His Kind of Girl: A Love Story

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His Kind of Girl:

A Love Story


Jai Amor



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© 2016

Published by Royalty Publishing House



Any unauthorized reprint or use of the material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage without express permission by the publisher.

This is an original work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.

Contains explicit language & adult themes suitable for ages 16+



So, you want to read about my life right? Who wouldn’t? I mean, look at me!! Five-feet-three, smooth caramel complexion, honey brown, almond-shaped eyes, and a body that most of you pay for. Hmm, I know I look good.

Some say I remind them of Lil’ Kim in her Junior Mafia days. Hahahahaha! Anyway, while I take you on this wonderful journey, I only have two simple rules: one, do not judge me and two, do not interrupt me. Can you handle that? Cool. Well, here goes… Oh yeah, by the way, my name is Kior and yes, that is my
name, but you can call me Ki.


Dear Diary,

              So tomorrow is the BIG day that I start my first year as a college student. Can you say super excited!!! I’m so ready to see what this college life is all about and on top of that, my bestie will be going to the same school. I’m so excited that I get the chance to live in a new state because now I get to explore different cities and meet new people. Mannnn, I don’t think they’re ready for the both of us though; brains and beauty! Well diary, I’m out, I gotta get up early… CS University here I come!


Central State University, known as CSU to everyone, is a Historically Black College and University (HBCU). It is one of the biggest universities in the state of Georgia, and is well known for their athletic programs, especially football. I looked at the paper that was given to me with the details of what dorm I would be living in, the name of the dorm was Tubman Tower. Tubman Tower was named after the African American abolitionist, Harriet Tubman; it was a twelve floor dorm and was the tallest dorm on campus. When we pulled up to the dorm, I looked at my paper and saw that I was on the eighth floor. I pulled my key out and opened the door. There were some boxes and bags already in the room so I knew my roommate has already been in here. I went back downstairs to where my parents were bringing some of my stuff in and helped them. After we got most of my things in, I walked them back down to the car and gave them both a hug as I grabbed the last few bags out of the backseat.

“Be safe and call us if you need anything,” my mother yelled out the window as they were driving off. I just waved my hands because she told me that a dozen times already along with I love you.

After I brought the last of my things into the room the door opened and in comes a girl who was about 5’5, light skin, and a little on the thick side. She was very pretty but I can tell by the way she dressed that she really wasn’t into fashion like I was.

“Hey what’s up? My name is Asha; you must be my new roommate. What’s your name?” she asked.

I looked at her, she seemed to be cool but I have to get to know her more before I let her get close to me. I don’t really trust anyone like that so I will have to figure her out.

“My name is Kior but you can call me Ki,” I replied.

“Cool, so Ki tell me something about you. Where are you from? What do you like to do for fun?” she asked.

“Well, I’m from South Carolina and I basically like to chill, hangout with my girls and just have fun ya know? How about you?” I asked.

“I’m from VA, I don’t do much, I like to stay to myself most of the time but I try to get out every now and then,” she said.

I put away the last of my things; grabbed my room key, my cell phone and said, “I understand that. Well if anytime you feel like you want to get out, you can always hang with me. I’m about to go see what my best friend is up to, you can come if you want.”

“No, I’m fine. I’m about to get myself settled in,” she said.

“Ok,” I replied while walking out of the room.

When I reached the elevator to go downstairs, the elevator doors opened, and guess who steps out? My girl Chanel!

“Girl, what are you doing on this floor? I thought you were on the third floor?” I asked

“I thought so too! But they switched my room so I got a new room and roommate. Ughhhh!” she said. “My other roommate was cool as hell; I hope this one is straight.”

“Well that’s even better because now we are on the same floor. I was just about to come see you anyway. And I bet she is cool, my roommate seems like she is very sweet,” I told her.

“That’s nice,” Chanel said.

We walked to her room, which is located next door to mine. When we walk inside, her roommate was sitting on the bed.

“Hey, so you’re my new roommate? They told me I was getting a roommate, damn I was hoping I got the room to myself,” she said.

“Ummm yea, I’m Chanel and I wasn’t too thrilled when they reassigned me either.”

“Well my name is Brianna and we need to establish some rules,” she said with an attitude. “Rule number one, you stay on your side of the room and I stay on mine. Number two, don’t come walking in here all times of the night. I know how freshmen are, y’all leave home from mommy and daddy and get all wild having no regard for anyone who has early classes.”

Chanel looked at me and started laughing. “Is this bitch serious? Ki, this bitch obviously don’t know who she’s talking to.”

“Let me tell you something,” Chanel explained. “I left my mother back at home so no one gives me any kind of rules. Now, if you want to talk like two adults, I will be happy to but sweetie, we are not demanding nothing around here.”

Brianna looked at Chanel in shock and replied,” Whatever. Don’t walk in here like I’m supposed to be intimidated by you! Let’s make shit clear because you don’t scare me. Now if you want some problems, I can give it to you!” Brianna walked up to Chanel, invading her space. I already knew what was about to go down because one thing Chanel didn’t play about is someone in her face.

Before I could react, Chanel grabbed Brianna and pinned her on the wall by her neck. “Bitch, I’m not trying to scare you but let me make myself clear. Just so you know, I don’t do all that talking, I’m about action. You have been warned. I’m not the one to be played with!” Chanel let Brianna go and walked out the door while I sat there laughing. Brianna stood there rubbing her neck and breathing hard.

I walked out behind Chanel. “Damn girl, I thought you were going to kill the girl. I bet she will think twice before she tries you again, though,” I laughed. “You are too crazy, but we didn’t come here to get kicked out so try to keep calm.”

“Girl, I tried to choke the life out of her, but I’m not worried about her. She just needs to stay in her lane and we will be just fine. Now let’s go to your room so I can raid your closet for the Back on Campus party.”


Tonight was the night one of the biggest parties on campus was taking place. The Back on Campus party was a party welcoming freshmen and returning students back to school; everybody who was anybody was going to be there. Not knowing what to put on, I went through my closet, and rummaged through Kior’s closet until I came up with the perfect outfit. I decided on an all-white tube top romper that complemented my dark mocha skin and hugged my slim 5’10 frame. While sliding in a pair of gold 6-inch pumps, I pinned my hair up into a bun, applied my makeup, accessorized my outfit, and I was ready to go. Kior wore a black one-piece halter pant jumper that hugged her curvy frame, with a pair of red pumps.  We were ready for the party and I was most definitely ready to get my dance on.

“Girl, I cannot wait to see all the fine dudes that are going to be up in this party tonight!” I said.

“Me either, Chanel. I’m going to holla at, at least one before I leave.” Kior replied. We started laughing and giving each other fives. We walked to the school gymnasium where the party was being held. When we walked in, it was live and the DJ had everyone on the dance floor doing the latest dances. All the fraternities and sororities were party hopping in the middle of everyone. Kior and I stood back and watched the crowd for a while, when in walks a fine, tall dark-skinned brother and his even finer chocolate friend.

“Damn Ki, did you notice what just walked through that door?” I asked.

“I did; they both fine, but I want the taller one. Mmmm!” she said.

“Girl, come on!”

I grabbed Kior’s hand and started walking towards them. See, one thing about me is when I see something I want, I always go after it no matter what it is, and right now I want Mr. Sexy that just walked in.

We walked up to them and I immediately introduced myself. “Hi, my name is Chanel and this is my home girl, Kior. We saw you walk in and had to come over and say something. You both are soo sexy!”

“Well, it is nice to meet you ladies. My name is Jeremiah and this is my boy, Ahmir. So tell me, Miss Chanel, is this your first year at CSU?” he asked.

The one that introduced himself as Jeremiah was dark skinned with a nice low haircut, neatly shaved goatee, his eyes a mesmerizing dark brown, and he had a perfectly white set of teeth. He had on a black tee that showed off his chiseled frame and a pair of blue jean pants; on his feet he was rocking a pair of wheat colored Timberlands. His friend, Ahmir, was a dark-skinned cutie also. He had a medium build, and rocked dreads that came midway down his back that were pulled back into a ponytail. He had a neatly shaved goatee, light brown eyes, nice white teeth with one dimple in his cheek, and I noticed that he was bowlegged. He wore a white tee, blue jean pants, and a white pair of Air Forces. I was so much in my own world that I forgot Jeremiah was even talking to me.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard him say, “Are you okay?”

“Oh, I’m sorry, yes, it is my first year here. What about you?” I said, trying not to show how embarrassed I was.

“I’m a sophomore, we both are. I would love to show you around campus sometime, if that is alright with you?”

“That is fine with me. We have to exchange numbers before tonight is over,” I replied. I could just imagine us together one day. I hope his personality matches his sexiness.

“Cool! Well, would you like to dance?” he asked.

“Hell yeah! I love to dance,” I replied as I grabbed his hand and walked to the dance floor.

We walked to the middle of the dance floor and started dancing to “No Hands," by Waka Flocka featuring Wale and Roscoe Dash. I started twerking and bouncing my ass all over him and I must say he was a great dancer. One thing for sure though, he couldn’t keep his hands off me. I looked to my left and I see my girl, Kior dancing with Ahmir, and she was killing it! We were dancing and having a good time when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see who it was and just guess who it was? Brianna’s dumbass and two more girls, standing there with their arms folded up and little smirks on their faces.

“Excuse me, but what the hell are you doing dancing all up on my man?” she asked while rolling her neck like the ratchet bitch she was.

“First of all, I already told you before about that disrespectful shit. If I have to tell you again, I’mma bust ya ass. Secondly, I didn’t know he was your man so you need to be approaching him and get out my face before you get dropped,” I warned.

Jeremiah stepped in between the both of us and said,” Both of y’all chill! Brianna, you always starting some shit. You know damn well we are not together. We broke up last year so you just need to quit the bullshit!”

“Damn, really? When the whole time we been chilling and spending so much time together, even throughout the summer break?” she asked.

“Yea we kicked it with each other from time to time, but does that mean we were in a relationship? Look, at the end of the day you cool and I got mad love for you as a friend, but as far as us being together, that will never happen again. You have too much going on with you,” he said.

“Whatever. All I know is this bitch right here, better keep her distance because I don’t take threats lightly,” Brianna said while looking at me.

“See, that was your first and last time calling me a bitch!” I said as I made sure my fist and her mouth met for the first time. I guess my initial punch caught her by surprise because she grabbed her mouth and looked at the blood before she started swinging wildly. As we were fighting, I felt my hair being pulled from behind me and I fell to the ground and realized that one of her funny looking friends was the one that had my hair. Before she could get one lick in, Kior came from the side and punched the girl right in the jaw, making her drop instantly. See, I know I can roll with the best when it comes to fighting but for my girl Ki to be so small, she got hands like a beast.

Anyway, while we were fighting, another fight broke out with some other students and it caused a big riot, so Jeremiah and Ahmir broke up our fight, dragging us out of the party while the police and security ran inside the gymnasium with pepper spray.

“Are you okay, Chanel? I apologize for what happen at the party tonight. I had no idea—“

“It’s okay, Jeremiah,” I interrupted. “You don’t have to apologize for Brianna’s actions. She had a problem with me from the beginning. I just hope what happened tonight doesn’t scare you off from our little campus tour you’re supposed to take me on,” I said with a smile.

“No, you will have to do a lot more than beating Brianna’s ass for me to stop rocking with you. Truth be told, she deserved it. She has a lot of mouth and thinks that she’s untouchable, her and her two ugly ass friends, Sharice and Moneka. Hold up, are y’all roommates?”

“Unfortunately, yes we are. But, like I said before, as long as she stays to herself and keeps those smart ass comments to herself, we will have no problems,” I stated.

“Ha! Well good luck with that because she is a piece of work. That’s why we couldn’t be together; she runs her mouth entirely too much but you might not have any trouble out of her now. Once she knows a person is not backing down from her, she usually leaves them alone,” he laughed. “But enough about her, I want to know more about you. Can I get your number?”

“Sure, you didn’t even have to ask,” I replied. I grabbed his cell phone out of his hand and put my number in it. “Now since you have my number, I’ll be looking forward to your call.”

“Cool, now let me walk you to your room, Jackie Frazier, so I’ll know you made it back safe because my boy got Laila Ali occupied,” he said laughing at his own joke.

“Whatever, that’s cool,” I said as I playfully punched him in his arm and took off running. When we got to my dorm, we sat outside on the steps for a while talking and getting to know each other. I found out that he was from Georgia and he was here on a football scholarship. His major was engineering. He said he wanted to pick up a minor but his schedule was already hectic. When I looked at the time, I realized we were out there talking for about two hours. Because it was so late, we decided to call it a night and promised to hang out the next day. When I got to my room, Briana wasn’t there yet, which was a good thing. After taking a shower, I got in the bed smiling, thinking about Jeremiah.















Dear Diary,

              I already love the college life and it’s only been two days! So let me catch you up on yesterday’s events. My roommate’s name is Asha. She seems pretty cool but she does stay to herself a lot. I’m just glad I don’t have a crazy ass roommate like Chanel. Last night was soooo crazy and fun, I just hate it had to end with us fighting. But there was no way I was going to sit back and let anybody jump my girl, so I did what I had to do. Oh yea, and I met this tall, fine, sexy brother named Ahmir, and we hit it off immediately. Matter of fact, I’m supposed to be meeting him in about an hour so I gotta go!!!!

After exchanging numbers with Ahmir last night, he called me this morning asking if we can meet up so that we could get to know more about one another. Of course, I agreed and suggested that we have breakfast together. We both agreed to meet at the cafe so that we could talk. While waiting for the elevator to come, I hear someone talking on the other side and the person sounds familiar. I walked towards the other side of the elevator and ran into my home girls Taja and Malorie.

Taja and Malorie are two of my homegirls from back home that I haven’t seen in forever. They weren’t related, but looking at them you would have thought that they were sisters. I had no idea that they were even attending the university but now that I know, I was even more excited. Taja is the same age as me, we met in elementary school and from that day on, we have always been cool. Malorie is a year older than we are but it doesn’t matter how long we go without talking to one another, we never miss a beat when we do link up. Since she was a sophomore, she was the only one with a car so I know she’s going to make sure that our freshman year is a year we will never forget.  Taja is about 5’5, light brown complexion with a shape that will make any girl jealous. She was a little more on the quiet side, and doesn’t say much or bother anyone. One thing about her though is she knows how to have a good time and when she is pushed to the limit that quiet side will go into hiding. Malorie stands at about 5’4 with a caramel complexion, she is a little smaller than I am in size but is very beautiful, some people says she reminds them of a blasian (Black/Asian) Barbie doll. Malorie’s personality is similar to mine. She is one of the sweetest people you could ever meet and she loves to have fun. You are guaranteed a good time whenever she is around.

“Ki, is that you?” Malorie asked.

“Yep it’s me in the flesh boo!” I stated. “I had no idea the both of you went here. I haven’t seen or talked to y’all in so long. Do y’all stay in this dorm?”

“Yea, I stay right over there and Malorie is on the seventh floor. We had no idea you were going here either! I’m glad we ran into each other!” Taja said.

“Yes, I’m glad because I thought I wasn’t going to know anyone here except for Chanel. We definitely gotta get up later on and find something to get into,” I told the both of them. “I’m about to meet somebody at the cafe so I will hit y’all up later.”

“Ok, cool!”

I gave them both a hug and went back to the elevator to get on. As I was walking onto the elevator, there were two girls behind me also getting on talking about the party last night. The elevator doors closed and one of the girls looked at me and said, “Hey aren’t you one of the girls that was fighting last night?”

I looked at her with the side eye and said, “Yeah, why?”

“Because you and your homegirl was cutting ass last night! I saw it all go down and that girl and her gorilla ass looking friends deserved everything y’all served them,” she said.

“Yeah they did and hopefully that’s the first and last time because I’m not about that drama. I couldn’t let my girl get jumped though.”

“I feel ya! My name is Tionne by the way and this is my roommate Neveah. What’s your name?”  The one name Tionne asked.

“My name is Kior but everybody calls me Ki. So is this your first year here?”

“Yes, I’m from NYC and Neveah is from VA,” she replied.

“Cool, I’m from SC born and raised.”

“Oh okay. Well we about to head out and grab something to eat, you want to join us?”

“Naw, I’m actually about to meet up with someone but I will see y’all around,” I told them


After splitting ways, I headed to the cafe to meet up with Ahmir. When I got there, he was inside waiting for me at a table. He stood up and gave me a hug.

“I’m sorry if I had you waiting too long,” I said.

“No not at all, I just sat down actually so you came just in time.”

We went to get our food and sat down to eat. I don’t know why but I was a little nervous being around him. I began to eat my breakfast and when I looked up, he was looking at me.

“Why are you staring at me like that?” I asked.

“Because you are so pretty. I just like looking at you.”

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