Hyde and Seek (21 page)

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Authors: Layla Frost

BOOK: Hyde and Seek
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Nine times out of ten, though, it’s totally jump him.

Do it, do it now!

I’d always heard that to keep a man you should act disinterested and mysterious.

I was obviously never going to be the aloof siren since I was pretty sure that babbling my enthrallment with all things Jake
Jake was the exact opposite of that.

The look in his eyes as he stalked towards me both affirmed my choice to lay it out and scared the hell out of me.

Even more so when, as soon as I was within reach, he wrapped his arms around me to cup my ass.

I was damn near hyperventilating when he used his hold to pull me close, dipping his face down to mine.

“I can’t see into your soul, sweets,” he admitted, his gravelly voice rougher than usual. “And I don’t know all your secrets. But I will. And you’ll be the one tellin’ them to me.”

His words and how he said them warmed my chest even as I panicked.

They weren’t a threat. Not even a promise.

I wasn’t a challenge he was set on besting.

It was simply that he wanted to know about me, to know my secrets, and he wanted me to trust him enough to share.

And I would. If he asked, I’d answer.

And that was part of the problem.

“That still doesn’t explain why you look like I’m about to drop bad news on you.”

I opened my mouth to speak, though I wasn’t sure what I was going to say. Thankfully, a knock at the door interrupted us and kept me from embarrassing myself by babbling more.

“Hi, Kase!” I greeted when he came in, my relief evident even to my own ears.

“Hey, Pipe,” he said with a quick smile, though he was clearly distracted. “Jake, we’ve gotta problem. The parts order is totally fucked. We’re missing more than half of our shit.”

“What’re we missin’?”

“It’d be quicker to tell you what we did get.” Kase tossed a stack of papers on Jake’s desk. Leaning over, he began pointing out different things as they riffled through the pile.

With their attention elsewhere, I began moving slowly towards the door. I knew I was a coward. I also knew that if I stayed, Jake would turn my brain to mush.

I’d spill every last secret I had.

Just as my hand closed around the doorknob, I heard Jake’s amused voice call out. “Babe?”

Damn. Must work on my stealth ninja skills.

“I figured you guys need to focus. I’ve gotta get going anyway.”

“Of course you do.” His lips tipped up as he shook his head. “At least kiss me before you make your escape.”

knows me.

“No problemo, Mr. Bossy Pants.” I moved close and pressed a kiss to his lips before backing away quickly, lest my getaway be thwarted. “Good luck, baby.”

“I’ll figure it out, Piper.” He held my gaze and lowered his voice. “I always do.”




When we’d met up for dinner, I’d expected him to start with the questions right away but they never came. We had a fun night that turned into a whole different kind of fun. He didn’t press for answers, which was good because I didn’t want to go there.

I was doing what I had to do to protect myself, and that meant holding back. I hadn’t been lying when I’d told Jake what I thought of him. Being the happiest I’d ever been made it hard to keep that distance.

It made it hard to remember why I’d even want to.

Chapter Seven




‘Operation: Keep My Freakin’ Distance’ was a fail.

No, it was an epic, colossal fail.

Considering what little time we’d spent together the last couple of weeks, this either said something about my fortitude or how awesome Jake was.

I blamed Jake.

With school in full force, I was out of the house in the morning before seven. I’d get home sometime midafternoon and launch right into cakes, my studies, and whatever else needed to be done. I didn’t stop going until after nine most nights.

Thankfully, I loved what I did or this would’ve been a
pain in the ass.

Jake was even busier at work. His nights often went later than mine, but they always ended with us in bed together.

I popped in to see him when I could, and he broke away to have dinner with me most nights. While it wasn’t much, we were making it work. That didn’t mean I wasn’t looking forward to a weekend together.

Every year, Hyde participated in a growing charity auction. Loads of businesses, politicians, and even some local celebrities came to downtown Boston to attend.

I’d heard of it, but I hadn’t known many of the details, including the fact that Jake had started and organized the event. It was only recently that his and the shop’s involvement was becoming common knowledge.

When I’d tried to find out more, Jake dodged most of my incessant questions. The gist, from what little I could get out of him, was that Hyde had started out donating to groups for at risk kids around the holidays. It had snowballed from there.

Since he hadn’t been able to give me much notice, Jake insisted that I take his credit card to have lunch with Ray and shop for a dress. My days had been so busy that I hadn’t even thought about what to wear, much less about shopping.

If the Girl Card was a real thing, mine was in danger of being revoked.

While a day with Ray sounded awesome, Jake paying did not, and I told him so.

I told him again when I found his credit card in my purse.

And again when he left it on my desk at home.

When he slipped the card into my back pocket while we were kissing in the break room, I told him there was absolutely no way I was using his card.

Then he told me why he was paying, and most of that was done nonverbally.

In the end, when my brain was mush, I somehow agreed to it.

My head eventually cleared enough to realize how he’d played me and I decided to use his tactic against him.

Grabbing his hand, I pulled him into his office. I nudged him towards his chair as I locked the door. Walking over to him, I watched as he sat, his eyes never leaving me.

When I stopped in front of him, Jake slid down in his seat, bent his knees, and looked up at me. It was a move he’d made countless times before so I could straddle him.

This time, though, I didn’t.

He was rough. Scary. Powerful.

His faded and worn jeans were stained from the day’s work. His dirty t-shirt stretched across his broad chest as he weaved his hands behind his head. The defined muscles of his arms, covered in tanned skin and colorful ink, added to both the beauty and the edge of him.

He looked dangerous, intimidating, and every bit the badass he was.

And then he smiled.

It wasn’t cocky because he knew he was gonna get some.

It wasn’t gloating because I’d given in.

It was just happiness. It was the smile of someone that was exactly where they wanted to be with who they wanted to be with.

I recognized it because I wore a similar one.

To everyone else Jake might be gruff, but to me he was sweet.

Bossy as fuck, definitely, but sweet, nonetheless.

In that seemingly inconsequential moment, I knew things would never be the same. Whatever distance I’d tried to keep, whatever piece of me I’d tried to hold back, was pointless. Jake wasn’t going to let it happen and I was tired of fighting it.

There were no guarantees in life, but there were sure as hell regrets. It was time to strap in, hold on tight, and enjoy the ride.

With that decision made, I dropped slowly to my knees.

Jake’s eyes darkened and went hooded as he watched me.

All plans of retribution were long forgotten.

Instead, I unzipped his pants and took him in my mouth simply because I could.




Along with giving me his credit card, Jake suggested I check out a boutique, Ella’s, since he knew the owner. I was grateful for the idea because I didn’t know enough about the event to know what to wear.

When I’d asked him whether it was cocktail or more formal, Jake’s answer had been a shrug since he had no clue what the difference was.

It wasn’t helpful.

After lunch with Ray, I opened my wallet to pay.

“That ratfink!” When I realized that everyone was looking at us, I lowered my voice before continuing. “He’s a thief, that’s what he is. I mean, can you be a thief if you’re replacing money with money? Either way, he’s a sneaky thief.”

“What’re you talking about?” Ray asked.

“This is what I’m talking about.” I held up Jake’s card and a scrap of paper. Those two things, along with my license, were all that was left in my wallet.

“‘Nice try, sweets,’” Ray read out loud. “Yeah, I’m still not following. Is that Jake’s card?”

“Yeah, he insisted he pay for lunch and my dress. I tried to fight him on it, but he… well, he can be pretty persuasive.” I blushed, making it obvious how he’d persuaded me.

She nodded knowingly. “I’m sure he can be.”

“I figured I would compromise and use his card for something, but I’d pay for everything else. As you can see, that thief bastard stole my card!” I slammed my wallet onto the table, drawing glares from those around us.

“How did he know?”

“‘Cause he always does. He swears he doesn’t know my secrets, but he lies. And steals!” I added, shaking my nearly empty wallet for emphasis.

“I don’t know if that’s sweet, hilarious, or scary.”

“Yeah, you basically just summed up Jake,” I muttered as I took out my phone to text him. “I thought I finally got one past him.”


Huh, I feel like my wallet is a little lighter.

Funny, I feel like mine is a fuckuva lot heavier.

That’s what you get for taking my stuff.

I was just gonna grab your cards ‘cause I know you. But your wallet was such a fuckin’ mess I couldn’t find them, so I took everythin’. You carry around a lot of shit, babe.

No I don’t! It’s all necessities.

All these frequent shopper cards for coffee places are necessities?

Hey, I’m close to a free coffee on a lot of those.

Half of these places went out of business long ago.


“What’s his excuse?” Ray asked.

“He’s making fun of how much I carry in my wallet.”

“Honey, he’s right. You don’t need a wallet, you need a portable filing cabinet.”

I stuck my tongue out at her before sighing as I texted Jake.


Fine, I might need to do a small amount of cleaning. Stop looking through my stuff.

Too late, baby, I saw
card when I was grabbin’ it. And I’m gonna need to see the eight purchases you’ve made.


Of course he honed in on the one card I didn’t want him to see. That’s what I get for keeping a punch card from an adult store in my wallet.


Only those eight purchases? What about the stuff from the other three cards I’ve filled?


It wasn’t true, but he didn’t need to know that. He deserved a little torture for taking my stuff.

“What’re you saying to him?” Ray asked, startling me.

“Huh? Oh, nothing. You know, typical things.”

“Really? ‘Cause you’re smiling like the cat that ate the canary
dipping it in the cream.”

“No, no. Just boring stuff,” I lied when my phone went off again.

Ray laughed. “Go ahead and look. Don’t mind me, I’m enjoying the show.”

Rolling my eyes, I picked up my phone only to almost drop it when I read his text.


You’re a fuckin’ tease, Piper. I’m not gonna be able to leave the office all afternoon, I’m so fuckin’ hard right now. Get your ass over here.

Sorry, can’t. I’ve gotta use your card and shop, or you’ll keep stealing my stuff.

Guess I’ve gotta go think baseball stats while I’m a creeper on a creeper. Miss you.

Miss you, too.

And, baby, make sure you don’t tire yourself out today. I’m feelin’ hungry

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