Hitler's Hangman (86 page)

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Authors: Robert. Gerwarth

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116. Adam,
, 254f.; Adler,
Verwaltete Mensch
, 47f.; Goebbels’s diary entry of 19

August 1941, in
, part II, vol. 2/1, 265f.; Longerich, ‘
Davon haben wir nichts

’, 159ff.

117. Friedländer,
, 305; Hilberg,
, 130; Longerich,
, 214; Adam,
, 334; Notes of Walter Tiessler, 21 April 1941, in IfZ, MA 423; see, too, Adler,

Verwaltete Mensch
, 48; and Willi A. Boelcke,
Kriegspropaganda 1939–1945. Geheime

Ministerkonferenzen im Reichspropagandaministerium
(Stuttgart, 1955), 695.

118. Longerich, ‘
Davon haben wir nichts gewusst
’, 161f.

119. Goebbels,
, part II, vol. 1 (entry for 12 August 1941), 218.

120. Lösener, ‘Rassereferent’, 303f.

121. Goebbels,
, part II, vol. 1 (entry for 19 August 1941), 265f.; on the conversation

between Goebbels and Hitler on 18 August 1941, see, too, Friedländer,

267; Longerich,
, 427.

122. Adler,
Verwaltete Mensch
, 49.

1941, part I, 547; Lösener, ‘Rassereferent’, 307. See, too, IfZ, Eich 1064;

and MA 445, ff. 7854–60.

N OT E S to pp. 203–8


1941, part I, 547.

125. Heydrich’s letter of 15 September 1941, in BAB, R 58/276; as well as Heydrich’s orders

of 30 September and 16 October 1941, in ibid.

126. Printed in Konrad Kwiet, ‘Die Kennzeichnung mit dem Judenstern im Herbst 1941’, in

Wolfgang Benz (ed.),
Die Juden in Deutschland 1933–1945. Leben unter nationalsozialis-

tischer Herrschaft
(Munich, 1988), 614–31, here 615ff.

127. On Hitler’s change of mind, see Heydrich to Ribbentrop, 24 September 1941, explaining

the new police directive on the marking of Jews, in IfZ, Eich 949.

128. On the renewed registration process, see ‘Evidenz der Juden. Registrierung. Transporte’,

reproduced in Helena Krejćová, Jana Svobodová and Anna Hyndráková (eds),
Židé v

Protektorátu. Hlašení Židovské náboženské obce v roce 1942. Dokumenty
(Prague, 1997), doc.

10, pp. 167–8; Livia Rothkirchen,
The Jews of Bohemia and Moravia: Facing the Holocaust

(Lincoln, NB, 2005), 126. Anti-Jewish measures were widely publicized throughout the

Protectorate. See, for example,
Der Neue Tag
, 6 October 1941.

129. Senior staff meeting in the Reich Protector’s Office, 10 October 1941, in National Archives,

Prague, 114–2–56, reprinted in Kárný et al. (eds),
Deutsche Politik
, doc. 29, pp. 137–41.

130. Heydrich at a press conference in Prague on 11 October 1941, as quoted in Eva Schmidt-

Hartmann, ‘Tschechoslowakei’, in Wolfgang Benz (ed.),
Dimension des Völkermords. Die

Zahl der jüdischen Opfer des Nationalsozialismus
(Munich, 1991), 353–80, here 361 n. 28;

Heydrich to Himmler, 19 October 1941 on ‘Movement of Jews from the Old Reich into

the Litzmannstadt Ghetto’, BAB, NS 19/2655.

131. Protocol of the meeting of 4 October 1941, in BAB, NS 19/1734; Heydrich’s letter to the

General Quartermaster of 6 November 1941, as quoted in Klarsfeld,
, 369f.

132. Luther memoranda of 13 and 17 October 1941, as quoted in Browning,
, 368–9.

133. Witte et al. (eds),
, 18 October 1941, p. 238.

134. Uebelhoer to Himmler, 4 and 9 October 1941 and Heydrich to Himmler, 8 October 1941,

all in BAB, NS 19/2655.

135. Heydrich to Himmler, 19 October 1941, in BAB, NS 19/2655. See, too, Browning,

, 332.

136. Heydrich to Himmler, 8 October 1941, BAB, NS 19/2655. Heydrich quoted this figure

again during a meeting with senior SS staff members in Prague on 10 October 1941, in

Kárný et al. (eds),
Deutsche Politik
, doc. 29, pp. 137ff.

137. Lammers to Rosenberg, 6 September 1941, in BAB, R 43II/684a. See, too, Longerich,

, 557.

138. RSHA memorandum on the meeting between Heydrich and Rosenberg’s deputy, Alfred

Meyer, 4 October 1941, in BAB, NS 19/1734; see, too, Gerlach,
Kalkulierte Morde
, 580f.

139. Manoschek, ‘
Serbien ist judenfrei’
, 105ff.; Browning,
Foreign Office
, 56ff.

140. Browning,
, 346ff.

141. Longerich,
, 565f.

142. No written record of the meeting exists, but most scholars agree that the construction of

the Belzec extermination camp can be traced back to Globocnik’s initiative. See Dieter

Pohl, ‘Die grossen Zwangsarbeiterlager der SS- und Polizeiführer für Juden im

Generalgouvernement 1942–1945’, in Herbert et al. (eds),
Die nationalsozialistischen

, vol. 1, 415–38; Musial,
, 265; Browning,

359ff.; Michael Tregenza, ‘Belzec Death Camps’,
Wiener Library Bulletin
30 (1977), 8–25.

On Heydrich in Nauen, see Witte et al. (eds),
, 253.

143. Browning,
, 333f.

144. Epstein,
Model Nazi
, 188f.

145. Ian Kershaw, ‘Improvised Genocide? The Emergence of the “Final Solution” in the

Transactions of the Royal Historical Society
, 6th series (1992), 51–98.

146. Witte et al. (eds),
, 14, 25 and 29 October; see, too, Longerich,
, 556.

147. Browning,
, 373.

148. Longerich,
, 440, 448, 456.

149. Ibid.

150. Longerich,
, 569; Dieter Pohl,
Nationalsozialistische Judenverfolgung in Ostgalizien

1941–1944. Organisation und Durchführung eines staatlichen Massenverbrechens

1996), 405. On the role of local actors in committing the atrocities, see Martin Dean,


N OT E S to pp. 208–14

Collaboration in the Holocaust: Crimes of the Local Police in Belorussia and Ukraine, 1941–44

(New York, 2000); Bernhard Chiari,
Alltag hinter der Front. Besatzung, Kollaboration und

Widerstand in Weissrussland 1941–1944
(Düsseldorf, 1998), 96ff.

151. Hitler’s Reichstag speech of 11 December 1941, in Hitler,
Reden und Proklamationen

vol. 2, 1794ff. On Heydrich and Himmler attending the Reichstag session together, see

Witte et al. (eds),
, 11 December 1941, p. 288.

152. See Goebbels’s diary entry of 13 December 1941, in
, vol. II, vol. 2, 487ff.

153. Longerich,
, 570.

154. Christian Gerlach in particular has argued that Hitler’s statement of 12 December indi-

cated a principle decision, after the declaration of war on the United States, to murder all

European Jews. Christian Gerlach, ‘Die Wannsee-Konferenz, das Schicksal der deutschen

Juden und Hitlers politische Grundsatzentscheidung, alle Juden Europas zu ermorden’,

6 (1997), 7–44.

155. Witte et al. (eds),
, 18 December 1941.

156. Longerich,
, 570f.

157. See Heydrich to Luther, 29 November 1941, in PAAA, (Inland IIg 177) R 100857, f. 188.

See, too, Mark Roseman,
The Villa, the Lake, the Meeting: Wannsee and the Final Solution

(London and New York, 2002), 56f.; Johannes Tuchel,
Am Grossen Wannsee 56–58: Von der

Villa Minoux zum Haus der Wannsee-Konferenz
(Berlin, 1992).

158. Heydrich to Luther, 29 November 1941, PAAA, (Inland IIg 177) R 100857, f. 188. See,

too, Wildt,
, 630.

159. Roseman,
, 57f; On the participants, see Wolf Kaiser, ‘Die Wannsee-Konferenz.

SS-Führer und Ministerialbeamte im Einvernehmen über die Ermordung der europäischen

Juden’, in Heiner Lichtenstein and Otto R. Romberg (eds),
Täter – Opfer – Folgen. Der

Holocaust in Geschichte und Gegenwart
(2nd edn, Bonn, 1997), 24–37.

160. The following quotations are based on the only surviving copy of the protocol, in

PAAA, (Inland IIg 177) R 100857, ff. 166–180, here f. 168. See, too, the reprint:

‘Besprechungsprotokoll der Wannsee-Konferenz vom 20. Januar 1942’, in Kurt Patzold and

Erika Schwarz (eds),
Tagesordnung. Judenmord. Die Wannsee Konferenz am 20. Januar 1942.

Eine Dokumentation zur Organisation der ‘Endlösung’
(Berlin, 1992), 102–12.

161. Heydrich to Rosenberg, 10 January 1942, Yad Vashem Archives, M9/584.

162. On this conflict, see Longerich,
, 453.

163. Roseman,
, 85.

164. Friedländer,
, 367; Wildt,
, 636, n. 89; Eichmann memorandum

of 1 December 1941, as printed in Pätzold and Schwarz (eds),
, 90ff.;

Yehoshua Büchler, ‘A Preparatory Document for the Wannsee Conference’,
Holocaust and

Genocide Studies
9 (1995), 121–9.

165. PAAA, (Inland IIg 177) R 100857, f. 170; see, too, Wildt,
, 628.

166. The estimates were based on statistics that Eichmann had begun to compile in early

November 1941. See Cesarani,
, 112.

167. PAAA, (Inland IIg 177) R 100857, ff. 172–3; Friedländer,
, 371.

168. The strongest proponent of the first position is Gerlach, ‘Wannsee-Konferenz’, 33ff. Peter

Longerich and Saul Friedländer, by contrast, pointed out that ‘road construction’ was not

merely a codeword for murder: Friedländer,
, 370; Longerich,
, 470f.

See Eichmann’s testimony of 24 July 1961, in Longerich,
, 92. See, too,

, 237ff.; Roseman,
, 72.

169. PAAA, (Inland IIg 177) R 100857, f. 179f.; John A. S. Grenville, ‘Die “Endlösung” und

die “Judenmischlinge” im Dritten Reich’, in Ursula Büttner, Werner Johe and Angelika

Voss (eds),
Das Unrechtsregime. Internationale Forschung über den Nationalsozialismus

(Hamburg, 1986), vol. 2, 91–21.

170. PAAA, (Inland IIg 177) R 100857, f. 174.

171. Longerich,
, 575.

172. PAAA, (Inland IIg 177) R 100857, ff. 179f; Longerich,
, 575.

173. Longerich,
, 576.

174. On Nazi policies towards the
, see Essner, ‘
Nürnberger Gesetze
’, 410ff.;

Jeremy Noakes, ‘The Development of Nazi Policy towards the German “Mischlinge”,

Leo Baeck Institute Yearbook
34 (1989), 291–354. A detailed study of the fate

N OT E S to pp. 214–20


of Hamburg’s Jewish
is Beate Meyer,
‘Jüdische Mischlinge’. Rassenpolitik und

Verfolgungserfahrung 1933–1945
(Hamburg, 1999); and Claudia Koonz,
The Nazi

(Cambridge, MA, 2003), 163–89. On the discussion about

Wannsee in particular, see Pätzold and Schwarz,
, 109–111.

175. Noakes, ‘Development’, 69.

176. Roseman,
Vil a
, 82. The propositions made by Heydrich at the Wannsee Conference were

per se
new. On 21 August 1941, Eichmann had convened a meeting at which the party

Chancel ery, the Race and Settlement Office and the RSHA co-ordinated their demands.

The demands raised were almost identical with those Heydrich put on the table at

Wannsee. See Noakes, ‘Development’, 339; Lösener, ‘Rassereferent’, 297.

177. PAAA, Inland IIg 177, f. 179; Hilberg,
, vol. 2, 418.

178. PAAA, Inland IIg 177, f. 179.

179. Meyer,
, 25.

180. Noakes, ‘Development’, 337; Meyer,
, 30f.

181. On the two follow-up conferences on the treatment of
and mixed marriages in

1942, see Hilberg,
, vol. 2, 436ff. See, too, the protocol of the RSHA meeting

of 5 March 1942, in IfZ, Eich 119.

182. Cesarani,
, 114.

183. Heydrich to Luther, 26 February 1942, in PAAA, (Inland IIg 177) R 100857, p. 156; see,

too, Hilberg,
, 491.

184. Noakes, ‘Development’, 341; Pätzold and Schwarz,
, 158.

185. For the minutes of the meetings, see Robert Kempner,
Eichmann und Komplizen

Stuttgart, Vienna, 1961), 165–80 (March), and 255–67 (October); Roseman,
, 101;

, 12.

186. Wolf Gruner, ‘The Factory Action and the Events at the Rosenstrasse in Berlin: Facts and

Fictions about 27 February 1943 – Sixty Years Later’,
Central European History
36 (2003),


187. Adler,
Verwaltete Mensch
, 202ff., 280f.

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