In Heat (In Heat Shapeshifter Romance Series #1) (11 page)

BOOK: In Heat (In Heat Shapeshifter Romance Series #1)
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It wasn't just him.

It was time she showed him that.

Right now, she didn't care about work and what would happen there if someone found out about them.

She just wanted to be with him, in his arms, feeling his touch, tasting his lips, and losing herself in the moment.

He smiled slightly. His hands pressed harder against her back and made her feel as though she couldn't escape him. She didn't want to leave anyway. Things were finally getting interesting. Sliding her hands over his shoulders, a thrill ran through her when they brushed against the bare skin of his neck. She caressed it, slipping her hands around the back of his neck and intentionally leaving her hands grazing him.

His eyes closed a fraction and he breathed deep, deep enough that his chest pressed against hers. She kept her eyes locked with his, not wanting to break the moment. The music had disappeared, drifted away into the background along with the rest of the world.

She bit back a moan when he moved position and his leg slid between hers. The delicious friction stirred desire, which fed the need she was feeling, making it overflow and become impossible to resist. She moved her leg so his was pressed against it and he responded by lifting it slightly.

Her mouth opened in a sigh when his thigh grazed her left inner one, sending a shiver through her that settled in her abdomen. She found a little more courage and let her hands leave his neck. Trailing them downwards, she rested them on his chest, feeling the beat of his heart and his muscles as he breathed. His heart was racing as badly as hers.

He moved again, one hand leaving her back. She gasped when she felt it against her thigh and fire burned where he touched. He slid it a little higher, raising the hem of her skirt, and she was surprised when his leg brushed the inner thigh of her right leg. She swore she could feel his cock against her. She could also feel the slick arousal in her knickers.

She wanted to close her eyes, but wanted even more to keep them open. She couldn't take her eyes away from his, no matter what happened. She just had to keep staring into them, seeing everything he was feeling in their depths and knowing that this wasn't a fantasy.

This was real.

Her hands slid lower, over his stomach, feeling the muscles there, before following the line of his belt around to his hips. His hands came up, his body moving achingly hard against hers, melting her. She swallowed when he ran his fingers lightly up her bare arms, leaving a trail of fire in their wake which quickly turned into goosebumps. He caressed her shoulders, his touch barely there and teasing, arousing her whole body with a promise of what he could make her feel like if she only let him. She knew what he could do to her, the dizzy heights of ecstasy they could reach together.

She leaned her body into his, her crotch against his strong thigh as his hands trailed down her back. Her eyes widened when they settled on her backside, pulling her closer until his thigh was rubbing against her pussy with each move they made. Her mind went hazy with the desire that soared through her, lifting the whole of her insides with it and making her let go of every last thread of restraint she'd been holding onto.

She didn't care about anything any more. She didn't care about the company finding out. She didn't care about the people in the room that were probably staring at her. She didn't care if this was all a dream.

All she cared about was being in his arms and feeling a connection between them. With his eyes locked on hers, and hers fixed on his, it seemed like they were one and the same, one soul in two bodies, one heart beating fast to the rhythm of their combined breathing.

His hands moved up again, raising the hem of her dress enough to expose her backside for a second before the material fell. Excitement erased any embarrassment she might have felt on knowing people would have seen it.

She smiled into his eyes, wrapping her arms around his neck and locking her hands behind his head. He was smiling at her, the lights of the club playing on his face, softening his look until she was sure that there was a hint of affection in his eyes, something other than desire and lust.

“You're beautiful,” he said.

Her eyes widened again, her smiled disappearing as she struggled to believe that she'd heard him correctly. No one had ever told her she was beautiful. He moved closer, his eyes finally leaving hers, dropping straight to her mouth. Her stomach clenched, flipped. Her heart pounded in her ears. She could feel the kiss coming, shivered with the anticipation of it. His hands tightened around her, drawing her closer still. His head dipped.

He closed his eyes.

His mouth was so close to hers that she could feel his breath on it.

“So beautiful,” he whispered against her lips.

She closed her eyes and the gap between them at the same time. Her whole body buzzed with the thrill of their first touch, and when he began to kiss her, she wanted to melt in his arms and surrender to him like she did in her fantasies. She swept her tongue along his lips and he opened his mouth, claiming hers in a passionate kiss. Heat burned through her, igniting her hunger and turning want into painful need. She kissed him back, burying her fingers into his hair and holding his mouth firmly against hers. She screwed her eyes shut, focusing on the smooth slide of this tongue against hers and the warmth of his mouth. He tasted like champagne.

Suddenly he was gone and it took her a moment to get her senses together to open her eyes and look at him.

“There's something you need to know,” he said, his expression becoming a little too serious for her liking.

Panic loomed in the pit of her stomach but she got control. Nothing was going to spoil this moment.

“You're not married or engaged are you?” Her brows furrowed and she silently prayed that he wasn't.

He shook his head and smiled. “No, it's not that. It's—”

She shook her head, cutting him off. “Then it doesn't matter.”

She pressed her lips back against his, shutting her eyes the moment they met and losing herself all over again.

He hooked his hands over her shoulders, his kiss becoming more fervent. Their tongues duelled, fighting for dominance. His leg ground against her, stirring the fire in her belly until she was the one winning in their fight. A shiver bolted through her when he groaned and his hands caught her backside. He rubbed his hips against her and she tensed, her eyes opening when she felt his hard length.

She broke the kiss and licked her lips, panting hungrily as she stared into his eyes. They were incredibly bright in the low light, staring at her with fierce desire. Her knees wobbled a little, partly because of the alcohol, but mostly because of that look. He really wanted her.

And damn the world, she wanted him too.

“People are staring,” Erik said.

She looked around them at the other couples on the dance floor. Some were indeed staring. She shrugged. It didn't matter.

Erik took hold of her hand and led her back to the edge of the dance floor. She slipped free of his grasp when they reached it and smiled at him when he looked at her.

“I'll join you in a minute,” she said, considering what she was about to do and whether it really was a wise move. “I just have to visit the little girls room.”


rik leaned back in the chair in the private room, cock hard and aching, waiting for Kim. He breathed deep, trying to calm himself down and telling himself over and over again that kissing was as far as it went. He had to tell her.

The voice at the back of his mind reasoned that he'd tried to tell her and she'd told him that it didn't matter, and when she kissed him, he believed her. In his heart, he knew different. It was easy to say that something didn't matter when you didn't know what it was that the other person wanted to tell you. If she knew what he had to say, he was damn sure it would matter.

The curtain twitched and then parted. Kim appeared, looking a little more flushed than when she'd left him to go to the bathroom. He wondered what she'd been doing in there. His heart was still racing, blood thundering through his veins as she moved towards him, stirring his desire back into life again.

Before he had a chance to speak, she was sliding into his lap, straddling him but with her backside resting on the table. Her mouth was on his, kissing, tongue probing and exploring his mouth, one moment slowly, the next hungrily. She moaned when his hands cupped her backside, pulling her down onto his lap, and she kissed him harder. His tongue met hers, curling along the length of it and tasting her sweetness. His cock throbbed, begging for her attention, and his mind veered off to remember his dream about her sucking his length.

He closed his eyes and groaned into her mouth.

Her hands left his shoulders and she drew back, breaking contact between them. He opened his eyes and watched her fingers, mesmerised as she slowly unbuttoned the top of her dress, revealing her bra-clad breasts to him.

When his gaze met hers, she smiled shyly, but then dropped her gaze to her breasts before meeting his eyes again. It was an invitation. He was never one to refuse an invitation, especially one like she was extending.

Her attention flicked to the curtain and the confident look she was wearing faltered for a second before she was kissing him again, her hands on his chest. He kissed along her jaw and down her neck, holding her against him but not close enough that she couldn't continue what she was doing. She was unbuttoning his shirt. The first sweep of her fingers against his bare chest sent raw hunger through him. His hands trailed up her arms to her shoulders, and he drew the straps of her dress down. He sat back in the seat, staring at her breasts and growing painfully hard for her.

She glanced at the curtain again. He looked there and then back into her eyes.

“No one will disturb us,” he said in a low voice.

She seemed to grow bolder on hearing his words and continued to unbutton his shirt until it was completely undone. She spread it wide, her eyes roaming his chest and stomach. He looked down at it, his gaze following her fingers as she traced the shapes of his muscles, lightly teasing his skin with her nails. He sucked in a sharp breath and she smiled. He recognised that look from his dreams. She felt powerful because of the way he reacted to her touch. He was happy to give her power over him. There was nothing as enthralling or arousing as a confident woman.

Leaning his head back, he saw her look at the curtain again. When she looked back at his chest, he could sense the excitement on her. The idea of being caught doing this with him thrilled her.

He slipped a hand inside her dress, cupping a breast as his other hand worked to undo more of the buttons. Her eyes were fixed on his again, staring intently into them and making him feel so connected to her that he could almost sense her next move. She bit her lip as he gave her breast a gentle squeeze and rubbed the nipple through the lacy black material with his thumb. Her eyes became hooded, dark. They reflected her hunger for him, showing him everything she was feeling.

He bit back a purr when her hand slid down and cupped his erection. His brows furrowed and she smiled slightly, small enough that he might have missed it if he hadn't been watching for it. She grew a little more confident and he groaned when she felt along the length of his cock. He rolled his eyes closed when she rubbed it through his trousers, torturing him with the feeling of being close to her, but too far away from any real pleasure.

She leaned towards him, pressing her breasts into his palm and grazing her cheek against his.

“I want you,” she whispered into his ear.

His cock bobbed against her hand.

“You want me too,” she said with a sly smile as she pulled back.

“I don't have anything,” he said, aching to be inside her and cursing himself for not having the good sense to be prepared.

Her smile widened but turned a little nervous. She hitched her dress up and slid her hand into her panties.

He stared at her when she pulled out shiny foil packets.

“Little girls room,” she said, her voice trembling now.

He grabbed her and kissed her hard in an effort to chase away any embarrassment she might have been feeling.

Kim smiled against his mouth, the condoms still firmly gripped in her hand. She wrapped her arms about him, her lips playing with his as their tongues teased each other. This was the right decision. She wanted this, and so did he.

Running her hands down his bare chest, she pulled back and stared at his body. It was tensing beneath her touch, reacting beautifully to her caress. She traced her fingers down over his stomach muscles to his belt and struggled to keep hold of her confidence as she began to unbuckle it. He sucked his stomach in, his hands gripping her hips tightly. She could feel them shaking and she knew he was nervous too. What did he have to be nervous about? She'd never been with a man who'd felt that way, but a look into his eyes confirmed that he did.

The belt gave way and she moved to the zip on his trousers. She eased it down, not wanting to spoil this moment by rushing. She wasn't surprised to see he was wearing black underwear. He shifted a little when she had fully unzipped him. Licking her lips, her stomach squirmed with nerves and her heart pounded against her chest as she edged her hand towards him. She breathed hard, arousal and alcohol making her feel dizzy, almost delirious.

Not brave enough to touch him straight away, she rested her fingertips against his stomach before sliding them lower. Her eyes met his as she turned her hand so it was pointing downwards, palm facing him. She ran it down to his balls, feeling them move fluidly beneath her fingers under the slightest pressure, and then moved her hand along his hard cock. Her eyes half closed and she held her breath as she ran her fingers to the tip of it. Erik's reaction made her feel empowered. He closed his eyes and bit his lower lip, resting his head against the mirror behind him.

She looked at him, and her reflection at the same time. Drawing his cock around, she pulled at the waist of his boxers and dropped her gaze there when she freed it. The sight of it made her pussy throb with need and she tensed her muscles, sending a pulse of pleasure to her clit. She could feel the dampness in her knickers.

BOOK: In Heat (In Heat Shapeshifter Romance Series #1)
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