Hyde and Seek (22 page)

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Authors: Layla Frost

BOOK: Hyde and Seek
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Time to go! Who needs anything else when you can have hungry

“Miss, can I take that away for you?” The server drew my attention as she reached for the bill.

“Oh, yeah. Sorry.” I handed it off before looking at a smiling Ray.

“You know, I like Jake and I liked him for you. But now I love him for you.”

“Because he steals my stuff?”

“Your smile. I’m sure half the conversation was obscene, but I’ve never seen you smile like that. I love it, and I love that he gives that to you.”

I leaned forward, dropping my voice like what I was saying was a secret. If I’d been trying to hide it, I was failing. Epically. “I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy.”

“You deserve it.”

I grinned at my friend. “Have you been to Ella’s?”

“No, you?”

“Nope. Jake recommended it.”

“Badass likes to window shop boutiques?”

“No, he knows the owner.”

“As in—”

I held up my hand. “Don’t know, don’t wanna know. I’m assuming since he’s not a huge douche, he wouldn’t send me to the shop of someone he’s… known.”

“That’s true.”

“I’d mentioned that I wasn’t sure what kind of dress to wear. I wasn’t about to ask my mom. She’d have probably taken it as a sign I was asking for a wardrobe makeover.”

“Oh God, could you imagine?”

“No. Beyond no. Could you picture me in a sweater set and khaki slacks?”

“No, but now I wanna see that!”

I pretended to look thoughtful before grinning and shaking my head. “Not gonna happen.”

“So are you excited about this weekend?”

“Yes, but also nervous. I wish you guys were able to be there. I’d feel more comfortable.”

“Me too. But we’ve had this vacation booked for months. You know how hard it is for Edge and me to take time off.”

“Yeah, I know.”

“Seriously, though… Are you okay with the card situation? I know how Jake can be, but I also know how you are with money.”

“It’s hard to be mad when he’s doing it to be thoughtful, not controlling. Plus, my real issue is with the strings that are usually attached to the money. If I took some from my mom, she’d use it as a way to manipulate me. With Jake, there are no stipulations. I mean, he’s buying the dress with the expectation that I’m going as his date. But if we ended before then, he wouldn’t use that to guilt me into going.” I was surprised at the ache that grew in my belly at the thought.

“Have I mentioned that I absolutely love him for you?”

“Me, too.” I polished my voice to sound like my mother before continuing. “Now that we’ve lunched, darling, let’s shop.”

It was a short walk to Ella’s. The boutique was small but everything was high quality, and most of it was gorgeous.

A tall brunette that looked like she’d just walked off a runway was waiting for us when we arrived. Her hair was cut in a severe bob that accentuated her high cheek bones and upturned eyes. Her clothes fit so perfectly they looked like they were specifically made for her.

“You must be Miss Skye,” she greeted, fake polite with a forced smile. Still, it was better than outright hostile. “I’m Ava, I’ll be assisting you this afternoon.”

Please don’t let this be the owner that Jake knows. I can compete with Bitchy Biker Barbie but I’m not sure about Catty Catwalker.

“Ms. Ella sends her apologies that she can’t be here, but an emergency came up at her other location.” Before I could reply, she turned and started walking towards the back. “Follow me, I’ve got some ideas.”

Ava might not have been the friendliest, but it was clear she knew her stuff. It only took three dresses before she handed me the one.

As in, the most beautiful piece of clothing I’d ever seen.

The dress I wanted to wear until it disintegrated off of me.


The deep plum color contrasted well with my hair and made my violet eyes brighter. The haltered back dipped to an almost indecent level and a slit went past the middle of my right thigh. It showed a lot of skin but the quality of the dress made it look elegant rather than cheap. There was little adornment which made it appear almost plain. When I moved, however, the nuances in the color, the slit, and the fluidity of the dress all came together.

The result was sultry with a definite edge.

After I changed back into my clothes, I came out of the dressing room to find multiple pairs of shoes waiting for me near a plush chair.

“Uh, I already have shoes. Actually, I have a lot of shoes,” I said.

“That’s the understatement of the century,” Ray muttered.

“Ms. Ella said Mr. Hyde instructed we get you everything you need, and that includes shoes.” Ava added three more pairs to the already impressive stack.

“Also, side note, there are no khakis or sweater sets,” Ray told me, clearly disappointment.

“Well, of course not. Plus, why would she wear khakis or a sweater set to a formal event?” Ava asked.

“She wouldn’t.” Ray lowered her voice, though we were the only three in the store. “It’s a fetish thing Mr. Hyde has.”

“She’s kidding! Totally kidding. Hey, those shoes are nice!” I gestured dramatically to a random pair of shoes on a display.

Ava looked distracted as she glanced over. “I’m not really sure those will work, but we’ll see.”

“You’re evil,” I hissed at Ray, as Ava went to get whatever I’d pointed to.

“Yeah, I know. Twenty bucks says there is a
increase in suburban gear at the bars, though.”

Before I could respond, Ava returned with a pair of black, shimmery, very high-heeled sandals. The intricate black wrappings around the toes and a thick ankle strap added just the right touch of wild to compliment the dress.

“They look like little bondage devices for your feet!” Ray giggled as I took them off, passing them to Ava.

She tilted her head to the side and looked down at the shoes in her hands. “I wonder how that fits with the khakis,” she muttered to herself.

Ray burst out laughing, startling Ava from her beige S&M thoughts.

I followed Ava when she walked to the register, leaving a still laughing Ray behind.

After I paid, I dropped Ray off at her parlor and went home to carefully put my purchases in the guest room closet.

When I caught myself peeking at my dress for what had to be the twentieth time, I knew I needed to find something else to do. I decided to get ready to see a hungry and energetic Jake. I wasn’t sure which I was looking forward to most, and I’d been putting a
of thought into it.

As I was getting changed, I heard my cell in the living room ring with Jake’s tone. I hurried in to grab it before it went to voicemail.

“Hey,” I breathed, partially because of where my thoughts had been and partially from running like a dingus through my house.

“Fuck, sweets, what were you doin’?” Jake’s low whisper rumbled through the phone and straight through me.

“I was getting changed.”

“Tell me you’re naked right now. No, don’t. That’ll make things harder.”

I giggled. “Yeah, baby, that’s kinda the point.”

“Not when I gotta cancel for tonight.”


“Shit is fucked to hell here.” One of the boys in the back called his name at the same time another phone started ringing. “Fuck, I gotta go. Sorry, sweets.”

“No biggie.” I hoped I kept the disappointment out of my voice. It was never particularly quiet there, but I could tell it was even more chaotic than usual.

“It’s gonna be a long night. I’m just gonna crash here or at my place, yeah?”

“Yeah. Good luck,” I said before we clicked off.

Instead of spending my night getting energetic, I got ahead on whatever baking I could before starting schoolwork. When my eyes got bleary and I’d begun answering accounting questions in baking measurements, I decided to call it a night.

I climbed into bed and tried not to think about how empty it felt. Since it was the first night that we’d slept apart since Jake and I became ‘us’, I failed miserably.




“‘Ello?” I mumbled into my cell, answering it before I was fully awake.

“Come open the door, babe.”

I yawned. “‘Kay.” I tossed my phone onto my side table and saw it was after three in the morning. I padded into the living room and opened the door for an exhausted looking Jake. “Hey. Everything okay?”

“Tired,” he said as he moved into the room.

I relocked the door and turned to face him. I was surprised when he didn’t move to kiss me. It was something he always did no matter where we were or who was around.

When I’d gone to the shop a couple days before, Jake had been talking to Z. As soon as I got within reach, he’d stopped midsentence to kiss me.

It hadn’t been just a little peck, either.

“Okay. Wanna head to bed?”

“Yeah, that cool with you?” He glanced towards the bedroom, looking dead on his feet.

“Of course.”

I climbed back into bed as Jake stripped. I avidly watched as each inch of his impressive body was revealed. Seeing him naked worked like a triple shot of espresso and I wasn’t feeling nearly as tired as I had been.

Unfortunately for me, Jake belly flopped on the bed and his eyes were closed before he landed.

“Night,” he murmured as he folded his arms under his head.

Seems I’m not the only one feeling these long hours.

Careful not to disturb him, I leaned over and kissed him softly. “Night,” I whispered back, but I knew he was already asleep.




Over coffee the next morning, Jake and I talked for a few minutes about what was going on at Hyde before he pulled his phone out to check his messages.

“Shit. Sorry, gotta go.” Jake walked to where I was sitting on the counter. When he moved between my legs, I instantly wrapped them around his waist.

“It’s okay. I know you’re busy.”

“Can you do me a favor?” he asked against my neck, kissing as he went.

“Sure,” I breathed. As long as his lips were on my neck, I’d agree to just about anything.

Who are you kidding? He just has to look at you.

“I’m supposed to pick up gift certificates at Serenity Spa for the auction today. Can you grab them?”

“Of course, what time?”

“Around eleven.”

“No problemo, Mr. Bossy Pants.”

“I gotta go,” Jake whispered against my lips.

“I know.”

“Don’t wanna go.”

“I don’t want you to either, but I know you have to. And now I do, too.” I unlatched my legs from around him.

“I’ll pick you up tonight, yeah?”

At my nod, he dropped a quick kiss to my lips and started towards the door.

“Jake?” I called out impulsively.

Jake stopped as I spoke, though he didn’t turn around. “Yeah?” he prompted when I didn’t continue.

“I hope your day goes smoothly. I miss you,” I blurted out.

Turning his head, he looked at me over his shoulder. My nipples tightened instantly when a wicked grin spread slowly across his face.

“Hungry and energetic, Piper. Hungry and energetic,” he rumbled before continuing out the door and leaving me a pile of mush.




As I walked into Serenity, I fell in love and began mentally calculating how long I’d have to save before being able to visit again.

The décor was a mix of contemporary and comfort with smooth, clean lines and plush furniture. The smell of vanilla and citrus filled the air, immediately giving me an idea for a new cupcake flavor.

The whole place screamed relaxation. Maybe not screamed. More like whispered it in a soothing, lulling voice.

“May I help you?” an older woman asked. She was dressed similarly to my mother, including her strawberry blond hair being pulled back. Her whole vibe, however, was genuinely open and pleasant.

“Hi, I’m Piper Skye. Jake Hyde sent me.”

“Miss Skye, welcome! We’ve been expecting you. My name is Alicia. I have the certificates ready for you when you’re finished.”


“I see Mr. Hyde is good at keeping surprises to himself. He’s booked you for a full afternoon. Isn’t that romantic?” She gave a wistful sigh.

“Yes. Very. I’m sorry, could you hold on a moment?” I asked, though I was already pulling my phone out.

When the call connected, it rang once before an amused Jake answered.

“How did I know this call was comin’?” he asked through his chuckle.

“Jake.” I’d wanted my voice to be a warning, but I couldn’t stop the warmth from seeping in.

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