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Purpose: continuous monitoring of

Notify the nurse before physical therapy


heart rare and rhythm and

intervention, as many activities may alter the


respiratory rate (see Table 1 - 1 0).

rate or rhythm or cause artifact (e.g


.• chest

Consists of: three to five color-coded



electrodes placed on the chest. either

If an electrode(s) becomes dislodged, reconnect it.

hard wired to a monitor in a

One way to remember electrode placemenr is


patient's room or monitored at a

white is right (white electrode is placed on the


distant site (telemetry). Twelve

right side of the chest superior and lateral to the


electrodes are used for a formal

right nipple), snow over grass (the green electrode



is placed below the white electrode on the




anterolateral lower right rib cage). smoke over fire


(the black electrode is placed on the upper left rib


cage superior and lateral to the left nipple, and the


red electrode is placed below the black one on the


anterolateral left rib cage). The brown electrode is

usually placed more cenrraIJy.

• Patients on telemetry should be instructed to


stay in the area monitored by telemetry





Collaborate with the nurse to determine

whether patienrs who are "hard wired" to

monitors in their room may be temporarily



transferred to telemetry for ambulation


activities or whether the monitor may be

temporarily disconnected.





Table flJ-A.3. Continued






Clinical lmplic3tions


Pulse oximeter

Purpose: a noninvasive method of mea

Sp02 S;88% indicates the need for supplemental


Normal Spo, (at sea level)

suring the percentage of hemoglobin



" 93-94%


saturated with 02 in aneriaJ blood.

The waveform or pulse rate reading should match


Consists of: a probe with an electrothe ECG or palpated pulse.


optical sensor placed on a finger, roe,

Monitor changes in pulse oximetry during


earlobe, or nose. The pulse oximeter

exercise and position changes.


emits two wavelengths of light to

Peripheral vascular disease, sunshine, or nail


differentiate oxygenated from deoxpolish may lead to a false reading.



ygenated hemoglobin.

In low-perfusion states, such as hypothermia,


hypotension, or vasoconstriction, pulse


oximetry may understate oxygen saturation.

� ,...

Small changes in the percentage of hemoglobin

sites chemically combined (saturated) with


oxygen (Sa02) can correspond to large changes



in the partial pressure of oxygen. Refer to Table

2-4 and Figure 2-7.

AV = arteriovenous; BP = blood pressure; ECG = electrocardiography; Sa02 = arterial oxyhemoglobin saturation; Spo! = measurement of Sa02

with pulse oximetry.

Sources: Data from RR Kirby, RW Taylor, JM Civetta (cds). Handbook of Crincal Care (2nd cd). Philadelphia: lippincott-Raven, 1997;jM

Rothstein (cd). The Rehabilitalion Specialist'S Handbook (2nd ed). Philadelphia: FA Davis, 1998; and MR Kinney, 58 Dunbar, JM Vitello

Cicciu, et al. (cds). AACN's Clinical Reference for Critical Care Nursing (4th ed). St. louis: Mosby, 1998.

Table Ill-A.4. Invasive Medical Monitoring



Device!Normal Values


Clinical Implicacions


Arterial line (A-line)

Purpose: to directly and continuously record

If the A-line is displaced, the parient can lose a

Normal values: systolic,

arterial blood pressure, to obtain repeated

significant amount of blood ar rhe insertion


100-140 mm Hg;

anerial blood samples, or to deliver medisire. If bleeding occurs from the line,



diastolic, 60-90 mm Hg;


immediately apply direct pressure to the sire

MAP, 70-105 mm Hg

Consists of: an arcerial catheter. It is placed in

while calling for assistance.


the brachial, radial, or femoral arcery. The

The normal A-line waveform is a biphasic


catheter is usually connected to a

sinusoidal curve with a sharp rise and a gradual


transducer that converts a physiologic

decline (Figure Ill-A.8). A damped (flattened)


pressure into an electrical signal that is

waveform may indicate hypotension, or it may


visible on a monitor.

be due ro pressure on the line.


A patient with a femoral A-line is usually seen


bedside. Hip flexion past 60-80 degrees is

avoided. After femoral A-line removal, me


patient is usually on strict bed rest for 60-90




mins, with a sandbag placed over the site.


Upper-extremity insertion sires are usually

splinted with an arm board to stabilize the

� n



The patient with a radial or brachial A-line can

usually be mobilized out of bed, although the

length of the line lirnirs mobility to a few feet.

The transducer may be taped to the patient's

hospital gown at the level of the phlebosratic



axis (see Figure ill-A.7) during mobilization.


Table Ill-AA. Continued




Device/Normal Values

Descri prion


Pacemaker (temporary)


co provide temporary cardiac pacing

The presence of a temporary pacemaker does

postoperatively, status pOSt myocardial

not, in and of itself, limit functional mobility.

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