Highlander's Seduction (The Matheson Brothers Book 3) (3 page)

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“Thanks for the offer but I’d rather hold onto you.” He strode along a leaf-strewn path, the canopy high and thick above and blocking all sign of the moon. “You feel so good in my arms.”

“Do you carry women about often?” He was rather adept at it.

“No.” He chuckled. “You are and will be the only woman I’ll ever hold close to my heart. That I promise you. So too my bear is also feeling restless this eve and demands this touch. Releasing you right now would be impossible.”

“’Tis a shame I willnae get to meet your bear. Is his pelt the same color as your hair?” His black locks were as dark as a midnight sky.

“I’ll show you my bear, if you uncloak and show me your true form. Shall we make a deal?”

“Nay, no deal.” It appeared her mate liked to negotiate.

“Do you hear that?” Kirk cocked one ear.

Up ahead, the sea crashed against the high cliffs and the sound traveled to her. Kirk was taking her toward the isolated bay farther along the inner channel of the loch, one of the few places she too adored. “I do.” She touched his jaw and turned his gaze from the trail to hers. His golden eyes glinted in the dark. “We are headed to one of my favorite places.”

“I wish I could see you.” He searched her gaze. “What color are your eyes, my mate?”

“They’re blue, a very plain and dull blue.”

“There is no shade of blue that is plain or dull.” A low branch loomed and he ducked his head, his lips brushing her cheek as he kept her from scraping against it as well. “I can feel you’re clothed in a fur cape. What else do you wear?”

She grasped the edges of her fluttering cloak and tucked the fur tighter about her. “Just clothes.”

“You’re so elusive. Come on. You must give me a hint. He nuzzled her neck, his nose buried deep in her hair. “I’ll forever wonder otherwise.”

“They’re clothes which keep me warm no matter where I might travel.” She touched a finger to his lower lip and swept to one raised corner then back again to the center. He had such soft lips, and when his tongue darted out and he licked her finger, she gasped.

“Mmm, I see you’re elusive and tasty.” He strode uphill, stepped over a fallen log barring their way and along the winding trail toward the cliff top that overlooked the bay.

She tucked her head into his shoulder and rubbed her cheek against the thin white cotton of his tunic. The deep V collar was loosely laced and she slipped her hand inside his shirt and stroked his golden skin. The need to touch one’s mate was natural and she didn’t fight that desire. So too she’d agreed to one night, so she may as well allow herself this moment of release. “You feel warm, almost too warm.”

“That’s because my shifter blood runs hotter than most, and right now it’s been a couple of days since I last shifted. Heat builds to a higher degree when I’m overdue for the Change.” He emerged at the top of the cliff overlooking the curve of the bay below. Moonlight glimmered across the white-capped waves rolling onto the white sand beach, turning them a stunning silvery hue.

This bay held a touch of magic, was only accessible by a tunnel in the cliff at the base. Few knew of the hidden entrance, which ensured this protected place remained so very private and pristine.

“You said before you’re one of only three who holds command over the element of air. Where are the other two time-walkers located?”

“Jeremiah’s duty is to the full-blooded fae beyond the veil. He rarely has time to aid me on Earth. The last is Amelia, one of my dearest friends. We are close, like sisters in truth.”

“Where does Amelia’s duty lie, here or beyond the veil?” With care, he traversed the edge of the cliff where it led downward toward the secret entrance. On one side, the odd stone rattled loose under his feet and clacked down the side of the sheer rock wall, while on the other, the rough branches of the swaying pine trees brushed his arms.

“Amelia used to aid me here on Earth, but she stood down from her duty ten years ago when she became soul bound with Olaf. They live at the village and have a son named Joseph. He’s the first child to be born to a time-walker and such a delight. He also holds the skill of foreknowledge, an ability similar to a seer’s although still a little different.”

“I’ve not met Amelia or Olaf. Is she too an immortal as you are?” He reached the base of the cliff, lowered her to her feet and with their fingers twined together, brushed aside a clump of trailing ivy covering the slim opening in the rock wall. Keeping ahold of her, he edged through the thin gap and weaved along the dark tunnel.

“She is. Amelia’s mate is also an immortal, as is their child.”

“How is Olaf an immortal?”

“A time-walker, once they take a mate, can hold their chosen one’s soul to theirs. Amelia spoke a spell which bound a piece of Olaf’s soul to hers, so like her, he too will never sicken or age. They will walk the same path for the rest of their lives, together as one.”

“That’s a beautiful thing.”

“It is.” They reached the end of the tunnel and emerged before the beach. She jumped free onto the soft sand and twirled around, her feet digging in deep. This secluded bay with its thin strip of white sand always took her breath away.

“Cherub?” Kirk swept his hands through the air as he searched for her. “Where are you?”

“I’m right here.” She twirled around again. “I love this place.”

“As soon as I stumbled upon it, I felt as if I’d come home. There’s a secluded bay very similar to this one at Loch Shin, a place I’m often drawn to, and a place that’s only a few hours’ drive from my home at Ivanson Castle.” He glanced at the sand she’d kicked up then followed her movement and caught her in his arms. His hands slid underneath the flapping sides of her cloak and around her back. Caressing her, he swept down her sides and over her waist. A grin lifted his lips. “You’re wearing a silk gown. What color?”

“The gown is white, as is my cape. ’Tis one of my favorite colors. Have you truly been drawn to Loch Shin?” She raised her hands to the glittering jewel of the darkened sky above and leaned back, allowing him to take her full weight as she did.

“During these past five years my search for you has only ever led me in and around that area, more times than not to a place called Angel Bay along the loch’s shores. Is that place special to you at all?”

“Oh my.” The home she’d built and considered a base rested high on the cliffs overlooking Angel Bay.

“Is that an aye?” He sank to the sand and took her with him as he laid down.

“I—I—” Speaking a mistruth to him tore at her. Instead, she tucked one errant lock of his hair behind his ear and said, “I enjoy visiting Angel Bay, just as I enjoy visiting this place. Both bring me comfort, as well as allow me to walk the shoreline in complete seclusion.”

“Hmm, why do I feel as if you’re not quite telling me the whole truth?” He removed his sword belt, set it beside him then with his warm hands on her hips, brought her back against him. Gently, he smoothed one hand along her outer thigh then tucked her top leg snugly between his leather-clad legs, their bodies in complete alignment from head to toe. She wasn’t surprised by his move, or his need to hold her close. Those who were soul bound required touch on a deeper level to most. He skimmed up her arm and swept one finger along her gown’s low-cut neckline. “Can you explain a little more?”

“Nay, I dinnae wish to encourage your pursuit and explaining more will do so.”

“Ha.” He chuckled. “You’re my mate, the one woman I will always pursue, and there is nothing you can say or do to cease that encouragement.” He caught her cheeks in his hands and traced his thumbs under her eyes and over her nose. He smoothed along her jaw, over her chin then slowly delved across her lips. His breath stuttered and he leaned in, pressed his forehead against hers. “You have the smoothest, softest skin.”

“I have no’ aged past my twentieth year even though I’ve lived over a thousand years.” A gentle sea breeze whispered around them, lifted his shirt hem and gave a glimpse of his tanned abs. His black pants hung low on his hips and the leather clung to his powerful thighs. She lifted her gaze back to his and almost drowned in the deep desire reflecting back at her. She palmed his chest, his heart thundering under her hand. A simple walk was leading to so much more—more she couldn’t currently turn away from.

“Cherub, I wish for a kiss. Would that be permissible?”

“I dinnae think—”

“Thinking is currently not permitted.” He lowered his mouth to her, his lips so aching soft as he joined them together, then he deepened their kiss and licked her tongue, his breath mingling seductively with hers.

Aye, thinking shouldn’t be permitted. Why not live in the moment, even if only for one night? Granting herself at least that much, settled her deep inside. Gently, she sucked his lower lip into her mouth then indulged in her need for more. She kissed him, deeply, then grasped his shoulders and pulled him fully on top of her, his heavenly weight exactly what she needed. She melted into the sand, reveling in his warm spicy scent as it surrounded and embedded itself into her. “I like your kisses, Kirk.”

“I’m sure I could convince you to like a whole lot more of me if you were only open to the possibility.”

“I also like your intriguing mind.” She kissed him again and he kissed her back. In all the centuries that had passed her by, never had she taken one stolen moment like this and kept it all to herself. Being with him right now was all she desired.

“This could get rather addictive, rather fast.” He lifted his head and grinned at her, and she grinned right back, not that he could see her smile. “Don’t you think so, my elusive imp?”

“Very addictive and also very wrong.” She sank her hands into his hair and raked her nails lightly across his scalp. “Kirk, I dinnae wish for you to live a lonely life, so should you wish to join with another—I mean—you shouldnae miss out on all life has to offer just because your soul was bound to the wrong woman.”

“You are the perfect woman for me, and I’ve already given you my vow. I will not forsake it.” He rubbed his nose against hers. “You also need to give me something to hold onto, to keep my hope alive, that you might one day change your mind. Give me your promise in return, Cherub, that you’ll at least consider allowing our bond to take.”

“I cannae.” She shook her head, and he pressed his palms to her cheeks and followed her movement.

“I see. You’re going to be a stubborn mate.”

“I am not a stubborn mate but a wise one.” She palmed the back of his head and brought his mouth back to within a breath of hers. “I also wish for another kiss.”

“So do I. Of at least that we’re in complete agreement on.” He swooped in and kissed her, taking her breath away with his passion. He was a seduction she desired more of and she couldn’t help but give into her current need. Living a thousand years alone hadn’t been easy. ’Twas time to give into her destiny, even if only for this one night.

* * * *

Kirk kissed Cherub with all the longing he’d held deep inside him these past five years. He caressed her sides, roamed down and gripped her hips. He rolled them both until she came up on top of him, her cape sweeping his sides and her hood falling softly over her head. Within the cocoon of fur, he caught a glimmer of her features, one delicate earlobe, the partial sight dazzling and making him blink. Did her skin sparkle? Or was that just his imagination? Hell, he longed to see more of her, to have her fully uncloak herself, but so too he also understood her desire not to. She worried that in allowing their mated bond to take form, her calling to bring those who were soul bound together would no longer take precedence. Only she didn’t know him. He’d do all he could to aid her. Never would he hold her back from her duty.

“Mmm, Kirk.” She murmured his name against his lips then kissed him again, so deeply and completely he fell into her silken web. Nowhere else did he desire to be other than right here with her. She scattered each and every one of his thoughts, so swiftly and decisively. All that roared through his mind was the need to mate, to mark his chosen one and to never let her go.

“I need more, Cherub.”

“I cannae allow a joining.”

“I understand, but surely you can allow me to see to your needs and mine, or at least to take the edge of this hunger riding us.” The front tie of her cape tickled his neck and he groped for the elusive ribbon, tugged it loose and pushed her cloak from her. As soon as the fur left her body, it became exposed to his sight in the moonlight. Eyes closed, he used every one of his bear’s senses to its fullest extent to memorize what he could of her. Her scent, fresher than the air itself, embedded itself deeply within him. He wanted to smother her in his own scent, to ensure all who came near her knew she belonged to him. Nuzzling her neck, he licked over her thumping pulse. The deep desire to bite her as his shifter kind did raced through his blood until it became an unstoppable beat.

One night. She’d promised him this one night, and he intended to make it the most memorable one she’d ever known. Following that, he’d continue to convince her of his pure intentions.

A low rumble vibrated in his chest as he pressed himself against her and sucked on her offered skin. She was all woman, and all his. “I need to bite you, and for you to bite me in return. Mark me as yours, Cherub.”

“It will mean naught.”

“Not to me it won’t.” He palmed the back of her head and held her mouth to his neck. As he did, he licked her erratic pulse point in the same spot.

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