HowToLoseABiker (8 page)

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Authors: Unknown

BOOK: HowToLoseABiker
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After they put away their stuff, they take turns in the shower. Of course, the gracious Jackson offers to share. An offer she has a hard time refusing. She has tried everything she can think of to annoy him, and it hasn't worked. The moment they were alone in the cabin he'd almost seduced her into forgetting her plan.

And she doesn't for a minute, think he will give up. Once they finish dinner, she will be in big trouble, unless she does something. Inspiration strikes and she knows she will have to use what Sydney calls her curse. Now her talent or lack of talent will save her from falling more in love with Jackson.

Suddenly in a better mood, she takes pleasure in dressing in yoga pants and an over-sized T shirt. She completes the look with a messy bun on the top of her head and no makeup. She laughs, let him try to seduce her now!




Jackson dresses quickly in a white crew neck shirt and dark jeans, adding his leather jacket and biker boots. He steps into the open living room/ kitchen area and sees Sadie waiting for him patiently. She looks comfortable and ready for bed.

The tension he'd sensed from her gone, she gives him a huge smile that makes him a bit nervous. He'd seen her reaction earlier when he offered to share the shower, and he just knew: she is still a virgin. He has to tread carefully with her, if she is still a virgin she has a reason. The last thing he needs is to scare her off, by coming on to strong.

What should we get for dinner?” he asks as they walk to his truck hand in hand.

Can we stop at a grocery store? I'm going to cook you a home-cooked meal,” she says.

She seems excited about that so he agrees.

They drive to the local food-mart and go through what seems to be the whole store before they leave. Jackson manages to curtail most of her outrageous purchases and they leave the store a few hours later with only food and utensils.

Though he does have fun shopping with her and hearing her long speech on why organic food will save humanity, at least until the aliens come back.

At home, he helps her unload the bags and offers to help with dinner but she firmly refuses and orders him to relax and watch TV. He does turn on the TV but his attention remains fixed on her.

She looks beautiful, fully entranced in cooking she does everything with the out most care. Seeing her cook makes him realize he wants this: wants to marry her, have kids with her, grow old with her. These past few days have been only a taste of what is to come for them. If it
wouldn't freak her out, he'd get on one knee and beg her to marry him tomorrow.

He is starving by time Sadie calls him to dinner. He helps set the table and bring the food over to the small dinner table. Jackson digs in and almost spits the food out. He bravely controls his expression and catches her watching him nervously.

You didn't like it?” she asks.

He feels like a bastard for not liking the food she put so much effort into.

It's okay,” he says.

Hoping to reassure her, he takes a few more bites as she watches him.

Sighing she stands and reaches for his plate, “It's horrible, we can order pizza,” she says.

He agrees after she insists. Then he helps her clean up while she orders the pizza.

The pizza arrives forty minutes later. They settle on the couch to watch a movie and eat the delicious pizza. Sadie curls up beside him after she eats her own pizza and passes out. He spends the remainder of the movie watching her.

A short time after, he starts feeling funny, mostly his stomach is viciously growling and twisting.

Gently he pulls away from the snoring Sadie and rushes to the bathroom.

  1. Chapter Twenty-One



Sadie wakes up and finds herself on the couch. She must have fallen asleep after eating.

Pizza, her favorite food always had that effect on her. Sydney insisted that it wasn't so much the food, as the quantity, but it was just one large pizza.

Yawning, she gets off the couch and goes to the bedroom. She changes into PJ's because she doesn't plan to leave the cabin for at least a day. When she tries the bathroom, she finds it locked.

Jackson, you in there?” she asks tentatively.

He doesn't answer, but a few seconds later she hears him moan. Great, at least he's alive. The only time she has cooked on purpose, in a good five years and nothing has changed.

The last time, she'd landed Sydney and Mathew in the E.R.. After giving them such awful food poisoning, she thought they would wash their hands of her, but they hadn't held it against her. But both of them had sat her down and made her promise to never, ever, ever cook for them again.

Surprisingly, she'd loved cooking for Jackson. She had forgotten her plan and tried to make it edible, but she really seems to be cursed.

Are you okay?” she asks.

Again, he only moans. Oh my god, he might be dying in there!

I'm getting the key!” she yells at him.

She rushes to get the keys.

After all the assassination attempts she can't lose him to diarrhea!

She starts opening the door when he yells a bit frantically, “No, I'm okay.”

Really?” he doesn't sound okay, “I've got the pink miracle liquid in my purse!”

Go away, and promise to never talk about this again,” he says.

Do you want me to bring you something to eat?” she asks.

No!” he yells quickly, then he moans again.

Sadie is an awful, awful person.





Jackson makes it to the next morning, barely. He instinctively knows that he's been closer to death after eating Sadie's food, than he'd ever been while on active duty. Thankfully, he is great at conveniently blocking out traumatizing and horrifying memories. Like Sadie's driving lesson. The only reason he remembers it now must be that Sadie's offer to drive triggered the memory.

Feeling much better, they agree to go for a walk through the trail that is close to their cabin.

Completely wrapped in their winter gear they enjoy the exercise and get to see some amazing views. On the walk, Jackson opens up to Sadie about his plans for the future. She immediately takes an interest in his favorite hobby, carpentry. He tells her about some of the stuff he's made and she encourages him to make carpentry more than just a hobby.

I can tell you love it. Everyone deserves to do what they love,” she says warmly.

He kisses her lightly before walking back to the cabin.



Later that day.


Jackson is dozing off when he hears Sadie shriek. Thinking of Sadie's safety, his heart about stops.

Fuck! Maybe they've been located. He runs and finds her in the bedroom on top of the bed, with her gun in her hand. Wild-eyed she frantically points the gun at the floor around the bed.

Baby, what's wrong?” he asks when he sees no danger.

He tries to control his heart rate.

Spider!” she screams.

Where?” he asks reasonably.

Though he doesn't see how a spider warrants a gun.

It's probably a mutant spider. It was bigger than my head,” she yells.

I'm sure it seemed that way,” he says.

There it is!” she screams. She points the gun at the small spider that is lazily making it's
way towards the closet.

Don't shoot it!” he yells.

She shoots once and he almost passes out because she closed her eyes when she pulled the trigger.

It's okay, I got it,” she says, “You're safe now.”

She just shot the spider, with a 9mm.

  1. Chapter Twenty-Two



The next few days go by uneventfully. Sadie and Jackson spend their days together, getting to know each other again. They do every day things together that are a million times better when they do them together, like taking a walk, skating, shopping, catching a movie.

Jackson decided to back off completely from trying to seduce her. Giving her space is the right thing to do. However, when he brings up plans for their future, she shuts down. And he has a gut feeling that she is keeping a part of herself from accepting their relationship.

Jackson has never been the romantic type, but he needs to woo her. So, he sets up a romantic dinner at the cabin while she spends the afternoon at a spa. His earlier trip to the store had been fruitful, he'd found a nice tablecloth for the small round table, candles, flowers, and a bottle of wine.

Thankfully, he knows how to make a few dishes and he works diligently. He chops, marinades, and mixes for a good hour, before Sadie walks in.

Her red coat brings out the rosy color on her cheeks, making her glow. Very much like every time he sees her, he takes in every little detail about her. The long hair, the generous pink mouth that seems to always be ready to smile, her enormous blue eyes.

Sadie hangs her coat on the metal coat stand by the door and sheds the rest of her winter


Her eyes widen when she sees the set up and smiles warmly at him.

This looks amazing! Though, I hope you're a better cook than I am,” she says.

I think you'll have to see for yourself,” he says and leads her to the table. He pulls out her chair and pours her a glass of wine before bringing out the meal.

It looks delicious,” she says.

Jackson takes his seat and they both eat and talk for hours.

He grabs the plates to clear them away but Sadie grabs his arm, “Thank you, this was lovely. I'll help clean up.”

I'll wash and you dry,” he agrees, mainly to be close to her for a bit longer.

They work in quickly and then they lounge together on the couch.

How was the spa?” he asks.

What he really wants to do is grab her and carry her to the bedroom but he knows that won't help his mission.

Fun, until I fell asleep during the massage. That awful woman had the nerve to say I snore! Isn't that ridiculous?” she asks.

Well, she does snore, but he decides that he should keep that to himself. He might not be the most romantic guy, but he does have some common sense.

What exactly happened?” he asks.

She woke me because I was bothering the other clients and I...” she cuts off and shakes her head, “You don't want to know.”

He laughs, “Just answer this. Can you go back there?”

Not if I want to keep claiming I'm a pacifist,” she answers with a wicked grin.

They sit in silence.

Jackson thinks about something he wanted to bring up for a long time.

No one ever reported him or you missing,” he says.

She knows what he is talking about immediately.

I'm not surprised no one reported me, but didn't he have a wife somewhere?”

That no one cared about her before makes him angry. How could her mother ignore that something might have happened to her daughter.

He shrugs, “What I want you to know is that you can use your real name. No one is after you or me. After I left you, I went back and took extra measures to erase him. He won't ever come back to haunt us,” he says.

Thank you, for saving me, for making it go away,” she moves closer to him and he pulls her against him.

I love you Sadie. I have from day one,” he says and kisses her.

She kisses him back with an intensity that hadn't been there before.

Now isn't that touching?” a clapping sound accompanies the voice.

Sadie freezes at the voice and he has to turn to see who it is.

Zack Romero stands by the bedroom door with a wide smile on his face and a gun in his  hand.



Sadie goes completely still at the sound of Zack's stupid voice. How he found them, she doesn't know, but his timing sucks. He looks different than the last time she saw him. His eyes are bloodshot, hair unkempt, clothes wrinkled; he looks like shit.

Do you have anything to say for yourself Sadie?” he asks.

She doesn't answer; she just stares at the gun in his hand.

It's pointed at Jackson.

Jackson tries to put her behind him.

Don't fucking move! Or you're both dead!” he screams.

Jackson obeys him, but his hand remains on her thigh.

While you were whoring away with dick face; I was taking over Rampage MC,” he says

So he was behind the hits on Jackson's life? She doesn't believe that. Zack is too overcome by the his own craziness to plot or have anyone follow him. He's the type of guy that will only ever be someone's lackey, he isn't made to lead.

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