His and Hers and Hers (10 page)

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Authors: Nona Raines

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Menage, #Erotic Romance, #Contemporary, #Bisexual, #Best Friends

BOOK: His and Hers and Hers
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“Hey, you guys.” Jordan’s spirits lifted at the way her face lit up as she greeted them. “What’re you doing here?”

He shrugged. “Well, if Mohammed won’t go to the mountain…”

They’d invited her to join them for Thanksgiving at his parents’ house, but she declined, explaining that she always spent the holiday helping at the community center. Jordan suspected there was another reason she refused. She wasn’t comfortable with the thought of meeting his parents, considering that she was sleeping with their son and his girlfriend.

Cassie’s gaze flicked from him to Kyla. “Did you have a nice time at your parents’ house? They weren’t upset that you left early, were they?”

Yeah, they were, especially his mother, who couldn’t understand why they had to eat and run. But he wasn’t about to tell her that. “It was very nice.”

“We came to help out,” Kyla said.

“Well, sure.” Cassie wiped her hands on the oversize apron wrapped around her waist. There was a streak of orange on the white cloth that looked like cooked squash, or maybe pumpkin. “We’re serving dessert now. Would you like to help with that?”

“Absolutely.” They hung up their coats and got busy. Kyla was put in charge of passing out slices of pumpkin and apple pie while Jordan was given the job of serving coffee. On a trip back to the kitchen to refill the pitcher, he found Cassie at a large sink washing out pots. Some guy—a muscle-bound dude with a buzz cut—was at her shoulder, hee-hawing about something. Jordan frowned as he returned to the main room.

“Who’s that clown with Cassie?” he murmured to Ky as she filled a tray with plates of pie.

Ky glanced over her shoulder through the open kitchen doorway. “I don’t know.”

“Well, why’s he bothering her?”

“They’re just talking.” Kyla took a longer look. “He’s kind of cute.”

“Shit. He’s a hot dog. Look at him, in a T-shirt when it’s thirty degrees outside. Just trying to show off his guns.”

Kyla tilted her head consideringly. “They’re impressive.”


She laughed. “Chill, babe. I’m jerking your chain. You know, you sound jealous.”

“Give me a break.” He stomped away. But as he refilled people’s cups, he wondered.
he jealous? Did he have any right to be?

He liked Cassie, a lot. But he wasn’t in love with her the way he was with Kyla.


The jock was still underfoot in the kitchen when Jordan returned yet again. Now the guy was pretending to wipe down the stainless-steel counters. Yeah, right.

Jordan cleared his throat. Cassie turned from the sink, wiping her soapy hands with a towel. The jock looked at him coolly.

“Lot of people want coffee out there,” Jordan said. “Could use a little help.”

The jock leaned both hands on the counter. “Looks like you’ve got it under control.”

Jordan’s neck got hot, and he fought the urge to bust the pitcher over muscle boy’s head.

“I’ll give you a hand,” Cassie offered quickly, tuning in to the tension in the air. She filled another pitcher and left the kitchen. Jordan followed, giving the guy a
smirk as he sauntered out the door.

He caught up with Cass in the dining room. “Hey, what’s with that guy?”

“Tim? What do you mean?”

“Tim? That’s his name?” Jordan shook his head. “Come on, Cass. Didn’t you see how he was coming on to you?”

She gave him a look of surprise and let out a laugh. “He’s a kid. In college or something.”

He snorted. “There was nothing childish about the way he was looking at you.”

Cassie rolled her eyes and moved away. Jordan turned his head and caught Kyla grinning at him. “Dude. Lighten up. She’s not interested in that guy.”

“I know.” Jordan ground his teeth. “But what if she were?”

* * * *

What if she were?

That question gnawed at Jordan the rest of the evening. Kept eating at him even when they all returned home.

Cassie had spent the past few weeks intimately with him and Kyla, but he still wasn’t sure what that meant. Was she just their friend with benefits?

No. If that’s all she was, the thought of her with anyone beside him or Kyla wouldn’t make him want to punch a wall.

It was that muscle-headed jock tonight who put the doubts in his head. Cassie just laughed him off as a kid, but another time, with another person, she might respond differently. And what if she did?

A hot surge of jealousy coursed through him. How fucking stupid to never consider that Cassie might want to see other people. Too much sex must have rendered him brain-dead.

Kyla apparently was not troubled by the same concerns. She and Cassie chatted over leftover pie while they all sat in the living room. Jordan couldn’t eat a bite.

“So, Cass, tell us,” he suddenly said, “are you seeing anyone?”

He could have groaned, the way his question landed into the conversation like a dead fish.
Slick, Brougham. Real slick.

Kyla’s eyes flew wide as she went still, her fork in midair. Cassie gave him a blank look. “

“You know,” Jordan said, trying to seem laid back, feeling anything but, “dating.”

A number of emotions flitted across Cassie’s face. Surprise, bafflement…anger? “Do you mean am I
with anybody?”

A beat. “Yeah. All right.” No point in being prissy about it. He’d already crossed the line, so might as well go for it. “Are you sleeping with anybody? Besides us?”

Cassie’s face paled, and her back stiffened as she withdrew behind an invisible wall. “Why are we even talking about this? What difference does it make?”

Jordan’s gut twisted. Shit. She was avoiding the question.
she been with someone else? He wanted to roar with fury at the thought.

Then he felt Kyla’s hand on his thigh. “Whoa, babe. Slow your roll.”

She patted his leg, then smiled at Cassie. “You’re your own person, Cass. You don’t owe us any explanations.”

The hell she doesn’t
, the Neanderthal in Jordan growled.
She’s ours.

“What our guy’s trying to say—with about as much finesse as a steamroller—is that we care about you. And it hurts to think about you being with anyone else. But we’ve got no right to make any demands.” Ky lasered him with her gaze. “Right, babe?”

He grunted, because the truth was he wanted to make
of demands.

But Kyla the unexpected peacemaker had handled the situation just right. Cassie’s color returned, and her shoulders relaxed.

“I’m not sleeping with anyone else.” Her voice was soft. She lifted her gaze to them. “I only want to be with you.”

That should have been enough for him, but it wasn’t. He had to push her a little further. “For how long, Cass?”

She blinked at him, startled. “For as long…” She hesitated. “As long as this lasts.”

There was a moment of silence, of vibrating energy among the three of them. Jordan pushed himself off the sofa, took one long step, and pulled Cassie out of her chair. He possessed her mouth with his own.

The kiss sent a bracing surge of triumph through Jordan. Cassie belonged to him as much as Kyla did.

Belonged? He couldn’t recognize himself. When had he turned into a chest-thumping caveman? But just as he’d never share Ky with another man, he couldn’t stand the thought of sharing Cassie either.

“Wow,” Kyla said as his tongue swept Cassie’s mouth. “That is really

He pulled back and held out his hand. “Room for one more, baby. Come here.”

Kyla stood and pressed against him. He kissed her hungrily, still cradling Cassie in his other arm. When he broke the kiss with Ky, Cassie moved in to softly claim her lips.

His chest swelled, and his cock stirred as he watched them.

They were so beautiful. And they were his.

“Let’s take this party to the bedroom.” His voice was so deep he barely recognized it. He lowered his hands to grab each woman’s ass possessively. Cassie’s eyes were radiant Jordan couldn’t resist giving her another kiss. He pulled back and found Kyla eyeing him speculatively.

“I think we’re gonna have to make our guy jealous more often, Cass.”

He smacked her round butt. “None of that.” When he kissed her, she nipped him.

“Ow. You’re gonna pay for that.”

“I hope so.” She grabbed Cassie’s hand. “Come on!” They scrambled ahead to the bedroom.

Jordan sauntered down the hall and found the women—
women—tearing off their clothing. Discarded garments lay on the floor like fallen autumn leaves. First Kyla, then Cassie, hopped onto the bed naked and lounged against the headboard.

He undressed slowly, watching them. Making them wait. Enjoying the red flush spreading up Cassie’s chest, the way her tongue flicked her upper lip. They way Ky’s eyelids drooped, heavy with lust.

She grasped Cassie’s chin, brought her face close for a kiss.

Jordan stopped her with a warning. “Eh. That’s enough.”

Kyla pouted. “What, we can’t have any fun?”

“Not unless I give it to you.”

“Ooh, he’s getting alpha on us, Cass.”

“I’m the one making you come tonight. Both of you.”

“Big promises,” Ky teased. “Hope you’re—ahem—
to it.”

“Don’t worry.” Naked but for his briefs, he ran his hand slowly down his chest and lower, giving his swollen cock a nice little rub through the soft cotton. Then he crossed to the nightstand, pulled out the second drawer down, and dumped the contents onto the bed. “With a little help from my friends.”

A jumble of sex toys lay on the comforter. Ky reached for a vibrator, but Jordan pushed her hand aside. He shucked off his briefs, then picked up a cock ring. He shot Kyla a look. “One of your favorites, baby.”

She smirked and grabbed a tube of lubricant. “Don’t forget some of this, babe.” She squeezed a blob into his hand and sat back as he rubbed the slippery stuff on and eased the stretchy ring up to the base of his dick. He groaned in delight at the tightness, the way his cock grew redder, felt harder. He turned on the tiny vibrator at the top of the ring.

Then he wagged his finger at Kyla. “You’re a bad girl. I should make you wait for yours.”

Ky wiggled on the bed and held out her arms. “But you like me bad, babe. You always have.”

And how right she was. Jordan could only smile as he climbed onto the bed and moved over her. “You ready for me?”

“Oh, yeah.” She spread her legs wide to accommodate him and hooked one around his back.

Using his arms to keep from crushing her, he lay on top of her, his legs straight out. He slipped inside her easily, her pussy gloving him.

“Love you so much, baby.”

She curled her pelvis up so the tiny vibrator on the cock ring buzzed her clit. “Ah. Love you back.”

He loved being this close to her, gazing into her beautiful coffee-colored eyes. She smiled up at him, squeezed her inner muscles to give him a little extra welcome.

Instead of him thrusting in and out or her grinding against him, they rocked together slowly. Ky’s eyelids drooped, and her face grew flushed as the little vibe teased her clit, as his cock filled her pussy. “Ah.” She clutched his biceps, tightened her leg around him. “Oh. I’m close.”

He pressed deep, held hard. Kyla’s throat arched as her pussy rippled around him. “Oh God.”

The spasms passed eventually, and his girl sank back against the pillows, her eyes dreamy and soft. “Mmm.” She sighed.

“Mmm.” Jordan kissed her tenderly and withdrew, his cock still hard. His blood fizzed, and his vision blurred. His cock was about ready to explode. He needed to come, but knew he wouldn’t till he took off the cock ring.

Glancing to his left he saw Cassie curled on her side, her arm tucked under her head, just watching them. “Hey, you.”

“Hey,” she answered.

“Want your turn now?”

She nodded.

“Comin’ right up.” He worked the cock ring off, grateful for the lube that greased its way. A condom would never stay on his slippery dick, so he was glad they had dispensed with them once Cassie got on the pill. With a bit of awkward maneuvering, he eased behind Cassie so he lay on the far side of the bed. “Move your leg like this. That’s right, honey.”

He looped his arm over her side to play with her breast as he slid his dick between her wet folds. She caught her breath and rubbed against him. Jordan gulped a deep breath, his lungs burning as he held it. A minute ago he felt like Iron Man. Now he had to fight for control so he wouldn’t splooge all over Cass before even getting inside her.

Luckily she was ready too. She pushed her ass against him in invitation, and he thrust inside her welcoming pussy. Ah, warm and tight. Felt so good. Jordan pressed his face against her hair, breathing in its clean smell as he pistoned into her. Cassie pushed back on him in short hard bumps.

The familiar tingle gathered at the base of his spine. Oh shit, he couldn’t last much longer. “Are you close, honey?” He forced his words through gritted teeth. Fuck, he didn’t want to disappoint her.

A soft humming sound alerted him. He glanced over and saw Kyla had grabbed a hot-pink jelly vibe from their collection and was now buzzing Cassie’s clit.

“That feel good, honey?” Ky murmured, pushing a strand of blond hair from Cassie’s face and kissing her softly.

“Oh. Yes. So…oh!” Cassie clutched Kyla’s shoulder as she came, her pussy contracting hard around him. His balls tightened, and he came so hard he saw spots.

After a while, his softened cock slipped from her, and he sighed. Kissed the back of her shoulder. Cassie shifted and murmured sleepily. Kyla was snuggled against her other side, already dozing. He owed her for helping him get Cassie off. But Ky always had his back.

Jordan laid his arm over the two of them, embracing them both. Wanting to keep them safe and with him forever.

Chapter Nine

Jordan stomped the snow off his boots once he stepped through the front doorway, and set his bags on the floor. “Remind me never to go out again on Christmas Eve. Why do all these crazies wait till the last minute to do their Christmas shopping?” He unwrapped his scarf and shook off the snow.

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