HowToLoseABiker (10 page)

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Authors: Unknown

BOOK: HowToLoseABiker
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Yeah, if you like it. The house is just five minutes from here,” he says.

The town they are in is named Heaven Creek, only two hours away from his cabin. The whole town is bustling with tourists and skiers. From what he has seen, there is also a huge mall, and several upscale boutiques that will drive Sadie crazy.

I haven't seen much of it, but I'd stay just for the pizza,” she says.

Have you thought about what you want to do?” Jackson asks.

Is there a strip club around here?” she asks.

He growls at that, causing her to laugh.

I was never a stripper! I did their hair and makeup!” she says, “Well I did work with a divorce lawyer, I got compromising pictures of married guys.”

How compromising?” he asks suspiciously.

Just kissing, anything else would be illegal!” she says indignantly.

Sadie, you practically jump every time anyone but me touches you. I know it wasn't like that. Besides, you're probably a virgin,” he says.

She looks shocked, which is cute because her mouth falls open and she drops the slice of pizza she was attacking.

How did you know?” she asks after a few seconds.

He shrugs.

So what do you want to do?” he asks again.

I think I want to buy a bed and breakfast, maybe a few cabins and refurbish them,” she


I like that, we can do it together. You do the heavy lifting and I do the decorating,” he mocks.

She laughs.

Why did you let me think you were dancing naked to make money?” he asks.

You never asked or gave me a chance to correct you. I was too busy trying to get rid of you,” she says around another mouthful of pizza.

What do you mean?” Jackson asks.

She shrugs innocently.

Tell me, Sadie,” he growls.

Sydney has a list. It's the ultimate list on how to get any guy. I did the exact opposite,” she says like it's no big deal.

Like what?” he asks.

She reaches into her bag and takes out a bright pink paper, then she hands it to him.


How to bring a guy to his knees in ten days:


  • Dress to impress. Guys want sexy NOT frumpy.

  • Never eat on a date. Guys, for some reason, think they want a lady. (So eat like a lady!)

  • Let them talk. It makes them feel important. Besides, they don't really care about what you have to say.

  • Let them win. At anything and everything. Men want to feel powerful, and a helpless woman is wifey material.

  • Respect their man toys! Show the proper respect to their gadgets and cars. They will always love them more than you!

  • Cook like a professional chef. The way to a man's heart is not exactly his stomach but it does make him think about domestic bliss, with you!

  • Put out or get out. It's easy to lose sight of this... but guys only care about sex! If they    don't get it from you they will get it somewhere else.


Jackson looks up from the horrifying paper.

So, you thought doing the opposite would make me not love you?” he asks.

She looks down, “I didn't want to risk falling for you again. Doing that would push you away, so I thought I would be safe.”

Now he has to ask what he really wants to know. “The food, was it on purpose?”

At the beginning. Once we were at food-mart I was really excited about making you dinner.”

Her eyes wide, she leans closer to him, “It was the curse,” she whispers.

What curse?” he whispers back.

The food I make. I do everything like I'm supposed to,” she pauses, “but, every time I cook, anything at all, it gives people food poisoning. I mean full on, raging diarrhea.”

That makes sense, a curse.

He laughs.

Don't laugh! I thought it might be gone. The last time I cooked, was five years ago. Sydney and Mathew made me promise to never do it again,” she explains.

Can I get the same promise?” he asks.

Sure, but you have to cook,” she says.

It will be my pleasure,” he says, then asks, “So you don't usually eat so much?”

I will pretend you didn't ask that!” she growls.

He raises his hands to show he gives up.

So you aren't mad?” she asks shyly.

Only you would think that would work on me. I love your crazy,” he says.

I love you, Jackson. I haven't said it before. Since day one, it hasn't stopped,” she says.

Then she leans over and kisses him.

  1. Chapter-Twenty-Five

Three weeks later....




Jackson gets home after a grueling five-hour shopping trip. As nosy as Sadie is, he had a really hard time keeping his secret. The house is pretty quiet, but Sadie's new car is in the drive.

He has to hide the ring before she finds him and probably gives him a pat down. Jackson resists the urge to take out the box and check to make sure it's the right ring. Thank God, he finally found the right woman. He just hopes she likes the yellow princess cut solitaire, because everything else is ready for his proposal.

The kitchen seems like a good place to hide something from Sadie so he looks around for the perfect hiding place. He ends up choosing the highest cabinet and placing it inside a pot they never use.

Jackson?” she calls out from their bedroom.

Right here, babe,” he calls back.

She appears in the kitchen and gives him a suspicious look. Her hair is down and she is wearing a black robe.

What are you doing?” she asks.

They eat out so much that he can't think of anything to say.

Nothing. How was your doctor's appointment?” he asks.

Her whole face lights up and she says excitedly, “I'm ready. We can totally do the naked dance, grind the love machine, do the big nasty!”

He laughs, “The love machine?”

She just shakes her head and walks towards him and pulls him towards the bedroom. He swoops her into his arms and she laughs happily putting her arms around his neck.

Jackson enjoys the feel of her body, her smell. After waiting so long and almost losing her, he feels they have to take things slowly.

They reach the room and he places her gently on the bed. He just stares into her eyes for a minute, hoping to express how much he fucking loves her.

She extends her arms to him and he joins her on the bed. He kisses her softly before deepening the kiss. Her mouth is warm and inviting. How could he live so long without her?

Sadie moans and he trails kisses down her neck.

Take your shirt off,” she orders breathlessly.

He pulls away and she helps him take of his T-shirt.

I've wanted to taste those tattoos since I first saw them,” she says with a small smile on her face.

He kisses her again and she moans into his mouth. She runs her hands over his back and goose bumps rise where she passed her hands. It's killing him but he has to hold back from taking her right there. He has to keep himself in check or he'll end up hurting her.






This is better than she imagined. She's drowning in him. Her whole body feels like she's on fire from his kisses. Sadie wants to scream at him to hurry but she is enjoying his teasing so much that she can't.

His hand helps her out of her robe and for the first time in her life she is naked in front of a man. She almost cries thinking of how long she's waited for him.

He exhales noisily and stares at her.

You're so fucking beautiful, Sadie,” he says hoarsely.

She smiles and touches his face reverently.

He is truly the kindest and most beautiful man. His hazel eyes are intense as he stares at her. She can hardly believe this tough and beautiful man loves her as much as she loves him.

I'm yours Jackson. Always have been,” she whispers into his mouth.

He smiles against her, then he continues to caress her with hands and mouth. She moans when she can't take anymore of his slow torture.

Please,” Sadie begs.

Please what?” Jackson demands as he leans over her, positioning himself to finally take


Please, fuck me, make me yours,” she begs in a whisper.

She sees his gorgeous, muscled body tense before he starts pushing into her. They both cry out in pleasure, as they are finally joined. She barely feels any pain.

Did I hurt you?” he asks.

She shakes her head and urges him to continue.

He remains still for a moment before he starts thrusting into her slowly, she matches his pace and they quickly find a rhythm that drives them both crazy.

Fuck,” he says as he caresses her face.

She bites her lip as she stares into her eyes.

The look in his eyes is so intimate, so intense that she cries out and comes. He continues thrusting into her while she comes, then he follows her with a hoarse cry.

They stay together for a long minute, trying to learn how to breath normally again.

He pulls out of her and falls onto his side beside her. Jackson then draws her against him.

Are you okay?” he asks gruffly.

I think so. I can't feel my legs though,” she says as an afterthought.

He chuckles, “Same here.”

I love you,” she says sleepily.

Love you more,” he says.

Can we do that again?” she asks after a minute.

He groans, “I wish, we have to make sure you aren't sore from this time.”

I think I have a new favorite hobby,” she says.

He just laughs and kisses her forehead.

  1. Chapter-Twenty-Six

Two months later...



I can see you Sydney!” Sadie shouts from upstairs.

You can't! I'm working!” Sydney shouts back from the comfort of the couch. Her feet are crossed and she is viciously typing away on her phone.

Jackson laughs as he and Trevor bring in more cleaning supplies from the truck.

Last week they closed on the run down American craftsman style mansion that they would convert into a ten bedroom bed and breakfast. The mansion needs a lot of work but according to Sadie, it has character. It also has a convenient location and a large guesthouse near the lake.

The guesthouse has five bedrooms which is perfect for the family they want to build. They spent last week cleaning and painting the guesthouse to make it ready to move in. Sadie had tortured him with color and wallpaper samples all week. Who knows the difference between raindrop blue and cloud burst blue? Besides that, their hard work paid payed off and the guest house was ready to move into yesterday. Now, they can tackle the real renovation from the comfort of home.

Sydney!” Sadie yells again.

Coming!” she grumbles.

Trevor and Sydney came into town to help them with the renovations, then decided to buy a house and stay. Though Sydney, from what he has seen, is more of a supervisor.

Sadie finally agreed to wear his ring two weeks ago. She wants to elope and he is fine with that. As long as she marries him, he will be a happy man. The biggest surprise they'd had was
when Sydney and Trevor announced that they were married. His friend, the eternal bachelor had met and married a woman in less than three weeks.

How exactly did that happen?” he asks Trevor.

What?” Trevor asks.

They go to the kitchen to begin the demolition. Jackson takes a hammer to the cabinets and Trevor starts on the tile.

Trevor and Jackson have been friends since basic training and they went on to serve three tours in Afghanistan together. As friends, they had literally been through hell together and back home things weren't much better. They both lost their parents while on active duty, but each dealt with it differently. Trevor quickly lined up a business loan and started his own private security company. Jackson had joined his friend's MC.

You and Sydney,” he says.

She's fucking crazy,” Trevor says with a shrug, “and I figured out that I love that crazy woman.”

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