Isela's Love (25 page)

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Authors: Sasha Cain

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Fantasy, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Contemporary, #Paranormal & Urban, #Futuristic/Sci-Fi

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“Are you as excited as I am?” Isela asked as if reading his mind.

“I am. I can’t wait to be free of this place and to be able to be with you out in the open. I hate all this sneaking around.”

“I do too, but it’s only for two more days.”

“You’re right.”

Isela stepped back from him, resting her hand on his chest. “You have to promise me something, Brendan.”


“When all hell breaks loose, please make sure Mae gets out safely.”

Brendan furrowed his brow. “What are you talking about? You’ll be with me.”

“I know. I mean if anything should happen. If Guarros—”

Brendan grabbed Isela, hugging her. “No, Guarros isn’t going to touch you. I won’t let him get near you. You and I will get Mae out together.”


“I mean it, Isela. Don’t you believe me?”

“I just don’t want to underestimate Guarros. He’s destroyed my hopes and dreams so many times; I guess I’ve come to expect it.”

“Not this time. We are going to be free of that loathsome motherfucker once and for all.”

Brendan gazed into her beautiful eyes, drinking in all of the love and trust he saw there. A wave of emotion rolled over him. He sighed her name before brushing his mouth over hers.

She parted her lips, tightening her grip on him, drawing him in. Her tongue teased and tantalized him until he was aching for more. He reached up under her shirt, cupping her breast in his hand. When his palm grazed over the pert little peak, desire engulfed him. He rolled her nipple between his thumb and finger. Isela arched against him with a breathy moan.

“Raise your arms, Isela,” he said in a raspy whisper.

Her eyes trained on his, she lifted her arms. He pulled her shirt over her head, tossing it away then he practically tore his own off. He needed to feel nothing between them but skin. He kissed her wildly, hungrily, and she gave it right back.

Kissing his way down her throat, Brendan hooked his thumbs in the waistband of her pants. Isela threw her head back, giving him more access to her neck. As he lowered her pants, she wriggled out of them. Brendan groaned, his arousal straining against the fabric of his own trousers.

Isela mimicked his move, hooking her thumbs in his waistband. She gently lowered his pants, freeing his throbbing erection. He kicked them out of the way, clutching her bottom in his hands. He pulled her to him, grinding himself against her.

Practically panting, he whispered into her ear, “I want you so much, Isela.”

She nodded as she backed up and sat down on the bed.

He dropped to his knees and pushed her legs apart, burying his face between them. Isela gasped. Brendan softly kissed the inside of her thigh, moving inward, toward the prize he desired. He licked once, barely making contact. She whimpered, attempting to push herself into him, but he held her hips, keeping her right where he wanted her.

He glanced up at her, flashing a mischievous grin before returning his attention to what he’d been doing. He flicked his tongue over her core, again, hardly touching her, a few more times. Then he increased the pressure. She purred as he swirled his tongue over her most sensitive areas, tasting her, reveling in the fact that she was his.

The pleasure he experienced being able to make her react like this paled to what he felt when she grabbed fistfuls of his hair, rocking into him and screaming his name. He kissed his way up over her trembling belly until he lay side by side with her. She threw her arms around him, kissing him greedily. His body ached to be inside hers. Brendan effortlessly scooted Isela further back onto the bed, his engorged shaft pressing against her thigh, the tip moist with wanting.

He positioned himself over her, gently pushing her legs apart with his knee. She rose her hips up to meet him as he entered her. His eyes rolled back as liquid electricity shot through him, her body still contracting from her orgasm, gloriously squeezing and pumping him. The sensation nearly sent him over the edge with his first thrust.

She bent her knees, raising them, clinging to his hips, giving him deeper access. They moaned together as he drove into her time and time again. Isela held on, riding him, finally arching her back, clutching the blankets.

“Yes, Brendan, yes,” she cried.

The way her channel embraced his cock, kneading it as her muscles clenched around it, was more than Brendan could take. Fireworks exploded in his brain as he let go, filling her with his release.

They lay together unmoving, listening to one another’s racing hearts and labored breathing. Brendan pushed her hair, now damp with perspiration, off of her face. He grazed her forehead and her eyelids with soft kisses.

“My God, Isela, what you do to me.”

“What I do to you? I thought I might shatter into a thousand pieces.”

He held her to him, raw emotion invading his senses. “I love you, Isela.”

She propped herself up onto her elbow. With her free hand, she stroked his face. Closing his eyes, he kissed her palm.

“I love you too, Brendan.” Her voice trembled. “I never thought I’d find love...and yet here you are.”

“And I’m not going anywhere.”

She playfully pounced on him, rolling him onto his back. Laughing, she said, “Well not without me anyway.”

He rested his hands on her hips. “I’ll never go anywhere without you,” he said very seriously.

After lying together for awhile, Brendan told her what Darrios’s letter said, pointing in the direction they were supposed to escape. Isela sat up, running her hands through her hair.

“Don’t forget about Mae,” she reminded him.

“I won’t. I know what she means to you. We’ll get her out safe and sound. Have you told her yet?”

Isela shook her head. “Not yet. I don’t want to give her too much time to think about it. She’s a worrier. If she acts weird or something, Guarros might get suspicious. I know I sound paranoid, but I don’t want to do anything to jeopardize this.” She lowered her eyes. “Or our future together.”

“Nothing could do that, Isela. I won’t let it. Not Guarros, not anything.”

Chapter Twenty-Two

The day had arrived. Today was the day Bashua planned to get himself cast out of the prison and into Midland. Brendan hoped like hell Darrios was waiting. His brother-in-law was dependable. He was more than likely already at the rendezvous spot with the cavalry, but still, they were gambling with Bashua’s life. He couldn’t relax until this was all over and he knew Bashua and Isela were both safe.

He saw Isela as soon as he walked into the dining area. She was bent over a table laying out cutlery and napkins. Brendan chuckled to himself as he admired her rear end, thinking how he planned on bending her over later, but for an entirely different reason.

Keeri came out of nowhere, stepping in front of Brendan, smirking. His smile faded, as did his amorous thoughts. He sighed.

“What do you want?” he asked.

She ran her index finger down his chest. “Such a grumpy Gus today,” she said in a pouty baby voice.

Brendan rolled his eyes, losing his patience more quickly than he thought possible. She stepped closer to him, resting her palm on his chest.

“I thought maybe we could find someplace quiet and get to know each other a little better,” she said suggestively, grabbing his finger and sucking it.

Brendan scowled, snatching his hand away and wiping it on his pants. He took a step back, shaking his head. “How many times do I have to tell you I’m not interested, Keeri? I don’t know how I can be any clearer.”

She flashed a predator’s smile then licked her lips. “Why don’t you let me change your mind? I mean, you might as well give in. I’m going to get my way in the end.”

Brendan raised an eyebrow. “You think so, huh?”

She tried to close the distance between them, but Brendan put his hand up, stopping her.

“I know so,” she said.

Brendan’s patience had drained completely. Now he was just annoyed. Who the hell did this bitch think she was? He snorted a little laugh. “Keeri, just because most of the guys in this place have fucked you ten times next to sideways, doesn’t mean we all want to. In fact, I can tell you with one hundred percent certainty that there is not one circumstance out there that would ever get me to touch you. So get used to disappointment or move on to another victim. Either way, my dick is one of the few you’re never gonna see.”

Anger flashed in her eyes then something malevolent shined in them instead. She dropped her flirtatious approach.

“Really, Brendan? Then maybe I’ll have to tell Guarros that you’re having a fling with his precious Isela.”

Brendan smiled inwardly as Guarros came into the room, Keeri’s statement obviously grabbing his attention. Keeri was so into her threatening rant, she didn’t realize he was standing right behind her.

“The warden knows better.”

“I’ll tell him I saw you together. I’ll say you were kissing with your hands all over each other.”

“So you’d lie in order to blackmail me into screwing you.”

“No, I’d lie because you refuse to screw me.”

Brendan shook his head. “You are some piece of work, Keeri. I wish you could see what you look like with your foot in your mouth as well as I can.”

Within seconds, Keeri fell to the floor. Brendan watched in stunned silence as her leg bent up unnaturally until her foot was in her mouth. He glanced, horrified, between her terrified gaze and Guarros, who looked absolutely mesmerized.

“What’s happening?” Brendan yelled. “Do something!”

Guarros stood there smiling, even as Keeri’s whimpering turned to a panicked grunting. He glanced at Brendan for a second, then back to Keeri, anxiously trying to pull her foot from her mouth. A large mirror materialized in front of her. Brendan stepped back.

“What the fuck?” he breathed.

“Wish for her foot to come out of her mouth,” Guarros said.


“Go ahead, make the wish.”

“What are you talking about? She’s—”

“Do it!” Guarros screamed.

Brendan blew out a breath, looking again at Keeri writhing on the floor, her foot well-stuffed into her mouth.

“I wish Keeri’s foot was out of her mouth and back to normal.

Just like before, after a few seconds, her foot was out of her mouth and her leg wasn’t at a weird angle anymore. Keeri slumped down, sobbing.

Guarros crouched down next to her. “I’d say you deserved that judging by the little story you were planning to tell. You’re lucky I’m not taking it out of your hide right now.” He hauled her to her feet. Taking her chin in his hand, he forced her to look at him. “Lie to me again, Keeri, and you will sorely regret it.”

She sniffled and whimpered, but said nothing.

“What the fuck just happened?” Brendan asked shakily.

Guarros gave him a smug grin. “You really don’t know?”

“Are you kidding me? Her foot just twisted up and jammed into her mouth by itself.”

“No, not by itself. You did that.”

“I never touched her.”

“You’re the one who wished it would happen,” Keeri sobbed.

“She’s right,” Guarros agreed. “You wished it. Then you made the second wish and freed her. Interesting.”

“I don’t understand. That’s impossible.”

“No, it’s Avascon.”

Brendan rubbed his temples. “What are you talking about?”

“I’ve heard of it,” Guarros explained, “but I’ve never experienced it myself or even witnessed it before. Fascinating, don’t you think?”

“So how do I suddenly have the power to make something happen by wishing it?”

Guarros leaned forward closer to Brendan. “Who have you been screwing, Brendan?”

“What? Nobody.”

Guarros waved his finger back and forth in front of Brendan’s face. “Ah ah ah, now we both know that isn’t true.” He began walking slow circles around Brendan tapping his bottom lip. “The way I understand it, in order to reach Avascon, you start with sex. If you and your partner click and the fire is there, you’ll create some sort of spiritual bond and reach Avascon. Then you get a wish. You wished Keeri could see what she looked like with her foot in her mouth as well as you see it. I’m sure you were referring to the fact that she intended to tell me yet another lie to get you in trouble after you refused to screw her. Clearly the wishes are taken quite literally.”

“Unbelievable,” Brendan said, the image of Isela and he coming together explosively night after night flashing through his brain.

“So I’ll ask you again, Mr. Malone. Who have you been screwing?”

Brendan snapped back to attention. “That’s none of your business.”

“Oh, but it is.” He stepped closer, only inches from Brendan’s face. “And it better not be Isela or you’re a dead man.”

Brendan stared daggers at Guarros, not moving, not flinching. He refused to be intimidated by this cretin.

Guarros snapped his fingers. “Guards, hold him. And keep him quiet.” He turned to his assistant. “Get me Isela.” He smiled at Brendan. “Now we’ll see.”

Guarros’s assistant went to the board to check what Isela’s duties were for the day so he’d know where to look for her. Walking quickly past Guarros, the sniveling, little man pointed toward the kitchen. Moments later, He came out practically dragging Isela by the arm.

Struggling, she finally jerked her arm away, glaring at the warden’s assistant. Her step faltered slightly when she saw Brendan being held by two of Guarros’s guards. She tried to hide her quickened breathing and racing heart. What had happened while she was in the kitchen?

She motioned toward Brendan with her head. “What did he do this time?”

“That remains to be seen,” Guarros answered. “I need you to do something for me, Isela.”

She snorted. Guarros ignored her, but did shoot her a warning glance.

“I want you to make a wish.”


“A wish, my dear. Wish for anything you want...out loud.”

Guarros’s guard had his hand plastered over Brendan’s mouth so he couldn’t speak. Isela didn’t dare look that way for fear of setting Guarros off or making him suspicious. She wished she knew what kind of game he was playing now and how it would affect Brendan. Maybe she could take the focus off him and put it onto herself.

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