His Kind of Girl: A Love Story (2 page)

BOOK: His Kind of Girl: A Love Story
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I laughed and said, “Thank you. I bet you say that to all the ladies though right?”

“Naw ma, when I say something I mean it.”

“Oh ok, if you say so!”

We talked while eating our breakfast, discussing our likes and dislikes, our majors, and our future plans. He explained to me that he and Jeremiah were both on the football team, which took me by surprise because of his 6’2 athletic frame. I saw him as a basketball player. It didn’t matter to me though because one thing I loved was an athlete.

I really enjoyed our talk and couldn’t wait to see where this friendship was going. Our conversation was so good that we both lost track of time, I looked down at my cell phone and realized we were there for three hours!

“I hate for our breakfast date or should I say lunch date now to end but I have some things to do before it gets too late,” I said

“Me too, I actually have s football meeting to go to in a few so I really need to get going. I’ll give you a call later on and if you’re free we should hang out again,” Ahmir said

“I’m cool with that. Talk to you later.”

Ahmir gave me a hug and left out.





After I left Kior, I went back to my dorm to get ready for this football team meeting. I’m really feeling Kior; she seems like a really cool girl and not to mention she is sexy as hell. Our conversation was so good that we talked for hours and didn’t even notice it. Truth be told I cannot wait until we meet up again because I really enjoy being around her. My roommate Braylen, who was also my teammate, came into the room.

“Hey Mir, man you ready for this meeting? I wonder what coach want to talk about you know how he likes to act like an ass some times.”

“Yeah, I know. He probably going to go over what he expects out of us this season and practice. You know the usual blah, blah, blah. You know he gotta let the freshmen know what’s up,” I said. “I’m just ready to get it over with so I can have the rest of the day to myself.”

“I feel you bruh. So what you getting into tonight? The team talking about going to this club called Pure. They say it’s always jumping on Saturday night,” Braylen asked.

“Oh word, well I was thinking about chillin with this chick I met last night but I’ll probably just tell her I’ll get up with her later and just go out tonight. I know it’s going to be live in there tonight,” I said.

“Word! That’s what I’m going for, all the fine ass females. We better get going though before we are late for this meeting. I don’t want to hear coach damn mouth,” he said.


Once we got out the meeting, I went back to the dorm so that I could shower and find something to eat because a nigga was starving. While I was in the shower, I started thinking about what I wanted to wear to the club tonight, I knew whatever it was, had to be something fresh because I don’t believe in going anywhere half-stepping. When I got out of the shower, and started drying myself off, I heard my phone go off. I knew it was a text message by the ringtone, I looked to see who it was and it was my ex-girl Jasmine from back home. Jasmine and I were high school sweethearts but right before I went off to college we broke it off because I knew the distance was going to be a problem. Jasmine was built like a model, she was 5’8 with a slim frame, and her grey colored eyes complimented her mixed complexion. Her long curly hair stopped just above her round ass. She was definitely a beautiful girl and the thing is, I still cared about Jasmine but the love was not there anymore. She still comes to visit me from time to time and to be real, I still beat it down whenever she come to visit, I just don’t want to be in a relationship with her anymore and she knows it.

Jasmine: Hey bae!!!!! How are you doing?

Me: What’s good Jasmine? I’m good, just got out of a football meeting now I’m about to grab something to eat. You good?

Jasmine: Yes boo, I’m good just wanted to see how your day was going… Imu!!

Me: Jaz, let’s not start this. You already know what time it is with us. We are friends and friends only when will you realize that?

Jasmine: I know….I know but I really wish you would give us another chance!!!

Me: Look Jasmine, I’ll hit you up later. I’m not trying to have this conversation with you again.

Jasmine: Whatever Ahmir!!

I got dressed and called my boy Jeremiah up to see what he was up to.

“Hey bruh, what’s the move?” Jeremiah said as soon as he picked up the phone.

“Not much seeing what you were about to get into. About to go get some grub.”

“Word, I’m about to do the same, meet me at the Pit Stop. I’m not feeling that cafeteria food right now,” Jeremiah said.


The Pit Stop is a restaurant located on campus that serves any type of food that you can think of. I ordered a cheese steak sub with a coke to drink and a side of fries. While I was waiting on my food and for Jeremiah to come, I noticed a thick sexy redbone looking at me. I looked at her and nodded my head, she smiled at me and began to walk towards me.


“Hi cutie, my name is Zaria. What’s your name?” she asked.

“I’m Ahmir. It’s nice meeting you Zaria,” I said.

“I’ve been checking you out ever since you walked in here and I have to ask do you have a girl?”

“Nah, I don’t have a girl.”

“Well do you mind if we get to know each other a little more?” she asked.

I laughed, “That’s cool. Damn, one thing I noticed is the girls around here are bold. Y’all see something y’all want and go after it huh?”

“That’s the only way to be.”

“I feel ya ma. Well, slide me your number and I will hit you up later on,” I told her.

Zaria put her number in my phone and went back over to her table with her friends. I already know what you’re thinking. Why did I give Zaria my number and I’m supposed to be feeling Kior, right? Well, the thing about that is I’m a single man and there’s nothing wrong with me having friends. Honestly, I didn’t come to college to be tied down in a serious relationship but we shall see what happens. Just when I got my food and sat down Jeremiah came in.

“Damn nigga, what took you so long to get here?” I asked.             

“My bad man, I had to handle some business real quick,” Jeremiah explained.

“It’s cool shit, I just got my food.”

“Well I’m about to order my food so I’ll be back,” Jeremiah said.

While Jeremiah went to order his food, I called Kior to see what she was up too.

“Hello,” Kior answered.

“Hi beautiful, did I interrupt you?”

“No, I wasn’t doing much at the moment. What’s up?” she asked.

“Not too much just here at the Pit Stop with Jeremiah grabbing something to eat real quick. Listen, I know we talked about meeting up later to chill but the team is talking about going out to Club Pure tonight. So would it be cool if we can get up tomorrow some time?”

“It’s not a problem for me. I mean it’s not like you’re my man or anything so I can’t be upset or mad with you,” she said.

“I know that but I still wanted to let you know what was up,” I told her.

“Well, I appreciate that sweetie. Just hit me up when you are free….cool?”

“Okay, cool. Talk to you later beautiful.”

As I hung up the phone with Kior, Jeremiah came back to the table with his food.

“Man I’m about to smash this food down,” Jeremiah said while sitting down. “I haven’t eaten all day!”

I laughed, “I bet. So are you going to the club with the team tonight?”

“I think I’m going to pass tonight, I promised Chanel I would take her to a movie tonight. I’m really feeling shorty, she’s cool and not to mention fine as hell,” Jeremiah said. “What about you and Kior?”

“I just got off the phone with her actually. We cooling, I’m feeling her too but I like to keep my options open,” I said.

“I hear you homie. You got everything ready for class Monday? I’m already dreading this semester because I have some killer classes,” Jeremiah said.

“Yeah, I’m good come Monday. I actually got it pretty easy this semester.”

We chatted it up a bit more while we finished our food then I headed back to my room to chill and relax so that I could be right for tonight.




Dear Diary,

So today was very interesting, I ran into Taja and Malorie today and I was soooo happy to see them!!! I also met two girls while I was on the elevator whose names are Tionne and Neveah, they seem like really nice girls. Ahmir and I were supposed to chill together later but he cancelled on me to go to the club, which is cool, but now I have to find something to get into tonight because I refuse to sit up in my room all night. Especially since this is the last weekend before classes begins. I guess I’ll go see what Chanel is doing, later diary!!!


After I got off the phone with Ahmir I can’t say I wasn’t a little disappointed because I was looking forward to spending some more time with him. I went to Chanel’s room and knocked on the door, I wanted to see what she was up to since I haven’t talked to her all day.

She opened the door and went back to rummaging through her closet. When I walked in the room, there were shoes and clothes everywhere.


“Where are you going that got you going through your closet like that girl?” I asked.


“Jeremiah wants to spend some more time with me so he asked me to go on a date with him to the movies!” she said.


“Uh ohhh that’s great girl. Let me help you find something to put on, you got to be looking right,” I told her.


We spent about an hour going through all her clothes and shoes before we came up with the perfect outfit for her date. We decided to go with a simple red bodycon long sleeve dress with a pair of black ankle booties.


“Girl, Jeremiah won’t be able to keep his hands to himself tonight,” I said.


“Ha! I know but I got to behave myself so he better. I don’t want him to start nothing he can’t finish,” Chanel said laughing.


“Ummm, Ummm ole nasty ass! Hahahaha,” I screamed.


“You better know it! So what you got planned for tonight, you and Ahmir getting together?” she asked.


“Nope he’s going out with the football team tonight so I got to find something else to do because I’m definitely not staying in here all night. I might see what Taja and Malorie doing later, I ran into them earlier”


“Oh really? I didn’t know they were going here. When you talk to them, tell them I said hey! I got to get up with them soon,” Chanel said.




While we were talking, Briana came into the room with her face in a frown and rolled her eyes at us. I looked at Chanel and shook my head then said a silent prayer that Briana would keep all comments to herself because I’m really not in the mood for the drama. While Chanel got ready for her date, I decided I would go to see if Taja was in her room. When I walked out of Chanel’s room, I saw Tionne getting off of the elevator.


“Hey girl!” she said


“What’s up?” I said


“Trying to figure out what I’m going to do tonight. My cousin, who is a junior here, asked Neveah and I to hang with her and her homegirl tonight. They are supposed to go hang with some dudes they know. If I decide to go would you like to go with us?” Tionne asked.


“Well sure I don’t have anything else to do. What time are y’all leaving?” I asked.


“She said around nine but whenever you’re ready just come to my room.”


“Alright sounds good.”



After I got dressed, I headed to Tionne and Neveah’s room, I knocked on the door and Tionne opened it. They were still getting dressed so I sat in one of the chairs and began asking questions about Tionne’s cousin and the dudes we were about to chill with.

“So Tionne, what is your cousin’s name and do she know I’m coming along with you?” I asked.

“Her name is Stasha and yep, I told her and she said it was cool. My cousin is a really cool chick she loves to have fun,” Tionne said. “And the dudes we about to go hang with are friends of hers, she said they like to have fun and that we will have a good time. This is her calling me now she must be downstairs.”

The three of us headed downstairs and there was a black SUV parked right in front of our dorm, Tionne led us to the SUV and we all hopped in the back. When I got inside there was another person that was sitting in the passenger seat, she looked back at us and said, “Hi ladies, I’m Stasha’s roommate Morgan.”

Tionne said,” Hello I’m Stasha’s cousin Tionne, this is my roommate Neveah, and this is one of our new friends, Kior.”

“Well its nice meeting y’all, I hope y’all ready to have fun!” Morgan said.

“Yasssss honey because classes start Monday so I know I won’t be partying as much,” Stasha said.

“Well, I’m glad that I was invited to hang with y’all because I didn’t have anything to do and I did not feel like sitting in my room on a Saturday night,” I said.

“Girl it’s no problem, I’m a cool ass girl,” Stasha said laughing.

We rode in the car for about twenty minutes singing every song that came on radio and just cutting up like we’ve known each other for years. We pulled up to a brick house that had a few cars in the yard, got out and walked up to the door. Stasha knocked and about a minute later, a tall dark skinned guy comes to the door.

“Stasha, come on in! What’s going on girl? I’m glad you came through, who are these lovely ladies you brought with you?” he asked.

“Hey Tre, this is my cousin Tionne, her friends Neveah and Kior, and you know Morgan already,” Stasha said.

“Well it’s nice to meet you ladies. Come on in and I will introduce y’all to my homies,” Tre said.

We all walked in to the area where there were about six guys sitting around listening to music, smoking, drinking, and playing cards. Tre introduced us to his friends,” Aye niggas y'all already know Stasha and Morgan, this is Tionne, ummm Nevah….”

“It’s Neveah,” Neveah interrupted

“My bad shorty, Neveah and what’s your name again sweetheart?” Tre asked looking at me.

“Kior,” I replied.

“These are my homeboys Stone, Joc, Lee, Ronnie, Vick, and Money. We got every type of liquor you can think of, so help yourself,” Tre said while going into the kitchen.

Now I don’t know about the others but I was never a big drinker. I mean I had a wine cooler here and there so I was kind of skeptical to drink anything stronger than wine. I’m around a bunch of people that I don’t even know so it wouldn’t be wise to have hard alcohol. I asked Tre if there was any wine, he walked in the kitchen and came back with a bottle of wine.

“Here you go, I usually don’t keep wine here because I’m not a wine drinker but because I knew I was having company over, I decided to get a bottle and I’m glad I did,” he said.

“Me too, I never had any of that other stuff before so I’m taking it light,” I told him.

While I sipped on my cup of wine, Tionne sipped on a cup of Ciroc mixed with pineapple juice and Neveah had a cup of Hennessey mixed with coke. We were all talking, laughing, and listening to music, the wine was so good that I was drinking it like it was water. After about the third cup, I began to feel the effects of it and the room began to spin. I looked over at Tionne who must have been feeling her drinks too because she got up and started dancing. Before I knew it, we were all up dancing like we were at a club. The dude name Money pulled out a plastic bag and a cigar, at first I tried to figure out what he had but then I noticed it was weed. He sat in the chair and started taking some of the weed out of the bag; he broke the weed down and cut open the cigar. After dumping out the cigar, he put the weed inside and started licking and rolling it. Smoking was something I was never into and I definitely wasn’t going to start tonight, I’ve heard stories about smoking with people you barely knew so I wasn’t about to give it a try.

Lighting the blunt up, Money asked us if we wanted to take a hit, Tionne, Neveah, and I declined but everyone else was ready to get high. While they were passing the blunt around, I decided to get another cup. Let me tell you after that last cup I was feeling very good and not to mention I think I caught a little contact from the weed smoke. It was obvious Tionne and Neveah had way too much to drink too because Tionne was on the couch passed out and Neveah ran to the bathroom saying something about feeling sick.

After Neveah came out, I got up and stumbled my way to the bathroom, barely able to stand I held on to the wall the whole walk there. When I finished using the bathroom, I washed my hands and just as I was about to leave out Tre’s friend Joc walks in.

“Damn my bad, I didn’t know anyone was in here,” he said.

“You good I was just about to walk out,” I told him.

“Wait hold up for a sec, I was watching you all night and I must say you fine as hell. You got a man?”

“Thank you and no I don’t, now if you could please get out the way I need to sit down.”

Joc grabs my hand, “Why would you want to go out there and sit down when I got something right here for you to sit on.”

I looked down and this nigga had his dick in his hand!

“First of all nigga I may be drunk but I am fully aware of what you trying to do. I’m not these hoes you are used to dealing with so please get out of my face and put that little ass dick up,” I said as I pushed my way past him trying to sit down because the room was spinning so fast.

When I got back to where everyone was, I noticed that Tionne and Neveah were missing. “Where is Tionne and Neveah?” I asked.

“Tre let them lay down in the guest room until we get ready to go,” Stasha replied. “We will be leaving soon.”

After about ten minutes everyone moved the little party outside, I was in no shape to stand outside so I told them I would stay inside and lay down until it was time to leave. The last thing I remember was lying on the couch watching something on the TV screen before dosing off. I was awakened by a tug on my pants, at first I thought that I was dreaming until I felt my pants being pulled down. I sat up quickly and grabbed my pants, “What the hell you doing?” I asked looking at who else but Joc’s thirsty ass.

“Man listen, stop playing you know you want this dick girl,” Joc said.

“I told your ass the first time I’m not down with that, I don’t even know you so you need to move. Matter of fact I’m about to tell Stasha it’s time to go,” I said getting up off the couch.

“Naw, you ain’t going nowhere until I get what I want. They outside turning up; they not leaving no time soon,” Joc said pushing me back down pinning my hands down on the couch.

At this point I started to get scared and thinking to myself that I was about to get raped, I started saying a quick prayer and before I could finish Stasha and Morgan walked in the house.

“What the hell is going on? Get the fuck off her Joc. Nigga I’m about to beat your ass,” Stasha said.

“Hold up Stasha man it’s not like…”

“It’s not like what Joc? It looks like to me you was on top of her while holding her hands down.”

By this time, Tre and the other dudes came in trying to figure out what was going on.

“Awww, hell no Joc I know damn well you wasn’t about to try and get that girl knowing she been drinking all night… That’s fucked up,” Tre said.

Before anyone knew it Stasha and Morgan jumped on Joc, Tre looked on for a second before they broke it up. “I don’t hang with no damn rapists.” Tre said, “I didn’t know you was like that man, you gotta get up outta here nigga before I smoke your ass, real talk.”

Joc didn’t say anything, he just got up and left.

“Listen ma, I’m sorry that happened to you and I apologize that you had to experience that. I don’t roll like that and I hope these niggas here now don’t either,” Tre explained.

“Hell no!” one of the dudes said. I think it was Lee. “That’s some weak shit right there.”

My head was still spinning and I felt a headache coming on.

“We about to head out, can somebody help me get Tionne and Neveah to the car?” Stasha said.

“Yeah, we got you girl,” Lee said.

While they were getting Tionne and Neveah, Morgan and I went ahead and got into the car. All I could think about was what happened just a few moments ago. I thanked God that Stasha walked in at the time she did because I thought for sure Joc was going to rape me. That is one thing that I did not want to have to experience. After everyone was in the car we were on our way back to campus when Neveah said, “Guys I’m feeling sick again, I think I’m about to...” before she could finish her sentence she threw up on all of us in the car.

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