Isela's Love (4 page)

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Authors: Sasha Cain

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Fantasy, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Contemporary, #Paranormal & Urban, #Futuristic/Sci-Fi

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“You know, that’s not a bad idea,” Bernie said.

“The guy does love a bargain,” Evan said in agreement.

“Once they get comfortable with us, we can ask a few questions, see if anybody knows anything.”

“We’ll have to hire guards to transport them,” Darrios said.

“Yeah, but with the work it’ll save us. We can expand,” Evan reminded him.”

“What do you think, Bernie? You want a more permanent stake in this?”

“I’ll help when I can, but I’m pretty busy running between worlds, you know.”

The men spent the rest of the trip planning for their newest endeavor.

Chapter Four

Maggie’s face lit up when she saw Darrios walking toward her through the window, his exhaustion evident by his gait. She met him on the porch with a glass of cold water. He gulped it down, set the glass on the small table next to the rocking chair and rumbled, “C’mere.”

Maggie leaned into him, eagerly returning his embrace, responding hungrily to his kiss despite the dust and grime he’d picked up along his journey.

“We missed you,” she breathed.

“I’m home now,” he said. “I gotta tell you, Maggie, spending the day with Bernie and Evan really makes me appreciate the time I spend with you.”

The sound of her laughter warmed him.

“Go clean up. I’ll pour you a Mulsket and you can tell me all about it.”

He kissed the top of her head and wandered into the house.


Darrios sipped his drink, shifting in his chair. His feet rested in Maggie’s lap as her fingers rubbed the weariness away like magic. She asked him about his day.

“The warden is a complete douche-bag. Why Evan wants to do business with that man is beyond me,” Darrios said. “I don’t know if there’s enough money in all of Celio to make it worthwhile.”

“He’s that bad?”

“Yeah, he is. There was this girl...something about her...Guarros has her working as a servant, but wearing an inmate collar. When I asked him why, he basically said because she wasn’t respectful enough of him.”

“She hasn’t committed any crime?” Maggie asked, surprised.

“No, Guarros said he took her and her mother in when her father was killed. Then her mother died three years later. Killed herself.”

Maggie gasped.

“The girl, Isela, has to be in her twenties now. I don’t know why she stays with that asshole,” Darrios said.

“Perhaps she has nowhere else to go.”

“Or maybe he won’t let her go. I’m thinking she can be our first trustee.”


Darrios explained their idea to hire servants to work on the farm. “With the baby coming and all...”

“I’m all for anything that gives you more time at home,” Maggie said cheerfully.


Evan and Darrios waited nearly a week before returning to the prison to speak with the warden. Bernie had to go to the States for some undisclosed mission, so it was just the two of them. Since they weren’t hauling a load of meat, the trip took less time, not to mention, was considerably safer. Still, they travelled with caution.

Darrios breathed a sigh of relief when the prison gates came into view.

“This walk is a bitch,” he muttered.

Evan nodded in agreement. The guards let them right in, pointing them in the direction they needed to go. This time they weren’t expected so they had to wait to be announced.

Warden Guarros smiled his politician’s smile as the escort led Evan and Darrios into his office. He half attempted to stand then immediately sat back down. “What do I owe the pleasure of this visit, gentlemen?” he asked.

“A business proposition, sir,” Evan replied.

Guarros raised an eyebrow. “Another one?”

“We were thinking we’d like to hire a few of your more dependable inmates, those that you feel wouldn’t be a threat to society, or a few servants, exchange for a discounted price on the meat we provide,” Evan explained.

Guarros tapped his pudgy index finger on his lips.

“Interesting idea. Who would supervise them?”

“We would, once they got to the farm. We thought we’d hire escorts to and from the prison, but if it works out, we could offer a more permanent housing situation, perhaps some sort of dormitory setting, monitored, of course.”

“I like the idea,” Guarros said. “Let’s draw something up and we’ll negotiate. Can you stay for lunch?”

He snapped his fingers. A young woman rushed in and leaned over him. He spoke to her in hushed tones. She nodded. Without acknowledging the other men, she made a hasty exit. Minutes later, lunch was delivered on carts.

They settled the terms and shook on it. By the end of lunch they had agreed on four trustees along with two guards to escort them to and from the prison in exchange for a fifteen percent discount on the meat purchased by Guarros.

Darrios hadn’t seen Isela since they had arrived. He wondered where she was but hesitated to ask. Apparently Guarros noticed.

“Looking for someone, Mr. Derosa?” he asked with a toothy smile.

“Um, yes. As a matter of fact, I was. That girl who was here last time, the one with the white collar? I was hoping she could be one of the trustees.”

Darrios watched as Guarros’ smile faded and then returned a little too quickly.


“Yes, her.”

“I’m afraid Isela won’t be available to become a trustee. The girl is far too volatile.”

“Really, she didn’t seem that way at all when we were here before.”

Guarros let the smile fade for good, this time. “Trust me, gentlemen. She’s been in my care for thirteen years.” He glared at Darrios. “I’m not about to turn her loose just because you’ve taken a fancy to her.”

Darrios gave the warden an icy stare. “With all due respect, warden, I haven’t taken a fancy to her, as you say. I am a happily married man. I merely thought a girl who’s been serving in a prison for thirteen years, yet has committed no crime to put her here, might like a change of scenery...nothing more. I mean, you must agree an innocent girl doesn’t belong amongst hardened criminals. Isn’t that rather inappropriate?”

Guarros narrowed his eyes. “What are you suggesting, Mr. Derosa? Are you trying to imply anything less that proper behavior occurs toward my female inmates and servants? Whatever would give you such an impression?”

Evan jumped in, cutting Darrios off. “Of course he didn’t mean that, Warden. Darrios is about to become a father for the first time. He just suddenly has a soft spot for the kids. Isn’t that right, Darrios?”

Without taking his eyes off of Guarros, Darrios said flatly, “Yeah...sure, that’s it. I feel for the kids.”

The warden chuckled. “Well I assure you, Isela is no child. She’s twenty-three years old...and I dare say, hardly innocent, either.”

Darrios took a deep breath, closing his eyes. He imagined getting up from his chair, grabbing Guarros by his fat face, and smashing his nose on his knee. Instead, he plastered on a smile and forced himself to shake the man’s hand.

“We’ll be in touch,” Evan said, herding Darrios out of the warden’s office.

They didn’t speak until they left the prison and cleared the vicinity of the guards.

“What the fuck, Darrios?” Evan demanded, “Are you trying to ruin this?”

Darrios stopped and glared at his friend. “Yeah, that’s what I’m doing. I walked all this way just so I could sabotage your hard laid plans. You got me, Evan.”

Turning, he stalked away. Evan had to run to catch up.

“What’s going on with you? Why are you so interested in this woman?” Evan asked, softening.

“I don’t know. I think she’s getting a raw deal. I know what it’s like to have no one in your corner. Maybe you were right and I just need to save someone,” Darrios answered.

“By the way Guarros reacted to you, I don’t think it’s going to be her.”

“Yeah, we’ll see. I’m not giving up yet.”


Isela and Mae jumped, startled, when Warden Guarros burst through Isela’s door. Mae let out a little squeal. The cards she held in her hand fluttered to the floor.

“Leave us,” Guarros growled at her.

Mae practically leapt off of Isela’s bed and scurried out of the room. Isela stood, facing her nemesis, standing every bit as tall as him. Guarros kicked the door shut. He stared at her, obviously angry about something.

“What have I done now, Warden?” Isela asked.

He answered her with a slap across her face. Isela stood firm, glaring defiantly.

“Have I displeased you somehow?” she asked sarcastically, her hatred for the man bubbling just below the surface.

He grabbed her by the arms, just below her shoulders, digging his fingers into her flesh, causing her to gasp.

“What did you say to the hunter?” he hissed through gritted teeth. “The one with the gold in his hair.” He shook her, hard enough to rattle her teeth. “What did you promise him?”

Isela winced, growing afraid. This wasn’t his usual “I have power over you and you owe me” rant. He was genuinely furious. Did he know? Had the hunter told him what she’d said? No, impossible. If he had, she’d be getting the business end of Guarros’ belt instead of merely a slap in the face.

“I didn’t say anything to him. What did he tell you I said?”

Guarros smiled cruelly, releasing her. He took a step toward her then another, backing her up to the wall. Isela rubbed her arms, unconsciously. He roughly ran his finger down her jaw line until she cowered under his touch.

“What makes you think they told me anything? What is there to tell, Isela?”

“Noth...nothing, but you seem so angry and I haven’t done anything wrong.”

He patted her head, leaning in close, lowering his voice. “Oh, I doubt that. You didn’t promise the hunter anything...special...if he got you out of here?”

She shook her head back and forth. He traced his finger down, resting his hand around her throat, just above the collar, applying the slightest bit of pressure.

“No? Are you sure?”

“I promised him nothing,” Isela insisted.

He thrust his hips into her, swiveling them back and forth against her abdomen. “You didn’t grind up against him? Ask him to take you away from here? Or tell him if he did you’d screw him, or perhaps you offered to get down on your knees for him.”

Isela let out a small sob as he squeezed a little harder, repulsed by his words, his erection pressing into her, and his rancid, hot breath on her neck.

“No, I didn’t, I would never, I swear,” she cried, turning her face away.

Grabbing her chin, he jerked her face back to meet his eyes. “That’s a good girl...because you know that’s never going to happen, right, Isela?” He forced her to nod her head then he snickered. “Because you belong to me, don’t you?”

Tears streamed down her face. She wished she had the strength to kill him. She would do it without a second thought. Bile rose in her throat as he dragged his tongue over her cheek. He whispered against her ear, “Someday, Isela, you will give yourself to me. I had your mother and I will have you too, willingly...because you want things. Things I can provide. You’ll come around to my way of thinking, I’m sure of it. Your mother? She was a whore, you know...and you’re just like her.”

“You’re wrong about my mother,” Isela sobbed, “And about me. I want nothing from you but my freedom.”

Guarros clucked his tongue. “Poor, sad Isela. Freedom?” he snorted. “What ever would you do with it?”

He started to leave, but then turned back to her, smiling. She wiped her eyes, silently wishing he would die painfully and slowly, suffering.

“You know what’s funny?” he asked in a syrupy tone. “Your hunter wanted you to come to Inland to work on his farm. He asked for you by name.”

Isela’s heart leapt with joy. Was it possible? Were the hunters going to help her get away from Guarros and this living hell? Her face must’ve revealed her thoughts because Guarros erupted into laughter.

“You don’t really think I said yes to that, do you? You have to know I would never allow such a thing.” Sobering, he grabbed her by the arms again. “I will never let you go, Isela. Never!”

He let go of her and stormed out, slamming the door behind him.

Isela dropped to the floor in a heap and wept. She’d had a chance to escape, but Guarros had ripped it from her grasp. For a glimmer of a second she’d tasted freedom, and then choked on it thanks to him.

She knew one thing. Guarros was wrong. She would never give herself to him. She would rather die than succumb herself to his touch...or any man’s.


She knelt over him, breathing heavily.

“Get up,” she pleaded, sobbing, “please, you have to get up.”

“I...can’t. Go, Isela, save yourself,” he gasped.

She shook her head vehemently. “I won’t go without you,” she vowed, draping his arm around her shoulder, pulling him to his feet.

He groaned, obviously in pain. Grimacing, he gripped his side. Blood oozed from the gash above his left eye, congealing in his silky brown hair, matting it to his forehead.

Isela’s muscles burned as she struggled to get enough air in her lungs. She refused to give up. She’d get them out of there or die trying. The door was in sight up ahead, just a short distance more.

As she reached for the handle, she felt his presence and a sense of dread engulfed her.

“Did you really think I’d let you escape, Isela?” Guarros said acidly. “With him?”

She turned to face him, surprisingly without fear, but with hatred and contempt.

“This ends here,” she declared, holding her head high.

Guarros smirked, taking a step toward her. “Yes it soon as I kill your lover right before your eyes...and then finally claim you as mine.”

The brown-eyed man regained his balance. Standing on his own, he dropped his arm from Isela’s shoulder. He glared at Guarros, his eyes full of rage. “You will never have her!” He growled ferociously. “She belongs with me.”

Guarros rushed at them, through the red haze, but the man stepped in front of Isela, pushing her behind him, protectively.

Isela woke up screaming, bathed in sweat. Tears streamed down her face. She couldn’t catch her breath. Mae rushed in,

Jerric right behind her.

“What is it, Isela? What happened? Did he hurt you?” she asked frantically.

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