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How to Lose a Biker in Ten Days


Alina Valentine

Copyright © 2015 by Alina Valentine. All rights reserved.

  1. Acknowledgments



A special thanks to Neville Smith, Gretchen Hodges, Tiffany Shearer, and Ashley Caldwell for Beta reading for me!

Table of Contents


Chapter One

Chapter two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twenty-Four





  1. Chapter One



Doing hair and makeup for strippers has some serious drawbacks. Mainly, it's just dealing with one bitchy stripper and a psychotic boss. Then there are the times her own makeup turns out like a stripper's. That may seem like no big deal, until you realize you look like a hooker. Fine, the only real problem at Club Climax is the neurotic Ashley. She loves to start scuffles for petty stuff. Most of her coworkers have at one time felt her wrath. They probably have a support group for all the strippers who have been slapped by Ashley. Sadie mostly ignores her. Though, with her attitude, it's sometimes impossible.

Like today, she came in earlier in one of her moods and now is on a huge rampage throwing stuff around. Does having the biggest implants in all of Dallas give her the right to be such a bitch?

You stupid bitch! I said white glitter! Not black!” she screams.

Okay, so maybe Sadie did shower her with black glitter, and now she looks ready to go trick-or-treating, but a person can only take so much verbal abuse before they have to do something!

She should be thankful; Sadie had contained herself from drawing a black mustache with waterproof liner. Given this little tantrum, she might as well have drawn the mustache and snapped a picture to share with Sydney.

You fucking poured it on me!” she growls and advances angrily on Sadie.

It matches… your eyelashes,” she says lamely.

Ashley lets a scream of frustration and rushes Sadie with a fierce expression on her face, which looks really ridiculous since she is wearing a bunny costume. Sadie has never gotten the whole 'bunnies are sexy' idea.

Sadie steps away from her path and grabbing her arm, uses her own momentum to flip her over on to her back. Add aerodynamic to the short list of Ashley's talents.

The air gets knocked out of Ashley in a great whoosh. For once, she is silent and stunned, staring blankly up at Sadie.

Great, the only time she stands up to Ashley and she causes brain damage.

Don't ever try that again, or you'll be getting a free nose job. Got it?” Sadie says calmly. Ashley nods. She stands up and rushes out the door.

Sadie takes advantage of the blissfully empty dressing room to catch her breath and pack her makeup into her cases. Ashley had thrown around and destroyed a good part of her palettes. She throws them out but leaves the rest of the clean up to someone else.

The black door slams open and in comes Zack, her boss.

Sadist, you didn't say you'd be working today!” he says.

Zack looks pissed and honestly a little bit crazy, which for him is the norm.

She doesn't miss his use of the stupid pet name he gave her and it still pisses her off. The asshole started calling her that after he tried to corner her in the dressing room his first day on the job. Without preamble, he'd started groping her. He was obviously confident that he wouldn't get slapped with a sexual harassment suit. Well, he did get a bloody nose.

Zack and Sadie aren't a couple, or even friends, but she can't seem to convince him of that. Oh, he's handsome, with moss green eyes, a killer bone structure, and a sensual lower lip. But for all his good looks, Sadie wants nothing to do with him. Call her crazy, but between the multiple personalities and bipolar disorder, she has a hard time finding him attractive. Then he topped it all off by being a biker. Zack is the main reason she now sleeps with her pink 9mm under her pillow. In romance novels, a crazy obsessive biker might be considered cute. Not so much in real life.

Six months ago, Rampage MC foreclosed Club Climax from the previous owner to settle a debt. Zack was assigned as administrator. The first thing he'd done was single Sadie out. Then, for the following months, he'd tormented, followed, and taunted her.

Sadie had done an extensive search on stalking. Once someone fixates on you, you're screwed.

Zack. I am not your freaking kid! I don't have to tell you shit,” she says.

I've given you space and I'm fucking tired of it!” he screams right into her face.

She almost bursts out laughing at that. He follows her around all day!

You will start doing what I tell you to do!” he screams.

He really has no respect for personal space. As much as she wants to kick him for intimidating her, she doesn't. All the painful self-defense classes couldn't possibly help her against Zack. Kicking his ass would only make him come back angrier.

No, leave me alone. Stalking me isn't my idea of a fucking courtship!” Sadie says.

Leave you alone?” he asks with a laugh, “You're my property bitch, and you'd better start

learning your place.”

He really is nuts.

We aren't dating. Maybe if you weren't fucking crazy we could be friends,” she says.

Don't call me crazy Sadist, or I'll show you crazy,” he spits out.

Be reasonable Zack. Some of the girls at the club want to date you. Take one of them out and leave me alone,” she says.

She is a horrible person, but she wants him to transfer all those crazy stalker feelings to someone else. Ashley! They are perfectly crazy enough for each other. Hell, she'd help pay for that wedding!

Ashley really likes you,” she offers.

Ashley is an easy lay, but I want you as my girlfriend,” Zack says.

Yeah, as much as Zack adores her to death, he also fucks anyone who will stand still long enough. The man is a whore.

If Ashley sleeps around, she's a slut? If you sleep around, you're a stud? That is not okay.”
Why is she defending Ashley?

Stop. I don't think you understand Sadie. You were mine the moment I saw you,” he seems annoyed.

What? Is it her fault for not falling in line with his plans for her?

Calm down, Zack,” she doesn't want another fight.

She tries to soften her glare, and it works. The crazy bastard even hugs her.

Sighing she pulls away, “I'm going home Zack. See you tomorrow.”

He stops Sadie by grabbing her shoulder.

We're going to a club party next Friday. Buy something white to wear. Maybe a dress,” he


Groaning, she shakes her head, “I'm working Friday.”

I'm shutting Climax down on Friday,” he ruins her only excuse.

Well shit. The last thing Sadie needs is to be around anymore psychotic bikers.

No, I'm not your girlfriend Zack,” she says it slowly and gently, but he still becomes enraged.

The next thing she knows she's against the door, with Zack's hand around her neck. He's breathing hard and shaking.

You'll never guess what Ashley told me,” he says with a scary smile. What did that bitch say?

That bitch, Sydney, is your friend,” then he grins triumphantly, “and here I thought you had no one. Do you want to be responsible for Sydney's death? Or maybe we can sell her to a whorehouse...”

Sadie keeps her face impassive. Sydney is her only friend, but she can't show any weakness. Especially to a guy like Zack.

She's my roommate, big freakin' deal. Now if we're done here...” she says.

Zack Slams her back into the door and says into her face.

Then you won't mind if you find her raped and dead in your apartment.”


I'm tired of your shit, Zack. You can't kill my roommate to make a point!” Sadie prays that her stupid temper doesn't get Sydney or herself killed. He releases her, and Sadie resists the urge to rub her neck.

That's up to you Sadist. Start showing me some respect, and when I tell you to do something, you fucking do it,” Zack warns.

He shoves her away from the door and leaves.

Zack is crazy enough to kill Sydney. Sadie doesn't want to kill him. It would bring his entire club down on her, but she might not have a choice. Stupid crazy biker.

  1. Chapter two



Sadie gets home to the tiny two-bedroom apartment at nearly two am. It isn't in the best part of town, but the rent is cheap. She has shared the same apartment with Sydney for five years. Sadie's compulsive cleaning contrasts perfectly with Sydney's hoarder tendencies. Sydney is very ungrateful though, and bitches constantly about Sadie throwing everything out.

She finds Sydney sprawled on the couch, watching reality TV. She barely looks up when Sadie walks in.

Dude, we have a problem,” Sadie says.

Sydney doesn't even blink. Creepy. Once she starts watching reality shows, she turns into a complete Zombie.

Ashley?” she asks absentmindedly.

How is she supposed to tell her only friend that her stalker is threatening to kill her?

She starts by taking a deep breath, “Zack. He's threatening to kill you.”

Sydney groans, “Why don't you just sleep with him already? He will move on if you do,” she says.

I'm not going to sleep with him,” Sadie says, annoyed.

Well then we have to leave,” Sydney says.

She gets off the couch, and then walks to her room.

Following her Sadie implores, “We can't leave yet. He has someone watching us. We run now and they will just follow us.”

Sydney turns and flushes angrily.

He is threatening to kill me and you want me to brush it off?” Sydney asks.

Well no, but they can't act without thinking. Sadie has spent five years working her butt off so she can live out her dream. She was doing great, until Zack showed up.

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