His Mistress (34 page)

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Authors: Monica Burns

Tags: #Romance, #Historical

BOOK: His Mistress
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She immediately chastised herself. Tobias didn’t love her. Why should it matter if they didn’t like her? A voice in the back of her mind admonished her. It made a difference
she loved Tobias. She forced a welcoming smile to her lips as the small group of men stopped in front of her. Tobias captured her hand and carried it to his mouth to kiss her fingertips. His dark brown gaze met hers, and the reassurance in his eyes steadied her nerves.

“Jane, may I present John Fordyce, my mentor and friend.”

“Welcome, sir. I am very happy meet you.” Jane offered him a curtsy, but the distinguished man immediately wagged his finger at her and made her stand upright. With a smile, he kissed her cheek.

“There now, we’ll have none of that. You are to call me John. Tobias is like a son to me, and you shall be my daughter. My
daughter at the moment.”

John winked at her as the men behind him released a chorus of groans and muttered protests. Unable to help herself, Jane laughed at the mischievous look John sent her. Tobias’ mentor was a handsome man, and she was certain his distinguished good looks would catch the eye of most women in attendance this evening. The older gentleman ignored the reaction of his adopted sons and turned to Angelique. The appreciation in John’s eyes made Jane smile. She was accustomed to standing in her friend’s shadow, but she’d never minded as Angélique always made light of her physical charms.

“And who might this exquisite creature be?”

“John, allow me to present my dearest friend, Angelique Bissette.”

“A pleasure, Miss Bissette,” John said with obvious appreciation.

Angelique smiled as she offered him a curtsy that was deeper than normal. Startled, Jane assumed it was because John was Tobias’ mentor. She quickly realized differently as Angelique straightened upright and Jane saw her friend’s gaze dart to the Earl of Mancroft. Defiance flashed in the Frenchwoman’s soft brown eyes as Angélique looked away from the earl. A second later, Angélique focused her magnetic charm on John Fordyce, and the elder gentleman beamed his delight. Jane watched Mancroft’s expression darken considerably and finally understood that Angelique’s actions had served a two-fold purpose. Not only had the Frenchwoman been polite to John Fordyce, but she had silently thumbed her nose at the Earl.

“Monsieur Fordyce. The pleasure is all mine,” Angélique said in a husky voice designed to charm and captivate the man. Behind his mentor, Tobias cleared his throat and John immediately turned around with a grin.

“Forgive me,” he chuckled. “Where beautiful women are concerned, I must indulge myself with their company as long as possible. I’m fortunate that Luke was unable to be here in time, so I must therefore seize the moment.”


“Yes, the last of my wayward boys. He’s on the continent and his invitation only reached him today. He cabled with his regrets as well as his best wishes.”

“I’m sorry he’s not here to share in Tobias and my happiness, but I look forward to meeting him.”

“While I miss Luke, I cannot deny having the good fortune to assume his usual role of monopolizing you and Mademoiselle Bissette for the rest of the evening.”

“Ah yes, it’s much easier for one of us to push Luke aside as opposed to one’s patriarch,” a handsome man quipped behind John. Dark blonde hair framed an attractive face. Striking blue eyes twinkled with amusement as Jane smiled at him. Jane laughed and touched John’s arm.

“You are welcome to monopolize me all evening,” Jane said with amusement. “I intend to have you share every instance of Tobias’ childhood offenses that you can remember.”

“Perhaps it would behoove me to be present, my love,” Tobias said with a smile. “I have no wish for John to exaggerate any of my
childhood transgressions.”

Jane became still as the statue. Had Tobias just addressed her as his love? Her gaze jerked toward his face, but he was eyeing his mentor with a look of devilry. Desperately, Jane tried to wrap her head around the endearment Tobias had uttered. Was it possible he loved her and had been afraid to speak without knowing her own feelings? Just as quickly as hope flowered inside her, it died a painful death. In all likelihood, Tobias had merely been attempting to make his family believe their marriage was a love match.

John chuckled as he looked at Tobias then swung his attention back to Jane. His jovial happiness made Jane realize John Fordyce was jubilant that Tobias was to marry. It merely strengthened her suspicions. Tobias had simply been ensuring his mentor believed their reason for marrying was love. Although her heart was breaking, her smile was warm as she looked at the older man. With another wink, John turned back to Tobias.

“Your minor transgressions, as you call them, were
minor,” John said with a wide smile. “In fact, I fear your bride will be so appalled by them, she’ll discard you posthaste the moment I relay even

“With the exception of Eli, I was your easiest charge to deal with,” Tobias said cheerfully to the quiet scoffs of disagreement from his friends. With a grin, Tobias turned to the men behind him.

“Jane, allow me to introduce the rest of my family,” Tobias said warmly. Still reeling from the endearment he’d use, Jane tried to focus on the introductions.

“This is Eli Brent, the golden child of the family.” It was obvious Tobias was teasing as the men all snorted with soft laughter.

“Tobias has never spoken truer words,” Eli said with a wide grin as he stepped forward to kiss Jane’s cheek. “Welcome to our family, Jane. I can only hope Tobias is worthy of your affection.”

“He is most assuredly worthy,” Jane said with conviction as she smiled at Eli then looked at Tobias. A dour look flashed across his features. He didn’t offer up a response to her remark, and a puzzled look crossed Eli’s face as he stepped aside to greet Angelique. Tobias gestured towards the Earl of Mancroft.

“I believe you’re already acquainted with Mancroft,” Tobias said quietly and she saw his gaze focus on Angelique’s composed features for a brief second. An unpleasant sensation exploded inside Jane. Dark and vicious, the feeling spread its way through her blood as she saw the way Tobias and the earl were studying her friend. For the first time in their friendship, she was jealous of the Frenchwoman. In the next heartbeat, she realized Angélique had not solicited Tobias’ concern. Ashamed of herself, Jane pushed aside her reaction and extended her hand to the earl.

“My lord, it’s a pleasure to see you again,” she said with a smile.

“Please, it’s Caleb. Family never stands on ceremony, Jane,” he said warmly as he took her hand and raised it to his mouth then quickly kissed her cheek. Despite his cordial and pleasant manner, tension vibrated off him like a piano wire pulled too tight. Jane saw him glance at Angelique, and she immediately turned toward her friend.

“Have you met my dear friend, Angelique Bissette?”

Jane gestured towards the Frenchwoman. Despite her serene countenance, Jane recognized how agitated Angélique was. It aroused more shame inside her for experiencing jealousy. Her friend was deeply in love, and yet some wall existed between her and the earl that seemed beyond destruction. Caleb shifted his position only the slightest bit, but the distance between the couple closed to mere inches.

“I have indeed,” Caleb said softly. “How are you, Miss Bissette?”

“I’m quite well, my lord.” Angelique’s reply was cold as ice, and Jane saw the earl’s lips thin into a fierce line.

“And still stubborn I see.” The soft words were clearly meant for Angelique’s ears alone, but Jane was close enough to hear the earl’s observation. Jane saw the steely look Caleb directed at her friend, and Angelique leveled a similar look back at him.

“My stubbornness, as you refer to it, my lord, is simply your explanation for your inability to admit defeat at the hands of a woman. I am nothing, if not resolved, in my determination to choose my own fate. For those who choose to challenge me in that decision, I can only presume their reasons are not only suspect, but superficial in nature.”

The smile on Angelique’s face was filled with seductive charm, but her words were meant to skewer Mancroft. Jane saw him stiffen with anger, and his eyes glittered almost menacingly at Angélique. The Frenchwoman simply tilted her head higher and glared at him with disdain. If Jane hadn’t known better, she would have thought the Frenchwoman loathed the man. A large hand suddenly clasped Mancroft on the shoulder as the tallest man in Tobias’ family cleared his throat.

“Step aside Caleb, you’re not allowed to monopolize the ladies any more than John.” All the men laughed except the earl who simply glowered at his friends. However, Jane was certain it wasn’t the congenial, brotherly laughter that irritated him. Known for his stoic, unflappable demeanor, Mancroft was anything but either of those things at the moment. Whatever the hidden meaning behind his exchange with Angelique, it had angered him enough to ruffle his usually calm façade. Before Tobias could speak, the last of his friends stepped forward to kiss her cheek.

“I’m Samuel Faversham. Welcome to our family, Jane.”

There was an acute appraisal in the man’s eyes that made Jane’s smile falter. Samuel was unlike the others. It was obvious he intended to scrutinize her closely. Jane swallowed the knot threatening to close her throat.

“Thank you,” she murmured suddenly tongue-tied and afraid of making a misstep where this man was concerned.

“Tobias mentioned you were an only child.” Beneath Samuel’s curious gaze she nodded.

“Yes, my mother died giving birth to me and my twin brother.” Jane bit her lip at the sharp pain that always accompanied the fact.

“Tobias didn’t mention you had a brother.”

“He died a few days after he was born,” she explained.

“Then you have my sympathies,” Samuel said.

“There is no need, but thank you all the same.” She glanced at Tobias and the men surrounding him and wondered what it would have been like to have a brother who cared for her as much as these men seemed to care for each other.

“I imagine we must seem a bit overwhelming,” he said with a kind smile that made Jane feel more at ease.

“Just a bit.” She laughed. “I find the obvious affection you all feel for one another quite heartwarming and enviable.

“That’s entirely John’s doing. Without him, I’m certain most of us would have led very different lives.”

“He seems a remarkable man.” Jane turned her gaze to Tobias’ mentor who was engaged in a lively conversation with Tobias and Caleb. “Has he never married?”

“He was married and widowed, long before we entered his life. I don’t think he’s ever recovered from his loss.”

“How sad,” Jane murmured.

“Yes.” Samuel nodded in firm agreement. “If any of us could, we’d find someone to share his life with. Perhaps now that you’re joining the family you can help us in that regard. Bachelors make terrible matchmakers.”

“As opposed to women,” she said with a wry twist of her mouth.

“It’s much harder for men to ascertain the suitability of a woman when it comes to marriage.” Samuel frowned as he turned and looked in the direction of his family.

“You’re concerned I’m not suitable for Tobias.” The observation made Samuel start as he jerked his head in her direction.

“Forgive me, I did not mean—”

“I cannot fault you for questioning my ability to make Tobias happy. It’s obvious you care for him a great deal, and like most siblings you wish only the best for him.”

“And like most siblings, I know most of Tobias’ secrets.” The indecision on Samuel’s face made Jane believe he was referring to Tobias’ father. But she was less certain of Samuel’s knowledge of Tobias’ penchant for surrendering to a woman. Wanting to ease the man’s fear for his friend, Jane touched his arm in a gesture of understanding.

“I know the darkness that eats away at Tobias’ soul, Samuel. I am determined to make him see that no matter how terrible his past, he will always find sanctuary with me.”

Samuel studied her in silence for a long moment. She didn’t allow her gaze to waver as she silently willed him to comprehend what she was trying to say. With a sudden nod of acceptance, Samuel smiled at her.

“I hope Tobias knows what a true treasure he has in his future wife.” The comment made Jane wince and concern darkened the man’s face.

“I’ve said something wrong.”

“Not at all,” she lied as she forced a smile to her lips. “Simply a cramp in my toes.”

“Then let me find you a seat.”

“I wish I could, but Lady Hounslow has a new round of guests who I’m certain she’ll want to introduce us to.” She nodded in Irene’s direction to where the woman was fawning over several of her father’s acquaintances in the salon doorway.

“Then by all means we should get you to Tobias’ side.” Samuel grinned. “He loathes social engagements so I imagine his ability to be gracious will require your presence to ensure he’s reasonably polite.”

“I didn’t realize Tobias wasn’t fond of these types of socials,” Jane said with surprise. As they closed the short distance between them and Tobias, she looked up at the towering figure beside her. “No wonder he seemed so ill at ease when he’s attended the dinner parties we’ve had here at Culverstone House.”

“Tobias prefers straightforward conversation, not general gossip such as one finds at engagements like this. Although I do believe he’s rather fond of theater.”

“The opera perhaps?” Jane inquired with a hopeful expression.

“Now that’s a question I can’t answer where Tobias is concerned.” The subject of their conversation turned to face them, and Jane flushed with embarrassment as she met her fiancé’s questioning expression. Samuel grinned. “I was warning Jane about your dislike of social functions.”

“You know me too well, Samuel,” Tobias said with a grimace.

“And yet you’ve attended many social engagements here at Culverstone House.”

“I came for your sake, Jane, and no other reason.”

The quiet sincerity in Tobias’ voice made her heart skip a beat. Had she been wrong earlier? Had his endearment illustrated his true feelings for her? Was it possible he felt something for her other than desire? She offered up a small prayer that he might come to care for her. Jane wrapped her arm through his and smiled up at him warmly.

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