Jack A Grim Reaper Romance (13 page)

Read Jack A Grim Reaper Romance Online

Authors: Calista Taylor

BOOK: Jack A Grim Reaper Romance
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“No. Not fully, but certainly enough.” He said no more as eyes of hazel took her in for a silent eternity.


She held his gaze as long as she could, but in the end she could not match his intensity. She turned away, but he tilted her chin towards him, so she was looking into murky green pools once again, only this time they were but a heartbeat away.


“My dearest Lilly.” It felt like he’d stolen her very breath and the only air left was too thin to sustain her. And then, as if he was her sole lifeline, she clung to him as he kissed her, his lips hard on hers.


He pulled her towards him, their bodies pressed against each other, her fear of losing him to injury mingling with the heat of passion. Thoughts of her own vulnerability died in his kisses, even though she knew he’d claim yet another piece of her heart. The battle she’d long fought was slipping from her grasp.


He nipped his way down the slope of her shoulder before trailing kisses back up her neck and to her lips. She knew she should stop him, stop herself, for it was too dangerous, but in the end, all she could manage was a half-choked moan of need. She’d last taken him to her bed over a month ago, yet she’d been in his company the entire time, stoking the fires that lie deep within her.


She wanted him, needed him, yet if she let herself by swept away by his charms, she’d fall off the edge she’d been teetering on. At some point, her feelings for Mason had turned towards the serious, sneaking up on her with little warning. Yet she was sure it was one sided, for he’d always made it clear that his position as chancellor took precedence—and Mason was not one to let anything stand in his way. Certainly not love.


Knowing he would only shatter her heart, she gathered what strength she could and pulled away. “I cannot do this, Mason. I’m sorry.”


“If you’re worried about my injuries, I’ve healed enough to not be too bothered, and quite frankly, it’s a trade I’m happy to make.” A smile curled upon his lips, his eyes looking at her languorously before he bent forward to kiss her once more.


Again, she stopped him. “Though I worry about your health, it’s not the reason why.”


He pulled back and looked at her confused. “Then what is it, my love? Have things changed between us? Because I do not recall the matter ever being this difficult. Do you not trust me?”


“Do you think I’d be here if I didn’t trust you?”


“Then what is it? Something has changed, and if you’re going to push me away, then the least you can do is tell me why.” He took her hand and brought it to his lips. “We’re good together, love. Do you not see that?”


Lilly tried to clear her thoughts but they were too tangled in the web of emotions Mason spun whenever he was near. “No. I’m afraid I don’t.”


He leaned in and nipped at her lips. “Then perhaps I need to refresh your memory.”






Chapter Thirteen




Mason felt her soften in his arms as he kissed her, his pulse thundering in his head as he pressed her body to his. He’d not let Lilly go until he was well and ready. As if having the investigation turned over to Nelson, and getting shot by Jack hadn’t been trying enough. He had too much vested in her, not only with the investigation, but with their relations. He needed to make her see that he was worthy of her trust, if not her heart.


They were good together, and if she needed help seeing it, then he’d do just that, pain and injuries be damned. He’d not let her throw it all away so she could dwell on the past and be miserable.


“Mason, you were just shot. You’ll do yourself an injury.” She tried to free herself, but he was having none of it.


His words were rushed between kisses. “I’ve healed.”


Working quickly, he freed her of her garments, not wanting to give that pretty little head of hers even a moment to start thinking. For that was part of her problem. Instead of giving in to the attraction and passion between them—to what could be—she let herself over-analyze everything.


Well, he’d not give her the opportunity.


Freeing her of the last bit of clothing she wore, he helped her as she rid him of his remaining garments, though the work had already been half accomplished from her earlier ministrations to his injury. He cupped her full breast, the weight of it heavy in his hand. He then pulled the hardened nub into his mouth, while his hand wandered over silky flesh to the small of her back and the fine curve of her arse.


Laying her back upon the pillows, he took advantage of his position to trail kisses down her milky skin and over the slight swell of her belly. He loved that she had some curves to her, so very reminiscent of the women of his time, and so unlike the women of this day, who preferred to starve themselves to nothing, and in the process lost all their womanly charms.


He kissed the curve of her hips, but she stopped him. “Mason, please.”


Those two simple words could mean so many things.
Mason, please, I want more. Mason, please, don’t stop. Mason, please, take me.
And yet he knew it meant not one of those things. Indeed, what it meant was he’d done an insufficient job distracting her from her thoughts.


He shifted and covered her lips with a kiss, barely pulling away to speak. “What is it, my love?”


While she answered him, he kept up his distractions by nipping at her ear. “Damn it, Mason, stop.” But he didn’t, for even as she spoke, she was leaning into him for more.


“This is not a place for thoughts and contemplation, love—at least not at this very moment.” He bit her bottom lip, but when she put a hand on his chest and applied gentle pressure, he pulled himself away and took her hand in his.


Her eyes were wide with a panic he did not understand. “I cannot stay here, Mason. And I cannot keep falling into bed with you.”


Though he’d heard her make similar statements before, this time it hit him like a fist to the gut. Never before had he seen her so hesitant about their relations, and truth be told, it had him worried.


“Lilly, talk to me. Whatever the problem, I doubt the matter will work itself out on its own, and I want to do all I can to help. You were out of sorts even before I got shot.”


She pressed her fingers to her temple and let out a shrill laugh filled with desperation. He’d never seen her like this, and it had him worried. Not since his wife had he let himself get attached to anyone, and though he’d not admit to his feelings being of such a serious nature, it’d pain him to lose her.


Pulling a blanket off the end of the bed he wrapped her in it to give her some decorum of modesty. She quietly thanked him and then with a deep breath, pulled herself upright and pinned him with a hard gaze that would catch even the most minute thought or emotion that crossed his face. “What am I to you, Mason?”


He would have groaned had he not been under such scrutiny. Clearly, now would not be the time to try skirting the issue. He let out a sigh and prepared for the worse—honesty. “You are my lover,” he brought her hand to his lips, “and my friend. Someone I trust utterly and completely.”


“Your friend?” When her eyebrow perked up in sarcastic question, it took all he had to not kiss her, take her. He wondered if she did it on purpose, if she knew what it did to him when she got feisty and defensive. “I’ll admit I had not expected that one.”


Unable to resist much longer, he cupped her face and tangled his fingers in her hair, as he pulled her to him for a hard kiss. “I do not know what you want from me, love, but I’d like nothing more than to oblige you. Have things changed between us?”


“They have, but it was not of your doing.” When she lowered her head, looking away, loosened locks of her dark silky hair fell before her face. He brushed them away, and she sighed, sounding defeated. “I’m sorry if I’m not making much sense.”


Mason pursed his lips as he thought of what could be bothering her. When had this all started? He did not remember any issue before that morning. As he gave it some more thought, he recalled waking to find his bed empty and Lilly agitated.


“Is it because of the Elders? Nelson?” Or was it because of the child?


“Neither.” She touched his cheek and gave him just a whisper of a kiss, though it lingered as if it were their last. “I need more than you can give me, Mason. I thought it was enough—and it was for a while—but now… I’m sorry.”


Her words left him frustrated and hurt, his heart breaking that she could think so little of him.


“How would you know what I’m capable of giving, Lilly? Have you ever bothered to see past the façade you built for me? Have you?” He got up and threw on his undershirt, before pacing to burn off some of his energy, ignoring the twinges of pain. “Well, I’d not want you to accuse me of bullying you into something you’ve no interest in pursuing. I’ll have a guest room made up for you.”


“You’re twisting my words around.” She stepped in his path, the blanket draped precariously around her naked body. Her cheeks flushed red against her porcelain skin. “I cannot give in
I already care too much. Damn you, Mason.”


She stood there like a goddess of fury and desire, her hair disheveled and falling over her skin, dark on light, setting his soul on fire with eyes of ice blue.


“Damned indeed.” With his passions aflame, he was on her like a wolf taking down his prey. Their lips locked in a heated kiss, his hands lifting her off her feet and landing them on the bed, as her legs wrapped around his.


She spoke between kisses. “You’re injured, Mason.”


“I’ve healed.” His lips found hers once again, his head spinning as she returned her passions. Yet he fought through his need and pulled back just enough to keep her at bay, worried about how upset she’d been and the words she’d spoken. “Are you sure, love?”


In response—almost as if she could not bring herself to speak the word—she thrust her hips towards him as her legs held him close, sheathing him in her slick heat. She left him dizzy, every nerve charged with tension, his focus intent on the only thing that mattered—Lilly.


Had he always loved her, but refused to admit it even to himself? Or had it been gradual, as she charmed him little by little until he knew nothing but her? It did not matter, he decided, for though he could entertain the thought for now, he’d not be able to submit to his heart in the light of day. He’d like nothing more, but knew she’d not find happiness when so much of his life revolved around being chancellor.


As if needing this coupling to sustain him in the coming days, he buried himself time and again, her sweet scent filling his head. His pace quickened, and he knew he’d not outlast her. It took all he had to slow his pace, and then in one simple stroke, he had their positions reversed with her now straddling him.


He bit his bottom lip with the effort it took to hold himself back, for he now had an uncompromised view of her beauty. He grabbed her hips to bury himself further and to maintain a small semblance of control, but she just batted his hands away with a sly smile.


“I do believe it is my turn to state how this game will be played.” She reached down and gave his nipple a twist. “Or am I mistaken?”


All he could do was laugh—and she made him pay dearly for it.




Mason knew it would not be long before Nelson showed his face, and he did not want to be caught off guard. With much difficulty, he left the warmth of Lilly’s still slumbering body.


A smile tugged at his lips as he thought of their coupling while getting himself dressed. No doubt he looked like a cat who’d stolen the cream. Though relations with his wife had been good, it was different with Lilly. When he was alive, he was bound by a society not comfortable with pleasures of a carnal nature, while as a reaper, he followed no such conventions. Though he’d certainly been with others in the last two hundred years, no one came close to what he had with Lilly.


And that was a problem, even if it was a problem he was happy to have.


When she stirred awake, he went to her side and kissed her. “Shall I send you up some tea and breakfast?”


The way she lay there with sleep haloing her and the blankets barely covering her nakedness, he was tempted to strip back down to nothing and join her in bed once more.


“Where are you going?” She took his hand and pulled him towards her, reaching up to kiss him, her lips lingering. “Should you not be recovering from your wound?”


He laughed, as one memory after another drifted into his head. “My love, are you really worried about my recovery after all you put me through last night?”


She shrugged a naked shoulder of pearly white skin. “You got no more than you deserved.” Kissing him once more, she said, “Will you not come back to bed?”


Mason sat by her side. “I’ve never been more tempted, however, I suspect it shan’t be long before Nelson pays me a visit. I’d rather he not catch me at a disadvantage.”


“Should I get dressed and join you? He’ll likely want to speak to me about Jack.” Her eyes clouded over, lines marring her face in worry.


“I’ll relay to him any information of importance, for I want you to avoid him if at all possible. He’ll make your life difficult just to spite me, love.”


Mason’s life was too complicated and she was already miserable enough as a reaper. If he cared for her one iota, he’d end the affair right then and there. And yet, he quickly dismissed the notion as absurd.

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