Innocence Taken (2 page)

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Authors: Janet Durbin

BOOK: Innocence Taken
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She felt his fingers spread the lips of her vagina.. The metal rod disappeared, landing with a dull thud on the wooden floor next to the cot. His penis touched her. The man shoved his swollen member in. She grabbed the straps holding her, bucked and screamed, and tried to get him off, but to no avail. It only made him thrust harder. His grunting echoed in her brain. She wondered how she could have ever thought this man was cute.

He rode her like an untamed horse. With each thrust, he felt the pleasure of conquest filling him. She met his urgency with one of her own. That was what he felt when she lifted her hips in response to his downward pushes. He did not notice the screams. The room and everything inside had vanished. All he knew was the pleasure. When his loins screamed at him for more, he pulled out of her vagina, lifted her legs as far as the restraints would go and drove into her anus. The tightness of her ass caused his penis to swell larger than before.

The girl under him had gone limp. She had passed out. The man, still lost in his pleasure, had not noticed. He shoved and grinded his hips and shoved some more. Her tight ass was his entire focus. An intense pain shot through his loins, causing him to arch back, teeth clenched tight. His penis released its juices deep inside. Wave after wave rippled through him. He thrust several more times before collapsing on the girl, panting.

He knew now she was special. She may not be The One but she would do until he found her. No other had caused so much pleasure. He decided to take her far away. He knew the parents would be hunting for her and he did not want to give her back. She was his now.

Reluctantly, he pulled his penis out. A milky fluid ran out. It mixed in with the blood that ran from her vagina. The blood of a virgin no more. He smiled. The thought of him being her first love made him eager for more. He decided he had time. Stroking himself into a frenzy, he entered her anus and pumped, then he pulled out and entered her swollen vagina. He grunted with each thrust, bit at her nipples, and groaned when he ejaculated.

She was awake when he looked at her. Pain and fear filled her eyes. They were dry. He pulled out. She winched with the pain. He smiled. Getting off her, he licked her vagina clean of the blood and semen covering it.

"You're mine now."

Her eyes remained dry. She tried not to think about what had just happened. She tried to think of green fields filled with flowers and butterflies flittering in the sky. She almost succeeded in disappearing into her fantasy world, but the man brought her back with his words and tongue.

A tingling sensation mingled with the pain. She felt ashamed. She had just been brutally raped and sodomized, yet her body craved for more of his touch. Now she knew she was lost. She would never be the same little mommy's girl again. The rest of the kids would look at her as if she was tainted. Maybe the boys would do the same thing as this man. That thought finally brought the tears to her eyes.

The man kissed her eyes and stroked her skin. She felt it burn where he touched. She tried to pull against her restraints, but they remained tight. He kept touching her, caressing her breasts, watching her.

After a minute, he rose to his feet, went to the same box he had retrieved the rod from and pulled out some clothes. He dressed in a pair of jeans and a pullover shirt that hugged his muscular frame before returning to her. He loosened the restraints holding her feet and tied them together. He did the same to her arms. She gave him no resistance. She knew it would do no good; he was too strong.

He lifted her off the cot and carried her outside. Dusk covered the area. The cool air caressed her bare skin, causing goose bumps to rise. She shivered. The man felt it and held her closer against his body.

A plain brown Ford van was parked among the trees, hidden from the road a short distance away. The color matched the bark of the surrounding trees. He opened the back, placed her inside, and gently touched her cheek before shutting the door. Rew felt her stomach roll. The man was taking her away. Her family would never find her now. She lay there, wondering what was going to happen next.

The man returned to the building, picked up Rew's clothes, tossed them and the rod onto the cot, and rolled the thin mattress into a log. He used another bit of rope from the box to secure it. After spanning the interior with his eyes once more, to make sure nothing else remained to indicate they were there, he carried the mattress to the van and placed it next to the girl. He smiled at her then walked to the driver's door and got in. The keys dangled in the ignition. He twisted them to the right. The engine purred to life. Pulling the gearshift into drive, he pressed on the gas pedal and rolled down the dirt road to the main blacktop. Once there, he turned north.

All he thought about during the hours that passed was the wonderful feeling he had with the girl. She was his, now and forever. He would be able to have that feeling whenever he wanted it. That thought made him horny. He unzipped his pants and pulled his penis out. It was as hard as a rock. He looked down and admired it. The veins stuck out. He ran his fingers over them, feeling the tinge of excitement running through his body. It made him want her now..

Pulling off the road, he parked the van behind a clump of bushes, hiding it from any passersby, what little there were. The darkness of night helped. He pulled the curtain dividing the back from the front open and saw the girl watching him, fear filling her eyes. He loved those eyes. They were as blue as the sky. He crawled across the carpet covering the floor. She cowered from him; he pulled her close. Flipping her over on her belly, he admired her ass.

It was small and tight. None of the cottage cheese look touched its beauty. He grabbed it with both hands and squeezed. The girl whimpered. He slapped her butt and held a finger to his lips. She quieted. Again, he swelled with pride. Feeling the ache of want, he lifted her hips and spread her ass. He played with the opening of her anus, circling it with first his finger then with his penis.

Rew watched with horror as the man came at her with his large engorged penis. He lifted her hips and played with her ass. She knew the penis was too large, and knew he did not care. All he cared about was his need. She felt it touch her anus and go in. She pulled her knees in, toward her belly, trying to reduce the pain. It didn't help. She remained silent, even though she wanted to scream.

The man leaned across her back and pushed harder. His breath huffed with each thrust. He reached for one of her breasts and milked it like he would a cow. She grunted when he pushed. He was elated. She was a gem. He wanted more. He straightened up on his knees, held on to her hips, and shoved his penis as far inside as it would go. He pulled out then shoved deep inside again. This time, she could not hold back. She screamed.

The man leaned over and slapped her across her head. He hit her over and over until she quieted down. He returned to his knees and pumped her unmercifully. When he had enough of her ass, he moved to her vagina. He wanted to drive his penis into her mouth, but knew it wasn't time for that yet. It would come. Thinking about her wet tongue moving over him caused his need to rise to an even higher level.

He pulled out and flipped her onto her back. He hoisted her knees up onto her belly and drove his aching penis home. The girl arched her head back, though she did not let out a sound. He lay on her legs and rocked his hips in an urgency driven wild by the need to release. Moments later, he did.

Rew felt every inch of her used body. Her anus throbbed and her vagina felt like it was ripped wide open. Yet, her body tingled with need. She felt the man's penis inside her, growing smaller. She felt him slide it out and get up. She felt the emptiness below and wanted it to be filled again. Did these feelings make her a slut? Her mind said yes, but her body said no. Which one would win? She had a feeling it was going to be her body.

The man slid into the driver seat and started the van. He backed out and returned to the road. The headlights shined bright in the dark. He knew he had about three more hours ahead of him before he reached his destination. He had a cabin in the Monongahela National Forest.. It was far from anything and he took great steps to make sure no one knew it was there. He built it, alone, from the local timber. He made sure to do it over a period of time, using trees from several areas so as not to thin the growth.

No road led to the cabin, He had to walk to it. It took just over five hours. A particularly dense patch of forest hid the van from prying eyes flying above or those driving nearby. He had thought of everything. Other girls were brought to it. He soon discovered they were not The One. He buried them in the forest when he was through with them..

The sign he looked for lit up in the headlights. It was a clump of holly bushes. It was the only ones in the area. He had planted them himself. Turning the van, he disappeared through the opening and onto an overgrown trail wide enough for the vehicle. He went slowly, the ground was soft and he did not want to leave tire tracks. He knew the tall grass would return to its upright position as soon as daylight hit it, hiding any evidence. He had checked on previous visits to make sure.

About three miles into the trees, a particularly thick growth of hanging vines seemed to block the way. He got out of the van and moved toward it. Pulling back a bunch, he exposed the hiding spot for the van. He returned, drove inside and replaced the vines.. Dried dead leaves hung on the branches. It was late in the year. Snow would soon cover everything. He liked the snow. It was beautiful to watch as it fell. It made everything pure.

The man moved to the back of the van and opened the doors. The girl was asleep. She was beautiful, like the snow. He felt his pants shift over the growing penis. He touched it. He knew he had to wait. It would be daylight soon and he wanted to be as close to the cabin as possible before then. He was tired.

He picked up a knapsack and placed in onto his back. It had a few things in it to hold him over until he reached the cabin. He kept his cabin well supplied, especially in the winter when the snow made travel virtually impossible. He wrapped a blanket around the girl before picking her up. She mumbled in her sleep, resting her head on his chest. He kissed her softly on the top of her head.

Turning to the northwest, he started through the undergrowth. It was not particularly thick because of the time of year. In spring, he had to be careful of the thorn bushes and would have a harder time of it.. Halfway to his destination, he stopped to rest. He put the now awake girl down on the ground. Opening the sack, he pulled out a granola bar. It was his favorite kind, maple brown sugar. She looked at the bar with longing. It had been some time since she ate last.

The man saw the look and pulled out a second. He handed it to her. She hesitated, but quickly grabbed it from him when he started to pull it back. Both enjoyed the maple taste, lightly doused with brown sugar. When they finished, the man took her wrapper and placed it in the knapsack with his. It made him mad when he saw litter carelessly tossed into the forest. Placing the pack on his back again, he picked the girl up and walked the familiar path through the darkness.

Rew wondered how the man knew where he was walking. It was so dark. She was lucky to see the nose in front of her face. She knew she would be lost in a second if he decided to leave her alone. She snuggled deeper into the blanket, feeling the warmth of the man next to it. Her hands and feet were cold. The rope was not tight, but it prevented her from moving, thus reducing circulation to them.

The light of the coming dawn glowed red on the tops of the trees when the cabin came into view. Rew inhaled deep through her nose. The tape had been replaced after the granola bar was finished. It was rustic, yet beautiful in the way it blended with its surrounding. She felt a pang in her heart. She knew this was her new home, she would never see the one she loved again. Her family and the police would never be able to find her.

The man remained silent. The only time she remembered him talking was the few sentences he said at the shed. The silence was deafening. She wanted to cry out, to have her voice echo into the valley below, but also knew it would mean the end of her short life. She wanted to live, to experience the joys of marriage, and see her parents again. To do that, she remained as quiet as a mouse.

The man hoisted her higher in his arms as he moved to the door of the cabin. He kissed her on the forehead and said, “Welcome home."

His voice had a deep, almost harmonizing quality to it. It broke the silence. Birds started singing, heralding the coming of dawn. Squirrels started barking out their calls, inviting others to join in. Both rustled through the branches, playing.

He stepped inside and Rew noticed it was as rustic as the outside. The furniture was carved out of wood, as was the bed. The bed stood in a corner near a fireplace. A metal ledge hung inside the fireplace for cooking. Electricity did not run here. Neither did running water. Pans hung from hooks near the fireplace. Area rugs covered the floor for warmth and comfort. The place was neat and tidy.

The man carried Rew to the bed and laid her down. He opened the blanket to expose her tied limbs. That was when she noticed the straps. They were similar to the ones in the shack but different. The ones for her arms were above, attached to the frame of the bed. The ones for her legs hung from the ceiling.

The man loosened her hands first. She squirmed in resistance; he slapped her hard across her face. The world swam in a sea of swirling mist as he pulled her arms up, securing them. He undid her legs and spread them apart, hanging them in the straps. Her swollen red vagina appeared; it excited him. He wanted to play with it, yet knew he had to warm the place up first. He couldn't let this wonderful gem get sick. That would end all his pleasure.

Reluctantly moving from her, he put some wood into the fireplace. He lit it with a match and watched as the fire grew. He grew along with it. The more he thought of the exposed vagina, the more he grew. As the warmth of the fire filled the room, he removed his clothes. He preferred to be naked. The feeling of synthetic material on his skin, even ones made of 100% cotton, made him cringe with displeasure. He preferred to be pleased.

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