Hyacinth, Scarlet - Fire of the Four Seasons (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)

BOOK: Hyacinth, Scarlet - Fire of the Four Seasons (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)
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Fire of the Four Seasons

A slave of his sister Eva’s whims, Alexei is shocked when, in the process of getting her a gift, he meets four men who sweep him of his feet. Zimah, Visnah, Lyetah and Ohsyn are unlike anyone Alexei has ever met. They control the power of the seasons, and they agree to help Alexei. Their affection and generosity soon morph into passion and love, and Alexei allows himself to surrender to desires he had kept hidden for many years.


But when Eva’s unreasonable requests continue, Alexei refuses to take advantage of his men’s magic once again. His decision sets him, his sister and his lovers on a course of events that leads secrets of the past to be revealed. The hidden fire inside Alexei is about to burst out, and the love of the four seasons may not be able to extinguish it.


Alternative (M/M or F/F), Fantasy, Ménage a Trois/Quatre
25,010 words


Scarlet Hyacinth



Siren Publishing, Inc.


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IMPRINT: Ménage Amour ManLove


Copyright © 2011 by Scarlet Hyacinth

E-book ISBN: 1-61034-470-7

First E-book Publication: May 2011

Cover design by Jinger Heaston

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Siren Publishing, Inc.


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Fire of the Four Seasons
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Amanda Hilton, Publisher




For everyone who read my first ménage story ever,
The Three Horsemen of the Black Forest
. May your life always be a beautiful fairytale, preferably involving lots of lovin’ and hot men



Copyright © 2011


Igor cracked his eyes open and made a grab for his blanket. By his side, his wife, Elga, lay cuddled, trying to find as much heat as possible. Winters were cruel in their land, and the fire must’ve died sometime during the night.

Resigning himself to the inevitable, he got out of the bed. He needed to rekindle the fire if he wanted to make the temperature inside their little home at least bearable.
, he’d retrieved logs the night before, and there were still some burning coals in the hearth. Soon, Igor
a merry fire crackling.

Igor stared into the bright flames, hypnotized by their dance. Sometimes, he imagined he could hear the flames murmur to him, or laugh gai
. Anyone else would have scorned him for his fancies, but his wife went along with it. She even said she heard the snow sing sometimes.

As if summoned by his thoughts, Elga appeared by his side. She smiled at him, and Igor’s heart squeezed with love for her. With age, her face became lined and her hands calloused from a working life. Even so, her eyes still shone, like they
the day he’d met her.

“What are you doing, old man?” She shook her head and tsked at him. “Come and eat.”

As Elga set the breakfast table, Igor scanned the two lone
seats with a heavy heart. The Goddess
not graced them with the miracle of children and, even if he’d waited and hoped, he’d pretty much given up by now. Both he and Elga were beginning to age, and his wife would no longer be able to bear children. Igor
n’t fault her, though. He loved Elga, and she loved him. It simp
n’t been fated for them.

They sat down and thanked the Goddess for their meal. They weren’t rich, but they weren’t poor either. Igor just wished they could have left it all to a child.

All of a sudden, Elga threw a glance toward the window. “Look!” she exclaimed. “It’s snowing.”

Igor laughed. His wife loved snow. Admitted
, there
something about the beautiful, fluffy flakes
fell on a chil
winter morning. Their crystalline perfection and delicate uniqueness could charm even the hardest of men. But for Igor’s part, he preferred the warmth of the fire to the winter cold.

n’t surprise him, however, when Elga shot to her feet, abandoning her meal. “Let’s go outside,” she said. “I want to make a snow angel.”

moment, she seemed so young and carefree Igor could deny her nothing. He nodded and after Elga cleaned up, they bundled up in their outerwear, ready to brave the chill. By the time they went outside, a thick layer of white already covered the ground. Igor guessed it must’ve snowed some during the night as well.

Elga laughed happi
as she danced amongst the falling flakes. Igor just watched his wife, smiling when she plopped down in the snow and moved her arms and legs to create an angel. But alas, they weren’t young anymore, and their bodies soon began to protest the abuse. They returned inside their home and took off their wet clothing. Afterwards, they sat together in front of the warm fire. “I wish we
someone to share this with,” Elga said with a sigh, staring out the window. “I wish
too,” Igor replied, his gaze on the blazing fire.

* * * *

night, Elga
a dream. She dreamt snowflakes danced toward her in a white whirlwind. She saw the snow angel she’d made and skipped toward it. As if in slow motion, the figure of the angel began to rise and slow
morph into a beautiful little girl.

Elga took the girl into her arms, carrying the child into the safety of their home. She caught sight of the burning fire and saw embers float away, sweeping through the air in a rain of light. They landed in front of her and materialized into the form of a young boy.

“Hello, Mama,” the girl said, her voice crystal clear like the icy water of a river.

“Mama, I’m so happy to meet you,” the boy said, his smile warm and kind.

Elga spoke to no one about her dream, but in her heart, she
didn’t feel
surprised when, a few weeks later, their town doctor gave her and Igor the happy news
they would soon become parents.

Chapter One

BOOK: Hyacinth, Scarlet - Fire of the Four Seasons (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)
8.26Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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