In Heat (In Heat Shapeshifter Romance Series #1) (13 page)

BOOK: In Heat (In Heat Shapeshifter Romance Series #1)
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She craned her neck and pressed a kiss to it, listening to his steady breathing as she explored his throat. He tasted salty and smelt of warm summer sun. She could feel his heart beating against her lips as she kissed up the side of his neck and then down towards his collarbone. His skin was so warm. He tilted his head back and she smiled when she heard the quiet groan in his throat.

Slowly unbuttoning his shirt as her mouth moved down to his chest, she drew everything out, wanting to make the most of this night. She stepped back when she opened his shirt, and ran her hands up to his chest, her fingers splaying out and running over his stomach muscles, tracing the shape of his ribs. Her eyes followed her hands, watching as she dipped them towards his armpits, rubbing thumbs over his aroused nipples, before palming his chest and stroking his shoulders.

She pushed the shirt off his shoulders, drawing it slowly down his arms, delighting in the feeling of his strong muscles beneath her fingers. Slipping the shirt off over his hands, she tossed it onto the couch and ran her fingers back up his arms. She stared at them, memorising each vein and the shape of each muscle as she explored them. He looked stunning. His square shoulders were drawn back slightly, adding to the definition of his body. There was such prowess in it, power, like she'd never seen before.

Her heart jumped when his fingers brushed across her chest and he began to unbutton her dress. She looked into his eyes, watching his fascinated expression as he slowly revealed her to his gaze. Desire stirred in his honey eyes, sending shivers of awareness and arousal through her body. She brought her hands along his arms, ghosting lightly over them, and then took hold of his hands. Guiding him, she parted her dress and it slipped down her, catching on her hips. A wriggle of them and it was pooled around her feet.

She brought his hands down, making him cup her breasts and then sliding them around to the back as she stepped towards him. He took the hint. A single movement and he'd undone her bra. She drew in a sharp, deep breath when his fingers skimmed up her back to her shoulders, and he pushed the straps off them, lowering them down her arms.

Cool air washed over her exposed breasts and her nipples hardened, desperate for his touch. She didn't care that she was stood before him in just her knickers. She closed her eyes at the first tentative sweep of his thumbs over her nipples. His fingers pressed into the sides of her breasts, raising them slightly as he circled her nipples with the pads of his thumbs. She moaned quietly, wishing it were his mouth on her.

Opening her eyes, she reached across to him and unbuckled his belt. She could see his hard cock through his trousers. The memory of the way it had felt inside her stirred her desire and she licked her lips, wanting to feel it again. She carefully undid his trousers and slid them down his hips.

He kicked his shoes off and then stepped out of his trousers, moving closer to her.

Her hands explored his hips, memorising each dip and peak of his muscles and his strong legs. She felt warm wherever he touched, his fingers grazing down the curve of her spine, running over the small of her back and tracing across her stomach. His hands seemed to be everywhere at once, leaving her burning for more.

She hooked her thumbs into the waist of his boxers at the same time as he began to push her knickers down her legs. She smiled when he looked at her, his eyes still reflecting his hunger and his body telling her how much he wanted her. Stepping back, she shimmied out of her panties and kicked them to one side. When she looked back at him, he was naked.

She gave herself a moment to look him over, taking in his physique and how good he looked. She was right. Adonis had nothing on this man.

Moving back into his embrace, she kissed him hard, her tongue exploring his mouth as his hands roamed over her body. Fingers teased her nipples, heightening her arousal and making need burn hotter inside of her. She melted into his arms, feeling her way around his body, moving slowly lower at the same time as his hands did. She moaned into his mouth when he ran a hand over her curly hair, and then slipped a finger between her pussy lips.

Her hand came to rest on his cock. He groaned and kissed her harder, his finger circling her clit and making her realise how wet she was for him. She stroked his length, feeling it jerk beneath her touch, evidently wanting more attention. She smiled against his mouth and lifted her leg, placing her foot down on the seat of her couch. His hand slid lower and her eyes widened when he slipped a finger up inside of her. She tightened her grip on his cock for a moment before releasing it again. Concentrating on the slow pumping of his finger, she matched his rhythm with her breathing, her fingers playing lightly over his length. He moaned again and sucked her lower lip into his mouth, kissing her more hungrily.

She knew what he wanted. She ran her thumb over the head of his cock, rubbing the sensitive spots either side of it, making him moan again and shudder. She wanted it too. She wanted him back inside.

Erik frowned when she stepped away from him. He was about to ask her what she was up to when she walked away and disappeared into the kitchen. When she came back, she was carrying her purse and he hoped to God she had in mind what he thought she did. She turned the overhead light down a little, dimming the room, and placed her bag down on the couch.

He watched eagerly as she opened it, his cock begging him to touch it while he was watching her. She looked delicious bent over like that, her backside raised in the air, breasts swinging freely.

When she straightened up, she was holding another condom. He smiled, took it, and tore it open.

He frowned when she took it back from him.

She stepped towards him, one hand wrapping itself exquisitely tightly around his length while the other lowered the condom towards it. His brows furrowed when she rolled it onto him, her movements slow and sensual, her eyes never leaving his. There was such blatant want and hunger in them that he had to take a deep breath to stop himself from taking her there and then.

He had to retain control.

This had to be better than last time.

She'd challenged him after all.

He kissed her slowly, lowering her towards the floor. He didn't want to rush things this time. He had to show her just how good things between them could be. If he couldn't find the words to tell her about his primal side, then he had to make things as good as they could be so when she inevitably found out, there would be less chance of her leaving him.

Kissing along her collarbone, he nestled himself between her knees. He ran his hands down her sides as she finally came to rest fully on the cream carpet. It probably wasn't the best place for making love, but it was more interesting than a bed. Her fingers roamed his body, scratching at times and a feather light caress at others. He moaned into her neck, one push away from purring as her fingers continued their sensual dance down his back. It felt so good to have her this close to him, to smell her desire and her need, and see the growing affection in her eyes. There was no doubt in his heart now that she liked him, possibly as much as he adored her.

He lowered his head to her chest and kissed across to her left breast. He ran his tongue around the nipple, feeling it tighten beneath his touch, and smiled inside when she raised her knee, grazing his hip with it. One of her hands quit its exploration of his body and pressed against the back of his head, holding him. He wasn't going anywhere. He could do this all night, just licking and suckling her. He'd still be hard for her at the end of it.

Her other knee came up and she clamped his hips between them. She mewled and writhed beneath him, her stomach flattening against his. It seemed he could wait all night, but she couldn't.

Running his tongue around her nipple one last time, he moved across to the other one and sucked it into his mouth. She could wait a little longer. He wanted her ready to burst before he entered her. He wanted to explore every inch of her like he had done in their dreams.

“Erik,” her voice was a breathy moan.

It sent a shiver of pleasure through him to hear the way she spoke his name—so hungry and pleading, and laced with tender need, as though she never wanted him to stop doing this to her. He'd never stop. She only had to say the word and it would always be like this between them.

She caught him by surprise when she rolled him over onto his back. He lay submissively as she sat back on him, knees either side of his hips and her crotch firmly pressed against his. She smiled. She looked so confident and in control that the sight of her whispered words of submission to him. His mind said to let her be in control, but his heart told him that she'd issued a challenge and to surrender control to her would be to fail that challenge.

He groaned when she wrapped her hand around his cock and guided it to her entrance. She sunk back on his length, her smile disappearing in a moan as he filled her. He was deeper than last time. This position let him all the way inside. It would be so easy to let her ride out her pleasure on him.

Flipping her over, he pinned her to the floor with his body, his eyes locked with hers. She stared into them, hers wide and dark with desire. Drawing out of her, he slid back in with gentle force. Her brows furrowed but her gaze remained fixed on his. He held eye contact as he moved inside her, long slow steady thrusts that would see them both coming undone.

He felt so connected to her. Even when they'd made out in the club and it had been rushed and rough, he'd still felt as though they were connected on some deeper level. His eyes half-closed when she tightened around his length, her sweet breath hot on his face and her quiet moans urging him on. He gripped her hands, locking fingers with her and holding them tightly. She looked at him with wide eyes and he wondered if she could feel the connection too.

The pace of his thrusts increased, his hips curling in an effort to find the spot that would have her crying out his name. Her hands left his and she grabbed hold of his shoulders, her nails digging in. He lowered his head and pressed his cheek against hers, closing his eyes as he concentrated. The sweat on their bodies made their skin stick together one moment and slide off each other the next. He could feel it dampening his back. The heat of the summer mixed with the heat of their lovemaking. Her body tensed beneath his, her breathy moans begging him not to stop. He grimaced as she dug her fingernails in deeper, sure that she would leave marks for him to remember this moment by. He thrust harder into her, groaning in her ear and holding back his desire to growl. Her whole body was tensed, ready and waiting for that one last thrust that would push her over and take him with it.

She writhed beneath him, her legs coming up to wrap around him, her whispered words of encouragement ringing in his ears. Letting himself go, he grabbed her shoulders and plunged into her, harder and faster, moving with the tempo of his heartbeat. It lured him on, telling him to go faster and faster until he couldn't keep going any more. He obeyed, a slave to the lust and pleasure filling his mind, and to the begging of the woman in his arms.

He could sense how close she was. Her legs locked against his back and her muscles clenched his cock, milking it and making her unbelievably tight around him. He thrust harder into her, long quick strokes that had him biting his lip to hold himself back. His balls tightened, his instincts screaming that just a few more thrusts and he'd be there, and hopefully she'd be right there with him.

She jerked beneath him, her legs flexing around his hips and her pelvis dropping down as she came. He felt her convulsing around him, pulsing with her orgasm as she moaned into his ear, her breathing fast and choppy. Gritting his teeth, he rode out her orgasm, stretching out the pleasure for her and seeking his own.

She pressed a kiss to his neck and then his cheek. He growled low enough in his throat that she wouldn't hear it and came hard, his cock throbbing as he slowed his thrusts. He breathed heavily into her neck, kissing it occasionally as the warmth of his orgasm spread through him, sedating his every nerve. His heart was rocketing. He closed his eyes, listening to the staccato rhythm of their combined heartbeats. He could hear hers beating furiously, but slower than his.

Rolling over, he pulled her on top of him. The sweat stuck their skin together, making it hard to move her, but he managed to pull her up his body. She smiled at him and then closed her eyes when he craned his neck.

He kissed her slowly, reaffirming their connection and trying to show her just how he felt.

Just how she'd made him feel.

He hoped she knew.


im yawned and smiled dozily. She felt so relaxed. She stretched slightly, seeking a cool spot under the sheets. She could hear cars outside and the occasional laughter of children playing. She fluttered her eyes open and her smile widened when she saw Erik. He was lying on his side in bed beside her, his honey eyes bright in the morning light. They were fixed intently on her.

“Hey,” she said quietly.

“Morning.” He smiled.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath when he kissed her, stirring the feelings of contentment and calm back into life. This was good. She hadn't felt this good in years. Sunday was really feeling like a Sunday. When he went to kiss her deeper, she pulled back and covered her mouth.

“I should brush my teeth,” she said, slipping out of bed with her hand still covering her lips.

She didn't bother grabbing anything to put on to cover herself up. Screw modesty. Erik rolled onto his back and stretched, a tangled sweep of sheets barely covering his hips. His eyes raked over her naked body. When he looked at her like that, she felt so sexy and beautiful. She lingered a little longer, lowering her hand and letting him get a good look. He smiled lazily, his eyes closing slightly as he heaved a long sigh. He looked content again, stretched out in her bed as though it was the only place in the world he wanted to be.

She couldn't believe she'd slept with him. She couldn't believe they'd done it three times, and each time had got more intense. She smiled back at him, desperately trying not to blush.

BOOK: In Heat (In Heat Shapeshifter Romance Series #1)
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