It's Like This, Cat (15 page)

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Authors: Emily Cheney Neville

BOOK: It's Like This, Cat
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"I'll have to check some more," says Tom. "The recruiting officer, as a matter of fact, tried to persuade me to shoot for officers' training and go into the Army as a career. But then I would be sent all over, and anyway, I don't think Army life would be any good for Hilda."

"I can see you have put in a busy evening," says Pop. "Well, shove back the coffee cups, and I'll break out that bottle of champagne that's been sitting in the icebox since Christmas."

I go and retrieve my spilled bottle of soda. There's still enough left for one big glass. Pop brings out the champagne, and the cork blows and hits the ceiling. Cat jumps off the sofa and stands, half crouched and tail twitching, ready to take cover.

Pop fills little glasses for them and raises his to Tom and Hilda. "Here's to you – a long, happy life!"

We drink, and then I raise my glass of soda. "Here's to Cat! Tom wouldn't even be standing here if it wasn't for Cat."

That's true, and we all drink to Cat. He sits down and licks his right front paw.

Emily Neville was born in Manchester, Connecticut, and now lives in New York City. After receiving her A.B. degree from Bryn Mawr College, she worked as a copy-girl for the
New York Daily News
and the
New York Mirror
. Since then she has written many stories about children. This is her first published novel for young people.
Mrs. Neville is married to a newspaperman and is the mother of five children, aged six to eighteen.


Emil Weiss is a free-lance artist. His work is well known to readers of the
Christian Science Monitor
, and he has also illustrated many children's books, including the Young Reader's Edition of
by President John F. Kennedy. Mr. Weiss and his wife live in New York City.


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