His Mistress (33 page)

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Authors: Monica Burns

Tags: #Romance, #Historical

BOOK: His Mistress
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“Perhaps I have,” she murmured as the space between them vanished and her body melded with his.

Desire grabbed his cock, and he was hard in a split second. He stiffened as her hand slipped between them to caress his erection through his trousers. Tobias choked back a shout of pleasure as his hips instinctively thrust forward into her hand.

“Shall we lock the door, Tobias?” she whispered as she brushed her mouth along the edge of his jaw. “I want to taste you, Tobias. I want to pleasure you just like you did me.”

Her words pulled a dark groan out of him, and he bent his head to take her lips in a bruising kiss. He held nothing back as he let his hunger and love for her consume him. She gasped, and he immediately plunged his tongue into the warmth of her mouth. Mercilessly, his tongue mated with hers as she wrapped her arms around his neck and responded to his kiss with equal fervor.

Christ Jesus, she tasted good. The Chardonnay they’d had for lunch clung to her tongue and gave her a buttery sweet taste. Without thinking, he lifted her up and sat her down on the table of files. His tongue still swirling about hers, he roughly raised her dress up almost to her hips to slip his hand between her thighs. It was a direct challenge to her dominant status, but she didn’t protest. Rather she gave way to him as if understanding the fear that drove the darkness of his passion. A desire for her that would never die. She gasped again, but he swallowed the sound with his mouth. In seconds his fingers found her sex, and she squirmed against his touch.

Tobias lifted his head and stared down at her. Her eyes were half closed, giving her a slumberous look that only increased his ardor. His thumb rubbed slowly against the swollen nub of flesh hidden in her silky folds and pleasure softened her features. His finger glided around the rim of her core, which pulled a soft moan from her. The hunger inside him grew stronger until his cock was iron hard. The damn thing ached until he thought it would explode.

He needed her. Needed to settle himself between her legs and claim her for his own one last time. His fingers fumbled with his trouser buttons when he suddenly froze. What the fuck was he doing? This wouldn’t stop her from asking probing questions or attempting to unlock even his smallest of secrets. It would only increase her determination to make him yield to her, over and over again. The moment he confessed his feelings for her, she would own him heart, body, and soul.

Tobias jerked away from her, leaving Jane to flounder amidst the files from a moment. The passion on her lovely features slowly vanished as anger flashed in her eyes. He tightened his mouth and turned away from her.

“We’re done here.” He ignored the sharp outcry of protest coming from his cock.

When she didn’t respond, he glanced over his shoulder at her. God Almighty. His mouth went dry as the upper half of her gown fell to meet the material of her skirts, which he’d pushed up to her waist only a moment ago. Jane’s fingers were unleashing the front of her combination, and his brain fired off one emotion after another. Desire, hunger, need, love, and a stark terror he recognized as the very real possibility he wouldn’t have the strength to refuse her.

“Lock the door, Tobias.”

The command eviscerated almost every shred of self-restraint he possessed. But he somehow found the strength to withstand the urge to do it she ordered.

“I said we’re done,” he choked out. “Get dressed or I’ll dress you myself.”

“Lock the door, Tobias,

The look on her lovely face said she wouldn’t tolerate his refusal. As if to emphasize her determination to make him yield to his passion for her, she trailed her fingers down the top of one breast to circle a dark pink nipple. The point stiff and ready for his mouth to suckle. From deep in his soul a groan rose up to escape his mouth. Reluctantly, he locked the door knowing he had surrendered to her once more. He faced her again to see a sultry, seductive smile curving her lips. It twisted his insides with a longing that tugged at the very heart of him. He was a fool to think he could refuse her.

“You’re to finish what you started, Tobias.” At her command, he shook his head still trying to resist.

“I locked the door simply to ensure no one came in to see you disheveled like this.”

“Liar,” she said huskily. Her gaze locked with his, and she continued to stroke her nipple as her other hand dropped to her thigh. Ever so slowly, her hand glided upward until it disappeared beneath the swathe of blue material. Eyes closed, she drew in a sharp breath, and he knew her fingers had touched her core. Desire drove him forward, and the instant he reached her, she reached out to stroke his erection through his trousers.

As he bent his head to suckle her, she used her shoulder to nudge him back. Her nimble fingers quickly freed his cock, and she wrapped her hand around him in a snug grip. Tobias groaned from the pleasure it brought him. Their eyes met, and her crisp blue gaze silently censured his for refusing to comply with her command.

do that to me again,” she said, the softness of her voice barely blanketing her anger. The irritation faded from her gaze as she rubbed her thumb over the tip of him. “Now finish what you started.”

Tobias drew in sharp hiss of air into his lungs then lowered his head to kiss her deeply. The logical part of his brain shouted for him to run as if the hounds of hell were on his heels. He ignored reason as his body responded to her touch. She was a sorceress determined to make him yield to her whenever she wished. But it was a surrender of the sweetest sort. With a low cry of hunger, he sheathed himself in her white-hot heat, and his entire body reveled in his possession of her. She was his. She was all that mattered. Loving her. Protecting her. It was what he’d been born to do. She cried out softly, and he captured her mouth with his as they climaxed at the same time. It was at that precise moment Tobias knew he was completely and truly lost.

Chapter 15

utterflies stirred in Jane’s stomach making her feel queasy. She couldn’t remember ever feeling this nervous before in her life. Jane took another drink of champagne from her crystal goblet. The drink tickled the back of her throat, causing her to cough. This time tomorrow she’d be married. The thought should have filled her with joy, but all she felt was fear.

The idea of a loveless marriage had not worried her at the start of this quagmire her father had arranged. But she’d not yet realized she was in love with Tobias. No, she’d known, she’d simply been unwilling to admit it. Now, she was well and truly trapped. She quickly finished off her champagne and exchanged the empty goblet for a new one off the tray of a passing footman. Without thinking Jane swallowed half of the second glass of bubbly wine in one gulp.

, Jane,” Angélique exclaimed softly in her ear. “If you continue drinking like that your tongue will become loose with the wrong people.”


A strong measure of relief swept over Jane as she turned to greet her friend. Angélique brushed each of Jane’s cheeks with a soft peck of affection before she stepped back to study Jane. The Frenchwoman nodded her approval of the emerald green gown Jane had chosen for the evening. She’d hoped it looked well on her, and her friend’s favorable opinion reassured her she’d made the right choice.

“But you look exquisite,
ma petite

“Thank you,” Jane said with a squeeze of her friend’s hands. “I’m so glad you came.”

“You and Tobias are two of my dearest friends. How could I not?” Angelique eyed her carefully. “You are upset.”

“I’m simply nervous,” Jane said and took another drink of champagne. Angelique uttered a soft sound of dismay and quickly pulled the glass from Jane’s hand.

“Wine does little to fortify oneself,” her friend chastised her. “Now tell me what has you so worried,
ma petite

“It’s Tobias’ family. What if they don’t like me?” At her response, the Frenchwoman stared her in astonishment.

“Why ever would you think such a thing,” Angelique exclaimed in a scolding tone. “How could they
like you?”

“I know it’s illogical, but I want to make a good impression,” Jane sighed.

“I see,” the Frenchwoman mused softly. “I think you will make an exceptional impression on Tobias’ family simply by virtue of the fact that he’s unable to take his eyes off of you.”

Startled, Jane met her friend’s amused gaze then glanced across the room to where Tobias stood with Sir Arthur and another guest. Almost as if he sensed her gaze on him, Tobias turned his head and arched an eyebrow at her while his mouth twitched in a small smile. It was a reassuring look that she longed to see again the instant he looked away. It was an illusion, but she couldn’t help hoping for another look of encouragement from him.

Tonight was the first time he’d been to Culverstone House since the night he’d discovered Jane was
. With the exception of those short blissful moments in his office almost two weeks ago, her only communication with him had been short, polite notes pleading work as his reason for declining her invitations. She flinched at the thought.

How was it possible Tobias hadn’t been stirred to feel something for her that day in the office? The memory of how she’d brazenly bared herself in his office filled her head, and she inhaled a deep breath. He’d obeyed her with great reluctance, but he’d obeyed her nonetheless. Yet despite surrendering to her demands, he’d still held something back during those ecstatic moments in his arms.

And she was certain there was something more he’d not yet shared with her. Frustration nipped at her. How could she reach him if she never saw him? His lack of availability had even aroused her father’s curiosity enough for him to suggest Tobias’ absence was Jane’s fault. In truth, she’d been almost surprised that Tobias had shown up for their pre-wedding reception this evening. But he’d apologized sincerely for his recent absences, and she’d easily forgiven him.

Another round of new arrivals entered the salon and beside her, Angelique dragged in a sharp breath. Jane turned to see her friend pale considerably. Alarmed, Jane clasped her friend’s hand then followed Angelique’s gaze to the small group of men who’d just entered the room. Jane immediately recognized the Earl of Mancroft, and her heart sank as she realized why her friend was so distressed.

“Oh, Angelique, I’m so sorry. I don’t know why Irene would invite the earl.” Jane squeezed her friend’s hand in sympathy. The color slowly returning to her cheeks, the Frenchwoman shook her head with resignation.

“It’s all right,
ma chérie
. I knew it was possible Caleb might be here tonight. I had simply hoped he would be at sea on one of his ships as he has a habit of doing.”

“You’d expected him to be here tonight?” Jane’s confusion made Angelique frown.

“Tobias hasn’t told you?”

“Told me what?”

“Caleb is one of Tobias’ childhood friends. They were both wards of John Fordyce.”

“But he’s the Earl of Mancroft…” Jane’s voice trailed to a halt as she stared at Angélique in bewilderment.

“Caleb was stolen from his crib by a maid who’d lost her own baby. The woman was mad with grief,” Angélique said quietly. “The poor thing met with an accident of some sort, and Caleb was sent to a workhouse when he was not quite nine years old.

“Good Lord,” Jane exclaimed softly. A haunted expression darkened Angélique’s beautiful face as the Frenchwoman nodded in agreement.

“It is not something he talks about. It was only by
bon chance
that his father found him several years ago,” she murmured with a distinct note of heartache in her voice before her brow furrowed with puzzlement. “I would have thought Tobias would mention it.”

“He probably thought you’d mention it to me,” Jane replied as her gaze darted back to the Earl. “But like you, he understands discretion as well.”

The troubled look on Angélique’s face vanished as she smiled at Jane. Satisfied her friend had regained her composure, Jane watched Tobias greet the men who’d just arrived. The older man in the small group smiled broadly as Tobias reached him. Instantly Jane knew the man had to be Tobias’ mentor, John Fordyce. The two men shook hands before hugging each other with obvious affection. A moment later, the rest of the small group surrounded Tobias.

When their greetings were complete, Tobias looked in Jane’s direction. He murmured something to John Fordyce, and the older man nodded with enthusiasm. With his hand at his mentor’s back, Tobias guided the man toward Jane. The butterflies fluttered madly once more in her stomach as she fought the urge to flee.

Her heart in her mouth, Jane remained rooted in place as she watched Tobias’ small entourage approach her. What if his family found her wanting? What had Tobias told them about her? Had he shared that theirs was an arranged marriage? She should have asked him these questions long before now. Jane forced herself to focus on the men coming toward her and once again she experienced dismay at the prospect she’d be found wanting.

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