Inferno Anthology (284 page)

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Authors: Kailin Gow,Vi Keeland,Kimberly Knight,Cassia Leo,Addison Moore,Liv Morris,Laurelin Paige,Aleatha Romig,Jessica Sorensen,Lacey Weatherford

BOOK: Inferno Anthology
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His thick, muscled arms slid beneath my neck and head, cradling me in their protective cocoon, as we tasted each other. I felt like every nerve in my body was about to explode from hypersensitivity—a simple kiss had never made me so extremely aware before. It was as if the mere touch of his lips had simultaneously lit an explosive fire in every cell of my body.

I was right. He would consume me—and I was walking into the inferno willingly.

The scent of his cologne filled the space around me, rubbing off against my skin, and I loved that all my senses were completely surrounded by him—only him.

“Damn, Brooklyn. You taste so good,” he whispered, breaking away for a moment to stare at me with longing in his eyes. “I can’t believe you’re finally here. I’ve wanted this for so long.”

“Me, too,” I replied, as his mouth descended to mine once again, kissing me over and over as if he would never get enough. I was trembling beneath him, experiencing feelings I’d never had for anyone before—and this was just with his kiss. I couldn’t even begin to imagine what anything else would be like with him.

“Girl, you’re killing me here.” His mouth slid to my neck, licking, kissing, and nibbling his way down.

My fingers sank into his dark locks, which were every bit as heavy and silky as I imagined them to be, as he moved lower, hooking his finger under the strap of my tank top and kissing me there. Until this moment, I’d never known a kiss on the shoulder could be so sexy.

Breath coming in short quick gasps, I struggled between wanting to close my eyes and sink into the sensations he was creating, and wanting to keep them open so I could watch him doing it. I’d dreamed of being in his arms for so long, I didn’t want to miss a moment.

Suddenly, he moved off me, standing up. Instantly, I missed his warmth. His breathing was ragged as he stared down at me, obviously warring within himself, his expression shifting from passionate to confused, followed by a frown. “I’m thinking maybe we should move this party elsewhere, or things are going to end up in the exact place we said we were going to avoid.”

My heart sank, knowing he was right. But I’d so liked where things were headed. Slowly, I sat up. “So, what do you want to do?” I asked, feeling a bit self-conscious. “Maybe I should leave.”

“Hey, now! No need to go getting all drastic on me!” A grin replaced the frown. “Are you hungry? I think I have some frozen pizzas we could make; and we can order a movie and watch it and cuddle on the couch for a while…how’s that sound?”

I smiled. “I’d like that.”

Holding out his hand, he pulled me against him, eyes roving over my face. “I just want you to know, this may be one of the hardest things I’ve ever done.” Linking fingers with me, he stepped away, guiding me toward the bedroom door. “How long until your birthday?” he asked, again, and I couldn’t help laughing.

“I don’t remember,” I replied. “All I can think about right now is finally being able to kiss you, for real.”

Groaning loudly, he spun me around, pressing me against the wall. “You’re not making this any easier for me,” he said, his voice sounding deep and gruff. He lifted me and I wrapped myself around him as his lips captured mine, once more.

I loved the feel of his heat, his warm mouth pressed against mine, his strong arms holding me, and the way my body thrummed everywhere I came in contact with him.

“Heaven help me,” Six spoke, briefly reaching for the door and opening it, before his lips descended back against mine. Carrying me out, he continued to kiss me until we collapsed on the couch together.

“Well, well, what have we here?”

I jumped at the intrusion of a new voice as the front door closed. Six sighed heavily, pushing off me as I scrambled, embarrassed, into a sitting position.

“Hey, Brandon,” he said, leaning back against the couch, extending his arm along the back as if he didn’t have a care in the world.

Brandon stepped forward, grinning, and extended his hand. “Brandon Wilkes. I don’t think we’ve ever officially met. I’ve seen you around with Tommy before, and of course, on the television commercial with your dad.”

Smiling, I extended my hand. “Brooklyn. I remember seeing you, too. Nice to meet you.”

Brandon released my hand and glanced at Six before looking back at me. “I have to say, it’s nice having you here.” He settled down in the leather recliner.

“It is?” I was confused.

“Yeah. I’m sick of listening to Six bellyaching over you all the time. I’m happy to see he manned up and grew some balls. I was beginning to think he wasn’t ever going after you.”

I couldn’t stop the wide smile as I turned to face Six, who was glaring daggers at Brandon. “You’ve been bellyaching?” I don’t know why, but it seemed so funny that I couldn’t help a slight giggle.

“You’re going to kill my chances with her before they even get started.” Six scowled.

Brandon shook his head and chuckled. “From the looks of things when I walked in here, I’d say you’re moving along just fine.”

I couldn’t help my blush. “Would you like to join us?” I asked and Brandon’s eyes widened. Six suddenly burst out laughing. “I mean, we were going to have pizza and watch a movie,” I quickly added.

Brandon glanced over me quickly. “Damn, but if I’m not a bit disappointed.”

“Watch it, bro,” Six growled. “She’s off limits to you.”

Brandon chuckled, again, and stood. “Don’t worry. I wouldn’t dream of raining on your parade. I’m beat, so I’m headed to bed. You two have fun.”

Six got up and headed toward the kitchen. “The remote is on the table. Go ahead and pick whatever you want to watch. I’ll get the food.”

Sighing, I leaned forward as both guys left the room and grabbed the remote. While I was still happy to be here with Six, I was sad that we’d been interrupted; but maybe it was for the best. There was no need to rush things. I was just excited to be near him, in whatever capacity. I hoped we’d be able to spend more time together, soon, but I knew getting around my parents wasn’t going to be the easiest thing for us.

“Hey,” Six’s voice floated in from the kitchen. “How about popcorn, instead? Looks like the pizza has disappeared.”

“That sounds good to me.” I flipped through the channels, finally settling on a fairly new action flick that promised a bit of romance, as well.

Six reappeared shortly, holding a big bowl and settled in next to me, offering me some of the popcorn inside. “So, is your friend going to freak out if I keep you here all night?”

I laughed. “Knowing Bailey, she’s probably praying that I’m starring in my own porno right now.”

He laughed, raising his eyebrows as he glanced at me. “I think I’m going to like your friend. As far as the porno, I kinda wish you were doing that, too. We’ll have to make that happen someday.”

Instantly, the heat crept back into my cheeks. “Fine by me.” I popped a few kernels into my mouth.

Six shook his head. “You aren’t going to make this for me easy are you?” He slid his arm around behind me and placed a light kiss against the side of my head. I snuggled in closer to him.

“If you’re suffering, so am I. But it also makes for good anticipation.”

“Anticipation. I like that,” he replied, and he kissed me, again.

Chapter Eleven

“What can I do to help?” Brooklyn asked, as she came into the kitchen. Her hair was slightly tousled where her head had leaned against my chest most of the night.

“Nothing. You can sit over there and look cute, because if you come over here I’m gonna start burning stuff.” I flashed a wink at her and nodded toward the table. She shook her head, glancing down when her phone buzzed. “When will your friend be here?”

“Bailey? This is her now. She said she just pulled up outside.”

“I guess it’ll be three for breakfast, then.”

“Make that four,” Brandon’s voice interrupted and he walked around the corner, wearing nothing but gym shorts. He ran a hand roughly through his dark hair as he yawned.

Brooklyn’s eyes widened appreciatively as she glanced briefly over Brandon before quickly looking back at me.

“Put some damn clothes on, man,” I snapped lightly as I cracked another egg in the pan.

“Why would I cover this up?” he replied with a laugh, glancing at Brooklyn and smiling.

“You were Tommy’s fitness trainer, weren’t you?” she asked.

Brandon smiled. “That’s right. I also train this nut job, too.” He jerked a thumb toward me, and Brooklyn’s eyes followed.

“Looks like you’ve been doing an amazing job to me,” she said, her cheeks heating and I winked at her, again.

Brandon dragged out a chair and sat beside her. “Hey,” I growled. “I’m cooking breakfast for her—not you, too. You want some, then get up and help me.” He sighed and stood just as a knock sounded on the door.

“I’ll get it,” Brooklyn said, hurrying past him and he glanced at me, raising an eyebrow.

“It’s her friend coming to get her,” I explained, throwing the empty egg carton into the trash. “Why are you up so early?”

“The question is why are you out of bed so early?” he asked, a wicked gleam in his eyes. “I thought you’d be tucked in there all day…with her.”

“We fell asleep on the couch. Plus, we’re trying to take things slow.”

He chuckled. “That ought to be fun to watch. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you do “slow.” I hope you survive.”

Glancing over at him, I sighed. “So do I.”

“So, how’d you manage to hook up with her after working at Leathers?”

“I’ll fill you in later,” I said quickly, as Brooklyn and Bailey entered the room. Brandon came to a full stop, eyeing Bailey like he’d just won the lottery.

“Well, hello, gorgeous,” he said, holding his hand out to Bailey. “I believe your chair is next to mine over here.”

She giggled and accepted his hand. Brooklyn shook her head as she walked over to me. “You might as well let me help you cook,” she said with a sigh lowering her voice. “Knowing Bailey, she’ll probably be dragging Brandon into his room before we leave.”

I chuckled. “Fast worker, huh?” I glanced over to where the two of them were leaning toward each other, already deep in conversation.

“Let’s just say, anything that remotely looks like it might end up in sex has her complete attention.”

Nodding, I grinned. “Then she and Brandon ought to get along famously. But if he drags her back to his room, I get to do the same with you.”

“No complaint from me.” She slid her arms around my waist and popped up on her toes to kiss me.

I obliged her briefly, before steering her away. “Back to the table, Missy. I wasn’t lying when I said you’re too distracting. Brandon, get your butt over here.”

He sighed heavily. “Don’t go anywhere, okay?” He placed his hand lightly on Bailey’s.

“I wouldn’t dream of it,” she responded, eyes twinkling as she watched him walk away before turning and mouthing the word ‘HOT’ to Brooklyn and fanning herself. Chuckling, I shook my head as she scooted her chair closer to Brooklyn’s, lowering her voice significantly. “So tell me…how was it? I mean, you never called, so I’m thinking it was freakin’ amazing.” I wasn’t sure who she thought she was whispering to, since it was clear everyone could hear her just fine.

“Nothing happened,” Brooklyn replied, glancing toward me and I smiled.

“Yeah, Six spent all night with a hottie and didn’t even know what to do with her.” Brandon laughed.

I sighed, refusing to take the bait.

“Now, if it had been me, I would’ve been rocking the house all night long. But no. I went to bed all by myself.”

“Oh, you poor thing,” Bailey said, sympathizing with him immediately. “That’s terrible!”

“Yeah, I know.” He grinned widely.

“Why don’t the two of you just exchange phone numbers now?” Six said. “We all know where this is headed, anyway. You might as well skip the dance and cut to the chase.”

“Sounds great to me,” Brandon said, glancing at Bailey. “You game?”

“I’m so game!” she replied, bringing out her phone.

“Follow me,” Brandon said, waving at her. “Mine’s back in my room.”

Waiting until they were out of sight, I looked at Brooklyn. “Should we be worried?”

She nodded grinning, tipping sideways in her chair as she watched them. “He shut the door behind them.”

I laughed. “You might get to stay a while after all. Do your parents check up on you when you’re with Bailey?”

“No, not really. They seem to get pretty wrapped up in their own lives. My dad is always working, golfing, or at the campaign offices, and my mom escapes him at any given opportunity she can. She’s always doing things like spa retreats, or planning trips and stuff like that with the other political wives.”

“And what about you? What keeps you entertained?”

“Now? You.” she replied, smiling.

“Can’t say I dislike hearing that, but I want to know what else you like to do. Tell me about you.”

She shrugged. “I’m not that exciting, I’m afraid. When I’m not helping out at the campaign offices, I’m doing things like homework and helping out at home.”

This surprised me. “Nothing at school? No clubs or anything.”

“Well, I used to cheer, but that’s all finished, now. Other than that, I’m part of the yearbook committee, but we do most of that during class time. Unless I’m taking pictures of some of the track and field events after school, or dances, like prom.”

“You’re a photographer?” I was surprised to hear that. I knew she’d cheered because I’d attended the home games when I wasn’t working—precisely because she cheered and I could watch her covertly. Plus, the games were pretty good, too.

“I am. Want me to shoot you?” she asked with a laugh. Raising her phone, she snapped a couple pictures of me cooking.

“Oh, I could see the two of us getting into a lot of trouble with a camera.”

Nodding, she continued to smile. “Me, too. It could be fun.”

“Send me a picture of you. I need one.”

“Not from this morning! I look awful.”

“No you don’t. You look amazing. Come here.” She didn’t argue, getting up and moving beside me. Grabbing her shoulders, I turned her away from me. I wrapped my arms around her, tucking her head under my chin. “Now, take the picture.”

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