Highlander's Seduction (The Matheson Brothers Book 3)

BOOK: Highlander's Seduction (The Matheson Brothers Book 3)
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There can be only one…for both of them.


Three identical brothers known as the ‘power of three’ are on a quest to find their mates after being sent back in time to the year 1210 when their Highlander shifter clan first began. Nothing will deter them, not when they must save their future line from extinction.

Cherub, the faerie king’s daughter is one of the few who holds the ability to open a portal and travel through time. As a time-walker, she’s responsible for ensuring those of her fae-blooded kind living on Earth find their soul bound match, no matter what time they might live in. The last thing she expects though is for her shifter mate to travel into the past and begin closing in on her. Her destiny is set, to aid others in finding their chosen ones, not in becoming the very one she hunts.

Highland warrior shifter Kirk Matheson won’t rest until he finds the one woman who is meant to be his. Only when he discovers his mate has no wish to give up her duty in aiding her kind, does he decide the hunter must now become the hunted.

Determined in his mission to capture his elusive imp, he must find a way for them to be together…to bind the mischievous Fae Angel of Love to his side and ensure she accepts her greatest destiny, that of being his one and all.


Also by Joanne Wadsworth


The Matheson Brothers Series

Highlander’s Desire, (
Book One

Highlander’s Passion, (
Book Two

Highlander’s Seduction, (
Book Three


Clan Matheson Series

(Spinoff from
The Matheson Brothers

Highlander’s Kiss, (
Book One

Highlander’s Heart, (Book Two) -
Coming Nov 2015

Highlander’s Sword, (Book Three) -
Coming Jan 2016


Highlander Heat Series

Highlander’s Castle, (
Book One

Highlander’s Magic, (
Book Two

Highlander’s Charm, (
Book Three

Highlander’s Guardian, (
Book Four

Highlander’s Faerie, (
Book Five

Highlander’s Champion, (
Book Six

Highlander’s Captive, Novella (
Short Story


Magio-Earth Series

Protector, (
Book One

Warrior, (
Book Two

Enchanter, (
Book Three

Hunter, Novella (
Short Story


Bodyguards Series

Witness Pursuit, (
Book One

Bodyguard Pursuit, (
Book Two


Highlander’s Seduction


by Joanne Wadsworth




I have an incredibly supportive family who allow me so much time to write. Huge thanks go to my hubby, Jason, and kiddies, Marisa, Caleb, Cruise and Rocco. Hugs.

For my readers, I can’t thank you enough for joining me, and taking this journey to where imagination and magic soar.


Gilleoin – The Legend


In the twelfth century, a man named Gilleoin became the first and only known man to hold bear shifter blood, an ability gifted to him by The Most High One. His clan was called Matheson, and when he mated with a woman carrying faerie blood, they created a line shrouded in secrecy, a line that far into the future, now neared extinction…


The Seer – Nessa


The ancient House of Clan Matheson, led by Gilleoin, the Chief of Clan Matheson, Scotland, 1210.


Restless and on edge, Nessa strode down the winding stairs from her chamber and entered the great hall. The large vaulted room held a sweeping crown of wooden beamed rafters that rose to an impressive height and within it a hundred or more warriors attired in their clan plaids, clanked tankards of ale together. Lively chatter bubbled forth as her kin feasted on their evening meal. All appeared as it should be, yet still her worry only increased.

She slowed next to the wide arched stone fireplace where sparks flared and firelight shimmered across the hefty clan shield hanging over it. With one finger, she traced along the silver edge where rubies, sapphires and emeralds shone. The jewels surrounded their clan’s crest stamped in the center, an image depicting two bears as supporters either side of their chief’s arms. Those bears signified what they all fought for—the survival of a loyal race of bear shifters—Gilleoin’s line. He was the first, gifted with his ability to shift by The Most High One, and now his twin sons had become the second generation of shifters.

Over twenty years ago when Gilleoin’s sons were born, she’d first spoken the prophecy which would be handed down through the generations, a prophecy that had been unveiled far into the future and with it had brought the recent arrival of travelers from the twenty-first century. Those travelers, three identical warrior brothers of immense strength were known as the ‘power of three.’ Iain, Finlay, and Kirk could shift shape into the form of the bear, draw claws and roar as Gilleoin and his sons could. Along with them had come Iain’s mate, Isla, a woman of dual shifter-fae blood, the daughter of Murdock, her clan’s chief and seer.

Even over the wide chasm of centuries separating them, Nessa had come to know Murdock through joint visions and considered him a dear friend. Their beliefs and goals for their people matched, although unfortunately in the future where Murdock lived, Gilleoin’s shifter clan now neared extinction and required a new infusion of fae blood within their shifter line if they wished to survive. That infusion was one both she and Murdock intended to see come to fruition, and now with the ‘power of three’ here in the past, they’d made a start.

At the dais Kirk sat, the youngest of the three warrior brothers, his gaze firm on the tall stained glass window and the setting sun beyond that hovered on the horizon. In the weeks since the three brothers had arrived, Finlay had found Arabel, his chosen one, and joined with her. Now ’twas Kirk’s time. He awaited the coming of tonight’s full moon to guide him. This was the one night of the month when his shifter senses would lead him directly to her, when his mate would no longer remain beyond his touch or sight.

Kirk clenched his fists as his restlessness mounted. For five long years he’d been searching for his mate but had never found her, not when she resided beyond his future time and instead right here in the past.

As the sun dipped lower, the skies darkened and a quietness suddenly settled over all within the hall.

The full moon rose and Kirk stood, his eyes closed and his breathing slow as if he settled himself.

Nessa closed her eyes too as the magnitude of the moment rolled through her. As a seer, she’d been gifted with a skill she upheld to the best of her ability, to ensure her clan never faltered, and so too she’d look after Kirk and ensure he found his mate just as his brothers had. She wouldn’t fail the ‘power of three,’ just as they hadn’t failed her or their kin here during the recent battle to save the fae village farther along the loch. Because of the ‘power of three,’ hope now bloomed for their clan as never before.

Images fluttered at the periphery of her mind and a vision flickered into life. A young woman stood at the edge of the fae village’s pebbly shore, her white fur cloak wrapped firmly around her. ’Twas Cherub, the faerie king’s daughter. She’d never mistake her. Cherub was a close friend and a fae time-walker who was able to cloak her true form and become as one with the very
itself by taking on a mist form. Cherub could also sense when two were mated and ’twas her duty to bring those two together. That duty had been one she’d upheld for over a thousand years and across a wide divide of centuries. She was an immortal with flawless skin that sparkled like that of the stars she moved amongst.

Carefully, Nessa focused on Cherub as the lass raised her arms and allowed the wind to bring to her the secrets she needed to unravel. The wind rushed all around Cherub and the fae princess frowned and shook her head as if suddenly confused.

From time to time, Nessa could connect to Cherub when under the weight of a vision and in so doing they could speak to each other. Cherub was one of the few who she talk with in such a way, Murdock the other. She opened up her mind and spoke to Cherub. “
What is wrong, my dear? A vision has shown me you, although I know no’ why.

Nessa, something is amiss. ’Tis to do with Kirk. I sense who he is mated to, and even though I’ve always known his mate was fae, this is the first time I’ve ever sensed exactly who she is.

And who is his mated one?

At the dais, a commotion sounded and Nessa opened her eyes.

“I sense her.” Kirk pumped a fist into the air, his golden gaze flashing with fierce determination. “She’s at the village.” Firm words and all within the great hall cheered.

Nessa’s vision swirled again and she returned to Cherub. “
Kirk senses his mate.

I dinnae know what to do.
” Cherub paced the beach, her long golden locks swaying about her waist. “
Nessa, I must ask a favor of you. Is it possible for you to keep Kirk from leaving the keep this eve? I need more time.

No one can halt a shifter from seeking out his mate, no’ even I. Who is his chosen one?

” A shuddering breath left her lips.
“What am I to do? I cannae take a mate, no’ when my duty to my people must come first. They need me, and I cannae forsake them now, no’ in these most urgent of times.

If you and Kirk are soul bound, then you are each other’s match in every way. No matter what your duty is, he is still your destiny.

Kirk is only one amongst the many who I need to care for.
” A quiet look of longing crossed Cherub’s face. “
I cannae choose him over all others
Look at what happened to Amelia. She is a time-walker and when she took a mate, she gave up her duty. That is something I cannae do.

Then what is your intention?

I will need to forego the bond, which will be downright difficult. Wish me luck, Nessa. I shall need it.
” Cherub straightened her shoulders and blew her a kiss. “
We will speak again soon.

We shall, although it isnae luck you need, my dear, but to no’ forget the depth of the mated bond. There can be only one…for both of you.
” Nessa blew her a kiss in return and opened her eyes.

Surely the Fae Angel of Love wouldn’t be able to turn her mate away. Cherub was the very woman who hunted those who were soul bound and brought them together.

Kirk marched past her and flew out the door. Naught would stop him until he’d found his chosen one. He was a hunter of the most driven sort, which meant now Cherub had become the hunted. Aye, she’d need to keep a close eye on Cherub and Kirk over the coming days. Never would she allow Gilleoin’s future line to fall into extinction. The ‘power of three’ needed to ring with their greatest strength, and for that to occur, all three brothers had to find their mates and complete the bond. Kirk was the last, although not the least.


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