I Won't Give Up on You (23 page)

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Authors: F. L. Jacob

BOOK: I Won't Give Up on You
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I like, no
, having Beverly as my submissive. I’ve fuckin’ given that bitch what she deserves over and over again. I stretch out in bed and grab my phone. Needing my love, not my sub, I dial up Kaitlyn.

“Mark, I was just thinking about you.”

I smile when I hear her voice and that I just thought of her as my love. “When do I get to see you again?”

Hearing her laugh makes my cock jump. Taking it in my hand I wait for her to answer. “Few weeks, maybe sooner.”

I let out a growl. “Fuck, I can’t wait that long. My balls are going to go blue.”

“You haven’t?” She sounds kind of shocked.

“No, baby, something about you has my heart in knots. Since you, it’s only been you.”

“Mark…” She sounds like she doesn’t believe me. That pisses me off.

I sit up straighter in bed. “Are you saying you’ve been with someone else?” I’m about to throw my phone across the room.

“No, but I don’t have time to go out.” Her voice is barely audible.

“Don’t fuck with me, Kaitlyn. If there’s been someone else, you better fucking tell me.”

I can almost see her cringe over the phone, her eyes cast downward. “No, Mark, only you.”

Relaxing a bit, I roll my head on my shoulders. “There better fucking not be.”

I hear a girl’s voice in the background, and she moves to cover the phone. “Mark, I gotta go. Work calls.”

“Okay, baby.”

“Bye, Mark.”

“Bye, baby. Oh and, baby?”

“Yes.” Her voice waivers just a bit.

“I’m sorry for snapping. I just don’t want anyone else to have that sweet pussy of yours. It’s mine. You got it?”


I can still tell she’s apprehensive. “Say it, Kaitlyn.”

She whispers into the phone, making it sound breathy, “My pussy is all yours.”

“Good girl. Now snap me a picture of that sweet thing and send it to me. I’ll see you soon, love.”

I hang up and make my way to the bathroom before slipping into some black sweats. My phone chimes alerting me to a text. With the flip of a finger I see the beautiful, slick pussy I’ve been dreaming of. I’ll make use of that picture later, but now I’m starving.

Walking to the kitchen, I find Beverly in there trying to cook and failing miserably.

I walk up behind her and take her by the shoulders. “Get out of the fucking kitchen before you burn the fucking place down.”

Shoving her away forcefully, she loses her balance and falls to the floor. “Stay down there, bitch.”

She does as she’s told. Rolling my eyes, I move to the balcony door and open it to let the smoke out and throw away the burned shit in the pan.

“I’m meeting with Broc today. We have two weeks until the wedding. Which means two weeks until I’m done with you. So help me God, you better find someplace else to be because once it’s done. I’m done.”

“But, sir—”

I turn around and back hand her. “Beverly, I didn’t give you permission to talk to me. Get out of my fucking sight.”

Her eyes snap up to mine. I see a hint of dominance trying to break free. I pull her up by her arm and drag her to the couch. Shoving her down as I rip her shirt.

“Is this what you want? Do you want me to fuck you, Beverly?”

“Yes, please, Mark.”

I palm her breasts the disgusting fake globes. I hate the feel of fake shit. She lets out a moan, and her head falls back. I smack them a few times, making them red.

“Yes, Mark. Fuck.”

I know she’s on the brink, just from me touching and smacking her breasts. Fuck this.

Just as quickly as I shoved her down, I turn and walk away.

“Mark, oh God, no.”

“Fuck off, Beverly. You’re a washed up old whore.”

“You’ll pay, Mark,” She screams down the hall.

I laugh on my way back to my room. “Not a chance, bitch.”

Walking into my room, I strip out of my pants and locate my jeans and t-shirt. Once I’m dressed, I grab my keys and head out to my car to meet Broc for an early lunch. Beverly has made herself scarce. Good thing I have my guns locked up, or I’m sure I’d be in a world of hurt.

I arrive a few minutes early and sit in my car to scope out the place we’re meeting. Something doesn’t seem right, but I just can’t put my finger on it. Deciding that I’m full of shit, I get out and cross the street, making my way to the diner.

Once I walk in, I look around again. Everyone seems quiet and peaceful. Keeping to themselves. No one even looked up when I walked in. Seeing the please seat yourself sign, I make my way to a corner booth that seems somewhat private. I sit so my back is to the wall. No one can come up to surprise me from behind. That much I’ve learned, never leave your back uncovered.

I pull my phone out to go over some notes on my plan for the next few weeks to finish this job. Before I have a chance to get lost in my thoughts, I see somebody walk up to the table.

Glancing up, Broc’s smiling down at me.

“Hey, buddy,” he says much too cheerfully.

I slide out of the booth and do the whole half, smack your back man hug. “Broc, long time, man.”

We both take our seats and the waitress comes over instantly with two glasses of water. After quickly glancing at our menus, we place our order.

“She’s got a nice ass, doesn’t she?” Broc says.

I shrug my shoulders. Kaitlyn’s is much more divine. He’s wringing his hands on the table. He was never good at lying or playing cool.

“What’s up there,
?” I say condescendingly, nudging my chin toward his hands that are now making me nervous. I glance around the diner again to take in my surroundings.

“Me, oh nothing, nothing. Just wanted to catch up. I’m back in town. Just thought…”

Is there a bead of sweat forming on his brow? I laugh lightly, sit back, and place my arms on the back of the booth back. I play cool as a cucumber, but really my senses are on high alert.

“Bull shit.” His mouth falls open. “Spill it. Why’d you contact me? Does it have to do with Beth?”

His hands ball into fists.

“Ding, ding, ding. We have a winner folks,” I proclaim sarcastically.

If this was a cartoon, I would probably be able to see steam coming out of Broc’s ears and his face turn an unnatural shade of red. The visual thought of it makes me laugh.

He pounds the table, making the silverware clink. His little temper tantrum also turns a few heads.

“Oh, now who has the temper?”

“Don’t you fucking, dare,” Broc says through gritted teeth, his finger pointing at me.

I lean forward on the table, resting on my arms. “Don’t I dare what exactly?”

“I saw you.” He rubs the back of his hand over his mouth. “I saw you coming out of her apartment. Stay the fuck away from her.”

“Ha! You think I’d want a piece of her used pussy?”

That pushes his buttons further. “Fuck you, Mark.”

“You’re not really my type, Broc”

He reaches across the table and grabs my black t-shirt by the neck. “I’ve fucking contacted Caston Black. He’s on to you, you sick fuck. Stay away from Beth, or you’ll pay.”

Shoving him back into his seat, I straighten my shirt. “You’re fucking insane, Broc.” Still keeping my cool. “I don’t know what crack you are smokin’, but you need to lay off. I’m not fucking with Beth, and I sure as hell haven’t seen or associated with Sabrina for months. I’ve got a redheaded beauty to call my own now.”

“You can’t be trusted, Mark.” He’s seething.

All I can do is laugh. A laugh I know sounds evil. “And you can? I remember you standing behind me for a very long time, not doing anything to help Bre when I was wailing on her.”

His eyes grow wide. Got him there. He didn’t do a god damn thing to help her or stop me, even though he knew what I was doing.

The waitress brings our food and quickly leaves us again.

“I’m not even fucking hungry.” He shoves the plate toward the middle of the table. Moving out of the booth, he throws down some money to cover his part of the bill and points at me. “Just stay the fuck away from Beth.”

I hold my hands up in surrender, even though I’m doing no such thing. He turns to leave, and I just shake my head before diving into my plate of overflowing food. I’m so fucking hungry.

Concentrating on devouring my food, I don’t look up immediately when someone comes up to the table and stands before me. I can tell by the pants it’s a man, so it isn’t worth my time. I’m annoyed that whoever it is for trying to interrupt me.

Trying to keep my cool I bite out, “Do you mind?”

His gloved hands are on my table, and I can sense he is leaning over me.

“As a matter of fact—”

I look up as the man slides into the spot vacated by Broc only moments before.

“Shit man, look, I’m not trying to start anything.”

There sitting across from me is Terrance, Caston’s head security. His face is tight as he clenches his jaw; his lips in a tight line.

His voice is cool and collected when he speaks. “I’m going to make this easy for you. Tell me what you are planning, tell me what Beverly is planning, and I’ll make sure none of that happens. Once, you do, I’ll give you two options. You can either chose to back off and disappear for good this time, or we can do things the hard way.”

My eyes narrow. “You set this up with Broc?”

“You’re a smart one.” He chuckles.

A low growl forms in my chest. Who does this smug ass think he is?

“I wouldn’t get all high and mighty with me. You know I have to capability of ending you for good.”

He calls the waitress over with a flick of his wrist and orders a drink. Once she disappears, his eyes stare into mine. I’m suddenly no longer hungry and push the food away from me.

“So you just expect me to spill my guts to you in this public place?”

A smug look covers his face. “Doesn’t seem so public to me.”

Confused I begin to glace around. Everyone is gone. He emptied a busy restaurant. “Seriously?”

“Well, we could go to the police station, if you’d prefer.”

My mouth goes dry. Shit. “I’ve gotta take a piss.”

“Be my guest, but you can’t escape, so don’t even try.”

Scrambling out of the booth, I take off toward the bathroom. Once inside, I lock the door behind me and lean against it, trying to calm my breathing.

Shit, shit, shit! What am I going to do? Give it up. Can I?
I’m talking to myself as I pace the small room. I brace my hands on the sink and stare at myself in the mirror. Just when I am about to lose it my phone vibrates in my pocket. Fumbling to get it out, I turn it over and my heart clenches.


Kaitlyn: Hey, baby, just thinking about you. Hope you’re being good. ;)


I smile thinking about her. What has come over me? Quickly, I type my response and head out the door.

Just thinking about any future with her, I know what I need to do.

Returning to my seat, I slide in and fold my arms over my chest. “Okay, where do you want me to start?



I’m sitting staring at myself in the mirror. It’s been five weeks since we’ve been back from Mexico and all I want to do is go back there. Caston and I were free. No work, no wedding planning, no responsibilities. Being an adult is for the birds. I look up to the ceiling and talk to my parents.
I wish you were here. Tomorrow is the biggest day of my life. I miss you so much.
Taking a few more minutes to myself before I grab my bag and head for the door to the bedroom. Beth insisted we stay at the hotel tonight because Caston can’t see me until I walk down the aisle tomorrow. I fought her tooth and nail, arguing that it was an old wives tail. Nothing bad was going to happen. We’ve made it this far, we can make it through anything.

I grab the door knob, pulling the door toward me. My head is down, so I startle when I notice Caston standing there.

“Caston, you—”

He places his mouth over mine and stops my words with his kiss. I drop my bag and let my hands slide through his hair. Caston’s arm hooks around my waist, pulling me into his hard chest. Backing me into the room, he shuts the door with his foot. I moan into his mouth as my insides clench.

Guiding me toward the bed, his devilish smile makes my knees go weak.

“Bre, I need you. I couldn’t let you go without having you one last time as Ms. Bennett.”

I grab the hem of his shirt and rip it up over his head.

“Mr. Black, I always need you.”

I pull him toward me by his belt, slamming my mouth to his again. Fumbling with the metal of the buckle, I eventually get to the granite shaft begging to be set free. He groans into my mouth when I stroke it from base to tip. Feeling the bead of fluid form at the tip, I wipe it up with my finger and bring it up to my mouth. Sucking it, I watch him as he disposes of his pants and socks.

“Fuck, you taste good,” I say as I pop my finger out of my mouth.

“Bre, I want to taste you.” His voice is low and breathy.

I slowly pull my dress over my head. The shoes stay on. I know he likes to fuck me when I’m wearing heels. Stepping back, his eyes rake over my body.

“If I had known you weren’t wearing panties, I would’ve taken you earlier,” he growls.

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