Inferno Anthology (280 page)

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Authors: Kailin Gow,Vi Keeland,Kimberly Knight,Cassia Leo,Addison Moore,Liv Morris,Laurelin Paige,Aleatha Romig,Jessica Sorensen,Lacey Weatherford

BOOK: Inferno Anthology
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I laughed. “I’m not worked up.”

“Yeah, that’s why you’re plastered. Maybe we should skip on the beer.”

“I’m good for more.”

“I don’t know why you’re letting some chick get you down. You have girls falling all over you. Pick one.”

“I don’t want any of those girls.”

“Damn. She must be one in a million if she doesn’t want you.” Brandon shook his head. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a girl turn you down.”

“She didn’t turn me down.” I stared out the passenger side window, watching the traffic and people we passed by.

“Then what’s the problem?” he asked. “If she’s willing and you’re willing….”

I laughed wryly. “She doesn’t even know I’m into her.”

“And why is that? Is there a reason you aren’t telling her? Does she have a boyfriend?”

“I don’t think she does.” I pursed my lips together at this thought. I hadn’t even considered that possibility. I wasn’t really a part of her world. What if she already had a boyfriend? Just the thought made my jealousy flare.

“Who is she? Do I know her?”

“Tommy’s sister,” I replied, flatly.

“Tommy’s…dude, she’s like—,”

“Seventeen.” I supplied for him.

Brandon started laughing. “I never thought I’d see the day when you’d be robbing the cradle. Especially after high school and all the chasing of college chicks you did then.”

“Things change, man.” His laughter really wasn’t improving my mood any. “I’ve liked her—or noticed her, at least—from the first time I saw her; but then I found out she was only sixteen and I put the brakes on fast. I don’t need to be getting messed up with someone that young.” The alcohol seemed to be loosening my tongue, a lot. I’d never mentioned my infatuation with Brooklyn to anyone. Hell, I’d barely admitted it to myself.

“Not to mention she’s the mayor’s daughter. Knowing Scott Hall, he probably keeps her under lock and key. Tommy never had much good to say about his dad.”

A small growl of agreement escaped me.

“So, if you’ve been into her for a while, why the sudden intensity now?”

“She came in to the parlor a week ago, Saturday, wanting a tattoo—in memory of Tommy.”

“Did she have permission?” Brandon asked.

I snorted. “What do you think?”

“So you had to send her away? That sucks.”

I chuckled. “No. I gave her the tattoo,” I replied, turning to look at him.

“Seriously?” his eyes widened. “Edgin’ Eddie let you do it?”

“It was after hours. I did it off the books. Didn’t even charge her for it.”

“Shit.” Brandon stared at me in amazement. “What are you going to do when her daddy comes storming in there ready to hang you?”

“Unless her daddy is playing around in her panties, he’ll never know about it.” I paused for a moment, frowning. “And if he ever tries to play there, he won’t live long enough to tell about it.”

“Where’d she get the tat?” Brandon was staring at me.

“Watch the road,” I replied. “Maybe I should’ve driven after all.”

“Where’d she get the tat?” he asked, again.

“In the hollow by her hipbone.”

He laughed, again. “So, you can say you’ve been in her pants?” he teased, clearly enjoying all of this.

“You aren’t helping things.”

“So, she’s seventeen. So what? Age of consent in Nevada is sixteen. She’s hot. I say go for it.”

I stared at him incredulously. “You’re not funny.”

“Listen, the only thing that’s going to get you in trouble in sleeping with her is if her dad finds out, right? So date her, but don’t sleep with her.”

Now I was laughing. “Do I look like a saint to you?”

He shrugged. “All I’m saying is you’ve had a thing for this girl for a while, obviously. If she means that much to you, then try having a real relationship with her. Sex doesn’t have to factor in right away.”

“It does when your body has a mind of its own.”

“Whatever, dude. If you really want her, you’ll figure out a way to make it happen.”

“I have no doubt I can make it happen…I’d just like to live through the process, as well. You saw how Scott was with Tommy. He’s not going to let me within ten feet of his daughter. He’d slap a restraining order on me faster than anything.”

“What daddy doesn’t know won’t hurt him, will it?” He grinned.

“You’re suggesting we sneak around?”

“That’s exactly what I’m suggesting.”

I glanced back out the window, my mind mulling over the possibility of his words. “Hey, what time is it?” I asked, and idea suddenly forming.

“Five o’clock. Why?”

“Sunday afternoon in the park with the Mayor.”

Brandon started laughing. “That’s right. Tommy said his dad made the family walk together in the park on Sunday’s as a sign of unity, but he was rarely invited.”

“But Brooklyn always goes.”

Brandon hung a right at the next intersection and flipped around to head across town in the direction of the park. “What are you going to do?”

“Nothing. I just want to see her.”

We traveled the next several minutes in silence, my mind going over all the different scenarios of what I’d like to do when I saw Brooklyn. Most of them involved the mayor staring at us slack jawed as I invited his daughter to climb in with us and we drove away together. Too bad it wouldn’t be that easy.

“Where do they walk?” Brandon asked as we approached the gates.

“Hell if I know. Just drive around. Hopefully we’ll spot them somewhere.”

We’d gone around several loops of the park when I finally spotted her, my eyes zeroing in on her long, honey colored hair hanging from a ponytail at the back of a pink ball cap. It matched the pink tank top that was clinging to her form above the white shorts accentuating her long tan legs.

“Damn. She is fine,” Brandon said, slowing the vehicle considerably while we both stared at her as we passed. I was especially grateful for the dark windows on Brandon’s truck when the Mayor glanced over at us, but there was no sign of recognition from him.

“Turn around,” I said, after we’d passed, and Brandon drove a small distance down the road before flipping a U and heading back the direction we’d come. I cracked my window slightly as we approached and let out a wolf whistle.

Scott glared at the truck and his wife, Helen, reached out and pulled Brooklyn closer to her in a protective gesture. Brooklyn seemed slightly confused as she stared at the truck, obviously unaware of who was inside.

I rolled up the window and Brandon laughed. “Good luck hitting that. Her dad is probably taking down our plates and calling security right now.”

“Good thing they’re your plates then, huh?” I smiled, tilting my head to watch Brooklyn in the rear view mirror.

“Shit. I didn’t think of that.”

“Don’t worry. I promise to visit you in prison,” I joked.

“You better keep your nose clean with this girl, Jagger,” he replied seriously. “She could be big trouble. Her dad could cause a lot of problems for you.”

I sighed heavily. “Don’t I know it?”

“I have to say, I’m glad to see you interested in someone again, though. After what Sarah did to you—well, I worried she’d ruined you.”

Sarah. Just hearing her name made anger well up heavily inside me. If I ever laid eyes on her again, it would be too soon. “Let’s not talk about her,” I said, slouching down in my seat, my temporary good mood threatened, once more.

“Sorry, man. I didn’t mean to bring up a painful subject.” Glancing at him, I could tell he was truly remorseful; but still, it ate at me. “Hey, wait! I thought you were working at Leathers, tonight.”

I shook my head. “No. I was supposed to, but Sam needed someone to change shifts. I’m working next weekend, instead.”

“Okay. I just wanted to make sure I didn’t need to sober you up real fast.”

“Nope. I’m good.”

Leaving the park, Brandon headed toward the nearest liquor store, which, in this town, was on pretty much any given corner. That was one thing I loved about living in suburban Las Vegas. There were always plenty of places to get drunk.

Of course, I was also pretty sure that no amount of liquor was going to erase either of the girls from my mind…not the one I never wanted to see again, nor the one I wanted. Period.

Chapter Six

“We’re kidnapping you!” Bailey’s eyes danced with merriment as she came into the house. “Come on. You need to get changed.”

“And where are you kidnapping me to, exactly?” I asked, watching my best friend as she flipped her long hair over one of her shoulders. She looked gorgeous, clearly ready for a party or something.

My mom appeared in the entryway. “Bailey called earlier and asked to take you to a bridal shower for Shannon. You’re going to spend the night at their house.”

I smiled, happy for any excuse to get away from home. “Thanks, Mom.”

“You deserve it. You’ve been a big help to me this week with the campaign for your dad. Go have a little fun. I know you look forward to spending time with Bailey on the weekends.”

I gave her a quick hug, before running up the stairs with Bailey. As soon as we were in my room together, Bailey shut the door behind us and raised a finger to her lips. “Shhhh. I lied to your Mom.”

Folding my arms, I stared pointedly at her. “What’s going on?”

“Tonight is my sister’s bachelorette party. We’re going clubbing on the strip!” She looked like she was about to explode with excitement.

I shook my head. “There’s no way we’re going to get into any clubs on the strip. We’re underage.”

Reaching into her pocket, she produced two small cards. “Not according to these fake IDs,” she replied with a grin, handing one to me.

Taking it, I stared at it, eyes going wide. “This says I’m twenty one and from Hawaii.”

She nodded. “Yep. Why not? People come from all over the world to Vegas. Shannon has a friend who makes these. She had a fake ID for years and was never caught. Now hurry and grab your things so we can get ready. Don’t forget to bring something club-worthy.”

I snorted. “Because my dad would let me own something that could be considered club attire.” I went to my closet, wondering what I could come up with.

“Wear that tan sparkly tank top you have—the one that has the sequins on it and pair it with those awesome jeans shorts you have with the blinged-out rhinestone pockets.”

“Is that fancy enough?” I asked, biting my lips as my hands moved to quickly retrieve them.

“It will be when you pair them with my strappy metallic rhinestone heels. And I have the perfect bracelets and earrings to go with them. Trust me. You’ll look amazing!”

“Your hooker heels? I’ll break my neck in those things.” I replied with a laugh.

“No, you won’t. I’ll hold you up if I have to.”

Even though I was nervous, I couldn’t help the excitement that coursed through me. I’d been to the strip plenty of times in my life, but I’d never had a chance to participate in the nightlife there. Plus, Bailey’s sister was a riot and I adored her.

Holding up my super short shorts, I scrutinized them. “I hope no one thinks I’m a prostitute in these things. I could just see me ending up in the papers. My dad’s head would actually explode.”

“You’re going to be with a giant group of girls. No one is going to proposition you. Besides, if they did, Shannon would kick their butt.”

I laughed. I could totally see Shannon doing something like that.

As soon as I had all my clothing, pajamas and make up packed into a duffle bag, Bailey and I ran downstairs.

“Here’s some money, honey,” my mom said, slipping a one hundred dollar bill into my hand. “I thought you might like to stop by the store on your way to pick up a gift for Shannon. Get her something nice.”

“Thanks, Mom. I will.” I gave her a kiss on the cheek, feeling a moment of regret for lying to her, but not enough to change my mind about tonight.

“Call me if you need anything.”

“I will. See you tomorrow.”

“Have fun.” She stood at the door watching Bailey and me as we ran out to the bright yellow mustang with black racing stripes that her dad had bought for her sixteenth birthday. I loved her car. My dad would never buy me anything like it. I had a nice, teal green Ford Escort. Dad believed conservative was better than flashy—all for the appearance of his campaign, of course. The only place that philosophy didn’t apply was to our house, which was pretty nice and up-to-date with all the latest gadgets and technology.

Flashing a last minute wave to my mom, we pulled out of the circular drive and headed toward the gate, which opened automatically so we could pass through. We’d successfully made our escape.

“I am so excited for tonight! Shannon’s bestie, Gloria, rented a party bus to take us around town. Shannon doesn’t even know about it.”

“Are you serious?” I asked. I’d seen the buses around and ads for them, but I’d definitely never been in one. “How many people are coming?”

“There are twenty of us—eighteen of Shannon’s closest friends—and you and me. I told her I couldn’t possibly do something this awesome without you; and she loves you, too, so it wasn’t that hard to convince her.”

“Well, I’m glad I get to come, though I’m a little nervous about the whole fake ID thing, to be honest.”

“It’s Vegas, Brooklyn. Sin City. They
to let you in to spend your money. Trust me. No one is even going to look twice at you.”


Two hours later I could hardly hear myself think. The party bus was rocking with loud music and girls were drinking, laughing, and dancing. There was even a stripper pole in the middle of the bus and Shannon was doing her best to shimmy around it—much to the amusement of everyone else.

Bailey had been totally correct on the call for my outfit. Once my hair and make-up was finished and the accessories added—a multi layered bangle bracelet and large hoop earrings—I looked completely ready for a night out on the town. I’d received several compliments from the older girls and even some envious glances, which secretly made me feel good—even though I thought everyone looked amazing. And so far, I’d managed to walk without killing myself in Bailey’s shoes. I was at least four inches taller than normal in them, which made me feel slightly unstable, but they were fabulous shoes.

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