Immortal Dreams (12 page)

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Authors: Chrissy Peebles

Tags: #Paranormal

BOOK: Immortal Dreams
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I gasp louder when I feel his tongue colliding with a spot I had no idea was so sensitive, and then my hands tangle in his hair as he greedily nips, sucks, and plays.  Each flick of his incredible tongue pushes me closer to an edge I've never fallen off before.

"Oh... my... fuck," I gush out, and his pace only quickens, forcing a tightening in my lower abdomen.

My legs begin trembling before stiffening, and I arch my back slightly before his hands push my hips into place.  Then he slips a finger inside me to push me over the edge, causing me to scream out his name involuntarily.

When he feels my whole body trembling, he smiles against me and slowly starts making his way back up, trailing his lips over my very sensitive skin.

"I love the way you want me," he breathes against my neck, making my whole body shiver.

My legs wrap around his waist as I free his erection with my greedy hands.  He moans into my mouth as his lips return, and then I pull him to me, silently begging him to be my first and end my innocent drought.

He pulls his shirt over his head and tosses it to the floor, revealing his perfection fully.  Then he jerks his pants off before returning to me.  His hand skims over my sex as he guides himself to my opening, and then his lips cover mine as he surges in.

I cry out upon feeling the unexpected strike of pain shooting through me from his abrupt, brutal entry.

"Fuck, I'm sorry.  What's wrong?" he worries, staying inside me and giving me a chance to acclimate to his size.

A tear falls from my eye as I shake my head.

"Sorry, I might should have mentioned I'm... um... I was..."

His eyes widen and he pulls out of me as his mouth falls open.  He looks down, and then up again while shaking his head.

"You're a virgin?" he says, his face turning pale.

I blush feverishly, my bare body now feeling all the more exposed.  The word
has never sounded so embarrassing or dirty before.

"I don't think I am anymore."

He grips his head as if he feels regret, and I pull a sheet to my body to cover my growing insecurities.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

I look away shamefully, and then I stare at the ground.

"I'm sorry.  I didn't know it would matter.  Do you want to leave?"

My heart feels heavy, painful, and foolish as I stare straight down.  He tilts my chin up, sincerity in his eyes.

"Alyssa, I don't want to go.  I just feel like a jerk because I didn't know.  I wouldn't have been so... rough... if I had known.  You're... it's just... you're twenty, and well, we sort of got close to doing this the first night we were together.  I only assumed-"

"I was a slut?"

He laughs a little and shakes his head.

"No.  Not a slut.  I just assumed you had been with someone before."

I draw back, feeling all the more stupid as I pull my knees to my chest.  I went from feeling like  a woman to a small child, and I thought it was supposed to go the other way around.

"I'm sorry," I murmur, trying not to sound like the crying kid I am inside.

His body softens, his eyes now holding pity.

My first time ended after one fucking thrust.  I wish I had just bit through the pain and ignored it.

"Alyssa, I'm not going to let this be the way you lost your virginity."

This is humiliating... mortifying actually.

"Don't patronize me, and ugh!  Don't say that word."

He laughs as I cover my head up with a pillow, and I feel his hand slipping under the sheet to curl around my bare body, pulling me to him.

"Stop, Kane.  You're right.  I was stupid and I should have told you," I mumble into the pillow.

"Hey, no.  That's not... Alyssa, I'm sorry.  I would have liked to have known so I could have made it a little more special for you - not to mention gentle."

I shake my head, and then he removes the pillow from my face before his lips find mine.  I try to pull back, but he pulls me tighter to him, refusing to let me recoil again.

"Kane, you don't have to-"

He cuts me off as he moves to be between my legs again, and his hot, demanding tongue slips inside my mouth to silence me more, rebuilding the fire.  I never thought it possible to recover from that, but now I'm realizing there's nothing about him that can keep me away... even a botched first time.

“Alyssa, I want you like I've never wanted anything before," he murmurs against my lips, making me feel hot in all the right places as my hands begin to tangle in his hair.  "I'm assuming you're not on birth control though."

My mind flashes back to my mother's spell she cast on me when I just hit puberty.  It's better than any mortal birth control there is.

"I am."

His lips become more demanding, as does his tongue.  He guides his firmness back to my opening.  I tense up, and his hand slides down the curve of my ass to angle me differently.

"Relax, baby.  I swear I won't hurt you again," he soothes, as his lips stroke slower, more gingerly across mine.

I just nod, but I don't really know how to relax.  A calming sensation suddenly floods through me as I stare into his soft, warm, green eyes, and I feel my body relaxing as if on its own.  His lips return to mine, making the calm all the better, as he guides himself back inside me.

This time, unlike the last, his thrust is gentle, slow, and not painful at all as he slides in to my deepest point, making me gasp in pleasure instead of pain.  My legs slide up around his waist, giving him more depth, and he tugs at my back as he releases a delicious breath of his own pleasure.

"Damn, you feel so fucking good," he murmurs in a hoarse tone, his body claiming mine as he pulls out slowly and then glides back in, making me greedy and desperate for more.

My nails dig into his back as I pull him to me, and he steadily quickens his pace as my hips start rising to meet his.  He grunts when he starts treating me like I'm stronger than a fragile piece of glass.

His slick thrusts are still nowhere as brutal as his first delivery, and now I sort of want that.  I want to feel him claiming me the way he wants to.

Deliberately holding back, he finds a gentle rhythm that still forces my whole body to tingle.  If I had known how incredible this could be, I might have turned into a slut long ago.

He holds onto me with more passion than I thought possible, and each thrust pushes me closer to the edge I'm desperate to fall off of... again.  I grip him tighter as something stirs in me once more, and I feel a tear slipping out for a whole new reason as I cry out happily.

He shudders inside me, filling me with his warmth, as he lets out a low moan of pleasure before collapsing to my body and pulling me into his arms.

"You okay?" he asks so sincerely while kissing my forehead.

I'm frigging awesome.

"Definitely okay," I pant out, still unable to catch my breath after that incredible release.

"Is that a little more like you expected?"

much better."

He lets out a huff of a laugh, and I cringe.

Crap.  I didn't mean to say that out loud.

"Good.  That's what I want to hear."

He lightly kisses my lips, and then he pulls me up so my face is even with his as he slides my leg across his waist.

"I wish I had upgraded the room at least," he says somewhat humorously.

I let a laugh free, and then I roll my eyes.

"Single level motels don't usually have suites."

He chuckles lightly, and then he props up while staring down at me.

"Well, I'll see about rustling us up some champagne.  There's got to be a store around here."

He's intent on making this special, but he doesn't realize how incredible it already is.

"I don't want you to leave right now.  Just stay here, and we can do champagne another time."

He smiles so genuinely, as if I've said something wonderful, and then he pulls me closer to him.

"I can handle that."

My lips stroll over his collarbone, and his hand slides down to grip my ass, making me want more of his delicious body inside me.

"So... belated question... how old are you?" I muse, grimacing lightly for not even knowing that much about him before he plucked
the petals from my flower.

"Twenty-five... I think."

I pull back to stare at him with an arched brow.  "You think?"

He laughs and then shrugs.  "I told you we party a lot.  Sometimes I forget things."

I shake my head, and a stupid smile spreads across my face.

"So, why didn't you tell me?" he asks curiously.

"Tell you what?"

"That you were a virgin."

My face glows red at this point.  If I could hide under the covers all day, I would.  He laughs a little at my embarrassment, but he refuses to let me hide.

"I didn't think you'd believe me, for one.  Like you said, we almost did this that first night you were at my house.  Also, I didn't want you to treat it like it was something sacred.  Either you wouldn't have done anything with me, or you would have made me wait for the 'perfect place and time.'  I didn't want to wait, and I didn't want to scare you off."

He smirks, and then he kisses the top of my head.

"Well, it'd be damn near impossible for you to scare me off, but I would have liked to plan out something better than a shady motel in the middle of nowhere.  I wanted to plan out something better for our first time together, actually, without even knowing you were a virgin.  You're too damn irresistible though."

I try my best not to giggle, but I do a little anyway.  He strokes my cheek with his thumb, and then he slides over to start kissing my neck.

"For the record, I've never been one too concerned with the place or the decorations... It's always been about the
" I murmur softly, and I feel him smiling against my neck.

"That's good to know.  Do you care if I'm your
for a while?"

The goofy grin that spreads over my face is insuppressible, and he rises up with a smile of his own as his lips lightly peck mine.

"I was hoping you'd ask that," I mutter while bringing my arms up around his neck and drawing him in for a deeper kiss.

His tongue invades my mouth once again, drawing forth that explosive heat, and then his erection grazes the insides of my thighs as he parts my legs.

"I'll be gentle," he murmurs against my mouth as he starts to slide in.

"Not too gentle.  I'm not so fragile anymore," I utter with a vixen's intent, and he growls in the back of his throat as he surges in a little harder, while still showing a tender touch.


For the first time ever,
I wake up in someone's arms, and I grin as I roll over and wrap my leg around Kane's body.  He smiles down at me, looking rather alert, and I let out an involuntary giggle.

"Been up long?" I muse.

"A little while.  I was going to go get us some breakfast, but I didn't want you to wake up without me."

My cheeks officially hurt.  Apparently, once you have sex, you can't stop smiling like a complete goof.

"I'm glad you stayed."

"Me too," he murmurs softly while kissing my forehead.

"We can go out for breakfast," I say while sitting up.

"Definitely not.  I want you to wear that sheet for a little while longer.  I'll go grab us something, and when I get back, I'll distract you until Frankie gives you a call."

I smile lightly, and then I feel guilty.  I'm in bed with a guy, enjoying myself, and who knows where my mother is.

"Sorry.  I shouldn't have said it like that," he murmurs with a grimace.

"It's fine."

His fingers slip through my hair as he pulls me to him, and his soft lips comfort me, making me feel safe and wanted.

We're suddenly jarred apart, and I scream as the door to the motel swings open.  Kane has somehow already jerked me behind him, ready to keep me safe -
ironically enough -
but we both exhale in relief when we see it's just Frankie.

"What the hell, Frankie?" I scold.

His lips have etched up in an are-you-kidding-me grin, and I roll my eyes as I pull the sheet to my body.

"Sorry, I didn't realize you had company, and I was just going to give you a little scare.  Kane, right?" he asks with a devilish grin.

"Right," Kane says with his own sheepish grin, and then he turns to me.  "I'll go get us some breakfast now."

"Thanks," I murmur, my cheeks burning.

Frankie lets out a teasing chuckle as Kane kisses my cheek, and then he climbs up from the bed with nothing but his boxers on before slipping on his jeans and shirt.  He gives me a quick wink and then disappears out the door.

"Really?" Frankie says once the door shuts.

I plop down and pull the pillow over my head.

"Skip the embarrassing taunts, and tell me what's going on."

"Yes, ma'am," he snickers out, and I pull my head back out from under the pillow while using my magic to dress me under the sheet.

"So, from what I can tell, Calypso isn't in Canada.  Just so you know, it's hard as hell to work with night stalkers, considering they're our worst natural enemy."

"Yeah, I know, but those night stalkers saved our lives.  You'd know that if you had been conscious."

"Are you sure it was them?" he asks, his face turning more serious.

"I'm sure it had to be.  It's not like there's a long list of blood drinkers coming to our aide.  Anyway, what else did you find out about Mom?"

"Nothing much, kiddo.  Whatever they're up to, they're covering their trail pretty damn good.  Thad says he has some contacts that deal with light and dark.  He's going to try and get a hold of them, see if they can help us out."

"Do you think he's really on our side?" I ask while emerging from under the sheet, my body now fully clothed.

"I think he has to be, otherwise Drackus will rip him to pieces."

Ah yes.  He's Drackus's errand boy.  I almost forgot about that.  Just because he's on my dad's payroll doesn't mean he's necessarily on our side.

"My dad has ulterior motives anytime he helps out.  I think we should watch Thad and the others closely - make sure they're not playing an angle while pulling the wool over our eyes."

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