Immortal Dreams (15 page)

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Authors: Chrissy Peebles

Tags: #Paranormal

BOOK: Immortal Dreams
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Everything around me turns into a blur, and I push my face into his back to warm me with his fur and keep the flying insects away from my gaping mouth.

Within minutes, we've lost them, and a car pulls around just as we come to an abrupt halt.  I fall forward, but foreign hands grab me when one of the "friendly" night stalkers catches me, leaving me with an eerie feeling.

"Thanks," I murmur halfheartedly.

"Go!  We have to go!" Thad urges as he leaps into the car, human and...

Ah crap
.  Why does he have to look like

I climb in, my face glowing red, and keep my eyes focused anywhere but the naked man as another changer gasses the vehicle, surging away from the craziness behind.

"They'll track me down if I'm in my changed form for too long," Thad sighs while relaxing in his seat.

"You should... um... put something on.  It's cold," I stammer, still refusing to look at him.

"Is that a dig at my
" he chuckles out.  "For the record, I'm not turned on by near death encounters."

My glowing red burns brighter as I bury my face in my hands.

"I didn't look at your
," I lie, and he
turned on.

He laughs lightly, and then I hear the rustle of his clothes being pulled on beside me.  Turning to face him, I feel my face slowly fading back to its normal color.

"Where'd loverboy go this time?" he asks.

"He had some work to do back home.  Speaking of which, can I borrow your phone?  Mine was sort of left back at the house."

"Yeah."  He relinquishes his phone.

I quickly dial Kane's number and start biting my nails as I anxiously await his answer, the tears trying to fall as I mull over what I need to say.

"Hello?" he asks curiously, not recognizing the number.

"Hey," I murmur in relief just to hear his voice.

"Alyssa?  Whose phone are you using?" he worries.  "Are you okay?"

I'm not even close to being okay.

"Yeah, I'm fine.  There was a small problem back at the house, and I had to leave rather quickly.  Thad came and got me.  I was just worried about you."

"Shit.  What happened?"

It'd be easier to tell him monsters are hunting me, because then he'd definitely stay away.

"Nothing you need to worry about.  Look, Kane, this has gotten worse than I realized it would, and I don't think-"

"I know - it's a lot worse.  I went by your house tonight to grab you some more clothes, and your place was trashed.  Alyssa, I don't think your mom is with friends.  I called a detective I know, and he's looking into the case for me.  I'm on my way back right now.  Where are you going?"

My breath shakily slides out, and everyone in the car tries to pretend they're not listening in.

"That's just it.  Kane, I think it would be best if you stayed away from me until we find out what's going on."

"Hell no," he scoffs.  "Tell me where you're going.  I'll be there as soon as I can get a flight."

Tears start to drip, and Thad pats my leg as I try to gather some composure.

"Kane, I can't.  I care about you too much.  I don't know what's going on, but I won't let you be in the middle of it.  I'm sorry, I really am."

"Alyssa, tell me where the hell you're going!" he demands, fear lying in the undertones of his voice.

"I'm sorry," I repeat in a whispered whimper while hanging up.

The phone starts ringing immediately, but I just stare blankly at the number I can't answer.  I have to know what he's going to do though.  Using my magic, I wave my hand over the phone to listen to the man who doesn’t know I can hear him as the phone starts ringing again.

"Damn it.  She won't fucking answer!" he blares to someone.

"Who do you think is after her?" Deke asks.

I'm sure they're all telling him to stay the hell away from me.  As much as it kills me to think of, I hope he listens to them.

"I don't know, but she needs to be protected.  She thinks
could get hurt."

Deke laughs, and I hear Kane cursing again as the phone lights up and rings once more.

"That's a rather nifty trick," Thad says, now realizing what I've done.

"It'll only work until he calls someone else," I murmur softly.

"What are you going to do?" Deke asks.

"I'm going to find her, and then I'm going to beat the fuck out of whoever is messing with her.  I'm not going to leave her side again, and so help me, if you call for my help one more time with that fucking bitch, I'll never talk to you again."

Amy?  His business was Amy?

My anger takes the place of my tears as fury runs through me.

"I'm sorry," Deke exasperates.  "You're the only one who has any influence over her when she loses it.  It's just... you and this Alyssa girl spending so much time together is making Amy crazy.  Maybe it's good if she goes off on her own.  Amy needs all of us, and it appears you're the one she needs the most."

It's nice to know this now.  At least it makes this easier.

"Amy can go to hell for all I care.  Sierra wanted a pet, she can train her.  I'm not her fucking leash-handler anymore.  In case you haven't noticed, I happen to give a damn about someone else who needs me a hell of a lot more than Amy.  She's her own worst enemy, and Alyssa is just a fragile girl.”

Fragile girl?  Really?

I'll show him fragile the next time I see him... if I can even stand to be around him.

"Call the detective and find out what he knows," Kane urges.

"I can, but-"

"Fuck it.  I'll call him myself."

Just like that, the conversation is lost when he apparently does call someone else, ending the bit of magical influence I had.

I hand the phone back to Thad, and he sighs as he puts it back in his pocket.

"I'm sorry you had to do that, but it's for the best," Thad murmurs sympathetically.

"As you heard, it sounds like it was the best for more than one reason."

I fight back the furious tears that try to fall.  I can't believe I was so gullible, so stupid.

"I'm not sure what you mean.  It's sounds like some psychotic girl has a fatal attraction to him, but he wants you."

It sounds like he'll always go running in to save her

"I'd like to show him
," I grumble.

"Now that was a little funny.  He just doesn't know any better.  Mortal men think most girls are fragile," he chuckles out.

"Let's just get the hell out of here."


hapter Ten

"It's been a week, and this bloody fool won't stop calling me.  I've got to get my number changed," Thad exasperates while flopping down to my bed.

Kane's number is still flashing across the vibrating phone he tosses to me, but I push it away.  I can't talk to him.

"He'll stop calling.  Eventually
will need him again, and he'll forget all about me."

Thad rests his head on my lap as I flip through the pages of a magazine, and I look down to arch my eyebrow at him.

"Comfortable?" I ask sardonically.

"I would be if you ate a little more.  Damn, your hipbones really jut out."

I laugh lightly, and then I roll my eyes.

"I'm on my back.  It happens.  Why are you in my room instead of tracking down my mother?"

"Crack the whip some other time.  I've got to lie low here.  I'm not very well liked in L.A.  I'm letting the others run down the leads down there, while I crash here in the condo with you."

I put my magazine down, now that I'm a little intrigued and curious.

"What did you do to become
not so well liked
?" I muse.

"Long story.  I've been around a while."

"Well, I'm about to change clothes, so I need you to
be around for a while," I tease while lifting my hips to knock his head from my lap.

"Why change?" he asks while sitting up and stretching.

"Because I have to go buy some more clothes.  I'm sick of wearing the same stuff over and over, and I can't go out in my pajamas."

I motion to the short pajama set I've worn so much that the hems are starting to show their tattered signs of early aging.

"I happen to be fond of that little purple shirt I've seen you in a time or two," he says menacingly while bouncing his eyebrows up and down.

I let out a laugh, and then I start shuffling through my bag.

"Well, that purple shirt is spent.  I'm sick of it, and I'll quite possibly trash it after I wear it one last time today."

He smirks, and then he licks his lips before winking at me.

"I should probably stick around.  You might need some help."

I let out a laugh, and then I start pushing him out the door.  Though he's sexy, he's not Kane.  I wish I could stop thinking about him.

Once Thad is out, I stare at my new phone, wondering if I should at least let Kane know I'm okay.  If I call him, I could at least listen to his voice... even after we hang up.  I hate the fact he keeps leaving me to help Amy, but I miss him so much.

"I'll probably regret this."

I pick up the phone and dial his number quickly before I can talk myself out of it.  It rings a few times, and then I sigh when I realize it's about to go to voicemail.

"Hello?" he says unexpectedly, again puzzled by a new number.

I sit there quietly, not sure what to say.

"Hey?" I finally strain out.  "I was just calling to see how you're doing."

"Alyssa, shit.  Where the hell are you?  I've been worried to damn death."

He really does sound worried, tormented even.

"Sorry.  It's been a long, busy week.  Um, Kane, I think this goes without saying, but you know we're not together anymore.  If you want to be with Amy-"

"Damn it, Alyssa.  Stop with the Amy shit.  I don't even fucking like her as a friend.  As a matter of fact, I quite possibly hate her at this particular moment.  Please tell me where you are, and don't you dare say we're not together."

I sigh out heavily, and then I glance out the window of the huge condominium to stare down at the small humans below, oblivious to the world of deadly beauties around them.

"I just called to see how you are.  I've been worried my mom's shit was going to affect you since you've been with me."

"Alyssa, please tell me what's going on.  My detective friend can't even find out anything about her.  It's like she's not real or something.  Are you in trouble?  Are you in witness protection or something?" he asks, worrying all the more.

Oh how I wish it was something as mundane and human as that.

"Sort of.  Look, don't worry.  As long as you're safe, I'll be okay.  For the record, I'm not as fragile as you think I am.  I'll be fine."

Don't ask me where I heard that.

"Alyssa, you
fragile.  You're a twenty-year-old girl.  Please let me come be with you.  I can help."

I wish that was true.

"Sorry, but it needs to be this way, and we
together.  It's for the best.  Maybe Amy is psycho, but she's probably better for you than me."

"Fuck!  I'm so sick of hearing about her.  I want you.  Do you hear me? 

The butterflies ruffle in my stomach, and I lie back on the bed while pulling on my shirt.

"I want you, too, but things are just too complicated right now.  I'd rather you just forget about me."

"Please don't make me beg," he hoarsely whispers, making my tears form.

I grip my hair and walk over to pull on my jeans, my heart sinking to the pits of my stomach as I stare woefully at the girl who has started to fall in love with a human she can never be with.

"Kane, I'm sorry.  Listen, if-"

I scream when I see the scaly tail of ...
dangling from the top of my shirt, and I start flailing around wildly to rid myself of the mystery varmint invading my cleavage.  I leap onto the bed as a lizard thuds to the ground, and then I see it wink at me.  The fucking lizard even laughs as it scurries out the door.


"Alyssa!" Kane yells, as if he's been saying my name repeatedly, expecting an explanation for my panic.

"Sorry.  I'm fine."

He breathes out a rattling breath, and I actually hear him collapse to a chair or something.

"What the hell just happened?"

"We've apparently got... pests," I grumble, scowling at the door which I know Thad is lurking behind.

Pests of the changer variety.

I need to remind Thad how much it hurts to be brought down by a witch.

"You damn near stopped my heart," he mumbles, his breaths still coming out in pained wisps.

"Sorry.  I need to go.  I've got to get some new clothes before we head off to some new, random destination."

"Alyssa, please tell me where to find you."

I hesitate to say no when all I want to do is just crumble, beg him to find me.

"I can't," I almost whisper.

Silence creeps through the phone as we both sit waiting for the other to cave.  I can't give in though.  I can't watch my world break him.

"I'd give anything to take that night back," he finally says, breaking the breathy suspense.  "I'd tell Deke to fuck off and deal with shit on his own for once.  I'd stay in bed, holding you to me as you curled around my body.  There's not an inch of your body I wouldn't have explored by now, and there's no way I would ever leave you alone for anything again."

My tears finally start dripping, making me hate myself for falling for him.  I knew better.  As much as I want to be human, I'm not.  Stringing him along was the worst mistake I could have made.

"But you already did.  Kane, I’m not going to lie.  I know you went back for Amy.  There's apparently something going on, and I-"

"I swear it's not like that.  Please let me come to you.  I'll prove it."

"Let me finish."  I sigh while gripping my head.  "I don't know what the deal is between the two of you, but I don't want in the middle of it.  I care about you too much too soon as it is.  You probably did me a favor by disappearing into the night.  I need to go.  Please stop calling Thad's phone, and don't start calling mine."

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