, I stepped up and smiled, holding out my hand.

“Hi, I’m Jasmin Vargas.”

The red head smirked at me, offering me her hand like a queen offers a servant a dirty plate. “Tina.” Her handshake was like gripping a limp noodle and I had to restrain myself from either admonishing her to shake hands like a grown up, or squeezing her hand until she winced. I did neither, letting her hand go and then sliding into one of the barely cushioned chairs under the umbrella table.

“So, Jet, handsome boy, darling. Are we on for later? Say around nine?” Tina said in a stage whisper that made the hair stand up on the back of my neck. She circled his neck with her arms, and pressed her body up against his, kissing him with a ferocity that made me think she might try and eat him. Like a prime cut of steak. Claiming her territory? Lord, what a ridiculous thing to do. I was no competition for those big bouncing boobs.

“What a fake,” I mumbled, and then froze as I realized I’d said it out loud. Hopefully not loud enough for her to hear me while her lips were locked on Jet’s.

“What was that?” Tina snapped my direction, pulling away from him, her gaudily bright red lipstick smeared around her lips. Kinda like Bobo the clown.

I started to giggle, a combination of embarrassment and shock, at myself and at her ridiculous attempt to look suave and miserable failure at doing so. I shook my head. “No . . . I . . . I said . . .”

Hugh saved me. “That you . . . hate snakes. I heard you say ‘I hate snakes.’”

My shoulders were shaking now; I couldn’t stop it. Lily and I could get like this sometimes, laughing about nothing, unable to stop, feeling our breath escape until we couldn’t seem to draw more, which only made the laughing funnier. Oh, God, why now? I closed my eyes and lowered my head to the table; Hugh’s laugh rumbled around me as Jet said his goodbyes to an irate Tina, at least if her tone of voice was any indication.

“What’s wrong with you?” Jet asked, the sound of his chair scratching across the cobbled pavement.

Taking a gulping breath, I lifted my head and wiped my eyes. “Oh, nothing. I just got the giggles and I couldn’t stop myself. I’m sorry.” I lifted my hands, palms facing him.

His eyebrows were in his hairline. “The giggles? I give a passion-filled kiss to a woman and you get the ‘giggles?’”

I pointed at Hugh. “It’s his fault.”

Jet frowned at his friend, eyes darkening with what I thought might be jealousy. Which was ridiculous, of course. “What did you do?”

Hugh burst out laughing and gave me a wink. “Nothing man, I did nothing but save her sweet little ass.”

Another big breath and I stilled the nervous, out-of-control giggles that seemed determined to spill out of me at all costs. When was the last time I’d laughed like that? The memory slid over me and my smile slipped. I’d been with Ryan and Lily and we’d been watching Napoleon Dynamite and mimicking the movie lines. Somewhere around “Eat your food, Tina” we had lost control, unable to see the movie, we’d been laughing so hard. Of course, that line made me giggle again, thinking about Tina the llama and Tina the red head together.

Good grief, I’d lost my mind somewhere between the water and the cafe.

Clearing my throat, the giggles eased slowly. I set my camera on the table, placing it between me and Jet. “You think you can tell me why you started doing stunts? How you got into the business?”

He nodded, scooting his chair closer, leaning toward me, his face an overdone mask of seriousness. “It was a dark and stormy night—”

I balled up my napkin and threw it at him, “No, not the imaginary version.”

“It’s not that exciting.”

“Tell me anyway.”

Jet’s eyes flicked over me, and then skittered away. “I was young and stupid and was putting together my own stunts, then uploading them online. Reggie, our stunt coordinator, saw them and called me, offered to train me, Hugh and Jasper.”

“Wait, who’s Jasper?”

The waitress came and interrupted me, taking our orders before Jet could answer.

He went on after the waitress left, as if I hadn’t asked that last question. “So Reggie trained us, taught us the ropes and here we are. The best of the best.” He leaned across the table, and he and Hugh bumped knuckles.

Frustrated, I tapped the table with my knuckles. “Yes, I get that. But who’s Jasper? Another friend?”

Jet leaned back out of the shade of the umbrella, his eyes half closing as the sun hit his face. “He’s my little brother.”

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