Isela's Love (39 page)

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Authors: Sasha Cain

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Fantasy, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Contemporary, #Paranormal & Urban, #Futuristic/Sci-Fi

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Bernie nodded. “I guess so. As long as they want to see us again, I’d say we’re still in the game.”

They pushed through the doors to find the Council exactly as they were the first time they’d come in.

“Holy déjà vu, Batman,” Brendan muttered.

The woman, clearly running the show, stood, her hands folded in front of her. She nodded to Brendan.

“Please come forward, Mr. Malone. Look up to us.”

Holding his breath, Brendan stepped back onto the pedestal and looked directly at the Council.

The woman glanced back at her colleagues. “The Council has decided to honor your request, with conditions.”

Brendan exhaled. “I’m listening.”

“We want a blueprint of the facility you require before ground is broken. It must be close enough to the passage to Inland that a tunnel can be constructed. Midland is dangerous and safety must come first. Projects will be approved ahead of time. The people who receive assistance must report to you on a regular basis so progress can be measured. If growth does not occur, we end the program. Understood?”

Brendan nodded enthusiastically, a grin spreading across his face. “Yes, ma’am. Yes, I understand. Thank you, ma’am. Thank you, all.”

The woman cracked a genuine smile. “No, thank you, Mr. Malone.”

Unable to help himself, Brendan jumped off the pedestal, ran to the woman, picked her up in a hug, and spun her around. Bernie sucked in a disbelieving breath. The woman squealed in surprise. The entire Council stared, mouths hanging open. Brendan set the Councilwoman down and stepped back.

She cleared her throat and smoothed her dress.

“I’m sorry, ma’am. I guess I just got carried away,” he said, smile fading.

“I should say so,” she replied sharply.

Brendan silently cursed himself for his impulsiveness, hoping he hadn’t blown it. A small smile danced on her lips.

“It’s heartwarming to see a young man so selfless and so enthusiastic about helping others. You are an inspiration to us all,” she said, surprising him.

Brendan let out a relieved breath. He glanced over at Bernie who gave him a wink. The Council members all approached him, shaking his hand and patting him on the back. It seemed he wasn’t the only one excited about the idea.

By the time they left, Brendan’s head was swimming with plans and ideas. They hadn’t even reached the street when Bernie barked out a laugh.

“Way to play the Council, my man. I am so impressed.”

“I told you I had it.”

“Yeah, but you don’t know them. They are the most uptight bunch of geezers I’ve ever known, in either world. You had them eating out of your hand. And when you hugged that old biddy and swung her around I thought I was going to piss myself.”

“I know. As soon as I did it, I thought my shit was weak, but then she was okay.”

“Okay? She freakin’ loved it. You don’t understand how huge this is. They hate other-worlders. Hate them, but you they loved.”

“As long as they liked my idea. That’s all I care about.”

“Oh, I’d say you’re in, dude.”

Bernie slapped him on the back and they both laughed.


It was early evening by the time Brendan and Bernie made it back to town. Bernie wanted to stop off at the farm, but Brendan was too anxious to get back and tell Isela the news. After all, it had been her idea.

When she smiled warmly at him as he came through the door, his heart skipped a beat. He cleared the distance between them. She stood up when he neared. He gathered her in his arms, burying his face in her hair, inhaling deeply. Honey and lilacs.

“Mmmm, I missed you,” he said before kissing her full on the lips.

“I take it things went well?” she asked hopefully.

“They went for it...all of it. In fact, they’re all into it.”

“You should’ve seen this guy,” Bernie said, smacking Brendan in the chest with the back of his hand. “He was on fire. He could’ve sold them anything, he was so good.”

Maggie came in from the other room. “How did things go?”

“I’m staying, Mags,” Brendan said, beaming. He draped his arm across Isela’s shoulder and kissed her temple. “We’re staying.”

Bernie agreed to stay for dinner, and he and Brendan relayed the details of the day to everyone while they ate. The energy and excitement in the room practically hummed.


The plans had been submitted to the Council for a facility. They’d promised a final decision in two weeks. It was to be a combination temporary housing shelter, rec center for kids, and clinic. Jezbah had offered his services as well as agreed to train others in medicine.

Aunt Gin and Maggie had volunteered to teach children to read. Sandra and Isela had offered their services in the kitchen. The trustees offered to teach farming. Everyone had agreed to contribute something.

The tunnel was already under construction. When it was finished, it would lead from the gates of Inland to the location of the facility. That way, the volunteers and employees from Inland could reach the center safely, without fear of the scabras and viocomen.

The Council had agreed enthusiastically to the name Brendan had chosen for the endeavor. Celio Services. They had assured him the inmates at the prison would be making up flyers describing the services the organization would provide. Now it was just a waiting game.

Brendan paced around Maggie’s kitchen. Isela peeled vegetables for dinner while Maggie tried her best to coax Lucan to eat his dinner. Unfortunately, he was far more interested in watching his uncle stalk around the room.

Maggie set his spoon down with a sigh. “Brendan, will you please take a break? At least until I get some food into this child?” Lucan giggled and snorted, smacking his lips.

“I’m sorry, Mags. I hate sitting around waiting.”

“Why don’t you get Bernie to take you back to the states for a few days? You could take care of your car and any other unfinished business you have,” Maggie suggested.

Brendan stopped pacing and glanced over at Isela. “What do you say, Isela? Wanna see the other side?”

Isela’s eyes lit up. She inhaled sharply. “Really?”

He nodded. “Well I sure as hell don’t want to go without you. We’ll take a few days. I’ll show you where I come from.”

“I’d love that. I mean, I’ve never been anywhere.”

“I’ll go find Bernie right now,” he said.


Isela could barely contain her anticipation. She woke up early, too excited to sleep. Bernie had arrived right after breakfast to take her and Brendan to the other world. Brendan’s world. She was finally going to get to see what she’d spent years hearing about, fantasizing about, but not quite believing. The fact that Brendan had asked her to go, that he’d wanted her to, only made it that much sweeter.

They walked the same path that took them to Midland, but just before the entrance to the passageway, Bernie changed direction, almost seeming to double back around Inland. He stopped abruptly.

“Here we are,” he declared. “Here’s where you cross over. The Council said they’d give you a decision in two weeks. Time’s slower here, so I’ll come for you on the other side in three weeks. Brendan, same place I picked you up last time, okay?”

Brendan nodded. “We’ll be there. Thanks, man, for everything.”

Brendan and Bernie embraced. Bernie turned to Isela. He gave her hand a squeeze.

“Have fun, Isela, but not too much. We want you back on this side.”

“No worries, Bernie,” Brendan said. “We’re coming back. This is home now.”

As a big metal door appeared in the side of the mountain, Brendan glanced at Isela. Anything in particular you want to see first?” he asked her.

Smiling devilishly at him, she replied, “Yeah, I want to go to the arch and the zoo.”

Brendan laughed. Taking her hand and leading her through the doorway, he said, “That’s only the beginning, baby. Only the beginning.”

A word about the author...

Sasha Cain lives near Tampa, Florida with her husband, their diva Doberman, Skye, and their two all-too-spoiled cats. They moved from Michigan in 2006 when her husband retired from the sheriff’s department in Metro Detroit. She has a son in Colorado and a step-daughter in Michigan.

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