Invasion: Colorado (51 page)

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Authors: Vaughn Heppner

BOOK: Invasion: Colorado
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Beneath the parka, John gripped a gun with a suppressor screwed onto the barrel.

The two security men approached him on a slippery sidewalk. One of them walked harder than his friend did. His shoes clicked on the cement.

The Loud Walker asked, “Why are you sitting out here in the cold?”

Slowly, John turned his head to stare at them. Neither recognized him.

“I asked you a question,” the Loud Walker said.

John Red Cloud raised his suppressed pistol and shot both security men in the head. He stood quickly and turned to the ambassador. The man shouted in fear and tried to flee. The man’s feet slid out from under him due to the icy sidewalk. He fell hard.

As if at a target range, John lifted the gun and emptied the rest of the magazine into the ambassador’s body. The man twisted this way and that. Finally, the ambassador turned toward John, opened his mouth, and recognition filled his eyes.

John walked closer, putting a new magazine into the gun.

“You,” the man whispered.

John nodded.

“Help…” The ambassador licked his bloody lips, staining his tongue. “Help me…”

John holstered the gun and zipped up his parka so the metal tab touched his throat. The ambassador was as good as dead, and now he must realize the wrong of having treated the Algonquin Nation so poorly.

The ambassador worked his mouth once more.

John turned and walked away. He had just declared war on the German Dominion. He didn’t have armies at his command. Instead, he had a gun. But he only needed to kill one man: Chancellor Kleist, the lying bastard.

Why should millions of simple soldiers die? No. John had a theory about war. Kill the leaders who start them. He hunched his shoulders and strode into the icy wind. He needed to get out of Montreal and then out of Quebec.

John Red Cloud didn’t smile, but his dark eyes smoldered. The Algonquin Nation was now at war with the Germans.


The End


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