Highlander's Seduction (The Matheson Brothers Book 3) (7 page)

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“I thought he found her last night. You sensed only contentment from him.”

“Aye, although she escaped him at dawn. His mate’s name is Cherub and she’s a fae time-walker, a woman born centuries ago to the King of the Fae.” He lifted Isla from her padded chair then sat down and cradled her in his lap.

Cherub barely stifled her giggle. Those in the future were far more open with public displays of affection than those here in the past ever were, and having lived in the future, she’d adored seeing the changes in relationships that had occurred over time.

Near the far wall, Arabel gasped then slowly sighed with a silly grin on her face.

Nessa patted her heart, the sight of the two so in love clearly bringing her great pleasure too.

“I’ve heard the legend of the Fae Angel of Love, and of course my father’s mentioned Cherub to me a time or two.” Isla cuddled into Iain. “She was there when he lost my mother and she comforted and consoled him. I believe they speak when needed, but I’ve never actually met her and honestly, Dad’s a little secretive about her and all she can do.”

“Kirk said Cherub told him that there are three time-walkers. One resides beyond the veil, and the other is at the fae village.”

“Aye, that is right.” Arabel tucked a lock of her golden hair behind her ear. “Her name is Amelia and she is mated to Olaf, although she gave up her duty ten years ago when they wed. Amelia used to be able to control the air element, and she still can, but only to a very small degree since she’s allowed her skill to wane so greatly. She and Olaf have a son named Joseph who holds the skill of foreknowledge.”

“Have you met Cherub?” Iain asked her.

“Nay, she is very elusive and cloaks herself most of the time.”

“Good morning, everyone.” Finlay marched in, swept Arabel into his arms and plastered a kiss on her lips. She caught her breath and clutched ahold of him. “What have I missed?” he whispered against her lips. “Apart from you, my sweet.”

“We’ve been talking about Kirk’s mate.”

“Kirk’s desperate to find her, and we’ll need to aid him in whatever way we can.” Finlay nipped Arabel’s ear.

Shifter men. They were always nibbling on their chosen ones, marking them however and wherever they could. Heat flushed Cherub’s cheeks as she remembered marking Kirk last night and him marking her in return. She palmed her mark, right over the sensitive skin of her neck and held it closer to her.

“Sorry to be late.” Kirk strode into the solar, a grim expression on his face and his black hair curling damply onto his shoulders. He must have had a quick wash and now looked completely edible in tan rawhide pants and a white tunic under a fur vest, his sword belted at his side. It certainly took all her willpower to remain right where she was and not rush into his arms. Aye, spending the night with him had allowed an element of their bond to take and denying her need for him right now tore at her.

Firmly, he closed the door, leaned against it and crossed his arms. Those wonderfully broad shoulders of his stretched ever so wide and made her fingers itch to stroke over them.

“I take it Iain and Finlay have updated you all on my elusive mate?” Kirk asked the ladies.

“They have.” Nessa answered for them. She crossed to Kirk and laid one hand on his arm. “You should know that I’ve actually spoken to Cherub this morn and she told me of your mated bond taking form.”

“You have?” He jerked upright. “I have to find her. Do you know where she went after speaking to you?”

“I can assure you Cherub is never far away.” Nessa smiled softly. “You need only call to her and she will come. ’Tis her duty to aid those of fae blood, of which you hold a touch, even though none of the skills of the fae.”

The breeze lifted and blew through the open window and made Cherub’s hair tickle her face.

Kirk sniffed and growled then pushed off the door and prowled toward her. “I can scent my mate. It seems she’s rather close indeed.”

She rose to her feet.

’Twas time to make her decision, on whether she accepted the bond or not.

No more could she delay.


Chapter 4


Air swirled into the chief’s solar through the open window and Kirk fisted his hands. The scent of his woman wafted toward him, an elusive fragrance as fresh as the very air itself. Breathing deep, he prowled around the room then gritted his teeth as her scent strengthened then moved.

Kirk tapped the oak tabletop as he walked behind the chief’s chunky wooden desk in pursuit of his woman. “Finlay, stand at the door,” he bit out. “Iain, close the window and remain in front of it. My mate is in this solar and she isn’t going to leave it until we’ve talked.”

Iain did as he bid, closed the window then planted himself in front of it while Finlay slid in front of the door.

Nessa swished to the bench along the far wall and sat. “Kirk, When Cherub and I spoke this morn, she said she couldnae deny how happy she’d been with you last eve. I assured her you would never deter her in her duty.”

“I’d stand right by her side and aid her however I could.” He took one step closer to Nessa and stopped. Cherub’s scent lessened and he backed up swiftly. It was so strong right here in this very place by the desk. He swept his hands out and searched along the entire area. He couldn’t make his mate appear unless she wished it. “What else did you speak of?”

“Your mated bond and all that it would entail.”

“Cherub made her position quite clear to me, that she wouldn’t accept our bond. She thanked me for the unforgettable night then told me to stay safe, which I’ll never accept. I want my chosen one, and I won’t rest until I have her back.”

“Then consider me back.” A warm rush of air brushed his cheek and ear.

“Cherub?” Her scent wrapped around him and sent his heartbeat racing. “I need you to take solid form. I can’t stand not being able to touch you.”

“You speak so openly around your brothers and their mates. ’Tis reassuring that you do.” Softly whispered words that held a gentle playfulness to them. “Although I would like to speak to you in private, if you dinnae mind?”

“I’ll never mind. Where? Name the place.” Her scent drifted away and he circled the desk as he followed her. Hell, he needed to touch her, to know she was still close.

“How about my place?”

“And where would that be?”

“Upstairs. I keep a chamber here at the castle, Nessa’s doing since she insists I need somewhere to call home when I’m in this time. Third floor. The first door on your left.” A giggle escaped her then her scent trailed away and disappeared, any and all trace of it now gone.

“Damn it. She’s left.” He growled and stormed toward the door.

“She must have slipped right past me. I’m not quite sure how she did that.” With a mischievous grin, Finlay opened the door. “You’ve got your hands full there, and don’t forget to say hello from the rest of us when you catch up to her.”

“Finlay, you are the worst kind of help right now.” He bounded out the door and took the winding stairs two at a time until he reached the third floor. The darkened passageway remained bare of any other, each of the doors leading from it firmly shut, the only light penetrating the corridor coming through the narrow window at the far end of the passageway. Outside Cherub’s paneled door, he took a deep, steadying breath, walked inside and closed the door after himself.

A warm breeze fluttered in though her open window. It ruffled the four-poster bed’s golden canopy that swept down to the polished floorboards. Before the fireplace, a large oval ring-mark around the size of a tub wet the floor, while within the hearth the remains of a fire glowed. Overtop of a silk dressing screen in the corner lay a white fur cloak, his mate’s cloak. He wandered toward it and stroked the soft fur. Memories surged from last night, of him carrying her through the forest, her cloak swishing softly against his legs, then of it falling away onto the sand and being exposed to his sight when he’d tugged the ties free from around her neck. “Cherub? Where are you?”

“I’m right here.” Her voice whispered from behind him, a scant foot or two away and he swung around.

“Is this your chamber alone?”

“It is. Where is yours?”

“On the second floor, although I intend to move in here. I’m not asking to share a bed, just to be closer to you. I need that, and that padded chair of yours in the corner looks comfy enough.” His claws sliced out, his bear still incredibly antsy and rippling right under his skin.

“That chair appears terribly uncomfortable to me.” She slid one hand over his, her touch so soft, so gentle, then she tangled their fingers together and a level of calm rolled through him. “Claws away, my tempting bear.”

He drew them back in, lifted her hand to his lips and kissed her palm. Slowly, he breathed in, drawing her delectably fresh scent deep inside him. “Thank you for taking solid form, except now my bear wants to roll around with you in that bed and smother you in our scent, as do I.”

“Rolling around in a bed with you sounds rather thrilling.” She tugged him toward the end of her bed, gripped his shoulders and pushed him down until he sat. “Although afore we considering doing so, I would like to show you something.”

“Whatever you wish.” She seemed so accepting and it sent both shock and fierce need racing through him. Likely his mouth gaped open. Aye, it did. He tapped it shut.

“Nessa has convinced me that I need to be more willing to allow the bond. In truth though, I doubt I would have been able to stay away from you much longer. You are the other half of my soul and that I cannae deny.” She uncloaked, so swiftly his heart lost one very necessary beat. Just as well he was sitting. Her vivid blue eyes, as glorious as a summer sky, dragged him right into her very soul. And her skin, so creamy and smooth, sparkled as if capturing the sun’s rays and reflecting them.

“Am I dreaming?” He blinked repeatedly.

“Nay. There are so few I uncloak in front of because my skin is rather distracting to look upon, although I wish to be my true self with you, that’s if you so desire it.” An uncertain look flashed in her eyes. “You dinnae need to answer me now if you wish. Think on my offer if you prefer.”

“No thinking is needed. Your skin is a distraction I will completely adore.” He caught her hands and tugged her in between his spread legs then cupped her hips and kept her locked in place. “I want to see you, to never have you hide yourself from me again. How come your skin sparkles? I’ve never met another of fae blood whose does.”

“My father’s was so, and his father’s afore him. It denotes the eldest born in the royal line and always has.”

“How many siblings do you have?”

“I am one of seven.”

“It’s almost impossible to look away from you. One could almost say you’re spellbinding.” Reveling in her nearness, he rubbed himself against her. “Are you truly willing to accept the bond?”

“I am.” Two words, and the strength behind them spoke to his very heart. “My word is the truth and always has been. I must also apologize for doubting you and your own word. I shall never do so again.”

“Apology accepted, and since you’re the king’s eldest born is there any particular protocol I need to take care of when being around you?” He stroked around to her bottom, his hands getting lost within the mountainous folds of blue silk. Gently, he squeezed her rear. “I wouldn’t want to overstep any particular mark.”

“I do believe you are becoming far too familiar with me, although that I shall allow and henceforth encourage.”

“Thank heavens for that, because I intend to get a whole lot more familiar with you before this day is out.”

“In what way?” She wriggled around and sat on his lap, her skirts puffing around her. “And be specific.”

“I want the right to kiss you, anywhere and everywhere you might please.” He trailed one finger along the lush swell of her breasts pushed up by her corseted bodice edged in blue satin. Licking his lips, he leaned in and kissed the mark he’d given her on her neck. Wicked pleasure at seeing the evidence of his bite on her flesh rippled through him. He played with her hair, long golden locks that swayed about her waist, the exquisite color as bright and rich as the sun beaming in the sky out the window.

“Mayhap then we should set some boundaries to begin with.” She tipped a finger under his chin and lifted his gaze back to hers.

“I love boundaries. Let me start.” He took her with him as he laid down on the soft fur blanket. “Wherever you go, is where I need to go. You’re not to flutter away across time without taking me with you, or disappear on me again. Never again.”

“Once we have joined as one, ’twould be painful for either of us to be parted for any great length of time, the same as any mated pair, although should I get called away without any warning and need to travel quickly, then you can be assured I’ll return for you the first moment I can.” She threaded her fingers deep into his hair and raked her nails lightly across his scalp. His bear fairly purred at her deliciously bold touch, one of absolute claiming. “What of that for a compromise?”

“Detail the moments for when you might get called away without warning.” He never intended to let her go, not now she’d finally accepted their mated bond.

“Right now we are together, but should you be elsewhere, with your brothers or so, that would be one example of when ’twould be quickest for me to just leave.”

“Once we join as one, we’ll have a merged link of the mind, one inherent in my shifter blood. We’ll be able to speak to each other at will along a pathway known only to us, mind to mind. Can that link remain in place even across the separation of time?”

“We would need to see what worked and what didnae. You are the first shifter to mate with a time-walker, so this is all rather new.”

“Tell me more about your skill then. I need to understand all you can do.”

She lifted one hand and the breeze fluttering through the window played over her skin. Sunshine glimmered and her skin sparkled even brighter. Such a glorious sight to behold. “I require the constant touch of my element. To be enclosed in a room without free flowing air is difficult for me.”

“Then you wouldn’t have appreciated it when I asked Iain to close the window.”

“Nay, not one bit.” She tapped his nose. “The wind speaks to me, brings me the knowledge I need of mated pairs, so when I travel through time to locate the two who are newly mated, it is along the pathway that the wind first brought their bond to me on. To carry out my duty, there must always be fresh air surrounding me, and plenty of it.”

“Duly noted. I’ll never enclose you fully in a room again. I’ll ensure a window or door remains open.” He dipped his head and nipped her lower lip. “Where do you live? And this time be specific, very specific.”

“I own several parcels of land, but only one place have I ever truly called home. On the cliffs overlooking Angel Bay is a castle, a modest one I had built in the fifteen hundreds and have renovated over the centuries. That is my most constant place of residence, one I will take you to when there is an opportunity to do so.” She palmed the back of his head and nipped his lower lip in return. Her breath whispered softly across his tongue, a teasing caress that made his blood roar in his ears. “I wish for you to kiss me. I’ve missed you since our parting.”

“Considering the sparks that flew between us last night, any kissing will likely lead to us completing the bond. Are you ready for that?”

“Last eve, I should have trusted you. This morn I have seen the error of my ways, so aye, I am ready.” She kissed the tip of his nose. “Are you ready to share your life with me? My duty takes me everywhere.”

“Always and forever. I’ll be right by your side, just as you’ll be right by mine.” He urged her lips apart and lost himself within her. She tasted heavenly, all pure hunger and fiery passion. Aye, he’d been waiting five long years to find her, but she’d been waiting centuries for him even though she hadn’t known it. Now, he didn’t intend to let another moment pass them by. He desperately desired the completion of their bond and all that it entailed, for them to be as one, to be able to speak to each other along a merged link, and to have her speak the spell to bind his soul to hers. Need rushed through him and he plunged his tongue inside her mouth and drank in her very essence. He welcomed the raw intimacy they’d share only with each other, one he would crave for the rest of his days.

“I feel hot.” She pressed her breasts against his chest and nibbled toward his ear. “Very hot.”

“That is because you have far too many clothes on.”

“So do you.” She shoved his fur vest down his arms and tossed it onto the floor then wriggled his shirt hem free from his pants. “Is your bear feeling less restless?”

“He’s purring a mile a minute.” He tugged his shirt over his head, tossed it to the floor and unstrapped his sword belt.

“That is better, much better.” She stroked his back, her fingers playing ever so softly across his skin, her touch just as gentle as the look in her eyes had become demanding.

“I will never leave you, not now, not ever, Cherub.” He lowered his head to the curve of her neck and brushed his lips over her skin, right over her rapidly beating pulse. He sucked, hard, and she gasped and stretched her neck for more.

“Please, bite me again.”

“I intend to, but only after I’ve adored the rest of you first.” Slowly, he trailed his lips down her neck and along the low-cut neckline of her gown. Her nipples beaded and poked the pale blue silk. Cupping her breasts through the cloth, he thumbed the rising peaks. She was so responsive, every inch of her his to treasure. “My woman, my mate. I intend to kiss you, to leave not even one inch of your body untouched, then I intend to make you mine.”

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