Innocence (44 page)

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Authors: Elise de Sallier

BOOK: Innocence
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“Lady Anneliese Barlow,” he said, his voice infused with love. “My darling Lisa. While I know I don’t deserve it, I promise to spend my life proving myself worthy of your love. Will you consent to marry me, thereby making me the happiest man alive?”

“Yes, I will.”

Nathaniel’s eyes sparkled as he lifted her hand to his lips, kissing the back of her gloved fingers tenderly.

“I want nothing more than to take you in my arms and kiss you properly,” he whispered. “But I dare not.”

Another wave of relief washed over Lisa. If he was willing to kiss her
, she had nothing to fear. If there was one thing she recalled about their time together at Worthington, it was that kisses could very easily lead to other, less proper, things.

“A kiss would be very nice, though I understand this is not the time or place. As long as you promise to rectify the situation at the first available opportunity, you’re forgiven.”

“I promise.” Nathaniel smiled.

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you the truth about who I was from the beginning,” she added, and his smile faded.

“I wish you had, but I understand why you felt you couldn’t.”

“Do you think you would have still been interested in me if you’d known I was a member of the gentry? Or would you have thought me beneath you, a country girl from a
inconsequential family?”

Nathaniel laughed out loud. “Oh, Lisa, wild horses couldn’t have kept me away.”

He glanced to the side, and she looked over to see the King and father watching them.

“Although our meddling Sovereign just might. He seems to have plans for you that don’t include me.”

“What do you suggest we do?” she asked, as Nathaniel stood and assisted her to her feet.

“Be very firm in our determination to negotiate the shortest betrothal possible,” he said
sotto voce
as they approached their audience. “I believe the King would rather avoid a scandal, but I fear he will insist on a protracted engagement to attempt to sway you to his will.”

“But I thought once a betrothal was announced, it couldn’t be broken?” she said with alarm.

“Try telling our sovereign ruler

As overjoyed as she was by their reunion, and at least somewhat reassured about the nature of their future together, the path before them appeared littered with obstacles.

It appeared the king’s blessing, which had yet to be given, could just as easily be withdrawn. Her father’s and her fiancé’s relationship was on shaky ground. Lord Copeland remained at large, a thought that filled her with apprehension despite the assurances she had received that the rogue could do her no further harm. And she was yet to face the scrutiny and probable censure of a society she feared would not be quite as forgiving of her adventures as her loving father and surprisingly indulgent royal cousin.

Looking up at Nathaniel, the man she loved
beyond reason, Lisa came to a decision. Two could play at this meddling game, and after everything she had endured, she felt no qualms whatsoever about manipulating things in her favour.

“Don’t worry, sweetheart.” She smiled her assurance. “I believe I have the perfect solution.”

Lisa had been a victim of ignorance and circumstances for long enough. It was time to take charge of her destiny and secure for Nathaniel and herself their very own happily ever after.


I’d like to thank the following people -

My wonderful husband and daughter for their unfailing support,

Amanda and Neets from Project Team Beta,

April, for both inspiring and encouraging a nervous newbie,

Kathie Spitz, for suggesting I submit a story for publication and nursing me through the process,

and Erin, Jenny, and the team at The Writer’s Coffee Shop Publishing House for their invaluable support.

About the Author

Elise met the love of her life when she was only sixteen, married him three years later, and recently celebrated her thirtieth wedding anniversary. Needless to say, she is a big believer in living
Happily Ever After
. With a lifetime’s worth of experience behind her, Elise
believes great relationships don’t just happen, they take work . . . which doesn’t mean writing about them can’t be a whole lot of fun.

After surviving all manner of health obstacles while raising a family and nursing her elderly grandmother—her writing namesake, though she’d have been shocked by her granddaughter’s steamy love scenes—Elise established a career as a counselor and family therapist. Seeking an escape from the stresses of her work, she discovered the world of fan fiction, and her timid writer’s muse began to make its voice heard. Two point three million hits, twelve and a half thousand reviews, and an e-mail from an acquisitions editor at The Writer’s Coffee Shop later, and Elise’s life found a new and fascinating direction.

A romantic fiction addict from way back, writing her own historical and paranormal romances—and having others read and fall in love with her characters and the worlds she creates—is a dream come true. Elise likes to see her characters grow, experience passion and adventure, tackle some difficult issues, and find lasting love . . .

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