Hyde and Seek (18 page)

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Authors: Layla Frost

BOOK: Hyde and Seek
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Gregory chuckled and nodded. “Yes, that is actually about right. Sarah, his mom, is going to be very relieved to hear about you. She’s been a bit worried about his ability to hold a conversation since he was little. From the time he was about seven and all the neighborhood girls would come flocking around, he’d ignore them or growl at them to leave.”

Well, nothing has changed there.

When we got back to Hyde, Gregory surprised me by pulling me into a hug as we said goodbye.

“Make sure Jake brings you to dinner soon.”

“It was nice to meet you,” I said noncommittally.

“Jake, can I have a moment?” he asked as they moved towards the door. They stood close and began talking again. Though, thankfully, this time Jake didn’t look like he was going to throw something.

Okay, he looked
like it.

Walking to the break room, I thought about how much Jake looked like his father. Jake’s build was bulkier with muscle and he was, in general, rougher, but their frame and body language was the exact same.

I’d anticipated Jake feeling the same sense of freedom that I felt when I left my mom’s. But when he walked into the room a few minutes later, he looked pissed.

“Hey, what’s up?”

Ignoring my question, he grabbed my hand and pulled me from the room into his office.

I opened my mouth to ask again, but the words and my brain flew out the window as he prowled towards me.

Pushing me against his desk, his hand went into my hair and fisted as he kissed me. His hips ground into me, the long, hard length of his cock pushing against me and making me ache for him.

Almost every kiss we shared was intense but something was different about this one.

I was breathlessly disoriented when he suddenly pulled back. I quickly got my head together when I saw the look on his face.

“What’s wrong?”

“This shit is what I was wantin’ to protect you from. You have your own stuff goin’ on and you come here and get shit. Here? Fuck that. I know you don’t wanna talk about it, but fuck what Rachel said. That was fucked up bullshit. But you just smiled up at me, so fuckin’ sweet. You didn’t even give me shit and I would’ve deserved it for dippin’ my dick in that.”

“Why would I give you shit about something you can’t change?”

“That’s just what’s happened before. I figured, at the very least, it’d be the silent treatment.”

“I’ve already told you I don’t play games. I’m still not getting why you look like someone scratched the Harley.”

“After that shit with Rachel, I figured you weren’t comin’ back. You shouldn’t have had to be in the same room as that bitch. Then my dad showed up and, I’m sure it didn’t escape your notice, I’m not his favorite person and he’s not mine. But you charmed him. You not only made him smile, you made him fuckin’ laugh.”

“I’m not gonna drag your past up and throw it in your face. And your dad obviously cares. He was nice and I see where you get your charm from when you want to,” I joked, wanting to ease some of his agitation.

“Kase said he only caught the last bit of your conversation with Rachel. Now that my dad isn’t watchin’, you wanna fill in the rest?”

“Once again, not particularly.”

“How about you do it anyway.”

I sighed. “He didn’t miss much. She was just asking who I was… seeing.”

“Yeah, I’m sure she phrased it so nicely. Anythin’ else?”

“Uhh.” I hesitated. Talking about anything to do with kids seemed a little too… relationshipy.

“Yeah?” he prompted when I didn’t continue.

“She also said you don’t want kids.”

“No, I don’t,” he affirmed with no hesitation.

“Did you get a vasectomy?”

“That what she said?”

“Yeah, and that you only use your own condoms.”

“That part is true. I didn’t have a vasectomy, though. But, Piper, I’d be lyin’ if I said I hadn’t given it serious thought and consideration. Or that I’m not still thinkin’ it over. I know I don’t want kids. Do you?”

“I hadn’t thought much about it.” In my mind, kids were just another step somewhere in the future. It wasn’t that I didn’t like kids, I loved them. Kids’ cakes were my favorite to do since they were more creative than most adults put together.

But did I want my own?

That I didn’t know.

As much as I wanted to ask Jake why he didn’t want kids, that question felt way too personal.

Cluck, cluck, chicken.

Instead, I grinned up at him. “I gotta get going, I’m behind schedule.”

“Alright, sweets. I wanna take you out tonight, just us. You gonna be done in time?”

“Definitely,” I breathed.

Jake and I are going out just us. Not a hanging out with everyone thing. Not a climbing into bed too exhausted to move thing.

Breathe, Piper, breathe.
If you pass out you won’t have time to get ready.

“See ya at seven, yeah?”


Jake’s mouth dropped to mine. I moved away before things got too heated and my brain went to mush.

I tried not to skip with giddy excitement as I headed to my car, but there was a definite bounce in my step.

Chapter Six




Even though the clock said nearly seven, I was fairly certain a week had passed since I’d left Hyde.

I had a good feeling about how the night would go. Or, at least, how I hoped it would.

Surprisingly, I wasn’t nervous. I wasn’t obsessing and doubtful as I overanalyzed every last detail. I didn’t even have my usual indecision about what I was going to wear.

Remembering Jake’s words earlier, I slipped on blue lace panties and a garter with back seamed thigh highs. When I put on my favorite dress, I loved the way it felt and knew I’d made the right choice.

With its retro rockabilly vibe, the dark blue dress stopped above my knees and fit like a second skin. A thick, black halter strap led down to its square neckline and a matching wide black band went around the waist.

I put on my black heels and sat carefully on the edge of my bed to tie their blue ribbons around my ankles. I moved slowly as I tried not to fall over, smother myself with my cleavage, or split the dress apart in a girly impression of the Hulk.

I hummed softly as I applied my makeup with steady hands, using lavender and gray eye shadow and a few coats of mascara for romantic smoky eyes. I left my hair down but added soft waves to it.

As I walked into the living room, I congratulated myself on having my head together.

I’m so steady I’m a rock. I’m a woman that has it going on. I can have my cake and eat it too. I’m like one of the ladies in feminine product commercials. I can play tennis, go swimming, ride a—

A knock at the door interrupted the inappropriate ending to my thoughts. When I opened it to Jake, I was no longer a rock.

I was mush.

Instead of his usual t-shirt, he was wearing a tailored black suit coat with an untucked dark gray button down. The jacket did amazing things for his already broad shoulders and the colors made his eyes more vibrant.

His dark wash jeans were a slimmer fit than he normally wore, but still hung low on his hips. I knew if his shirt was lifted, the indentation of his pelvic muscles would be on full display for me.

Not that I have sex on the brain or anything.

Piper, you’re gawking. Say something!

“Hi,” I breathed.

“Fuck,” Jake growled, pulling me to him.

His mouth crashed down on mine. I could feel his hard cock, sending a fresh wave of arousal through me.

I didn’t care that if we kept going I’d need to change my panties. Or that I was making out with a guy in my wide, open doorway for the neighbors to see.

I just didn’t want to stop.

Which was why I whimpered when he pulled away and handed me a bouquet of semi-crushed flowers.

“Think it goes without sayin’, sweets, but I’ll do it anyway. You look fuckin’ gorgeous.”

“Thanks,” I panted, still breathless.

I walked into the kitchen to grab a vase and tried to think of something to say that didn’t sound like corny small talk.

As I arranged the flowers, Jake pressed in close behind me, his arms going to either side of me as his hands gripped the counter’s edge.

“Who’re those from?” he asked, indicating the other bouquet.

My breath hitched as I felt his rough scruff on my shoulder. “A thank you from a client.”

“Hmm. Gotta leave for dinner,” he whispered in my ear, his lips teasing as they grazed.


“Don’t wanna go. I’d rather stay here and eat you ‘til you scream.”

I made a soft whimper from deep in my chest, my knees nearly buckling.

“Let’s go before I change my mind,” he said with a wicked grin as I turned around.

Dinner for one coming right up!

Or would it be going down?

Jake held my hand as we walked outside. He paused on the porch as I locked the door behind us.

We drove to the restaurant in his blue 1977 Camaro. It looked sweet and rode like a dream. Jake told me about all the changes and customizations he’d made since restoring the car. I told him about some that had been made to Bo, though I didn’t do the work myself.

When we arrived in the city, we parked and walked to the restaurant. It was a hole in the wall kind of place that was known for its beer selection and typical bar staples with a gourmet twist. I’d been holding off on going until I turned twenty-one.

I was hoping I’d be able to actually eat some of the highly praised food with the way my stomach was twisting and turning.

“Have you been here before?” I asked when we sat.

“A few times. Z’s a beer snob. This is always his choice when he comes out with us. You?”

“No, but I’ve heard good things.”

“It’s better than good, which is part of why we don’t put up a fight when he drags us here every time.”


“Z’s… not a fan of typical bar rowdiness.”

“Is that why he didn’t stick around Rye?”

“Yeah. He can do Rye in small doses, but not places like Voodoo or Jet’s.” Putting his elbows on the table, Jake leaned forward and lowered his voice. “Which is why it’s important you don’t spread the word about what is some seriously good food. Otherwise, it’ll get popular and he’ll start draggin’ us to some place new. I’m doubtin’ we’ll strike gold twice.”

“Your secret is safe with me,” I whispered as the server approached to take our order.

A silence settled between us when she went to get our drinks.

Say something witty and charming.

Okay, say something alluring and enticing.

Ohhhkay, say something brainy and intellectual.

Fine, how about just say something? You know, make the mouthy do the talky.

Or just keep staring at the bar and looking like a deer caught in the headlights. I’m sure that’s a good look, too.

“What cakes are you working on?” Jake asked, taking me out of my awkward panic.

“A few different ones,” I began as the server dropped off our drinks. As I looked down at my soda, I wished I’d gone with something a little stronger. Something straight out of the vodka bottle.

Jake continued to ask me about my work and soon enough, the conversation began to flow effortlessly.

He told me about the recent work he’d been doing and about the extreme things people had requested, which made me laugh so hard my sides hurt.

I told him about some of my favorite cakes that I’d done and some of the crazier ones, which resulted in Jake throwing his head back and his rich laughter filling the air.

We talked, we ate, and it was, by a long mile, the best date I’d ever had.




After we finished dinner, Jake put his arm around me as we walked down the street. “There are a couple places around here that have concerts nightly or the movie theater is close by. What do you want to do, babe?”

I stopped walking and turned to face him. Bringing his other arm around me, both of his hands dropped to the top of my ass as I looked up at him. “Anything?” I licked my suddenly dry lips.

His eyes followed the movement of my tongue and his grip on my ass tightened. “Anythin’.”

“Hmm,” I started slowly as I pressed myself against him. “If I could choose anything to do, I choose… you.”

“You sure?”


I felt Jake’s growl in his chest as he lowered his mouth to mine.

All of the city sounds faded, every thought I had fled, and all I could do was feel.

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