In Heat (In Heat Shapeshifter Romance Series #1) (12 page)

BOOK: In Heat (In Heat Shapeshifter Romance Series #1)
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She licked her lips again and teased the crown of his cock with a light touch. His hips jerked hungrily towards her and she touched him again, this time stroking her fingers down the length of him and fondling his balls. He groaned low in his throat and opened his eyes, giving her a look that made her feel as though he was begging her to put him out of his misery.

Sitting back on the table, she put the condoms down and hitched her dress up. His attention was immediately with her, his eyes wide and roaming what little he could see. She firmly seated her feet on either side of his legs and slipped a finger of each hand into her knickers. She raised her backside and drew them down to her thighs. The visible look of hunger and fascination on his face was too good to waste, so she brought her knees together over him and slowly drew her underwear down her legs. Sliding her shoes off, she raised one foot and pressed it against his chest, followed by the other foot.

He caught hold of her ankles.

Between her legs, she could see his cock bobbing, a glistening pearl of arousal telling her how much he was enjoying her teasing.

She leaned forwards, pushing her breasts together with her upper arms as she reached to push her underwear down her legs. Meeting his hands, she gently removed them and drew her feet towards her to remove her underwear. She tossed them onto his chest. They tumbled down and landed on his cock.

Spreading her legs so her feet were either side of his hips, she reached over and took the panties off his cock, making sure the material brushed lightly against it.

Erik groaned again, his jaw tensing and his gaze boring into her.

She straightened up and moved her legs a bit wider apart.

His fingers curled into fists, his gaze dropping to rest on her exposed pussy.

He brought his hands up, ghosting them over her thighs and around her backside. He moved her closer to the edge of the table, and then pressed one hand against her chest. She took the hint, leaning back and splaying her hands out behind her for support. Nerves threatened to overtake her again as he peeled back her dress, his attention fixed on her curly mound.

Her gaze flickered to the curtain and she thought about all the people out there. Anyone could walk in on them. A thrill ran through her and she gave herself over to it. Her eyes closed the moment Erik ran a fingertip lightly over the inside of her left thigh. She leaned her head back and focused on his touch, trying to guess where he was going next and wishing it would be where she wanted.

He grazed her other thigh, a little more pressure this time. She moaned, quietly at first, but then a bit louder, telling herself to let go and surrender to her desire.

“Look at me,” Erik said.

She opened her eyes, not even hesitating.

She gasped and tensed when his finger brushed down her pussy lips, tickling her.

“I want you,” he said and then smiled. “You want me to?”

She smiled at the way he'd turned her earlier statement into a question. She nodded and then screwed her eyes shut when he slipped two fingers between her lips and slid them down from her clit to her entrance. He brought them back up, slick with her arousal, and circled her clit.

Damn she was wet and ready for him. The feel of his fingers on her was going to become too much to bear too quickly.

Her eyes opened and she stared hungrily at his cock. Shifting forwards, she leaned over and ran her hand around it. She moved it slowly up and down, gripping it gently so she didn't bring him too close to the edge. He frowned, his eyes darkening as he looked at her, his fingers still exploring her.

Picking a condom up, she held it between two fingers, her eyes daring him to take it, and take her.

He snatched it from her and tore it open. Her heart was racing again and it was then that it hit her that it was really happening. She impatiently watched him rolling the condom onto his cock. She wanted him inside her already.

She was going to have sex with Erik.

Her fantasies were about to come true.

She jumped when he grabbed hold of her waist, lifting her and moving her across to sit on the back of the bench seat. Her back pressed against the cool mirror and she shivered.

He moved between her legs, kneeling on the seat with his trousers falling down around his knees and pushed her dress up. She looked over his shoulder at the mirror and smiled at the sight of his tensed backside, and then her eyes widened when she saw herself.

She was going to watch him fucking her.

Her clit throbbed again and liquid heat filled her.

Looking into Erik's eyes, she could see he was waiting for her. She spread her legs more and put her arms about his neck, hoping it would be all the encouragement he needed. He moved forwards and she stiffened when his arm brushed against her inner thigh and the head of his cock touched her clit.

He smiled at her.

She smiled back.

Her smile was replaced with a sigh when he slid inside her, filling her up and pleasantly stretching her. She kept her eyes locked with his as he muttered something and she swore he'd said ‘twenty-seven years'. She told herself she was imagining it and it was easy to forget once he moved inside her. All thought and reason left her, pushed away by the intense desire and need burning inside of her. He pulled almost all of the way out, and then slid back in again.

As his tempo increased, she moved forwards as much as she could on the seat to get into a better position for them both, and kissed him. He groaned into her mouth and she lowered one hand to his backside, digging her fingernails in as the pace of his thrusts doubled.

He roughly kissed her throat and collarbone, and she clung to him, begging him to go faster and moaning breathily into his ear when he complied. His hands grasped her thighs, holding her painfully tight and she slammed against the mirror behind her with each of his thrusts. The feeling of his cock pounding into her drove her senseless and she couldn't help feeling the eroticism of what they were doing when she opened her eyes and watched them in the mirror.

It was raw and primal, desperate coupling, and far from a romantic first time. He buried his face in her neck, kissing it and breathing hard against it as he took her. She brought her leg up, wrapping it around him and tightening her grip on him. She wanted it harder, rougher.

“More,” she moaned into his ear, her other hand burying itself in his hair and holding him against her neck.

He groaned against her throat, sliding into her with long, deep thrusts. She stared at them in the mirror, fascinated with how they looked—consumed by need and desire, surrendering to it completely.

His fingers tensed against her flesh and she furrowed her brows when she felt his cock throbbing inside her, pulsing as he came. He breathed heavily against her, his chest pressing hard against hers as he struggled for breath. She wrapped herself around him and was surprised when he laughed in her ear.

“That was one hell of a bad first impression,” he said, drawing back but remaining inside of her.

She moaned and pressed her back into the glass behind her when his fingers teased her clit, squeezing it and circling. She tensed her muscles, feeling his cock still inside her, and focused on the movement of his fingers against her.

Her stomach tensed, her whole body following it as he teased her, making her tighter and tighter until she felt as though she was going to burst. His name tumbled from her lips, interspersed with whispered begs for more. Writhing against his fingers, her breathing came faster and faster until she was racing towards completion and one single flick of his finger would send her over.

He squeezed her clit.

Her muscles contracted around his softened cock, pulsing with her orgasm as it warmed her through. She breathed hard and tried to smile at Erik. He pulled out of her, removing the condom and tying it up.

“It'll be better,” he said.

She smiled now, amused that he cared.

Grabbing his shirt, she yanked him against her and kissed him passionately, showing him that she hadn't been disappointed like he clearly thought she was.

Leaning back, she looked into his eyes for a few seconds, absorbing the look he was giving her and trying to understand it.

She ran her hand down his chest.

“Why don't you come back to my place and prove it?”


rik kissed her slowly, drowning in her and falling into oblivion with each feather-light brush of her fingers against his neck and face. He could sense she wanted more, just like he did, but the back of a cab was no place to let things get crazy.

He still couldn't believe that he'd let her convince him to take things that far at the club. The look a few of the waiters had given them when they'd left had said their antics hadn't gone unnoticed. It wasn't just that though. He'd said he'd tell her before it went that far, and he hadn't. In the heat of the moment, she'd been too good to resist and he hadn't even thought about the consequences.

Now he didn't want to think about them. He wanted to bury his head in the sand and keep on kissing her, pretending that he was just a man and she was just a woman, and he hadn't started something between them that could be their undoing.

He'd tell her when the time was right and hopefully she wouldn't hate him for it, or completely freak out. Mating was a complicated process, and thankfully sex was only a small part of it, and what they were doing wouldn't affect it.

Her hand brushed against his chest, exploring his muscles as much as it could when his shirt was mostly done up. He reciprocated her move by cupping her breast, giving it a gentle squeeze and smiling inside when she moaned into his mouth. He couldn't believe how this night was turning out, and things were only going to get better once they got back to her place. If she wanted him to prove that sex between them could be a hundred fold better than what it had been in the club, then he was more than happy to oblige. He liked a challenge.

The taxi stopped.

The man at the front mumbled something about money. Erik fumbled in his wallet, not wanting to break contact with Kim but having to in order to get the money out. He handed the cabby a twenty pound note and told him to keep the change. A ten pound tip was what the cabby deserved for having to put up with them kissing each other to death in the back of his taxi. Although the idea of the cabby paying them had crossed his mind. He knew the man had been watching.

Opening the door, he stepped out onto the pavement and held the door for Kim. She looked a little flustered when she got out of the taxi and glanced at him, her fingers smoothing down her dress.

She looked up at the apartment building and then back at him.

Her flustered look turned nervous.

The night hadn't done anything to lower the temperature. It was still muggy and sticky, too close.

She stared at him.

The taxi pulled away.

It seemed to snap her out of whatever thoughts were weighing her down. A smile graced her lips, and it grew wider when he took hold of her hand.

She didn't say anything, she just locked their hands together and led him up the stairs to the front door of the building. He waited in silence as she unlocked it and then followed her up the stairs, his own nerves battling against his confidence. He knew that some of the visions she'd had of them were the same as his own. Those dreams were shared. If they were both asleep at the same time, then they would experience the same fantasy.

Now he had to make those fantasies into a reality for her. It was easier said than done, and sense told him to start out slow and build up to their most recent dreams. It was time they got to know each other.

Kim smiled at Erik when they reached her door. She fumbled with the keys and hoped he didn't notice how badly her hands were shaking. In the club, she hadn't been able to stop herself from asking him back to her place. During their journey here, the nerves had returned and she wasn't sure how to act around him. The kisses in the taxi had set a different kind of tempo inside her, a deeper kind of desire that asked her to take it slow now. They'd both made it obvious they wanted each other, and now that the need between them had been sated, she wanted things to switch tracks. She wanted the dream where they'd explored every inch of each other. She wanted to find those ticklish spots and sensitive areas that made him purr.

She reminded herself that real men didn't purr.

Moan then.

She wanted to make him moan and look at her like he had in her dreams, as though he could see right down into her soul and see the person she was inside, the one she didn't even know yet. She wanted to find herself with him, and lose herself in him at the same time.

Walking into the kitchen, she put her jacket and bag down on the side. She looked in her refrigerator and wondered what she was doing. Was it more alcohol she was looking for? She didn't want that. They were both probably sober by now. If they were sober, then whatever happened now meant so much more than it had done in the club.

She turned to find the kitchen door empty when she'd been expecting Erik to be there. Walking out into the hall, she locked the front door, and then frowned when she looked down the corridor and into the lounge.

Erik was pacing. She watched him, studying the subtle changes in his expression. There were nerves in it sometimes, but he still looked dangerously seductive when his gaze came to rest on her. She was drawn to him, torn between wanting to kiss him and comfort him for some reason she couldn't quite put her finger on. There was a struggle written in his eyes, as though he was fighting some internal battle that he couldn't put voice to, but one she understood instinctively. She just didn't know what it was.

She walked down the hall, straight up to him, and stopped him in his tracks. He stared down into her eyes, his honey ones showing her everything he was feeling, and she wished she could understand it all.

Raising her hand, she cupped his cheek and then stroked it. Her thumb ran across his lower lip and the heavy emotions in his eyes began to lift. His pupils dilated and he pressed a kiss to her thumb. She trailed her fingertips down his neck and over his collarbone, following it to the notch below his Adam's apple.

BOOK: In Heat (In Heat Shapeshifter Romance Series #1)
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