Innocence Taken (3 page)

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Authors: Janet Durbin

BOOK: Innocence Taken
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Rew saw the clothes drop to the floor and watched as the man's penis jumped to attention. She watched as he began to stroke the member with love. She was not able to say anything because he had not taken the tape off her mouth. Her body started to betray her. It wanted that member inside. She felt wetness spread in her crotch. She rotated her hips, gently swinging her legs with the movement.

The man saw her. He refused to acknowledge her need. He continued to play with his penis. He guided his fingers up one side of the shaft before moving down the other side. He spread his knees and played with his balls. Then he grabbed the shaft and jerked the skin upward. He was not circumcised and the skin bunched up on the tip. He pulled it back down, exposing the moisture oozing from the tip. He leaned his head back, watching the girl's reactions. She was becoming his more and more. He would bide his time, tease her, break down her defenses, her spirit, and forever turn her away from the life she knew. That was his specialty. That was what he liked to do, and he was good at it.

He refused to take the tape off her mouth. He had tried that with the other girls and all they did was whine. He did not want to disturb the beautiful sounds of nature with that. That was also the reason he remained silent.

He turned to face the girl. She looked away for a brief moment, and then looked back. He could tell she was fascinated with his manhood. He liked to take them young. When they were young, he could mold them; make them more to his liking. When they no longer pleased him, when they no longer held a purpose, he disposed of them easily.

Rew's mind screamed no. She did not want this man to take her again. He hurt without care. Her body screamed yes, though ... and her body was winning. Her hips lifted off the bed and her nipples became peaks of hard flesh. She wished her hands were free so she could relieve the increasing pressure to her groin. She had never been with a man before but she knew how to please herself without one, though she had never inserted anything inside her vagina other than a fingertip or two. She had played with her clitoris enough to make her cum. She always took a shower afterwards to hide the evidence from her mother.

The man smiled at her and jerked his penis harder. His face turned red from the effort. She thought he was going to explode right there. He moaned when a wad of sperm shot out, arching in her direction, landing on the wooden floor. It missed the carpet. With a sigh, he moved to a shelf, removed a cloth and walked to the mess. He squatted down with his legs open wide, displaying himself to her, as he cleaned it up.

Rew watched in disbelief as his penis started to rise again. She wondered if he ever stayed down. The thought made her giggle. The man looked at her. He smiled, rose to his feet, and walked to the fire. He threw the cloth in. She giggled harder as his penis bounced while he walked. He paused, stared into the dancing flames, before facing her. He moved toward her. Her eyes were glued on the bouncing penis. She failed to see the angry set of his jaw.

The man decided now was the time to fulfill another pleasure he wanted to do. He did not like it when the girls laughed at him. He had to teach her a lesson. Ripping the tape off, he grabbed her lower jaw and lifted it toward him, forcing her mouth open. She was so shocked by the maneuver, she forgot to cry out. He crammed his penis between her soft lips. She tried to close her mouth. He yanked on her hair. When he felt her teeth rake the skin, he reached back and twisted her nipple. Each time she tried something unpleasant, he gave her pain. She finally relented and kept her mouth open.

He guided his penis in and out, causing her tongue to brush against the skin. He shoved it in, feeling the back of her throat. She gagged. He pulled it out. He repeated the process. It felt as good as he had imagined. He indicated for her to suck on the penis. When she was too slow, he slapped her. Her lips closed; he felt the pressure of suction. It made him throb. He pulled his penis from her mouth and guided his balls close. She licked one, then the other. It sent a wave of pleasure up his spine. He shivered.

He stuck his penis back in her mouth and she sucked on it without him needing to indicate. He was in heaven. Only one thing would make this moment the best. He ejaculated in her mouth, deep in her throat. He held her head so she could not pull away, causing her to cough and sputter. He was pleased with her response. Maybe now she would not laugh. If she did, he knew he would enjoy punishing her again. He pulled his limp penis out of her mouth. Before she could spit out his cum, he replaced the tape over her lips.

He could tell by the look in her eyes that she had never tasted cum before. Again, he was pleased to be her first. Stroking himself, he moved to her vagina. It was dripping. He kneeled on the end of the bed and sniffed her. The smell was sweet. He flicked out his tongue and tasted the juices. They were as sweet as the girl.. He knew they would be. Moving his tongue, he teased the little red clitoris. She raised her hips in response.

It was too easy for him. He liked pain and the reactions caused by it. He got off the bed and moved to the shelf where some cloths sat. He grabbed some forceps resting next to them. He brought them back to the bed. The girl looked first at the forceps, then at him. He saw fear. He was glad.

He opened the first one and pinched it on the right nipple. The girl drew in a breath. He opened the next one and pinched it to the left nipple. Again, the girl drew in a breath. No sound came from her other than the breath. When he clamped the third one to her clitoris, she finally screamed. He smiled.

He remembered the rod forgotten in the van. It was okay though, he had another one, a bigger one; one made specifically for his pleasure. He left the girl crying and returned to the shelf. He removed the rod and held it high. The steel shaft glinted in the firelight. This rod made his huge shaft look small in comparison. He saw her eyes widen, tears streaming from their corners. He felt himself rise. This was exciting.

Rew pulled against her restraints. It only caused her legs to swing back and forth. The motion made his penis stand taller. It excited him. She tried to plead through the tape. The only sound that came out was a garbled noise. The man frowned. He came at her, the rod held in front of him. She pleaded louder. The noise infuriated him. She knew it was useless, but she couldn't stop, she was so scared.

The man grabbed one of her swinging legs and yanked it away from the other. His fingers sank into the thigh, leaving deep indentations, causing the tender area there to announce its displeasure at such treatment. He was so angry. It was the first time she had seen him like this. She tried to shift her hips off to the side. The man held them in place, slipping his body between her wildly gyrating legs. He rammed the rod into her vagina as far as he could, withdrew it, and rammed it in again. She couldn't believe the pain. It felt like she was being torn apart from the inside. She wanted to die at that moment. The man shoved and shoved and shoved.

Suddenly she felt lips on her face. The rod was gone. The forceps were gone. The tape was gone She had no idea when he had stopped. She felt his tongue caress hers. She responded. The touch was so soft. All she wanted to do was make this man happy. If she made him happy, he would not hurt her. She felt him cup her breasts. She felt him lay on top of her. She felt his manhood enter her vagina. And she smiled. The nagging emptiness was filled.

The man moved his tongue over hers; she kissed him back. He felt her resistance give. He rejoiced. He had her. She was his. He entered her with the kind of joy he rarely felt and released his seed with a roar of pleasure. He fell asleep on top of her, his penis still in her, his face nestled in the crook of her neck. She kissed his sweaty brow..

When the man woke, the sun was setting. He untied the girl and took her outside to pee. She was naked. He liked her that way. When they returned inside, he put a collar around her slim neck, securing it with a small lock. A leather leash hooked on to the end of the bed. He did not restrain her limbs. He knew her spirit was gone, along with her need to escape. It showed in her eyes. He motioned with his hand what would happen if she tried to escape. She nodded her head in understanding. He was glad she knew how to be silent. It allowed him to enjoy her better.

He put one of the pots on the fire and filled it with water from a barrel. A drain ran into the wall from the outside and allowed the water to run in. When the barrel was full, he blocked the drain, preventing it from working. He put dried vegetables, along with dried meat in the pot. The smell of stew filled the cabin.

Rew sat on the bed, watching. The collar chaffed. She knew better than to touch it. That would infuriate the man and he would hurt her. She wanted him to touch her in a kind manner, not the hurtful way. She no longer minded his touches. They caused her body to respond in ways she loved.. She loved the way her vagina seemed to ripple like a wave from the ocean whenever he drew near. She didn't like the rod, but even that was changing. She wondered what was so bad about sex that had made her mother tell her such lies. She loved it.

The man stood by the pot, stirring the contents. Rew rose to her feet and moved next to him, the leash trailing behind her. She reached around his waist and gently stroked his penis. She couldn't get enough of it. It rose to her touch. The man put the wooden spoon down, reached for her, and pulled her tight against his body. He grabbed her ass and lifted her up. She wrapped her legs around him. He inserted his penis into her and pumped her up and down. She arched her back and met his thrust with her own.

Without warning, he threw her to the floor. She landed with a loud thud. His lip curled. He grabbed the spoon and beat her already bruised thighs, adding red whelps to the dark spots. She hissed in pain. She didn't know what she had done to make him so mad.

A voice filled the room; it was his. “You will never take sex unless it is given. You will beg for it first—beg for it on your knees!"

He emphasized each word with a smack of the spoon. He wanted her to remember who the master was. He did not want her to take liberties that were not hers to take. Finally, he calmed and the spoon slowed.

She was crying silently. She took the punishment. She had been bad. All she wanted was for him to take her, and now he was mad. The spoon made her juices flow. They covered her inner thighs.

The man held the spoon in front of his mouth. He licked and sucked on it before returning it to the stew. Rew cringed. She didn't know what he would do next. The man removed the stew from the fire. He extended a hand and helped her to her feet. She felt him lift her off the floor and indicated for her to wrap her slim legs around him. She did. He carried her to the bed and laid her on her back. She was surprised to see his penis limp.

He climbed on top of her and shoved his ass in her face. He indicated for her to lick his anus. She complied. She was afraid of what would happen if she didn't. Her pink tongue ran around his dark opening. He grabbed his cheeks and spread them. At the same time, he motioned for her to insert it inside. She pushed her tongue against the opening. The taste was retched. She wanted to stop, to throw up, but the fear of punishment kept her going. She pushed it inside.

The man wrapped his legs around her head, forcing her face into his ass. He wiggled it. He made her keep her tongue straight. He made her push it in and out. He enjoyed testing her devotion, her willingness to follow commands. It made him feel powerful, in complete control.

Rew closed her eyes. Her heart pounded. She was excited and grossed out at the same time. The things she was forced to do should never have been done by anyone barely eighteen years of age. Yet, here she was, doing those gross things only whispered about during sleepovers with her girlfriends.

The man got off her. He ran his tongue over her face. She opened her mouth, accepting it. He moved down her body. She shivered. His tongue found her clitoris. She shivered again. He lay on her and pierced her mouth with his now hard penis. She sucked it willingly.. He pushed his member deep into her throat. She reached up and grabbed his ass, shoving it in deeper. He smiled and fulfilled her dreams. He pumped her so hard he couldn't believe she did not choke. When he came in her mouth, she lapped it up like a puppy.

Time passed. Minutes became hours. Hours became days. Days became weeks. Rew ceased thinking about her parents, her home, her friends. The man was the only thing important now, the man and his magical touch. She loved this man like she had no other ... not even her mother. The pain he inflicted no longer mattered. The touch always followed. Sometimes she begged for the pain so she could get the touch.

The man tugged on the leash, pulling the girl outside. He did not need it anymore but he liked it anyway. It gave him power. Lately, the girl was becoming too complacent. He bored easily. She didn't fight, she didn't show fear, and she didn't pull against her restraints when he used them. She didn't even please him like before. It took the others months to reach this point. She achieved it in weeks. He knew she was not The One from the start, but had hoped she would change. The hope vanished with her lack of resistance.

He led her deeper into the woods. She had no idea what he was doing. She didn't know he was taking her to meet the other girls. He stopped when he reached a place covered with leaves, dropped from the trees draped over the clearing.. He pulled the girl in front. He turned her toward him and kissed her sweet lips. He knew he would miss this one, but it was time to move on. He needed to be excited again.

He laid her back on the dry leaves and fondled her breasts. She smiled at the pleasure caused by his touch. She shifted her hips, opening her knees to allow him access. He reached down and played with the hair. His penis hardened. He knew this would be their last time together. He mounted her gently, something he had never done before. She groaned with joy. He moved in and out slowly, savoring their last dance.

Rew sensed something was wrong. He was too gentle. She opened her eyes. She looked into the black depths of his. They were void of feeling, of life, of anything. She kissed them, trying to bring something to them. They remained void. That was when she felt his hands on her throat. She arched her head back, thinking he wanted to feel the skin there. They tightened.

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