Ignite (Explosive) (25 page)

Read Ignite (Explosive) Online

Authors: Tessa Teevan

Tags: #E.M. Tippetts Book Designs

BOOK: Ignite (Explosive)
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“You can be on top later, but when I enter you for the first time in ten years, I want to do it looking down into your beautiful eyes.”

I move to get a condom from the bathroom when she stops me.

“I’m on the pill, so you don’t have to, you know, get a condom,” she says softly, surprising me.

I brush the hair out of her face and search her eyes. “Are you sure?”

“I’m sure. I trust you, Jace, and I want to feel you inside me without any barrier between us,” she responds, turning me on even more than I already am. I’m amazed at the level of trust that she has, and it brings on emotions I don’t want to deal with right now.

Settling in over her, I position myself at her opening. I rub myself against her a few times, spreading her wetness between the two of us. Her body stills for a moment as I slowly push my cock inside of her. Then she lifts her hips to take more of me inside of her.

“Patience, baby. I want to savor every second of this moment after imagining it for the last ten years.”

She stops her movement, and I swear every single nerve ending in my dick is on fire as I inch myself into her, filling her fully. Her eyes close at the contact, and I run my hand over the soft skin on her cheek.

“Open your eyes, Alexa.” She does as told, waiting for me to continue. “I want you to look at me while I make love to you, so that when we’re not together, I can still see the look in your eyes as I make you come.”

Her eyes open as she pushes her hips into me, challenging me to begin moving inside of her.

“Then I guess you better get to work,” she teases.

I place my mouth over hers to shut her up as I rock my hips, slowly moving in and out of her as my hands work their way up her body to caress her soft breasts. Whimpering against my mouth at the additional contact, she finally relents as she begins matching my movements with her hips. She tries to speed our pace up, but I’m content to spend the next few moments holding her to a slow build.

Becoming increasingly frustrated at my lack of speed, she pushes up on my shoulders, disconnecting our mouths.

“My turn,” she tells me in that same breathy tone from earlier, letting me know that she’s not that far from coming.

Rolling onto my back, I settle her on top of me without removing myself from her warmth. Her eyes close as she begins to move her hips. I decide to let her keep them closed, the vision of her riding my cock as her breasts bounce being more than enough for me to remember. She sits back, rolling her hips in a circular motion. My hands slide up her body to cup her breasts, squeezing and caressing them both at the same time.

“I could watch you move on top of me all day, baby,” I growl, wishing I could do just that.

Leaning forward, she’s panting as she places her hands on my chest, and I work her nipples over, lightly squeezing and pinching. She looks so damn sexy in all her naked glory, with my dick filling her completely. I’m undone by the sensual, passionate woman she’s become, and I know I’ll never get my fill of her.

Holding on to her hips, I still her movements. I lean up and brace myself with one arm behind me on the bed so that I’m in a sitting position with her still engulfing my hard cock. I wrap my free arm around the small of her back, pulling her into me, with both of her knees on either side of me. She begins to quicken her movements, and I devour her lips as I ram myself up into her. Pulling back from my mouth, she braces her hands on my shoulders as she hurriedly rides my cock. I can feel her walls begin to tighten around me, so I know she’s not far from orgasm. The hand that was holding her moves in between us as my thumb and forefinger massage her clit to speed up her release, and I know I’m not far behind her.

“Oh god, yes. Just like that, Jace,” she breathes, her pace increasing.

Pumping myself into her a few more times, I’m treated to her panting due to our frenzied pace. I swipe my thumb across her clit before pressing down on it for added pressure. She begins grinding herself against me, and it’s not long before she explodes, calling out my name in a breathy, sexy scream. She convulses around my dick, and that’s all it takes for me to climax. Pulling her face to mine, I kiss her with a desperate hunger as I piston my hips into her and she clenches around me, milking out every last drop of my release.

Giving her one last kiss, I pull back and look into her eyes. I brush the hair away from her shoulders as I witness the post-sex glow that’s covering her skin. She smiles shyly at me, and I can’t help but kiss her again.

“That was amazing. You’re breathtaking when you come,” I tell her, running my hands down her back.

She shivers as my fingers trace circles on the skin just above her ass. “You’re not so bad yourself,” she says as she shoots me a wink.

Rocking her backwards so that she’s flat on the bed, I position myself on top of her. I trail kisses down her neck before taking her nipple into my mouth, hearing a small gasp escape her lips as I bite down.

I look up and grin. “Not so bad? I guess I’ll have to keep showing you how ‘not so bad’ I can be.”

With one last kiss, I pull myself out of her and go to the bathroom to clean up. I come back out with a warm washcloth so I can clean Alexa up as well. She smiles at the gesture, but when I start to tend to her, she grabs my wrist, stopping me.

Smiling seductively, she offers up a suggestion. “Why don’t we try out that shower of yours so we can both clean up together?”

I can’t help the grin that comes over my face, and my dick slightly comes back to life at the idea of her naked and wet under the spray of the shower, my hands lathering soap all over her body. I grab her hand and drag her towards the bathroom, praying that I’ll be ready for round two.

I’m slowly
pulled out of sleep as I feel fingers moving over my skin. It’s still dark out, so my eyes have to adjust before I can see Jace burying his face in between my legs. I tap his shoulder and he grins up at me, squeezing my thighs with his large hands.

“Morning, baby,” he offers, his fingers inching closer to my core.

Noting that I can only see him in the moonlight, I comment, “I usually wait until daylight for it to be my morning, but I think I can get on board with this kind of wakeup call.”

His grin widens, and he’s quick to get back to work. He spends the next few minutes pleasuring my body before he moves up and slides himself into me. His movements drive me crazy, slow and lazy until he decides to speed things up until we’re both panting with want. He sits up and pulls my legs up so that they’re resting over his shoulders. This allows him to drive deeper, and I brace myself against his stomach as he pounds into me. He’s plunging in so deep that it takes my breath away. His thumb comes down on my clit, and he moves it in the same circular motion that matches the roll of his hips. He begins to move even faster, and it’s only a few moments before we both explode in a wave of pure lust.

He slows his hips and places my legs back on the bed. Leaning down to kiss me, he meets my eyes.

“So fucking amazing, baby. Every single time,” he tells me, and I can’t argue with that.

He gets off the bed and cleans me up before he pulls the sheets back over us. We’re immediately drawn together as he places his arm around my waist and gives me a light kiss on the top of my head.

“Go back to sleep. You have a few hours before you need to be up.”

We lie in silence for a few moments as he lulls me to sleep with the rhythmic motions of his fingers caressing my skin.

The next
time I wake up, I find that Jace is no longer holding me. Turning to look for him, I find his side of the bed empty. I get up, spotting the black button-up he wore the night before. The shirt slips over my shoulders, and I fasten up a few buttons so I’m decent. Noticing that the blinds from the balcony door have been pulled back, I walk over to the door and see Jace sitting outside, looking out into the water.

Spying his coffee mug, I head to the kitchen and pour myself a cup before joining him. Turning to look at me as I pull the balcony door open, he pats his lap, offering me a seat. I sit down on his thigh, placing my mug on the table beside his.

“Morning.” He greets me with a small smile, but I can see the flash of something else in his eyes.

“I don’t usually sleep in so late, but someone wore me out last night.”

He lets out a low chuckle and adds, “And this morning.”

“Oh, of course. I don’t think I’ll ever forget the way you woke me up,” I say, giving him a sly grin.

We make small talk for the next few minutes as we sip our coffee and listen to the waves crash along the beach. I hear Jace sigh as he buries his face in my hair. Setting my coffee mug down, I turn to face him.

“What’s up? What’s with the sigh?”

He shrugs, avoiding my eyes. Grabbing his face, I force him to look at me. He takes in a deep breath before answering me.

“This weekend went by too quickly. I’m not ready to leave you again,” he admits, and my heart softens at his confession.

“Hey, it’s only for a couple of months. You’ll be in Kentucky in no time. Maybe I’ll even come down and help you find a place when you first get there,” I suggest, completely understanding his issue with the weekend ending.

He smiles and nods. “I’d love that.” He wraps a lock of my hair up in his fingers. “Now that I finally have you back in my life, I’m not going to let you get away again. I don’t know what you want or where your heart is, but I know that these have been the best three days of my life.”

He’s searching my eyes as he waits for my response, and my heart leaps at the thought of having him as a more permanent fixture in my life.

“If I’m completely honest with you, I never thought I’d move on after Ty’s death. Sure, guys asked me out occasionally, but my heart never felt anything around anyone else. Being here with you this weekend has brought about a million different emotions to the surface. It scares me and thrills me at the same time. I know it’s only been a few days, but I feel like we just picked up right where we left off.”

He nods in agreement. “It really does. I won’t sit here and freak you out with declarations of love, begging you to marry me, but being around you has stirred up old feelings I want to pursue if you’ll let me.”

My heart warms at his words, knowing that I want the same thing, too. “Heaven forbid I try and stop you from a pursuit. That’d just make you work even harder for it.” We both laugh, knowing that I’m right.

“How about we spend the next few months getting reacquainted until I come back? I can’t properly woo you from Afghanistan, but we can spend the time apart getting to know each other again. Then when I get back, I’ll work on sweeping you off of your feet.”

I give him a soft kiss on the lips, loving that idea. “That sounds perfect, Jace. And that will give you plenty of time to think up ways to win my affections.”

Checking his watch, he stands up, taking me with him. “Oh, I already have a few tricks up my sleeves to make that happen.”

He walks us inside and throws me on the bed before he falls on top of me. He catches me off guard as he begins to unbutton his shirt I’m wearing as he also removes his clothes. He begins to make love to me, and instead of slow and sweet, it’s fast and frantic. We’re both trying to get our fill of each other, hoping for just enough to tie us over for the next few months. Too quickly, we’re both so close to orgasm, and he sends me over with his relentless thrusts. It’s only moments later when he groans into my neck that he releases into me. A wave of sadness passes over me as he pulls away, and I’m dreading the impending goodbye that’s looming over us.

As if he can sense it, Jace bends down and gives me a searing kiss before rising up off of the bed. He extends his hand and I take it. I let him lead me to the bathroom so we can both get ready to get back to reality.

Two hours
later, Jace’s car is packed and we’re headed to Sierra and Jeremy’s condo so I can get my stuff. I rummage through my purse to find the key.

“Do you think we should knock first? I’d hate to walk in on those two, not knowing what they could be doing,” Jace says before I can stick the key into the doorknob.

I laugh, knowing he’s probably right. “That’s not a bad idea. I’ve seen Jeremy’s naked ass and I’m scarred for life already.”

Jace raps on the door three quick times, and we stand there for a few moments before a sleepy looking Sierra answers the door in jeans and a t-shirt. She yawns as she greets us, opening the door wide so we can come in. We pass their packed luggage as we make our way towards the living room where Jeremy’s sitting on the couch in nothing but boxers, eating a bowl of cereal. Sierra sits down next to him and they both look at us expectantly. I know it’s probably killing my nosy sister to not come straight out and ask about all the sexy details from last night.

Heading down the hall towards the back bedroom, I leave Jace out there to dodge the questions I know she’ll be unable to refrain from asking. I quickly get all my stuff together and go back into the living room just in time to hear Sierra ask Jace how many times we had sex. When I walk into the room, I see him shaking his head at her before a ridiculous grin spreads across his face.

“Leave the guy alone, babe,” Jeremy tells his wife. “I’m sure you’ll have plenty of time to bug Lexi about it on the plane ride home.”

I groan, thankful when Jace changes the subject. We gossip about the reunion and spill on conversations we had with many of the people who were there. They obviously had a good time last night while Jeremy’s parents had Ava spend the night. Eventually, it’s time to leave for the airport, so we lock up and make our way towards the parking lot. Jace and I figured out earlier that his plane only leaves about forty-five minutes after mine, so he decided to come to the airport with us.

Getting into the car, I turn to face him. “Do you need to stop by and say goodbye to your parents?”

Shaking his head, he starts the car and pulls out of the parking lot. “They left this morning to go visit with Clay’s family for a week. I stopped by and spent some time with them yesterday when you took your nap before the reunion. Mom said to tell you it was nice to see you, by the way.”

I smile, happy that I was able to see his parents while I was here. I can only imagine how hard it is for them to say goodbye to him when he’s heading off to a hostile country, and I shake the thought from my mind, knowing I’ll be doing the same thing in a little while.

It’s not long before we’re pulling into the Pensacola airport parking lot. Grabbing our bags, we make our way inside. Jace goes to turn in the keys to his rental car, and then we head to the ticket counter, as we’re fortunately flying on the same airline. Getting through security, we slowly walk towards to the terminal, not wanting this weekend to end. Checking our tickets, we learn that my gate is only two away from Jace’s. Since my flight leaves first, we go to my gate where Sierra, Jeremy, Ava, and Jeremy’s parents are waiting.

“Uncle Jace!” we hear Ava exclaim as she squeals and runs towards us. Laughing, he bends down, and she almost knocks him back with the force of her hug. He swings her up and settles her on his hip.

I can’t help but smile at the sight of them together. Ava’s always been a ham, so it’s no surprise she took to Jace so quickly.

“Mommy said to tackle hug you when I saw you,” Ava informs him. “I hope it didn’t hurt too much.”He just shakes his head and rolls his eyes at my sister over the top of Ava’s head. Jeremy is trying to contain his laughter as Sierra simply shrugs, her eyes lighting up in amusement.

He turns back to Ava, who’s awaiting his response. Tapping the side of his cheek, he responds to her antics.

“I don’t know, Ava. That was a pretty hard tackle from such a little girl. My jaw does kind of hurt a little bit.”

Without missing a beat, she takes his face in both of her tiny hands and lands a loud smooch on the side of his cheek before pulling back to give him a warm smile.

“There, all better!” she proclaims before he sets her back down on the ground and we watch as she wanders back to her grandpa’s lap.

Jeremy’s mom stands to give Jace a hug, and I sit as he catches up with her briefly. A couple of moments later, he’s sliding into the seat next to me, and he takes my hand in his. I lean into him, resting my head on his shoulder as he gives me a kiss on my hair. Sierra’s sitting across from us and she catches my eye. She gives me a thumbs up as she winks at me. I can feel Jace’s shoulders shake, indicating that he also saw her and apparently finds her to be hilarious. I just shake my head as I close my eyes to take in the last few minutes I have with him.

All too soon the gate attendant is announcing that first class can start boarding. Jace stands up and pulls me to my feet. With my hand in his, he drags me a few feet away to a quiet corner. He cups my face with both of his hands and leans in to place a soft kiss to my lips. I sink into him, and his hands move from my face to the small of my back as he pulls me in closer.

Pressing his face into my hair, he whispers, “I never thought I’d be lucky enough to hold you in my arms again, so it’s going to kill me to watch you walk away onto that plane. I know I said this before, but life happened and got in the way.”

He pulls back so he can look at me. His hand lifts my chin and his eyes lock with mine.

“I will come back for you, Alexa. Nothing will keep me away this time. I promise you, the moment I’m back in the States, you’ll be the first to know, and I’ll be in Cincinnati the minute I’m able.”

I swallow hard as the tears threaten to spill out onto my face. He runs his thumb across my cheek as one lone tear escapes my eye.

“I believe you. And I’m in the same boat. Never in a million years did I expect the weekend to turn out this way. My heart hasn’t felt this happy in so long. I have no idea what’s going to happen, but…I’m willing to find out.”

“I’ll be back before you know it. And hey, we’ve got technology to keep us occupied. I’ll be blowing up your email so often that you’ll get sick of me,” he jokes, causing me to smile.

I hear the final boarding call for my flight, so Jace walks me back over to the gate. He sweeps me up in his arms, pressing me firmly against him and planting a hot, searing kiss on my lips. His tongue briefly enters my mouth and tangles with mine. Giving me one last kiss, he reluctantly pulls away from me

Hesitantly I leave his arms and approach the gate, handing over my ticket. I’m about to head through the door when I hear him call my name. I turn around and take in the sight of him one last time.

“You’ll always be my homerun.”

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