Hometown Girls: Beginnings (Hometown Girls Series Book 1) (4 page)

BOOK: Hometown Girls: Beginnings (Hometown Girls Series Book 1)
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They stared after him for a minute before Marissa Lou spoke, “He has been a strange bird lately.”

“Hmm,” Katie said staring after him.


* * *


Everyone watched Marissa Lou as usual, as she stood on top of the massive rock on the edge of the wooden border separating the water from the land. Her perfectly toned body clad in only a bra and panties shimmered in the moon light. With the rope swing in hand, she bounced as she yelled excitedly, “1…2…3…” and squealed as she pushed off the rock and swung over the water’s surface as far as the rope would extend before letting go and plummeting into the dark warm river causing people to hoot, holler and whistle.

“This party is off the chain,” Becca said, sitting on the tailgate of a Matt’s truck, holding out a pair of clothes as a giggling Marissa Lou walked up to her, wet but happy.

“I knew we’d be able to find a good one tonight,” Marissa Lou said, taking the clothes from her and smiling proudly as she slipped them on, although she left her button up shirt wide open, exposing the wet bra underneath. “Matt throws the best parties and he never excludes anyone in the invites. I was stoked when Daniel told me. Speaking of friends, where did Katie and Jess go?”

“Beats me. Last I saw of Katie was after I got here and Jess was heading toward the house to use the bathroom a few minutes ago. I’m sure they’ll turn up eventually.”

Marissa Lou scanned her surroundings looking for her friends. It was really dark out, but the bonfire was blazing in the night, making the beach around them visible. Matt’s house backed up to the beach so it was always possible that either one had gone there. Daniel wasn’t anywhere to be seen either and she secretly wondered if he and Katie were somewhere together.

“There’s Katie,” Becca said pointing at the spot where the keg was cloaked in darkness so Matt’s parents wouldn’t see it.

With a red plastic cup in hand, Katie mindlessly made her way toward Marissa Lou and Becca.

“Hey you, we were looking for you,” Becca said to her once she was close.

“Oh, sorry. I was walking up and down the beach.”

“Did you see me swing?” Marissa Lou asked, turning to point toward the rock.

“No, I guess not,” Katie said, looking at Marissa Lou as if she had just noticed that she was half naked and dripping wet, although Marissa Lou knew it didn’t really surprise her.

They all knew she was fearless and usually the center of attention, whether it was intentional or not. She just couldn’t help it. Marissa Lou knew it was something Katie found both endearing and annoying about her, as she’d said so many times before.

“Is everything okay?” Marissa Lou asked Katie noticing the look on her face.

“Oh yeah. I’m great,” Katie said, trying to sound chipper before putting the cup to her lips.

Marissa Lou stared at her quizzically, but before she had a chance to dig a little deeper into Katie’s apparent melancholy, Becca began jumping up and down.

“I freaking love this song. Come on, let’s dance.” She grabbed Marissa Lou’s hand, which in turn made Marissa Lou grab Katie, pulling the friends close to Matt’s truck where the radio was blaring.

The song only lasted for a minute before a new song came on the radio, but neither Katie nor Marissa Lou seemed to notice until Becca’s outburst of excitement. “Oh my gawd! This song is even better.”

She pulled at Marissa Lou again, who in turned pulled at Katie again. All three girls made their way a few feet away from the truck to a spot a little clearer and began to dance again, along with a few other people.

“Bec, are you going to say that about every song that comes on?” Katie asked lightening up and even laughing out, which made Marissa Lou and Becca happy that their friend was smiling again.

“Maybe,” she said turning up her nose.

“Yeah, Katie, you know there’s always a possibility when it comes to this one. She’s special like that.”


* * *


Katie felt someone put their hand around her waist causing her to spin around in shock. When she did, she was surprised to see Jeff Daily, Matt’s older brother, standing in front of her. He was a year ahead of her in school and one of the hottest guys she’d ever seen with almost black hair and the clearest blue eyes she’d ever seen. She had dreamed of this scenario since the first time she saw him her freshman year of high school. He was captain of the football team and homecoming king two years running, up until he graduated last year. Yet here he was so close she could feel the warmth of his breath, and with his hand around her back pressing her body to his and dancing with her.

“Hey, you want to go for a walk?” He bent and whispered into her ear after a few minutes.

Speechless, she nodded her head ‘yes’.

He grabbed her hand and led her away from the crowd, but when she turned back toward her friends they were both smiling wide and giving her an approved thumbs up. She blushed and mouthed, “Oh my god!” then quickly looked away.

“I am surprised to see you here. I thought you were in college at ECU,” she said shyly once they were away from the party.

“I am, but it’s only an hour away. I come home a lot to see family and friends. Mattie told me about the party so I decided to check it out for old times’ sake. I’m glad I did.”

She looked up at him with her heart pounding a million miles per minute and was shocked once again to find him staring at her, smiling. “I’m glad you came too,” she said looking away blushing.

He stopped and spun her around to face him. Dizzy from the spin, she grasped his hand tightly, but he didn’t miss a beat. He immediately crushed his lips to her. She hadn’t expected that, not any of it, so it was astonishing and she wasn’t sure how to react. She quickly wiggled her hand out of his and slightly pushed him back.

“Wait, what are you doing?” she asked breathless.

“What does it look like?” he said putting both hands on the small of her back and forcefully bringing her close to him again.

That time she relaxed some and allowed him to take control. She’d only had a few boyfriends in her life, none which were serious, so kissing wasn’t something she did often, but it was obvious that Jeff did. She followed his lead by closing her eyes and opening her mouth, then moved her tongue around awkwardly. Her eyes shot wide open when she felt his hand slip down from the small of her back to grasp her butt. Without breaking away from his lips she reached around and brought his hand back up to her waist, but it didn’t last long before it slid back down, except this time he was grasping it tightly.

“Okay, I think that’s far enough,” she said laughing slightly and putting a hand on his chest for some sort of composure.

“Come on, you know you want to,” he said kissing her neck.

With both hands on his chest she pushed him back, that time she didn’t laugh. “No! I’m sorry, but it’s not going to happen.”

“Don’t be such a tease,” he said grabbing for her hand to pull her back toward him, but she quickly shook it away.

She then took a step back, astonished about his candor. She had crushed on him, hard, for the past four years, but that was quickly fading. Especially since he was the second boy in a month’s time to call her a tease. “I said no!”

“Fine! High school girls are such a waste,” he said turning away from her.

“Then why are you trying so hard to hook up with one?” she asked annoyed.

“Whatever. I’m just sorry I wasted my time, but the night’s still young,” he called over his shoulder and left her standing on the beach alone while he rejoined the party.

Feeling a mixture of annoyance and embarrassment she walked a little further down the beach before stopping and sitting down on the sand. The riverfront breeze was blowing hard like usual, causing chills to run through her, but she didn’t care. She felt like an idiot and wasn’t ready to go back to the party and face her friends, or Jeff.

“Hey, there you are.”

Katie gasped and jumped at the sound of the voice. “Daniel, you scared the crap out of me,” she said holding her chest.

“I’m sorry. I hope I’m not intruding. Marissa Lou told me you disappeared with Jeff Daily. She made it seem, I don’t know, dramatic, but in a good way. I was worried about you.”

“Thanks, but I’m fine.”

“Really? You’re not just saying that?”

“No, really.”

“Good,” he said sitting down beside her. “I’ve known Jeff for a long time and he isn’t exactly a stand up guy.”

“You’re not telling me anything I don’t already know.”

Feeling uncomfortable with the topic, Daniel changed the subject. “So what are you doing out here all alone?”

“I’m not alone,” she said bumping her shoulder to his.

When their skin touched, Katie’s heart began to race and then she froze when the realization of what was happening set in. She had noticed it a few times before now, ever since they started working together and began to get to know each other better and it always confused her. Daniel was not someone she was allowed to crush on, but no matter how many times she told herself that, her racing heart wouldn’t listen.

“Nah, I really didn’t feel like going back to the party yet,” she said feeling nervous all of a sudden.

“Well, since we won the game tonight that means we’re still friends so would you mind if I sat here with you for a little while?”

“Not at all,” she said and stared out at the water relaxing some and relished in the peacefulness of the moment. She turned back to him and just like that, her heart began to race again. “You didn’t enjoy the party back there in your honor?”

He picked up a seashell and threw it in the water. “Nah, not really. It’s the same old same. Besides, that party really isn’t for me anyway.”

“Sure it is. You played great tonight. I thought Matt was a goner when that linebacker smashed into him. He just laid there, unmoving, while you ran the ball all the way down the field. It looked like the other team and ours was too stunned to chase after you. I don’t think I’ve ever jumped and hollered as much as I did in that moment.”

He laughed out loud, picturing the play that won them the game. “It was pretty epic.”

With her knees up to her chest and her arms crossed over the top, she nestled her head on her arms staring at him and smiling as she watched him recap the night’s events. It was dark out but his eyes lit up bright as he talked.


* * *


Marissa Lou saw Daniel walking away from the party, going further down the beach alone, and decided to follow him with hopes of some alone time with her boyfriend to make out. What she didn’t expect was to see him stop to talk to Katie. They had all been friends for a while, so them talking wasn’t anything new, but she’d seen them growing closer these past few weeks, ever since they began working together, while he was becoming more and more distant toward her. Looking at them now, sharing an intimate moment no matter how innocent it may appear, it was obvious how close they’d become. Jealousy coursed through her veins and her heart ached at the thought of them together. No matter how it made her feel, she couldn’t turn away. It was like watching a car wreck where she was the one being crushed by the impact and there wasn’t a thing she could do to stop it. Instead she watched for a few minutes more before turning around and going back to the party in search for a cure for her raging feelings.

Chapter 7


Marissa Lou and Katie sat on the warm sand at Kennels Beach where they both lived, taking in the sun. They’d spent most of the summer happily doing this very thing, but today wasn’t so happy. Not for Marissa Lou anyway. Today her stomach was in knots and had been for a week, ever since the night of the beach party by Matt’s house. Marissa Lou had been quiet about what she saw and felt, not once confronting them, but her feelings about the situation never changed.

Instead, she had been watching the two of them all week and listening to what each one said, looking for clues all the while hoping against hope that she wasn’t right. But she could tell, ever since the day they started working together, that something was off. Watching them from afar they were very friendly while together, but whenever Marissa Lou was close they acted like strangers, leaving thick tension hanging in the air.

"Katie, what's going on with you and Daniel?" she blurted out unintentionally, surprising even herself.

Katie swallowed hard, but kept her eyes closed. "What do you mean?"

Marissa Lou was watching her closely so she noticed the subtle movement. She narrowed her eyes at her friend and asked again, this time more pointedly, "What is going on with you and my boyfriend?"

"Nothing, God. Get over yourself, Marissa Lou. Not everyone wants everything you have," Katie said annoyed and stood up. She snatched her towel up, flinging sand all over, but Marissa Lou got up quickly and grabbed her arm and stopped her before she could leave.

"How about you look at me when you say that," Marissa Lou demanded.

Katie slowly turned to look at Marissa Lou and it shocked Marissa Lou to see tears in her eyes. "I can't stop it," she said in a small voice.

"Stop what?" Marissa Lou asked. She felt like her heart was going to pound out of her chest.

"I have feelings for him. I don't know when it happened, but it’s there. I've been trying to fight it. I swear I have," she pleaded and grabbed Marissa Lou’s hands. "I never intended for this to happen. You have to believe me."

Marissa Lou stared at her as if she was speaking a different language, unable to process what she was hearing. "Does he like you too?"

Katie's shoulders slumped and she dropped her hands. "I don't know. I think so, but I'm not sure. God, he's your boyfriend. I wasn't ever going to say anything, not to you or to him. I wouldn't have now if you didn't force it out of me."

"I can't believe this," Marissa Lou said and sat back down on her towel before her legs gave out on her.

Katie quickly sat down in front of her and grabbed her hands again. “Just forget I said anything. I’m begging you. I’ll squash it. I swear.”

Marissa Lou vigorously shook her head back and forth. “It’s too late. It’s out now.” She stared down at her feet and took a deep breath. “Do you love him?”

“Yes. No. I don’t know. It’s confusing,” Katie whispered.

Marissa Lou bent her head feeling like she was going to be sick. Somewhere, somehow, her best friend had fallen in love with her boyfriend; a boy she loved more than anything in the world and what’s worse, he loved Katie too. She knew it and had for some time. Daniel was the most stand-up guy she’d ever known, which made him a bad liar.

Marissa Lou stood up on shaky legs and without a word began to walk away, leaving her towel, and Katie, behind.

“Where are you going?” Katie called to her.

“I have to go.”

“No, wait. We have to talk about this.” Katie stood back up and began to walk toward her, but Marissa Lou stopped and without turning to look at her, she held a hand up.

“I can’t. Not now. I have to think. Just let me go.”


“Katie, I’m telling you, for your own sake, leave me alone. I can’t be around you right now.

Marissa Lou stayed hidden in her bedroom, by herself, thinking about what to do. Her first instinct was to smack Katie for doing this to her. The urge was so strong that the palm of her hand literally felt itchy. That’s why she had to get away from her. Now that she had some distance to think about it alone, more rational thoughts were developing. She could stay with Daniel, despite his obvious attraction to her best friend, and try to forget everything she knew and felt. If so, she and Daniel would definitely have to disconnect from Katie. Out of sight, out of mind and all that. Or she could just break up with Daniel and disconnect with both of them. His growing feelings had betrayed her after all.

“Maybe it is just a curiosity thing,” she said to herself. If that was the case, it wouldn’t last. He loved Marissa Lou and love trumped curiosity. It had to. She felt sick to her stomach again at the lingering thought that always came to her mind.

Maybe, just maybe, if she gave Katie and Daniel room to figure out that what they were feeling wasn’t actually real, everything would go back to normal and she would appear honorable for being supportive. She and Daniel could be together again without that silly distraction. Because that’s what it was; a distraction. College would be starting soon. They’d planned to attend the same college together and Katie always said she was leaving for college, like she was too good to attend a local school. They’d never have to see Katie again and good ridden.

Still feeling sick, but confident about the decision she’d made, she left her bedroom and walked across the lawn to Katie’s house. She had to do it now before she changed her mind. She knocked on the door and stood back waiting. Time seeming to stand still as she did.

“Marissa Lou?”

“I want you to go out with Daniel,” Marissa Lou blurted out as soon as Katie opened the door.

“What?”Katie asked baffled, her throat going dry.

“It’s the only way.”

“But he’s your boyfriend,” Katie shrieked.

“I know, but whatever it is that is going on with y’all is too heavy in the air. It’s suffocating and I want it to stop. This is the only way.”

“Maris, this is crazy.”

“Maybe so, but it is the way it has to be.”

Katie walked to the edge of the porch and sat down on the top step. “He’ll never go for it. He loves you.”

“I know,” she said lifting her chin high up. “You’ll have to convince him. Tell him I give y’all my blessing.” Her confidence broke as she said the words and tears welled up in her eyes. “Tell him that I love you both very much, more than anything else in the world, but you need this chance to figure out what you could have together. But I warn you,” Marissa Lou said getting angry, her beautiful face wet and tortured. She pointed a finger at her, the urge to slap Katie coming back in full force. “Don’t hurt him. Not ever. Because he is special and he deserves better than that. I promise you I will be waiting for my chance to come back around once all this nonsense is over. And trust me, it will, because what he and I have is real and not some meaningless curiosity.”

“I, I don’t know what to say,” Katie whispered.

“I just told you what to say. Once all this mess is over I don’t ever want to hear about it again. Better yet, stay away from us. Understood?”

Katie shook her head in understanding, although she wasn’t sure of anything.

Without another word, Marissa Lou left the way she came, hoping and praying she’d done the right thing.

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