His Kind of Girl: A Love Story (5 page)

BOOK: His Kind of Girl: A Love Story
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I woke up around 7 am to get ready for my first class of the day. I did not want to get out of bed but I was ready to get these classes out of the way. My day was going to be pretty busy because after all my classes I had about two hours to get something to eat and relax before it was time for me to go to football practice. When I looked at my phone I had three text messages one from Kior, one from Jasmine, and the other from Zaria.

Zaria: Good morning handsome, I hope you have a great day can’t wait to hear from you.

Don’t get me wrong Zaria is a cool girl, but I have noticed that she is a very forward person. Ever since that night I smashed her down, she has been blowing up my phone non-stop. I sent her a message back.

Me: Good morning sexy. I hope your day goes great as well, after I get out of football practice, I would like to meet up with you if it’s okay.

Zaria: Of course!!! Just call me when you are free, I will be waiting.

Me: A’ight.

I wanted to meet up with her and talk to her to make sure we were both on the same page. I didn’t want to give her the wrong impression or have her thinking that it was more to us than what it really is. I went to Kior’s name to send her a good morning message and to read her message that she sent to me.

Kior: Hey just wanted to tell you good morning and I hop
that you have a great and productive day!!

Me: Good morning beautiful!! Thank you my day is already great because I woke up with a message from you. I hope your day is great as well. Hit me up when you are free.

I decided to open up Jasmine’s message to see what she was talking about.

Jasmine: I’ll be coming to see you this week so I hope you’re ready, I need to see you baby!!!

I already knew what that meant, she wanted some of Ahmir and I will always deliver, as long as she kept her emotions under control. After I sent my message to Jasmine, I hurriedly got dressed so that I could eat breakfast before my class started. When I walked in the café, I saw some of my teammates sitting at a table so I got in line, got my food, and joined them. They were sitting around talking about everything from the upcoming game to the girls that they were hitting. As we were all talking, Jeremiah came to the table and sat beside me.

“What’s up nigga?” Jeremiah said.

“Not much about to head to class in a few. What’s new with you?” I said.

“A lot my nigga, Chanel and I made it official last night,” he said.

“Come again? Made what official?” I asked.

“We are together as in, we are in a relationship.”

“Cut that shit out. Are you for real? That’s kinda fast bruh!” I told him.

“I know, I know, but I’m really feeling her and I just want to see where things will lead.”

“True well, I wish y’all the best bruh. I really like Kior too but I don’t know if I’m ready for a relationship right now. Man let me get my ass up from here and head to class before I’m late,” I said.

“A’ight I’ll catch up with you at practice later,” he said.


My classes went by quickly, so before practice started, I wanted to get up with Zaria and talk to her to see where her head was. I decided to give her a call before I got to my room.

“Hey, I was waiting on your call,” she said picking up after the second ring.

“Oh, really? Well, are you busy now?  I wanted to get up with you so we can talk about some things,” I told her.

“I’m not too busy for you boo, can you give me about twenty minutes and I can meet you at “The Yard” is that cool?” she asked.

“Yep, that’s straight,” I said.

“Okay boo, I will see you in twenty minutes,” she said.

“Bet,” I said while heading to my room to put my stuff down.

I just hope that this talk that we have will be a good one.


When I saw Ahmir calling my phone I got so excited. He said he wanted to meet up with me to talk and I could not wait to see what it was that he wanted to talk to me about. When he called, I was with my girl Natasha and two of her home girls Tionne and Neveah. They were real cool and like Natasha when I met them, we hit it off instantly. Neveah and I even had two classes together.

After telling Ahmir I would meet him in twenty minutes, I told the girls I would meet up with them later and I rushed to my room to freshen up. On the way down, the elevator stopped to let someone on. Low and behold, it was the girl that I saw sitting on Ahmir’s lap the other day that got on the elevator with me.

“Hey, Kior right?” I said when she got on.

“Right and you’re Zaria?” she asked.

“Yep you got it! So where you headed to girl?” I asked.

“Well, I’m about to meet up with some of my friends,” she said.

“Oh okay, sounds fun. Well I’m about to go spend some time with my boo so I will be seeing you around. We need to hang out some time,” I told her.

“Sounds good. See you later,” she said.

See I really don’t like the hoe because she’s trying to get with my man but I got to get her in my circle for the moment. You know what they say, “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer,” and right now she is the enemy. If it was a different situation and a different time, then we probably could have been real friends, but it’s not going to happen, so oh well, I gotta go see my Ahmir.

When I got to “The Yard” Ahmir was already there waiting on me. He was looking so good even though he just had on a plain white tee and black basketball shorts. When he saw me, he got up and gave me a hug. The hug that he gave me was everything!

“Hey Zaria, you are looking good as always,” he told me.

Smiling from ear to ear I said,” Thanks! You don’t look too bad yourself.”

“Well, I’m just going to get straight to the point because I have to get ready for practice in a little while,” he said.

“Okay tell me what’s on your mind.”

“I like you Zaria, you are a very cool down to earth girl and when I’m around you we have a lot of fun. Even though we have only known each other for a few days, it seems like we have known each other longer.”

As he was talking, I was getting all excited inside and couldn’t help but smile on the outside. I knew exactly what he was going to say and I was ready to be with him. Trying not to be so anxious or interrupt him, I continued to listen.

“But I also don’t want to lead you on and have you thinking that it is more to us than it is. The reason why I’m talking to you about this is because there were quite a few times when you were blowing up my phone and even some times when you would question me like we are in a relationship. I don’t know what the future holds, but I do know that I would love to remain your friend but nothing more than that.”

When the words “remain friends” left his lips, I wanted to cry because I did not want to be in the “friend zone.” Even though those were the words I didn’t want to hear, I had to pretend that I was cool with it and it didn’t bother me.

“Of course, we are friends Ahmir I apologize if I made you feel uncomfortable in any kind of way,” I told him.

“So we still cool?”

“Duhhh! Yes, we will always be cool!” I said laughing.

“I’m glad to hear you say that. Well let me get going so I can get ready for practice, I will hit you up later on,” he said.

He gave me a hug and left. I just sat in “The Yard” thinking about the conversation I just had with Ahmir and the more I thought about it, the more I started feeling better about it. He was not saying that he did not want to be with me at all he was basically saying that he wanted us to get to know each other more before making it official. The one thing that he did not have to worry about was me going anywhere because I would wait on him until he’s ready to be serious with me. In the meantime, I’m going to make sure he is taken care of in every way possible.

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I did not even notice when Neveah walked up to me.

“Hey girl, what are you doing sitting out here by yourself?” she asked.

“I was out here with my friend earlier and just never moved. Where are you coming from?”

“I’m actually on my way to track practice. I’m on the track team, they gave me a full scholarship here,” she said.

“Oh wow that’s good!” I told her.

“Yep, let me get going, I will talk to you later girl!” she said.

Since I didn’t have anything else to do for the rest of the day, I decided to go back to the room and take a nap until Ahmir got out of practice. I just can’t wait for the day I become his girl. Whether he knew it or not that day would be coming soon.


Dear Diary,

Today is the first day of class, I’m a little nervous and excited all at once I just hope I can find all my classes with no problem because this is a big ass campus. I might call Ahmir up later to see if he wants to chill, I hate to admit it but I’m really starting to like Ahmir more than I want to. Matter of fact, I’m about to send a good morning text. Let me get up and get my day started, I’ll check back in with you later.

After our classes Chanel and I went to go eat lunch. I was not really into the cafeteria food but I was starving and I learned being a college student, you don’t have many options. When it comes to eating in the cafeteria, it is really no different than high school. You have certain cliques that sit at the table with each other. The athletes sit at the table together, and the fraternities and sororities sit together. When we got in, I spotted Malorie sitting at a table with three other girls so we walked over to the table.

“Hey Malorie, how you doing?” I asked.

“What’s up girl? I’m good. Chanel girl, how you doing?” she said.

“I’m cool Mal! I didn’t know you were even here until Ki told me she ran into you and Taja.”

“Well, what you girls getting into after y’all leave here? Taja and I are going to hang with some dudes I know. Y’all should come. They are real cool,” Malorie said.

“I don’t know Mal. I already had a bad experience by chilling with niggas I don’t know,” I told her.

“What happened?” she asked.

“I don’t really want to talk about it but it wasn’t good at all.”

“Well I promise that you will be in good hands,” she assured me.

“Okay, well I’ll think on it and I’ll let you know.”

“I’m down to go. I need to get off campus for a little while anyway. Ki come on girl, you know if I’m going ain’t shit going down that you don’t want to go down,” Chanel said.

“A’ight man, I’ll go,” I said reluctantly.

“Cool, we will be leaving in about two more hours.”

We ate our food and talked for a while. When we walked out of the cafeteria there was this guy standing in front handing out some type of flyers. When we walked down the steps, he stopped us and said, “Excuse me pretty ladies I want to invite you all to party with me this Thursday night at Club Pure. It will be the kickoff of the first college night of the year. All ladies free before twelve and all students with an ID get in at half price. There will also be great drink specials.”

We took the flyers and thanked him. Chanel asked, “So are you a club owner or something?”

“No, I’m a DJ. My name is DJ Spin,” he said.

“Oh okay, well it’s nice to meet you,” she said.

“It’s nice meeting you ladies also.” He looked at me and said, “I hope I’m not being to forward but you are very beautiful. What’s your name?”

I looked at him, smiled and said, “I’m Kior and thank you.”

“Well Miss Kior, will I be asking for too much if I asked for your number? I would love to learn more about you.”

“Girl go ahead and give that man your number. He look like he got that bread,” Chanel mumbled under her voice.

I looked at Chanel and shook my head because that girl does not care what comes out of her mouth sometimes. Don’t get me wrong DJ Spin was very attractive; he looked to be about 5’10, brown skin, low haircut with waves that would cause you to get seasick. I also noticed that he was bowlegged and the fact that he could dress his ass off was a plus. Also, even though I had never seen him nor heard of him before attending college, his name was big all over the city as one of the top DJs. I took a moment and thought about it, and said what the hell, I asked for his phone, and locked my number in.

“That’s what’s up sexy. I will be giving you a call real soon,” he said.

“Okay,” I said.

“You ladies have a nice day,” he said to Chanel and Malorie.

After he walked off Malorie looked at me and said while laughing, “Damn Ki that nigga was fine if you hadn’t given him your number, I would have. Come on we got to get ready before it starts getting late. I can’t be out late, I have an early class in the morning.”


We pulled up at Malorie’s friend’s house, got out of the car and walked to the door. Before we could even get to the door, it opened up and a short dark skinned guy was standing on the other side. Malorie walked in giving the dark skinned dude a hug and introduced us to him and the rest of the guys. It was only four of them and they were sitting around watching TV. The one who opened the door was introduced to us as Malcolm and his other three friends were Jared, Sean, and Travis but everybody called him Red.

Malcolm walked into the kitchen, “Just make yourselves comfortable I just ordered all of us some pizzas and wings.” He came back out with bottles of liquor; now from what happened to me the last time, I knew I was not going to drink anything. He then went into the back and came out with a sack of weed and a pack of cigars.

“You girls smoke? I know Malorie do but what about the rest of you?” he asked.

“I do on occasions,” Chanel said.

“I don’t,” I said.

“Nope,” Taja said.

“Well, it’s a first time for everything right? Peer pressure, peer pressure!” Malcolm said while waving the weed in our face.

“I guess,” I said.

I don’t know what had gotten into me but I was curious to know how it felt to be high and to see what the hype was all about. Even though I was nervous about smoking with some guys I never met because of what happened to me before but I knew that my girls wouldn’t let anything happen to me. After Malcolm rolled the blunt, he got the lighter and began to smoke it. After about three pulls he passed it to his homeboys. They all took about two puffs before passing it. When it got to me, I grabbed the blunt from Malorie and put it up to my lips, I took a long pull from it and when the smoke filled my lungs, I began to choke.

“Whoaaa shorty, you gotta be careful with that especially if this is your first time,” Jared said.

“You good Ki?” Chanel asked.

“Yeah, I’m okay,” I said.

After getting myself together, I took one more puff but this time I didn’t choke. I passed the blunt to Chanel and sat back in my chair. Before I knew, it there were two blunts going in rotation and I was beginning to feel the effects of the weed. I felt like I was in a dream and I started to get deep in thought. I started thinking about everything you can imagine. I was very relaxed and the next thing I knew I started giggling but the thing is I have no idea why I was laughing or what was so funny.

Chanel looked at me and said, “Girl what the hell is wrong with you? What’s so funny?”

“I don’t know but I can’t stop laughing! I’m thinking about all kind of funny shit,” I said laughing.

By this time Taja started laughing. I don’t know if she was laughing at me or what but she was laughing so hard that tears were running down her face.

“They are just geeked,” Malcolm said while laughing himself. “They are high as hell and probably going to find everything funny because this is their first time smoking. This isn’t that regular shit; we’re smoking that Fruity Pebble.”

“Man, I’m feeling so good but I’m getting hungry now, where the pizza man at?” I said.

“That’s a good damn question, he should be here any minute but if not and my food is cold he’s taking that shit back,” Malcolm said.

Just as soon as he got the words out of his mouth there was a knock on the door. Sean went to the door and it was the pizza guy.

“Damn nigga what took you so long to get here?” Malcolm asked. “We’re in here hungry, and shit, and you taking forever with our food. How much?”

“$21.34 and I apologize for the long wait,” the guy said.

“You straight,” Malcolm said giving the guy the money and taking the food.

I was so happy that the food arrived because it felt like I was starving. Everybody got a plate and began putting pizza and wings on their plate. I grabbed two slices, and put three wings on my plate and went to work. I like hanging out with Malcolm and his friends because they were cool and wasn’t on no funny type shit. After we finished eating, Jared pulled out a deck of cards and we sat around the table playing spades. We took turns playing and whichever team lost had to get up so that someone else could play. Chanel and I was a beast in spades but of course no one knew it but us. And we liked it that way because I knew they were going to underestimate us. By the time we got finished cutting ass on the spades table, everyone was tired and we were ready to go. We said our goodbyes and they invited us to come back whenever, so we could all hang out again.

When I got back to my room, I was still feeling the effects of all the blunts we smoked, so all I wanted to do was get in the shower and go to sleep. As soon as I got in the bed there was a knock on the door. I wondered who it was because Asa had her key. I got up to open the door and it was Chanel’s next door neighbor.

“Hey, I’m Jaecia I stay next door to Chanel and she has mentioned to me that you guys are best friends. Well, when I was walking in I saw Chanel and her roommate downstairs talking to the police. I’m not sure what is going on but I wanted to let you know so that you can make sure she is okay.”

“Thanks,” I said. While putting on my shoes, I grabbed my room key to head downstairs.

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